Always leaving a church letter sample is something that you should do when leaving a church. This is because it helps to ensure that you are doing the right thing and that you are not just making the decision in a hurry. This letter gives them details about other churches in your area that could help them out.
If you’ve ever listened to a Steve Jobs speech, you’ll already know that his words were magical. A good magician never reveals his secrets, but once in a while, he shares a card trick. And the same goes for great speech makers: they usually let us in on the little secret that made their magic work. Here’s one of those secrets, in the form of a letter sample for leaving a church.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Member leaving a church letter sample. Read on to learn more.

Member Leaving A Church Letter Sample
Dear [recipient’s name], I regret to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [position title] with [church name], effective [date]. I have given much thought and consideration to my decision. While I have enjoyed my time at [church name], I believe this is the right step for me given [reason for leaving].
Remember, you are writing the letter to help the church. You’ll need to be very tactful when explaining why you’re leaving. Don’t go into a long explanation describing every detail of your church’s flaws. You want to assist the leaders with making the changes necessary. The letter will only work if it shows not only your willingness to make changes but also that you’re willing to work with them in order to continue being a member of the church.
I am writing to you in order to tell you that I won’t be attending this church anymore. Following my last visit, something occurred which made me realize I can no longer be a part of this church. I have come to the conclusion that this church is not right for me and for my family members. Here’s why:
Dear [church name],
I am writing to you today to inform you that I have decided to leave your church. This is not a decision I have made lightly, but I feel it is the right thing for me and my family at this point in our lives.
I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and I hope to see many of you again in the future.
Dear [church name],
It is with great sadness and regret that I write to you today to inform you of my resignation from the church. I have been involved in the church for many years, and it has been a joy to see how God has grown our congregation. In fact, when I first joined this church as a young boy, we had just opened up our new branch in [city name], and it was still very small. Now we have multiple branches all over the country, as well as overseas!
My decision to resign is not one based on any dissatisfaction with our church, or with any of its members. Rather, it comes from a desire to spend more time with my family and friends—and hopefully even make some new ones! As many of you know, I am married with two children who are now school-aged (my son is 6 years old and my daughter is 4). We all love being part of this community, but sometimes it’s hard for us to balance work/life/church commitments without sacrificing one area over another.
I hope that you will continue to support me as I take this next step in my life by offering me prayers and encouragement during this transition period. It will be hard at times—there
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Sample Letter To Inactive Church Members
If you’re moving on from a church, it’s good manners to let them know about your plans. Here are some tips for writing a letter:
Dear Pastor and Board Members of First Church:
Dear Pastor and Board Members of First Church:
I am writing to inform you that I will be leaving the congregation. As difficult as this decision has been, it is one that I made with prayer and careful consideration. I have given my best effort over the past few months, but after much prayer and introspection, I have come to understand that my place is not here at First Church.
I wish to express my deepest gratitude for your service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ over these many years. You are all models for me in faithfulness in ministry, dedication to the Gospel message and a commitment to God’s people. While we may disagree on certain matters of theology or practice (and yes—we do), I know each of you love Jesus first before anything else because He has called us into His Kingdom through His Word (John 15:16). This makes it easier for me when things get difficult because my fellowship with Him goes beyond any disagreement we might have about other things like politics or how long someone should sing before they get their turn at preaching/teaching!
As much as it pains me not being able to see each month what wonderful things God does through each one of you as pastors/leaders/teachers/etc., there will always be another day where God uses us together again—whether here or elsewhere! So until then . . . let’s pray together now before saying goodbye forever.”
I regret to inform you that Debbie Smith and I have decided to leave First Church for another church.
Dear Pastor and Congregation,
I regret to inform you that Debbie Smith and I have decided to leave First Church for another church. While we have enjoyed our time with your congregation, we feel it is time for us to move on and find a church home where we feel more comfortable. We will be attending Calvary Baptist Church starting this Sunday.
I thank you once again for the kindness and hospitality extended by First Church during our time in your community. Yours sincerely,
Although we have made many friends here, we are looking for a new place to worship God.
We thank the church for the good times we have had here, and the people who have become our friends. We have made many memories that will last a lifetime.
We also thank you for helping us grow in our faith, and we are sorry that we will not be able to continue with your congregation. We wish you all God’s blessings as you move forward without us.
After much prayer and consideration, we believe that the Lord is leading us elsewhere. We will join West End Community Church this Sunday.
You are making a big decision. You need to be sure it is the right one. There are some things you should consider before leaving your current church:
- Are you sure God is leading you to leave your church? This could be a sign of spiritual maturity, but it could also be nothing more than fear or pride. Pray about whether God really wants this change in your life and seek out counsel from others who care about what’s best for you.
- Is there something specific that’s causing conflict at the church? Maybe there are people or practices that make worship difficult for you, and if so, those things may need to change before continuing as an active member at this location. But maybe they don’t; maybe they’re just not quite what works best with your personality type or schedule (or whatever else might make up “you”).
We want you to know that we do not take this decision lightly. It was not an easy decision to make, but we believe it is the right one.
We want you to know that we do not take this decision lightly. It was not an easy decision to make, but we believe it is the right one.
This is a big decision and one that we do not take lightly. We are not making this choice because of anything personal or against any individual in your church. It’s just time for us to make a change and move on with our lives.
We are deeply grateful for your service to the Lord, and we look forward to seeing you on Sundays until we leave.
Dear Pastor,
We want to thank you and the board members for your service to the Lord. We look forward to seeing you on Sundays until we leave. We are deeply grateful for your dedication to this church, and hope that our departure will not be too disruptive.
Thanks again,
The Jones Family
If you’re moving on from a church, it’s good manners to let them know about your plans.
If you’re moving on from a church, it’s good manners to let them know about your plans. This can be done in a letter that is sent directly to your pastor or the board of directors at the time of departure.
Your letter should include:
- Your name and address (so they know who it’s coming from)
- A brief explanation of why you’re leaving their congregation (i.e., “After 10 years as a member of this church, I’ve decided to move back home.”)
It is important to write this letter to the church board and pastor. You may also choose to call them or stop by the church office in person with the news. Additionally, if you have any contact information for your Sunday School teacher or small group leader, it would be considerate to send a personal note letting them know of your departure as well.
This is especially true if they were instrumental in getting you involved at First Church over these past few years—for example, they invited you personally into their home or small group, or they helped organize an event that got you connected with other people in their congregation. They’ll want closure on that relationship too! While it’s not necessary to provide details about your decision when telling others about leaving (such as why exactly) here are some examples of what might work well: “I have decided that our family will be moving away from this congregation”, “my spouse and I are moving out of town”.