Over the past two millennia, Jeremiah has been a crucial source of inspiration to Christians and Judaism. He wrote in a biblical era where tensions between nations were high, and was taken as a prophet by his people when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians. His words speak not only of Jesus Christ but teach us how to respond in faith and love today.
This key book of the Bible, which has caused controversy down through the ages, features the prophet Jeremiah who lives in Jerusalem from around 588 to around 562 B.C. He heard God’s word of warning to his people and was given a mission to warn them so they would repent. His name means “God treats me well.”
LESSON AND APPLICATION: 1) Every believer is sanctioned by God for specific ministry. 2) Every believer was brought into this world to complete that ministry. 3) Every believer is equipped by God for that ministry. 4) Every believer will give an account for the performance of that ministry.

What Do You Learn About Jeremiah from Verses 1:4
1. Jeremiah was chosen by God before he was born
Jeremiah 1:4 states, “Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.'” This verse reveals that Jeremiah was selected by God for a specific purpose even before he was conceived.
2. Jeremiah’s calling was from God
In verse 5, God tells Jeremiah, “I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” This indicates that Jeremiah’s calling as a prophet was not of his own choosing but was ordained by God.
3. Jeremiah was consecrated by God
God says to Jeremiah in verse 5, “Before you were born I consecrated you.” This shows that Jeremiah was set apart and made holy by God for the task of prophesying to the nations.
4. Jeremiah was given a specific mission
Verse 5 also states, “I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” This reveals that Jeremiah’s mission was not limited to a specific group of people but was intended to reach all nations with God’s message.
5. Jeremiah was empowered by God
In verse 9, God tells Jeremiah, “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.” This demonstrates that Jeremiah’s ability to speak as a prophet was not his own but was given to him by God.
6. Jeremiah was reassured by God
Throughout the passage, God reassures Jeremiah of his presence and support. In verse 8, God says, “Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.” This shows that Jeremiah’s confidence and courage as a prophet came from knowing that God was with him.
7. Jeremiah was called to a difficult task
In verse 10, God tells Jeremiah, “See, I have set you this day over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” This reveals that Jeremiah’s role as a prophet would involve both tearing down and building up, indicating the difficult and challenging nature of his mission.
8. Jeremiah’s words would have authority
Verse 10 also indicates that Jeremiah’s words would carry weight and authority, as he would be “set… over nations and over kingdoms” to deliver God’s message. This shows that Jeremiah was to speak with the authority of God himself.

life lessons from the book of jeremiah
The son of a priest from the small town of Anathoth in Judah, the prophet Jeremiah dictated prophecies from the Lord to his secretary, Baruch. Because of Jeremiah’s lineage, he would have been raised a priest, though no record of his priestly service exists. Instead, God chose this man of undeniable courage to speak to the people of Judah on the Lord’s behalf—even though they would not listen.
Jeremiah was nearly twenty years old when he began to prophesy, and he continued in that office for the rest of his adult life, some forty years or more. Because his message held little weight with the people, Jeremiah’s prophecies reveal a substantial amount of emotional depth—often sorrow over the plight of God’s people or his own troubles (Jeremiah 12:1–4; 15:10).
Where are we?
Jeremiah’s ministry began in 627 BC and ended sometime around 582 BC with his prophecy to the Jews who fled to Egypt (Jeremiah 44:1). For the majority of this time, Jeremiah based his ministry out of Jerusalem. The southern kingdom of Judah fell during Jeremiah’s prophetic ministry (586 BC), having been threatened for many years by outside powers—first Assyria and Egypt and then by their eventual conquerors, Babylon.
Jeremiah found himself addressing a nation hurtling headlong toward judgment from God. The Israelites may have feared the future as the outside powers drew near, but rather than respond with humility and repentance, the people of Judah primarily lived as islands unto themselves, disregarding both the Lord’s commandments and the increasing danger that resulted from their disobedience.
Why is Jeremiah so important?
The prophecies of Jeremiah offer us a unique insight into the mind and heart of one of God’s faithful servants. The book includes numerous personal statements of emotional engagement, painting Jeremiah not merely as a prophet brought on the scene to deliver God’s message but also as a red-blooded human being who felt compassion for his people, desired judgment for evildoers, and was concerned about his own safety as well.
Significantly, the book of Jeremiah also provides us the clearest glimpse of the new covenant God intended to make with His people once Christ came to earth. This new covenant would be the means of restoration for God’s people, as He would put His law within them, writing it on hearts of flesh rather than on tablets of stone. Rather than fostering our relationship with God through a fixed location like a temple, He promised through Jeremiah that His people would know Him directly, a knowledge that comes through the person of His Son, Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 31:31–34; see also Hebrews 8:6).
What’s the big idea?
Because Jeremiah prophesied in the final years of Judah before God’s people were exiled to Babylon, it makes sense that the book’s overarching theme is judgment. Indeed, the first forty-five chapters focus primarily on the judgment coming to Judah because of its disbelief and disobedience. However, an element of grace is also present in these events. The fall of Jerusalem comes nearly nine hundred years after the original covenant between God and the Israelites in the Sinai desert (Exodus 24:1–18). Such an extended period of time witnesses to God’s great patience and mercy, allowing His people the opportunity to turn from their sinful ways—a lifestyle they began not long after they struck the original covenant with God (32:1–35).
How do I apply this?
Seeing God’s patience with His people in the Old Testament reminds us that God has always been and continues to be merciful. That His chosen people routinely ignored the covenant they made with Him for the better part of a millennia without immediate death and destruction should give us hope in our own struggles with living well for God. Though we fail Him, He is patient with us, working in us to bring about the best for our lives.
But the book of Jeremiah also reminds us that an end will certainly come, a truth that should spur us to follow after God wholeheartedly. Will you follow Him?
what lessons can we learn from the book of jeremiah chapter 24
Jeremiah’s ministry began in the 13th year of the reign of Josiah (Jeremiah 1:2). He was a man with a message from God—a message of repentance. But, sadly, his prophecies fell mostly on deaf ears. Jeremiah was viewed as a renegade who preached disloyalty to the state of Judah. Because of the nation’s refusal to listen and change, God allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed by the Babylonians, making it an example of the fate of the unrepentant.
The book of Jeremiah is different from other prophetic books because it has a lot of biography about Jeremiah the man. We don’t know as much about the personal lives of other prophets, like Ezekiel and Isaiah.
But it’s a long book—the longest in the whole Bible, other than the book of Psalms. It’s a story full of powerful lessons and memorable verses. There’s much we can learn from the book, but in this blog post we will focus on what’s found within the first page of the book.
So, what can we learn from the first chapter of Jeremiah?
Lesson 1: God knows everything about you
The God who made heaven and earth and the sea, and all that is in them—this may not sound particularly new. It is, after all, a common description of God recorded in the Bible. But it was a title of tremendous depth and significance for the ancient Israelites. This title contained the defining hallmark of the true God, who was thoroughly unlike the pagan deities worshipped by the surrounding polytheistic nations.
This was the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, the one and only God who can claim to be the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them. The beautiful skies, the evergreen trees, the exquisite flowers, the soaring mountains and the vast cosmos were all created by Him.
That list also includes you.
Notice these words God said to the young Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5).
God knew Jeremiah from the moment of his conception. David spoke of how God similarly knew him: “Your eyes saw my substance [conceived life] being yet unformed” (Psalm 139:16). In other words, God knows about us before we even began to take shape in the belly of our mother. That’s something to keep in mind if you’re ever tempted to see yourself as just a number, a puny drop of water in the sea of humanity. God knew you before you were born.
You aren’t just another person on the planet. You aren’t some insignificant, unintended byproduct of evolution. You are a special, one-of-a-kind individual whom God knows and cares about. God is acutely aware of who you are and has a purpose for your life.
To learn more about the value of human life, read “What Is a Human Being?”
Lesson 2: You are never too young to be used by God
God told Jeremiah, “Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jeremiah 1:5). The objective was clear: Jeremiah was to go to the people and prophesy to them. But Jeremiah immediately protested.
Speaking the uncomfortable truth to the sinful people of Judah would not be a walk in the park, especially for a young man. Jeremiah, like many of God’s prophets throughout the Bible, tried to turn down the responsibility. He tried to use his age as an excuse, but it didn’t work. God didn’t invite him—He ordered him.
God’s response to Jeremiah’s objection was succinct and conclusive: “Do not say, ‘I am a youth,’ for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and whatever I command you, you shall speak” (Jeremiah 1:7). In other words, God said, “Enough. You’re going to do what I tell you.”
History has shown that God works through young and old alike to accomplish His purpose. History has shown that God works through young and old alike to accomplish His purpose. The Bible is full of examples of men and women who were used by God from an early age.
For example, God used David when he was a young man. David, still a young adult, faithfully watched over his father’s flock of sheep, killed a lion and bear, slew Goliath and served as a commander in Saul’s army.
God used Josiah, who ascended the throne of Judah when he was 8 years old, to institute several reforms and lead the nation to a spiritual revival.
The apostle Paul made a comment about how we should view such biblical characters and the lives they led, saying, “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Corinthians 10:11).
In the New Testament, God used Timothy, a young evangelist, to preach the Word of God and be a positive example (1 Timothy 4:12).
In looking at these individuals, we should realize that we can worship, serve and follow that great God even in our youth.
We should never use “I am too young” as an excuse.
Lesson 3: God promises to protect and deliver us
Imagine marching right into the heart of New York City’s Times Square, getting everyone’s attention, raising your voice and denouncing sinful living. Consider what it would be like to be dispatched to publicly condemn abortion, fornication, violence, lying and the many other sins that infect our modern society.
Doing that wouldn’t make you popular—that’s for certain. Now, think about the looks and reactions you would get from people. Would people try to shout you down or physically harm you?
God encouraged Jeremiah, “Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you” (Jeremiah 1:8).Such a scenario resembles what Jeremiah was called to do. All this undoubtedly crossed Jeremiah’s mind. But God encouraged him, “Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you” (Jeremiah 1:8).
God was aware that Jeremiah still had his worries. What follows is one of the most strengthening and reinforcing comments someone could say to a sensitive young man like Jeremiah: “For behold, I have made you this day a fortified city and an iron pillar, and bronze walls against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, against its princes, against its priests, and against the people of the land” (verse 18).
That didn’t mean he would never experience persecution. Jeremiah’s prophetic career was plagued by imprisonment, starvation and loneliness. Yet God assured Jeremiah that He would deliver him (verse 19). And even when his life seemed to be hanging by a thread, Jeremiah was able to count on God’s promise.
We are probably not being called to prophesy in the same way that Jeremiah was. But we don’t have to be a prophet to be mistreated and disliked for our beliefs. At times, living as a Christian on a daily basis can make us unpopular. And as the world becomes more corrupt, the solid and consistent examples of true Christianity in action will become more noticeable—and some will not like it.
Jesus Christ explained that people who live in darkness hate the light of God’s way of life. “For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed” (John 3:20).