Since John Hagee Sermons are more than just a sermon, they’re an experience. The passion, laughter and life lessons you hear in his sermons will stay with you long after the words stop coming out of your audio player. Whether he is preaching on family, singleness, marriage or his faith in God, John Hagee is always ready to share what he has learned from his own trials that can help us all live life to the fullest.
In this sermon, John Hagee delivers a powerful lesson on what it means to live a life of faith. He begins by discussing how the days of miracles have passed and goes on to say that we must live our lives in hope and trust. Save a spot in heaven by living like it’s your last day, he says. As a society and as individuals, we are always looking ahead and not realizing all that God has already given us, but by faith we can change our lives for good.
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John Hagee Sermon Today

John Hagee is a pastor and televangelist. He founded the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas and is currently the senior pastor at his church. He also has multiple other ministries that he oversees.
In this sermon, John Hagee talks about how God will judge us for our sins and how we need to repent of them before it’s too late. It’s a good reminder for all of us to take stock of our own lives to see if we’re living righteously or not—and if not, change things up!
God Loves You
As Bible-believing Christians, we know that God loves us. The Bible says that “God so loved the world” (John 3:16). It also says, “He who does not love does not know God” (1 John 4:8). So if you don’t love people, then you don’t know or have a relationship with Jesus Christ because He is the very embodiment of love—and without Him there would be no salvation!
God has many promises in His Word that He wants to bless us with good things like life and health; but first and foremost He wants your trust and obedience so that you can experience His blessings on earth through your obedience—which leads to eternal life in Heaven with Him.
Prayer for Happiness and Blessings
# A prayer for happiness and blessings:
- God, please bless me with peace.
- God, please bless me with happiness.
- God, please bless me with joy.
God is using people to help you
One of the greatest things about God is that he uses people to help you. And sometimes, those people are not even close to you. Sometimes, God will use a stranger as a tool for your deliverance.
So how do you know if someone is being used by God? The Bible says that “the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth” (2 Chronicles 16:9). He sees everything and knows everything—even what our future holds! So why do we have problems some times? The answer is simple: because it’s time to grow in faith!
The Bible also says that “God causes all things to work together for good” (Romans 8:28). This means that even when bad things happen, it’s part of His plan!
So no matter what happens in your life or mine… We must remember that God has given us these tools so we can grow spiritually.
Faithfulness in the church of God
John Hagee’s next sermon is titled “Faithfulness in the church of God.” In this sermon, he will address how we can be faithful to God and His word. He will also explain why faithfulness is important for our salvation and growth in Christ.
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John Hagee, the founder of John Hagee Ministries and Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, has made headlines recently for his controversial comments about Islam. In a sermon that was uploaded to YouTube on June 26, 2018 (and has since been removed), Mr. Hagee said:
“I believe that every Muslim who comes into this country should be required by law to renounce Islamic beliefs or else be deported.”
He also suggested that all Muslims should be forced to convert to Christianity. These comments have sparked outrage among those who believe Mr. Hagee’s views are racist and xenophobic. Many people have called for the removal of his content from public view; one organization even filed a lawsuit against him in an effort to ensure there are no further violations like these in the future!
I have heard many people say that they are praying for me, but I have never heard any of them say that they are praying with me. In other words, they tell me they pray every day, and then when I ask them if I can pray with them, they say no! But I want to know if you’re really going to pray for me or just talk about it. If someone told you that he or she was praying for you, would you believe it?
About John Hagee
John Charles Hagee (born April 12, 1940) is an American pastor and televangelist. The founder of John Hagee Ministries, his ministry is telecast to the United States and Canada. Hagee is also the founder and chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization Christians United for Israel. Hagee is active politically and is known for his activism regarding the State of Israel. He has also attracted controversy over his comments on the Catholic Church, Jewish people and Islam, and promotion of the blood moon prophecy.
Hagee founded a series of churches in San Antonio, Texas starting in 1966, and each church outgrew its previous building, leading to him forming the Cornerstone Church in 1987. Beginning in 1981 in San Antonio, following Operation Opera, Hagee has organized “A Night to Honor Israel” events aiming to show support for the State of Israel.
Hagee has been politically active. In 1968, he endorsed George Wallace in his bid for president. His advocacy included organizing and mobilizing a youth movement called “Wallace Youth”.
In 1996, Hagee spoke on behalf of Republican presidential primary candidate Alan Keyes, who in 2004 lost the U.S. Senate election in Illinois to Barack Obama. In 2002, Hagee endorsed the conservative State Representative John Shields in the latter’s unsuccessful bid for the Republican primary for the District 25 seat in the Texas Senate. Hagee dubbed Shields’s opponent, incumbent Jeff Wentworth, “the most pro-abortion” of 181 legislators in both houses of the Texas legislature.
On February 7, 2006, Hagee and some 400 leaders from across the Christian and Jewish communities formed Christians United for Israel (CUFI). This lobbies members of the United States Congress, using a biblical stance for promoting Christian Zionism. Around that time he received death threats for his activism on behalf of the State of Israel and hired bodyguards for protection.
In 2008, Hagee endorsed Senator John McCain in the presidential contest against Barack Obama. After Hagee’s endorsement of McCain, a furore arose over statements made by Hagee that were perceived by some as anti-Catholic and antisemitic Following Hagee’s remarks, McCain publicly distanced himself from Hagee.
Hagee was the primary funding source for the Israeli Zionist group Im Tirtzu, until he cut ties with the organization in 2013.
In 2016, Hagee endorsed Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.
Hagee has stated that he believes the Bible commands Christians to support the State of Israel.
In 2007, Hagee stated that he does not believe in global warming, and he also said that he sees the Kyoto Protocol as a “conspiracy” aimed at manipulating the U.S. economy.
Hagee is anti-abortion and stopped giving money to Israel’s Hadassah Medical Center when it began offering the procedure.
Hagee has been criticized for statements pertaining to Jews, the Catholic Church, and Islam. Some Jewish leaders, such as Reform Rabbi Eric Yoffie have criticized Hagee for being “extremist” on Israeli policy and for disparaging other faiths.
Hagee purported that Adolf Hitler’s antisemitism was especially derived from his Catholic background, and he also purported that Hitler was “a spiritual leader in the Catholic Church,” as well as purporting that the Catholic Church under Pope Pius XII encouraged Nazism. Hagee also blamed the Catholic Church for instigating the Dark Ages, claiming that it allowed the Crusaders to rape and murder with impunity. William Donohue, the president of the Catholic League for Civil and Religious Rights, rejected the comments and Hagee’s explanations for them. On May 12, 2008, after discussions with Donohue and other Catholic leaders, Hagee issued a letter of apology, expressing regret for “any comments that Catholics have found hurtful.” The apology was accepted by William Donohue.
Jewish people
Hagee has claimed that Adolf Hitler was born from a lineage of “accursed, genocidally murderous half-breed Jews”. Citing material from Jewish tradition, he claimed that the persecution of Jews throughout history, implicitly including the Holocaust, was due to the Jewish people’s disobedience of God.
In 2008, Hagee claimed that the anti-Christ will be “a homosexual” and “partially Jewish, as was Adolph Hitler” and he also claimed that a reference in Jeremiah 16:16 to “fishers” and “hunters” was symbolic of positive motivation (Herzl/Zionism) and negative motivation (Hitler/Nazism) respectively, both men were sent by God for the purpose of having Jews return to Israel, and he even suggested that the Holocaust was willed by God because most Jews “ignored” Herzl.
Hagee has been described as making slanderous or demonizing comments about Islam. Hagee has claimed that “Islam not only condones violence; it commands it”. He has also claimed that a contrast exists between Islam’s “violent nature” and Christianity’s “loving nature” and that the Quran teaches, and Muslims have a mandate, to kill Jews and Christians.
Blood moon prophecy
Hagee, along with Mark Biltz, created the blood moon prophecy, which they promoted in a 2013 book. The two men claimed that a tetrad which began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse was a sign of the end times as described in the Bible and the tetrad ended with the lunar eclipse on September 27–28, 2015. Hagee and Biltz’s claims gained media attention. The prediction was criticized by scientists and other Christians.