According to the Bible, King David is where Jesus’ bloodline originates all the way up to the eighth generation. For those who sincerely believe that Jesus is the Messiah, this extensive and extremely deep Biblical study is crucial. It serves as a cautionary tale for those who dispute Christ’s lineage. Also, it comforts and inspires everyone who accepts the lineage.
By the Bible, it is possible to connect Jesus’ ancestry to that of Abraham.
In Genesis 14:14-16, God tells Abraham that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the sea shore.
Jesus’ bloodline begins with Joseph, who was the husband of Mary and father of Jesus (Matthew 1:16). Joseph’s father was Jacob (Matthew 1:16). Jacob’s father was Isaac (Matthew 1:17). Isaac’s father was Abraham (Matthew 1:20).
Abraham had two sons: Ishmael and Isaac (Genesis 25:1-2). Ishmael was born to Hagar, who was Sarah’s servant. Isaac was born to Sarah, Abraham’s wife. Both were considered legitimate heirs to Abraham’s promise.
Isaac married Rebekah, who gave birth to Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:19-26; 27:46-28:9; 28:10-20). Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of stew, which he later regretted because it meant he would not be chosen by God as heir to his grandfather Abraham’s covenant promises (Genesis 25:29-34; 27:1-40).
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List of Bloodline Of Jesus In The Bible
1. Adam
2. Abraham
3. Isaac
4. Jacob
5. Judah
6. David
7. Solomon
8. Joseph
9. Mary
The bloodline of Jesus in the Bible is a significant genealogical line that traces the ancestry of Jesus Christ back to Adam. The genealogy is traced through various key figures in the Bible, demonstrating Jesus’ connection to both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The lineage reflects God’s plan of salvation for humanity and fulfills prophecies foretold in the scriptures.
1. Adam: The first man created by God, from whom all humanity descends.
2. Abraham: The father of the Israelite nation and a key figure in God’s covenant.
3. Isaac: The son of Abraham and the father of Jacob.
4. Jacob: Also known as Israel, the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.
5. Judah: One of Jacob’s sons and the ancestor of King David.
6. David: A king of Israel and a man after God’s own heart.
7. Solomon: The son of David and a wise king of Israel.
8. Joseph: The husband of Mary and the earthly father of Jesus.
9. Mary: The mother of Jesus, conceived by the Holy Spirit.
Bloodline Of Jesus In The Bible
Through the bloodline of Jesus, we see the culmination of God’s plan for redemption and salvation, bringing hope and fulfillment to all who believe in Him. The genealogy serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to his people and the fulfillment of his promises through the birth of Jesus Christ.
Why is it important to study the bloodline of Jesus Christ? If the Bible talks about it, then it must be something significant. But why does the Bible talk about it? We know that Jesus was born of Mary, but we also know that He was God in flesh and a descendant of King David. The genealogies of Jesus are recorded in Matthew 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38. Both gospels mention Joseph as the father, but Matthew begins with Abraham while Luke begins with Adam. Why do they differ? How can both be accurate if there are differences? Let’s take a look at what we can learn from these two genealogies and explore how they give us proof of who Jesus really is.
Matthew 1:1–17 begins the Gospel with “A record of the origin of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham: Abraham begot Isaac, …” and continues on until “… Jacob begot Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
Genealogy Of Jesus Matthew
In Luke 3:23-38, the genealogy of Jesus Christ is recorded.
In Luke 3:23-38, the genealogy of Jesus Christ is recorded. This is the only genealogy that mentions each individual person’s name and age at death. It does not go as far back as Abraham but begins with Jesus’ father: Adam. The Bible says that this was written “to show how God has worked from ancient times until now.”
Many people ask why there are two genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew and Luke.
The genealogy in Matthew traces Jesus Christ to David, while the one in Luke goes back all the way to Adam. The difference has been a source of confusion for many people, who ask why there are two different versions of Jesus’ family tree.
The answer is simple: Matthew’s gospel was written by someone named Matthew (who may or may not have been an apostle) and Luke’s gospel was written by someone named Luke (who almost certainly was an apostle). Each writer had a different purpose and focus in his book.
Matthew wrote primarily to prove that Jesus Christ was the Messiah and King of Israel, so he traced His lineage only as far back as Abraham, who God promised would be the father of many nations whose descendants would inherit all nations on earth (Genesis 12:1-3).
Luke wrote primarily as a historian and researcher who wanted to give us as much information about Jesus’ early life as possible. He included both Mary and Joseph’s genealogies because they were important characters whose lives affected Jesus’ life; but more importantly for him—and for us today—he went back farther than anyone else had ever done before so we could understand how God worked through history up until that point.

jesus lineage to david
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and He comes from the family line of David.
Now let’s look at the Bible to see what it says about Jesus’ lineage.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Son of Man but also God in flesh. He came down from heaven to earth as a man, yet He was born of a woman, Mary, who was physically descended from Abraham through his son Isaac and grandson Jacob (Genesis 30:23-24).
Jesus died on a cross for our sins so that we could be saved from eternal damnation. He rose from the dead three days later and ascended into heaven where He sits at God’s right hand as our High Priest forever (1 Peter 3:18).
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Son of Man but also God in flesh.
The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Son of Man but also God in flesh. This is what makes his bloodline so important to us today. His bloodline connects with our own, and through it, we can receive salvation and eternal life in heaven.
The Bible proves that Jesus came from a long line of sinners.
The Bible proves that Jesus came from a long line of sinners.
In Matthew 1:18-25, we read that the virgin Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit and gave birth to a son named Jesus. This is the fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14, where God promised to give his people “a sign.” The sign was that “virgin” would conceive and bear a son.
The Bible says Jesus was born in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1). He is also called the “corn” in Micah 5:2; he is called Immanuel, which means “God with us,” by Isaiah 7:14; and he is called Emmanuel in Matthew 1:23. These prophecies were all fulfilled within one generation after they were given. The prophets wrote about things yet future—things that had not happened when they wrote!
The Bible provides numerous proofs that Jesus Christ was human but God at the same time.
The Bible provides numerous proofs that Jesus Christ was human but God at the same time. He had a human nature and a divine nature. He was born of a virgin, lived his life on earth as a human being, died on the cross and rose again from the dead. To fully understand this truth we need to look at who God is:
- God is infinite in power, holiness and love – God is infinite in power because He created everything out of nothing (Genesis 1:1)
- God is perfect – since He cannot sin nor does He change His mind (Numbers 23:19); so if one thing doesn’t exist then neither does anything else which exists; this means that if something exists then there has to be an uncreated creator who made it all!
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth as a human being, born of Mary. He is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and the focal point of history. The Bible provides ample evidence that Jesus was indeed human but also God at the same time.