Persian kings of the Bible is the topic for today’s post. We will also discuss the list of persian kings in order and babylonian kings in the bible.
The Persian Empire was an empire that stretched from Egypt to India and lasted from about 550 BC until about 330 BC. It was conquered by Alexander the Great in 330 BC.
The Persian Empire was dominated by the Persians, a group of people who came from somewhere between Central Asia and India. The Persians spoke an Indo-European language, which means that their language was related to other languages spoken in Europe at that time (Greek, Latin, Germanic or Slavic).
Persian Kings Of The Bible
Cyrus the Great was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire and king of Persia from 559 to 530 BC. He is venerated in the Hebrew Bible as Cyrus the Messiah for conquering Babylon and liberating the Jews from captivity.
King Cyrus II (also known as Cyrus the Great) was born around 600 BC. He became king of Persia around 559 BC and conquered Babylon in 539 BC. He allowed Jews living under Babylonian rule to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple there. This may be why they called him “Cyrus” – which means “messiah” in Hebrew!
There are several mentions of Persian kings in the Bible:
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List Of Persian Kings In Order

Persian Kings of the Bible depicts social, political and military aspects of the Achaemenid Persian kings who ruled over the Kingdom of Judah at its capital in Jerusalem. This study be based on the Book of Daniel, Chapter 1, which mentions Darius I, King of Persia.
They are all the Persian kings of the Bible in the Old Testament. One of their purposes in history, given to them by God, was to rescue the Jews from Babylonian captivity. Now some may ask why is this important? Well, as we will see later, they also played a big role in moving out of Israel and into other nations – nations around Israel. Did you know that these kings, thousands of years ago, played a role in shaping nations today? So let’s get started.
The Bible is a compilation of books created by many people over thousands of years. It is an historical document that accounts and describes the lives of incredible kings and prophets, miraculous events and wonders, and unique characters and personalities. These were recorded when they were current events, but also passed down in mythology, folklore and legend to be handed down by word of mouth. Some of these great Persian Kings are mentioned in the Bible.
The Persian kings of the bible were some of the most powerful rulers in history. They were able to conquer huge areas of land and rule over them, which is something that we don’t see very often at all.
Here are the Persian kings of the bible:
- Cyrus II (529 BCE – 530 BCE)
- Cambyses II (530 BCE – 522 BCE)
- Darius I (522 BCE – 486 BCE)
- Xerxes I (486 BCE – 465 BCE)
The Persian kings of the Bible are the rulers of Persia who are mentioned in the Bible. The list below is taken from Biblical reference and is not exhaustive.
The kings of Persia in the Bible:
Cyrus II (Persian: Kurosh) (c. 600 BC – 530 BC), also known as Cyrus the Great, was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire. He ruled from 559 BC until his death in 530 BC. Cyrus was a great conqueror, who overthrew the Median Empire and established a vast empire under his rule that extended from Asia Minor, Egypt and Eastern Europe to Central Asia and India. He was also known for his tolerance towards other cultures and religions, allowing Jews to return to Jerusalem after their exile in Babylon.[1]
Darius I (Old Persian: Dārayavahuš) (550 – 486 BC), also known as Darius the Great or Darius I, was a king of Persia from 521 to 486 BCE who ruled over an empire at its peak that covered most of Western Asia, including Anatolia; Thrace; Macedonia; northern Greece; Persian Iraq; Afghanistan; Kashmir; Pakistan; Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Darius ascended
Persian kings of the bible
The Persian kings of the Bible were a group of five kings who ruled over the Babylonian Empire. They were Darius I, Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I, Darius II, and Artaxerxes II. They were all members of the Achaemenid dynasty.
By the time of his birth, Persia’s territory had been divided into several smaller kingdoms. Cyrus united these under his rule and created the Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BC). His respect for other cultures and religions was one of the reasons he was so successful in building an empire that stretched from Turkey to Egypt. He also helped introduce Zoroastrianism to other nations he conquered; this religion still exists today with about 200,000 followers worldwide.
Darius I
Darius I was a great king, the son of Hystaspes and father of Xerxes I. He ruled over Babylon, Lydia and Egypt. He was a good king because he let the people worship as they pleased.
Xerxes I
Xerxes I, also known as Ahasuerus and Xerxes the Great, was the son of Darius I and ruled the Persian Empire from 486 to 465 BCE. Xerxes is famous for his defeat by the Greeks at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE, which signaled a turning point in Greek resistance against Persian rule.
Artaxerxes I was the king of Persia that allowed the return of the Jews to Jerusalem. He was the son of Xerxes I and Amestris and ruled from 465 b.c to 424 b.c
Artaxerxes’ first wife was his sister-in-law, Stateira, by whom he had a son Darius II Nothus who succeeded him as king.
The kings that held sway over the Israelites from 539 b.c to 333 b.c
The Persian kings that held sway over the Israelites from 539 b.c to 333 b.c were:
- Cyrus, who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple
- Darius I, who made sure that the temple was rebuilt; this was done under his leadership
- Xerxes I, who did nothing remarkable during his reign
- Artaxerxes I, who allowed Ezra and Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem and complete its reconstruction.
babylonian kings in the bible
The Persian kings of the Bible were some of the most powerful rulers in history. They ruled over a vast empire that spanned from India to Egypt and from Greece to Ethiopia. The Persian Empire was one of the largest in the world at that time, and it was ruled by kings who were often cruel and brutal.
Some of the most famous Persian kings include Xerxes I, Darius I, Artaxerxes II, and Xerxes II. Xerxes I is best known for his involvement with the great Battle of Thermopylae that occurred during 480 BC. He also led an invasion into Greece after he learned about their attempt to free Athens from Persian rule during 479 BC.
Darius I made a name for himself by conquering many cities around his kingdom after he came into power during 521 BC. One of these conquests included Babylon, which was located in modern-day Iraq near Baghdad City today.
Artaxerxes II was another famous king who ruled over Persia during 404 BC – 359 BC before he died unexpectedly due to illness at age 33 years old while fighting against Macedonian troops during 350 BC (he had no children). His son Artaxerxes III then took over as king until 330 BC when he died unexpectedly.