Kush in the Bible gave me a chance to elaborate on the biblical evidence and historical information on Kush. Kush is an ancient land that lies to the south-west of Egypt.
Kush or Kushites (from Egyptian:wašš, meaning “black”) is a term for an area or people of northeastern Africa and its people, south of the Cushitic-speaking area in northeast Africa, north of the Semitic-speaking peoples. Cannabis is mentioned in the Bible three times, all three of which are illegal to use. Leviticus 19:26 says that you may use hemp to make clothing and maybe even jewelry. It can also be used as a spice, similar to cinnamon and other natural spices. The second mention of cannabis in the Bible discusses two women named Rahab and Ruth.
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Kush In The Bible
Genesis 10:6-8
In the Bible, Kush is mentioned in the genealogy of Noah’s sons. In Genesis 10:6-8, it is mentioned that Kush was the son of Ham and the brother of Egypt, Put, and Canaan. This reference places Kush in the context of the ancient world and describes its relationship to other nations.
Numbers 12:1
In Numbers 12:1, we learn that Moses married a Cushite woman, also known as a woman from Kush. This verse sheds light on the diversity of Moses’ family background and the acceptance of interracial marriage in the Bible.
2 Chronicles 14:9-12
Another mention of Kush in the Bible can be found in 2 Chronicles 14:9-12. In this passage, an army from Kush marches against King Asa of Judah. Despite being outnumbered, King Asa prays to God for help and emerges victorious in battle. This story showcases the power of faith and prayer in overcoming obstacles.
Isaiah 18:1-7
Isaiah 18:1-7 contains a prophecy concerning Kush. The passage describes Kush as a land divided by rivers, with a powerful and fierce people. The prophecy also speaks of Kush bringing gifts to the Lord of hosts. This verse highlights the importance of Kush in biblical prophecy and its role in God’s plan.
Zephaniah 3:10
Zephaniah 3:10 mentions Kush as one of the nations that will bring offerings to God. This verse suggests that even nations outside of Israel will come to worship and honor the Lord. It reflects the universal nature of God’s salvation and the inclusion of all peoples in His redemptive plan.
Kush, cannabis, or marijuana are mentioned in the Bible. The Bible gives us a fascinating window into the history of plant use in the ancient world. The question is: Did the Bible mention cannabis? And if so, what exactly was it used for?
Kush, the land of Kushite civilization, is mentioned over 50 times in the Bible. The Bible differentiates Kush from Ethiopia by placing it in Egypt on the assumption that it was their source of ivory and ebony (Numbers x. 18).
Kingdom of Kush In The Bible
Cush or Kush (/kʊʃ, kʌʃ/ Hebrew: כּוּשׁ Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈkuʃ], Kush; Ge’ez: ኩሽ), according to the Hebrew Bible, was the oldest son of Ham and a grandson of Noah. He was the brother of Mizraim, Phut, and Canaan. Cush was the father of Nimrod, a king called the “first heroic warrior on earth”.[1][2]
Cush is traditionally considered the ancestor of the “land of Cush”, an ancient territory believed to have been located near the Red Sea. Cush is identified in the Bible with the Kingdom of Kush or ancient Sudan.[3] The Cushitic languages are named after Cush.
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kꜣš[4] |
Era: 1st Intermediate Period (2181–2055 BC) |
Egyptian hieroglyphs |
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kš[4][5] |
Era: Middle Kingdom (2055–1650 BC) |
Egyptian hieroglyphs |
Cush is a Hebrew name that is possibly derived from Kash, the Egyptian name of Lower Nubia and later of the Nubian kingdom at Napata, known as the Kingdom of Kush.[6]
The form Kush appears in Egyptian records as early as the reign of Mentuhotep II (21st century BC), in an inscription detailing his campaigns against the Nubian region.[7] At the time of the compilation of the Hebrew Bible, and throughout classical antiquity, the Nubian kingdom was centered at Meroë in the modern-day nation of Sudan.[6]
Cushites In The Bible
A page from Elia Levita’s 16th-century Yiddish-Hebrew-Latin–German dictionary contains a list of nations, including the word “כושי” Cushite or Cushi, translated to Latin as “Aethiops” and into German as “Mor”.
Cush’s sons were Nimrod, Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah, and Sabtechah.[2]
Traditional identifications
Josephus gives an
account of the nation of Cush, son of Ham and grandson of Noah: “For of the four sons
of Ham, time has not at all hurt the name of Cush; for the Ethiopians, over whom he
reigned, are even at this day, both by themselves and by all men in Asia,
called Cushites” (Antiquities of the
Jews 1.6).
The Book of Numbers 12:1
calls a wife of Moses “a
Cushite woman”, whereas Moses’s wife Zipporah is usually
described as hailing from Midian. Ezekiel the
Tragedian‘s Exagoge 60-65 (fragments reproduced in Eusebius) has Zipporah describe
herself as a stranger in Midian, and proceeds to describe the inhabitants of
her ancestral lands in North Africa:
“Stranger, this land is
called Libya. It
is inhabited by tribes of various peoples, Ethiopians, dark men. One man is the
ruler of the land: he is both king and general. He rules the state, judges the
people, and is priest. This man is my father and theirs.”
During the 5th century AD, Syrian writers described
the Himyarites of South Arabia as Cushaeans and Ethiopians.[3]
The Persian historian al-Tabari (c. 915)
recounts a tradition that the wife of Cush was named Qarnabil, daughter of
Batawil, son of Tiras,
and that she bore him the “Abyssinians, Sindis and Indians”.[8]
Explorer James Bruce, who visited
the Ethiopian
Highlands c. 1770, wrote of “a tradition among the Abyssinians,
which they say they have had since time immemorial”, that in the days
after the Deluge, Cush, the son of Ham, traveled with his family up the Nile
until they reached the Atbara plain,
then still uninhabited, from where they could see the Ethiopian table-land.
There they ascended and built Axum,
and sometime later returned to the lowland, building Meroë. He also states that
European scholars of his own day had summarily rejected this account on grounds
of their established theory, that Cush must have arrived in Africa via Arabia
and the Bab-el-Mandeb,
a strait located
between Yemen on
the Arabian Peninsula, and Djibouti and Eritrea on the Horn of Africa.[9] Further,
the great obelisk of
Axum was said to have been erected by Cush in order to mark his allotted
territory, and his son Ityopp’is was
said to have been buried there, according to the Book of Aksum,
which Bruce asserts was revered throughout Abyssinia equally with the Kebra Nagast.
Scholars like Johann Michaelis and
Rosenmuller have pointed out that the name Cush was applied
to tracts of country on both sides of the Red Sea, in the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen)
and Northeast Africa.