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John The Baptist Prophecy In Old Testament

    When you think about the Old Testament, chances are that you don’t say anything about John the Baptist. It is a shame, because he played an important role in changing history. He was born at just the right time and he knew what God wanted from him. John had no intention of being a prophet, but God recognized his greatness and used him in ways that even his father Zacharias was unaware of.

    John the Baptist is a key figure in Christianity and is mentioned by Jesus as a witness in his own words. The Book of Luke and the Book of Matthew explicitly name John as one of the prophets, who were born prior to Jesus’ birth. John is introduced in Mark 1:2-5 as a prophet who will prepare people for the coming of Jesus. …

    The seven years that John lived the word of the Lord. And in all things he accused the people who were living in sin.

    John The Baptist Old Testament


    John The Baptist was a remarkable man who prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry. He was an ascetic, but he spoke up and condemned people who behaved badly. His followers were later called “Christians” by others in the first century AD.

    John the Baptist was a Jewish Itinerant preacher in the early first century AD.

    John the Baptist was a Jewish itinerant preacher in the early first century AD. He is considered to be a prophet, baptizer, and precursor of Jesus Christ. His ministry served as a model for Christian baptism. With regard to his position on meat eating, John was known as one who abstained from all animal products (vegetarianism).

    John was also known for his teaching abilities and his willingness to confront religious leaders of his day about their hypocrisy through preaching sermons on repentance and spiritual renewal. For these reasons he became very popular among many Jews who lived during this time period.

    Though John’s ministry had several different roles within Judaism such as priest or teacher but most importantly singer-preacher; he helped people understand God’s message better through music so they could bring their faith into reality by living according to what they believed instead of just hearing it without doing anything else afterwards like many other prophets did throughout history which made them become famous but not necessarily good role models because they were often criticized by those who were still alive at the time if not later historians later on – therefore making no difference whatsoever except maybe one’s reputation among certain circles where people knew each other well enough so there would be some mutual respect between them even if only grudgingly given sometimes due mostly though not exclusively

    He is sometimes called “The Prophet” because he prophesied about Jesus’ coming.

    John the Baptist was sometimes called “the prophet” because he prophesied about Jesus’ coming. He was a great man who prepared the way for Jesus. John is one of several Old Testament prophets who foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

    John the Baptist was born during Nehemiah’s time in Jerusalem (ca 445 BC) and baptized by John himself when he reached adulthood. This baptism took place at what later became known as Enon near Salim where there were large pools used for ritual washing activities.

    John was the one who baptized Jesus in the river Jordan, and he identified him as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World.”

    John the Baptist was a cousin of Jesus, who baptized him in the river Jordan. John identified Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the World.”

    John prepared for and announced Jesus’ ministry by calling people to repentance and baptism.

    According to Matthew 3, John was chosen by God to prepare the way for Jesus Christ.

    According to the Bible and Matthew 3, John the Baptist was chosen by God to prepare the way for Jesus Christ. The word “prepare” in verse 3 means “make ready” or “put in order.” (The full phrase is “make straight paths for our God”)

    John was a prophet, priest and teacher who baptized people in water so they could be cleansed from their sins. He also preached repentance (to change your mind) as well as belief in Jesus Christ and baptism by immersion into His church—the New Testament Church of Christ (which today is called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).

    He preached repentance and baptism of the people in preparation for their messiah whose latinised name is Christus.

    John the Baptist was a Jewish itinerant preacher in the early first century AD. He is sometimes called “the prophet” because he prophesied about Jesus’ coming. John preached repentance and baptism of the people in preparation for their messiah whose latinised name is Christus.

    Brought up by a priest, John became a prophet, veggie-lover and evangelist for God’s coming Kingdom.

    John the Baptist was a priest who ate only vegetables. He was also a prophet and an evangelist for God’s coming Kingdom.

    John The Baptist was a remarkable man who prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry.

    John the Baptist was a remarkable man who prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry. He was a prophet, a great preacher, and a man of God. John was also known as “John The Baptizer” because he baptized people in water before they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

    John lived in Israel during the time of Herod Antipas who had married his brother’s wife Herodias (Matt 14:3-11). John criticized Herod for marrying his brother’s wife so he asked him to divorce her; but Herod refused to do so because he wanted to please his wife and friends (Matt 14:8). Some time later when King Aretas found out that his daughter had been dishonored by having relations with Herod, he sent some soldiers with orders to bring back her head so they could take it back home with them (Matt 14:9-10). However, God protected John from being killed by these soldiers because He knew that it wasn’t time yet for him to die (Matt 14:11-12).


    John The Baptist preached the coming of Jesus Christ, and was a remarkable man who prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry.

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