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Spiritual Meaning Of Left Side Of Body

    From an artistic and spiritual perspective, it’s important to know that everything in life is connected. This includes your body and the world we live in. This means that any luck you have on your left side isn’t going to help you — it’s not balanced. Many times, that luck will work against you as well. The right and left sides of the body are believed to represent positive and negative spiritual energies. Understanding the spiritual meaning of the left side of the body can help you better understand your own energy. How you can use this knowledge in your daily life will also be provided. The left side of the body is considered to have a spiritual meaning.

    The left side is associated with the right side of the brain, which is the creative side. The right brain is believed to be more creative, intuitive, and emotional than the left brain, which controls logic and language. Because of this association with creativity and intuition, the left side has come to be associated with spirituality or divine energy.\ In many cultures, the left side of the body is associated with spirituality and the right side with materialism. In Hinduism, for example, the left hand is used in religious rituals because it is considered more sacred than the right hand. In Buddhism, the left hand is often used to bless others and show respect.

    In Christian tradition, Jesus was crucified on the cross with his head on the left side of his body. This symbolizes his spiritual nature over his human nature; he was fully God but also fully man. In Judaism, there are many customs regarding which side of you face when praying or blessing someone else. For example, when you pray facing east (toward Jerusalem) you should turn your right shoulder to face north—which means your right side faces east while your left side faces north (and vice versa). In Islam, it’s customary to greet someone by shaking their right hand first if they’re standing on your right side and then offering them your left hand after they’ve shaken yours—this represents greeting them spiritually before physically meeting them.

    Left side of body meaning

    The left foot is a common symbol for our inner world, feelings, and intuition and is connected to the subconscious mind. It is thought to be associated with the right hemisphere of the brain, which is in charge of imagination, creativity, and intuition. We can learn more about who we are and our spiritual path by focusing on the messages coming from our left foot.

    Typical Interpretations
    Balance and Grounding: Finding balance and staying grounded in life are linked to the left foot. It serves as a reminder to keep grounded in reality and to remain steady even in the face of chaos.

    Inner Guidance and Intuition: The left foot is a conduit for our inner guidance and intuition because it is associated with the subconscious mind. Making sense of left foot sensations or messages can guide us on our spiritual path and help us make wiser decisions.
    Emotional Healing: It is thought that the left foot has the ability to absorb emotional energy and provide healing. We can free ourselves from emotional blocks and undergo emotional healing by admitting and treating any left foot soreness.
    Spiritual Awakening: Growing and spiritual awakening are frequently linked to the left foot. It is a sign of a stronger spiritual bond and an invitation to investigate our spiritual calling and gifts.

    Throughout history, the left side of the body has been associated with a number of symbolic meanings.

    In addition to a person’s emotional and physical state, it can also symbolise their spiritual state.

    When seeking insight into how their spiritual lives are progressing and what areas may require further attention or investigation, people frequently turn to their left side of the body.

    The left side of the body is linked to receptivity, emotion, intuition, and creativity. It represents a person’s feminine energy and capacity for self-improvement.

    The right side represents logic, strength, structure, and physicality—the masculine energies in life.

    The balance between these two sides is seen as essential for overall well-being.

    It is thought that when we experience difficulties on one side of our bodies—whether it be physically or emotionally—we are out of balance with our spiritual selves in some way.

    What Does The Left Side Of The Body Symbolize?

    The left side of the body has long been a symbol of many different things in various cultures and societies across the world.

    From physical strength to spiritual power, the left side is often associated with a variety of meanings.

    In Chinese medicine, for example, it is believed that the left side of our bodies houses our yin energy – that which is related to emotions and spirituality.

    This includes things like intuition and wisdom but also reflects your inner health and well-being as a whole.

    By contrast, Chinese medicine views the right side as being associated with yang energy – focused on physical strength, movement, and action.

    The combination of these two energies creates balance within us all.

    What Does The Left Side Represent Spiritually?

    The left side of the body is often associated with spiritual symbolism in many cultures across the world.

    From ancient healing practices to modern-day spiritualism, understanding what the left side represents spiritually can help us better understand our own inner self and connection to a higher power.

    In many religions and belief systems, the left side of the body is seen as representing feminine energy, intuition, or instinct.

    This is why it may be referred to as “the sacred feminine” – it symbolizes fertility and creativity.

    In some spiritual practices, such as yoga or Reiki healing, practitioners focus on energy flowing through their left hand first when treating themselves or someone else.

    Many believe that connecting with your divine feminine energy stimulates feelings of compassion and connectedness with others – leading to more meaningful relationships with yourself and those around you.

    What Does The Left Side Mean Spiritually?

    The left side has long been viewed as a sign of the spiritual realm, bearing deep meaning for many religious and cultural groups around the world.

    From ancient traditions to present practices, there is a tradition of attributing deeper significance and symbols to the left side.

    So what does the left side imply spiritually?

    In many cultures, the left side has traditionally been connected with death and evil.

    This can be seen in ceremonies such as burying a cadaver in an east-west orientation so that it faces east—the position of death on the left.

    Similarly, burial customs sometimes entail placing trinkets or tributes on the deceased’s left-hand side to ward off evil spirits or bring good fortune in death.

    In certain cultures, malevolent spirits are supposed to enter through one’s left ear while blessings enter through their right.

    Spiritual Meaning Of Left Side Of Body

    From a Western spiritual viewpoint, the left generally carries a somewhat negative connotation historically — in Western spiritual thought, the left-hand path is generally associated with death and darkness, the lower forces of Creation, secular humanism and materialism, rebellion against authority, rejection of established tradition, so on and so forth. They are basically believing that they are revolting to establish their “free will” against the architects of an unjust world that they resent, that it is necessary to fight for your personal desires at all costs, and that the ends justify the means.

    The left generally believes that things such as humility, modesty and impulse control are irrelevant or outdated, and we should do whatever we want — for example, there was a feminist who was disgusted by Christianity’s teaching of modesty towards women, arguing that such a teaching has always promoted a culture of inequality and even assault against them. On the whole, the right seems to value conscientousness and individualism — that humility is not only necessary and eternally relevant, but it is the greatest sign of self-control and personal maturity. I understand both viewpoints — and I am not commenting on whether either one is better than the other.

    I think the left generally believes that there is NO greater natural order in the universe, no timeless or universal principles governing our existence, no definite sense of purpose or design in reality — they are much more likely to be the cynical and jaded skeptics who criticize and doubt the existence of a higher power — and even those who do believe, believe that spirituality is not relevant to their daily lives or worldviews. “There is nothing really out there — and even if there were, it is not necessarily that important to me or the people around me. No one tells me what I can or should do. I make my own reality, no one else. You only live once.”

    I think the right believes in the existence of a natural order — in the value of timeless and universal principles and values, which will never change because they are never supposed to change — in the existence and importance of an absolute truth above all other truths. “There is definitely something out there — and we must fight for that something, whether in life or in death. There are universal laws that we should follow in all things and in all ways, there is a clear and written sense of right and wrong, governing everything in existence.”

    Someone with a left-wing mindset might argue:

    “Always challenge. Always question. In the pursuit of a greater good, inaction is the only wrong.”

    Most liberals opt for practical and decisive action — their morals and values are not absolute, but change with circumstances, as such, necessitating constant flexibility in their thinking.

    Whereas the right-wing philosophy is much closer to:

    “Discipline is not a war that is won. It is a battle, constantly fought.”

    Followers of the conservative ideology on the other hand, believe there is a moral certainty to the world — one correct path of right and wrong — representing immutable values, which must be preserved whatever the cost, even if it means sacrifice, or painful losses in pursuit of a higher ideal.

    For example, while I do not necessarily agree with them — this was an exchange on a discussion recently, after Kamala Harris told a pro-Palestinian student that her “truth” should not be ignored and deserves to be heard:

    The difference between relative morality (Chaos, the Feminine, the Moon and Water, love for imperfection and those who are different, the material) and absolute morality (Order, the Masculine, the Sun and Fire, love for perfection and those who are familiar, the spiritual), essentially.

    In the New Testament, during the Last Judgment found in Matthew 25, Jesus speaks of the goats being on his left, to be condemned, and the sheep on his right, to be sanctified. The Psalms mention of the desire of the Psalmist to be on God’s right hand, Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, and the Book of Revelations has the elect at the right hand of God.

    “A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.” (Ecclesiasties 10:2)

    The Latin word for left is “sinister” and has assumed a negative connotation in English and most Romance languages, while the word “dexter” has more positive connotations from Latin for right. While they do not necessarily correspond to modern-day political labels, I think in a spiritual sense — the left does have a traditionally more negative connotation than the right, although from the spiritual viewpoint of the left, negativity does not have to be “negative”, and there can be great hidden beauty to be found in even things such as darkness and death.

    The Spiritual Meaning of Pain in the Left Shoulder

    When it comes to the spiritual meaning of left shoulder pain, your heart is at the heart of the matter.

    Pain is a useful signal in our bodies, most of the time. It indicates that something is wrong or that something needs attention. When pain becomes chronic, however, there’s often nothing wrong in the traditional sense—no underlying injury, for example. But it is still a signal, still something that needs our attention, even if it turns out that it is our spirit, and not our body, that needs attention. Exploring the spiritual meaning of left shoulder pain, for example, can help alleviate discomfort in that area of your body.

    Spiritual Meaning of Left Shoulder Pain: How is Your Heart?

    The left shoulder is the body part that is most connected to our hearts. Feeling pain in this area could indicate that the heart is tender, in pain, or spiritually out of alignment.

    Ask yourself these questions to locate the spiritual meaning of left shoulder pain:

    • Does your heart feel full and nourished?
    • Does your heart feel broken?
    • Are you experiencing grief that is unprocessed?
    • Are you living in alignment with your heart’s desires?

    Spiritual Meaning of the Left Side: Yin Energy

    In traditional Chinese medicine, it’s understood that everything has both yin and yang energy in varying balances. Yang energy is all about light and movement, while yin energy is dark and quiet. The left side of our bodies is dominated by yin energy: the energy of emotion, passivity, listening, and feeling. When there is something off on the left side of our body, we may wish to check in with our emotional selves.

    From this perspective, certain emotions are more yin-like while others are more yang. Sadness is the major yin emotion. Tears flow like water, a major yin element. Sometimes sadness needs to be felt and expressed.

    When we are overbalanced in yin energy, however, that can lead to depression, stagnation, or numbness. Too much yin energy can lead to lethargy and resistance to change. In Chinese medicine, pain tends to mean that the energy is stuck somewhere, not flowing effectively. You may ask yourself these questions to inquire into the balance of yin and yang in your body:

    • Has sadness or grief tipped over into depression?
    • Do you feel lethargic and unwilling to do much?
    • Have you been ignoring your anger?
    • How have you been moving your body?
    • Have you been moving enough?

    Yin/Yang and the Brain

    In yoga and Chinese medicine, there are energetic pathways along the two sides of the body, corresponding to yin and yang. The energy channels cross around the nose, so the left side of the body is connected to the right half of the brain and vice versa.

    This is true scientifically as well: the right side of the brain mostly controls the muscles on the left side of the body and vice versa.

    The right brain is more yin-like: It is emotional, visual, and instinctual. The left side of the brain (and, thus, right side of the body) is more logical and rational, focused on things like language and numbers. Pain on the left side of the body could connect to an imbalance in the right brain, the area responsible for our emotions, images, and instinctual reactions.

    Practice for Pain in the Left Shoulder

    With all this in mind, we can try a simple meditation to better understand the spiritual meaning of left shoulder pain and perhaps help to alleviate it. In addition to this practice, yoga, physiotherapy, and the advice of a doctor may all be needed in order to properly diagnose and treat what’s going on in the left shoulder.

    Find a comfortable position for your meditation and close your eyes. If it’s comfortable, place your right hand on the left shoulder where you feel the pain. Breathe deeply, and simply listen to the sensations in your left shoulder. What do you notice? What do you feel? Imagine that your left shoulder could talk to you. What would it say? What does your left shoulder need today?

    Left Side Energy Blockage

    I am a firm believer that the body is designed for wellness. Sometimes, we have to unblock energy centers to activate this healing process.

    It has taken me years to understand how important it is for the brain to be balanced. We tend to assume there is harmony between both sides unless we run into an undeniable mental issue. This blog dives into brain imbalances. I’ll cover how to know if the left side of your brain is struggling and what you can do about it.

    What is the Left Side of the Brain Responsible For?
    In traditional Chinese medicine, Yin-Yang is the two energies that run through everything, creating a seamless energy force. In the swirling picture of Yin-Yang, Yin is the dark side, and Yang is the light side.

    When it comes to the brain, the left side can be considered the Yin side. It is the softer and more feminine side. You don’t have to be a woman to have a feminine part in your mind—we all have it to some degree. For some, the Yin more directly represents themselves. For others, Yin is the part of the mind that represents their relationship with their wife, mother, sister, aunts, etc.

    Yin is the side of the brain more capable of receiving energy. The left half is the side of the brain responsible for making calculated decisions, staying focused and thinking rationally. It is characterized as being thoughtful, quiet, logical and patient.

    Sounds like all great things, right? However, when the balance is uneven and Yin takes over without being challenged by the Yang side, it can result in:

    Anxiety (overdependent on intuition) or depression
    Weakness (feeling small) and a victim to circumstance
    Codependency (overemphasis on sacrifice and submission)
    Coldness towards others or shutting down
    Experiencing unfounded hatred towards certain people
    A continual negative focus, exuding negative energy
    Frequently feeling guilty or apologizing for mere existence
    We have to practice self-control and healing meditation to keep one side of the brain from dominating the other. My book, Remembering Wholeness, really touches on how we can restore balance to our being.

    Signs the Left Side of the Brain is Off Balance
    If one side of your brain is giving you more trouble, how do you know?

    First of all, you may notice more problems on your left side physically. For example, the block may lead directly to headaches on the left side of your temples, pain in the left side of your jaw or a tight left shoulder. This can even extend to your elbow, wrist, hip, knee or foot on that side. While pain isn’t always related to a block on that side of the brain, it can be a sign that something is wrong—especially if there was no injury to cause the pain!

    Other signs that you have a hyperactive left side of the brain (or excess Yin):

    You feel sluggish and slow
    You may feel as if your face is swollen or joints inflamed
    Oily skin and possibly issues with cysts
    Poor circulation and sensitivity to cold
    Desire to sleep more
    Struggle with motivation
    It’s important to remember that you may not experience all of the symptoms.

    3 Simple Methods to Re-Balance Your Brain if the Left Side is Blocked

    Most of the time, the left side of our brain is controlled in some regard by the feminine influences in our lives. If your mother (or another female influence in your life) caused harm—whether it was intentional or not—then you may find your Yin is upsetting the balance.

    Heal Your Past and Inner Mother
    If you know that your past was difficult with your mother, walk through this quick exercise:

    Take a deep breath, repeating: “That was then, this is now.”
    Close your eyes and think back to your 10-year-old self. Picture the home you lived in and what kind of conflict you had with your mom. Maybe your mother was absent, overly critical or allowed a man in her life to push her around. Whatever the struggle, remember how it made you feel.
    Stand up for your 10-year-old self in your mind. Tell your imagined mother that you need to honor that part of yourself and that it is time to make a change.
    Then, tell your internal mother that she can either accept you as you are, or she can be released from having an impact on your life. You must tell your 10-year-old self that you embrace this part of you, and you will protect it.
    From now on, when the energy starts to shift to an excess of Yin, you need to readjust your inner relationship with your internal mother.
    This may or may not have an impact on your current relationship with your mother in real life. This exercise only deals with the learned behavior and deep hurts that are causing blocks in your Yin-Yang balance. We want to shift the energy away from where it first went out of balance in your past.

    Connect Your Sides
    While the Yin is often connected with our past relationships with women, it can sometimes be deeper than we know. You may have had a wonderful relationship with your mother, so you feel like the above exercise doesn’t fit. This imbalance can come from many other things, including generational or ancestral pain. So, you can balance the sides of your body without changing your emotional relationship with your mother.

    Hold out both hands, palms up. Imagine you are holding the left and right sides of your body in front of you. Is one heavier? If your Yin is out of balance, your left side will usually feel weighed down.
    Now, mentally connect the energy from your left hand to the energy in your right hand, like an arch. Pretend the energy is like a slinky in your hands as you shift it from one side to the other. Your hands should literally be moving up and down, like scales tipping from one side to the other.
    Move the energy balance back and forth several times before you come to the point of balance. Feel the energy shift to fill the right side along with the left.
    Then, hold up your hands and let the energy wash over you.
    This process helps you bring balance back to both sides. I also recommend starting a Creation Journal to help spark more of the right side of your brain into action.

    Improve Your Receiving Abilities
    When someone asks to help, most of us will respond something like, “Oh, no. I’m okay!” or “I’ve got it, but thanks!” When someone compliments us, many will downplay it with something self-disparaging to reduce the pressure they feel.

    We hurt our energies when we try to block out those trying to pour blessings into our lives. So, this week, I want you to set the intention:

    “Many opportunities are going to show up this week to put me in the role of a receiver.”

    This is the part of your energy that has been ignored and overlooked. And, while you open yourself to receive more from those around you, I want you to practice giving yourself more too. How will you fill your bucket? What positive affirmations should you be telling yourself?

    A Yin-heavy person will often become self-sacrificial, trying to deny themselves to feel justified and valuable. But you ARE valuable, and that has NOTHING to do with what you do for others! A balanced person communicates what is important to them and receives love as joyfully as they give it.

    What Does The Right Side Of The Body Mean Spiritually

    masculine side

    The left side of the body is often regarded as the feminine side, the receiving side, where you take in. It represents, among other things, the mother. The right side of the body is often regarded as the masculine side, the giving-out side, where you express. It represents, among other things, the father.

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