Here are some quiz questions from the book of Job. This is perfect for a Bible quiz or test study. You may use these questions to help teach your children about the Bible or get them interested in learning about what it has to say about faith. The book of Job is a book about a man named Job who lost everything that he owned and his children, who then questioned whether there was a God at all. A lot of the job questions asked in this quiz are from the book itself, but if you don’t know what happened in the story or have never read it, take our quiz anyway! Get ready for this “Book of Job Quiz. ” What do you know about the Book of Job? Job was a righteous man who never wronged anyone and tried to live by the rules set down by God. When God shows Satan how good Job is, Satan says that he is like that because God blesses him and asks him to take away everything Job has. What happens when he does? Take this quiz and see how well you remember Job’s story.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and most updated information on Bible quiz questions from the book of Job. Read on to learn more. We at Churchgists have all the information that you need about Bible quiz questions from the book of Job. Read on to learn more.
Job Trivia Questions And Answers
1 Why does Satan attack Job and his family?
Answer: God brags about Job’s character.
God tells Satan, Job is “a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil” (KJV, Job 1:8). Satan argues that Job is only good because God has blessed him, challenging God to find out how Job would act if he experienced the misfortunes most people know.
2 “In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil.” Job 1:1 Where is the land of Uz located?
Answer: Unknown location
The exact location of the land of Uz is unknown. Many Bible scholars believe because of other names and locations mentioned in the book it is located northeast of Israel between Damascus and the Euphrates River. Some also believe it was located in Edom.
3 In Job 1:21 Job shows his humbleness. How does he do this?
Answer: He says all he has belongs to the Lord.
4 When Job’s friends heard of his adversity, how many of them planned to go and comfort him? Job 2: 11
Answer: 3
Job 2:11 states that his three friends made an appointment together to come and mourn with him and comfort him.
5 What does Satan first do to change Job’s attitude toward God?
Answer: Directs events so that natural disasters, war and banditry strip Job of his wealth and his children.
After securing God’s consent, Satan turns Job’s life inside out very quickly. In short order, Job receives four messengers, each bearing news of disasters which totally wipe out his livestock, servants, property and children. (KJV, Job 1:14-1:19).
6 Job had a reputation of being an upright and an extremely wealthy man. In fact it says in Job 1:3 “…He was the greatest man among all the people of the East.” Job also had a reputation in heaven. Who is God having a discussion with concerning Job?
Answer: Satan
“Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.” Job 1:8
Satan (which can also be translated accuser) says Job was only faithful because God had blessed him so much but Job would surely curse God if he was allowed to destroy all God had given him. Thus begins the great test of Job’s faith in the face of great adversity.
From Quiz: BBB Bible Series: Job . Question by author wordwalker.
7 Before the first test in the Book of Job, how many children did Job have?
Answer: 10
He had seven sons and three daughters, who were all killed in Job’s first test. This can be found in Job 1:2. After Job’s tests God blessed Job with seven more sons and three more daughters.
From Quiz: Never Gonna Give You Up . Question by author j-zilch.
8 Choose the correct names of two of Job’s friends who payed him a visit.Job 2: 11
Your options: [ Eliphaz & Travez ] [ Elihu & Bildad ] [ Zophar & Nahum ] [ Zophar & Bildad ]
Answer: Zophar & Bildad
Job 2: 11 States that Job’s friends were called: Bildad, Zophar and Eliphaz.
From Quiz: Job and friends . Question by author Jesusyes.
9 How do Job’s friends react to the destruction of Job’s family and fortunes?
Answer: His friends tell Job he brought his misfortunes on himself and, quite possibly, deserves worse.
The reaction of Job’s friends to his misfortune is the heart of the story. After going through the forms of consolation while Job spends seven days mourning the death of his children and servants. Job’s friends very pointedly argue that Job, or, perhaps, his children did something truly dreadful, precipitating all his misery (KJV, Job 4 – Job 27).
10 In the first set of testings God gave everything Job had into Satan’s hands except except Job himself. After Satan had destroyed all his possesions and his children Job said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord _ and the Lord has __ away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” What are the missing words according to the New International Version?
Answer: gave; taken
Job could have lamented that all he had worked hard for and everything he cared about was suddenly snatched away but instead he acknowledges he had nothing that had not been given to him by God.
11 How were Job’s children killed?
Answer: A mighty wind blew over the house they were in and they died
The Chaldeans’ raiding parties carried off the camels (Job 1:17). Fire from God burnt up the sheep and the servants (Job 1:16). The Sabeans attacked and carried off the oxen and donkeys (Job 1:15).
From Quiz: Never Gonna Give You Up . Question by author j-zilch.
12 In Chapter 9, Job admits he’s guilty of doing something – what is it?
Answer: Justification
Job 9:20 “If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.
When people justify things, they make it so that it is right if they do it, even if it is wrong.
From Quiz: Remember Job . Question by author ilona_ritter.
13 What did these friends of Job do when they saw him from afar but did not recognise him?
Answer: They lifted up their voices and wept
Job 2:12 ” And when they raised their eyes from afar and did not recognised him, they lifted their voices and wept.
From Quiz: Job and friends . Question by author Jesusyes.
14 Reacting to the complete and abrupt desolation of his life, what does Job’s wife suggest Job do?
Answer: Blame God and commit suicide.
“Curse God and die.” (KJV, Job 2:9). Job’s nameless wife sees their situation in very simple terms.
From Quiz: Getting the Biblical Job! . Question by author bubbuh.
15 God agains speaks to Satan and commends Job for his faithfulness in spite of all the harm that had been done to him. Satan proposes another test. “Skin for skin!” Satan replied. “A man will give all he has for his own life. But stretch out your hand and strike his flesh and bones, and he will surely curse you to your face.” Job 2:4-5 God gave Job into Satan’s hands but what did he tell Satan he couldn’t do?
Answer: Kill him
Satan afflicted Job’s whole body with painful boils. Even Job’s wife tried to incite Job to curse God and die, to which Job replied:
“”You are talking like a foolish woman. Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?” In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.” Job 2:10
16 Where were Job’s sons and daughters feasting and drinking wine when Job’s first test occurred?
Answer: The oldest brother’s house
They were feasting and drinking wine at the oldest brother’s house when the mighty wind blew the house down. This can be found in Job 1:18-19.
17 How long did Job’s friends sit with him without saying a word to him? Job 2: 13
Answer: Seven days & nights
Job 2:13 says that they sat down with him on the ground for seven days and seven nights and no one spoke to him, for they saw that his grief was very great.
18 Who advises Job to curse God?
Answer: His wife
“Curse God and die,” she advises.
From Quiz: Job . Question by author skylarb.
19 After the death of Job’s children and servants, how does Satan make life even worse for Job?
Answer: Gives Job a disfiguring and painful chronic disease.
Satan gives Job the worst case of galloping eczema the world has ever seen. “So went Satan forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto his crown.” (KJV, Job 2:7).
20 After hearing of all the misfortune that had befallen Job three of his friends came to console him. They were so overwhelmed when they saw him they couldn’t speak. How long was it before they did speak to him?
Answer: Seven days and seven nights
“When they saw him from a distance, they could hardly recognize him; they began to weep aloud, and they tore their robes and sprinkled dust on their heads. Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.”
Job 2:12-13
According to Jewish custom, those who come to comfort someone who is mourning should not speak until the mourner speaks.
Bible Quiz On Job Chapter 1

- What is the theme of the book Job addresses?
- A. How to deal with unfaithful friends
- B. Why do the Righteous Suffer?
- C. The land of U
- D. How he lost his wife
- E. None of the Above
- 2. Who did Job invite to his son’s Birthday?
- A. No one
- B. His Servants
- C. Brother and Sisters
- D. None of the Above
- 3. What was Satan originally?
- A. A distraction
- B. A fallen angel
- C. A Friend of God
- D. An angel of God
- E. None of Above
- 4. Who replied, “Skin for Skin, A man will give anything to save his life?
- A. Job
- B. The Servants
- C. Satan
- D. Elihu
- E. None of the above
- 5. What did Job’s friends do when they heard about his tragedy?
- A. Nothing
- B. Got in touch with each other
- C. Immediately started praying
- D. Cried in Sackcloth
- E. None of the above
- 6. When Job talks about what happens to sinners, he is describing what?
- A. His friends
- B. Those who reject God
- C. His current situation
- D. Trials and Suffering of the Righteous
- E. None of the above
- 7. How many times did Job say his friends have declared/reproached him a sinner?
- A. 5
- B. 10
- C. 15
- D. 20
- E. None of the above
- 8. What does Job say about his Redeemer?
- A. He loves me
- B. He made me
- C. Nothing
- D. He lives
- 9. What did Job declare after his body had decayed?
- A. It will perish
- B. Nothing good will come of it.
- C. The skin worms will eat it.
- D. Punishment is inevitable
- E. It shall see God
- 10. Which one of Job’s friends chided: Do you know this of old, Since man was placed on earth, that the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite is for a moment?
- A. Bildad
- B. Zophar
- C. Shuhite
- D. Ehihu
- 11. Which one of Job’s friends said, “Quit quarreling with God” agrees with him, and you will have peace?
- A. Shuhite
- B. Bildad
- C. Eliphaz
- D. Zophar
- E. None of the above
- 12. Who said Man is a worm in God’s sight?
- A. Shuhite
- B. Bildad
- C. Job
- D. Eliphaz
- E. Elihu
- 13. What did Job believe about wisdom?
- A. It is more valuable than silver.
- B. It is not found among the living.
- C. Man can’t live without it.
- D. It comes from fearing the Lord.
- E. B & D
- 14. Whose heart did Job say cause him to sing?
- A. Orphan
- B. Poor
- C. Widow
- D. Brokenhearted
- 15. What was the symbol of the exploited poor?
- A. The Ostrich
- B. The wild donkey
- C. The Wild Ox
- D. The eagle
- 16. What did Job do for the orphans?
- A. Teach them
- B. Feed them
- C. Found a home for them
- D. Treat them as our own children.
- E. None of the above
- 17. What does Job say about the Majesty of God?
- A. None like it
- B. It keeps me
- C. Redeemable
- D. Depends on wisdom
- E. None of the above
- 18. What line did Elihu did not want to hear?
- A. Time is of the Essence
- B. Stay in his presence.
- C. Only God can convince the sinner of sin.
- D. Everybody sins
- E. None of the above
- 19. What did God ask Job about the rain?
- A. Can it be seen in his circumstance?
- B. Did heaven produce it?
- C. Does it have a Mother?
- D. Did it produce the Whirlwind?
- E. None of the above
- 20. What did God call Job?
- A. His Son
- B. Anointed In the City
- C. God Critic
- D. Full of Wisdom
- E. Rebellious Servant

Bible Study Questions And Answers On The Book Of Job
Here’s a “Book of Job Quiz” to see how much you know about Job. Job was a just man who didn’t do anything wrong and tried to follow God’s rules. Satan responds to God’s demonstration of Job’s goodness by claiming that Job is so good because God blesses him and commands him to destroy Job’s possessions. Once he does this, what will happen? Use this test to evaluate how well you recall Jobs’s background story.
A Question and Answer Smorgasbord
For his son’s birthday, Job invited…
No one
To Those Who Serve Him
Adopted Brothers and Sisters
The Answer Is:
To whose affections did Job attribute his sudden ecstasy?
What is Job describing when he speaks of the fate of sinners?
His companions
They are the ones who choose to ignore God.
Presently, he is in a
Punishment for the Righteous
Disregard all of the above
What did the oppressed poor use as a symbol?
Its ancestor, the ostrich
A donkey gone berserk
Buffon, or Wild Ox
As for the eagle
Is there anything Job did to help the homeless kids?
Educate them
Provide nourishment for them
Discovered a place for them to live
Let’s love them like our own kids.
Disregard all of the above
Is Job able to comment on God’s greatness?
There is nothing else quite like it
It’s what keeps me going.
It all depends on your level of wisdom.
Disregard all of the above
To what extent did Job’s friends condemn him as a sinner?
Disregard all of the above
Can you guess the line that Elihu desperately tried to avoid hearing?
The clock is ticking
Hang around him for a while.
God alone has the power to change a sinner’s heart.
We are all sinners
Disregard all of the above
God questioned Job about the precipitation, but how?
Can his situation even hint at that?
Could it have come from above?
Can you tell me if it comes from a Mother?
Does this explain the genesis of the Whirlwind?
Disregard all of the above
Can we learn anything about Job’s Redeemer from his words?
And he loves me with all his heart.
Because of him, I had to
He is still around.
God gave Job what title?
Its Offspring
Blessed Within the Urban Area
Judgement on God
Confusingly Wise
The Disobedient Servant
In the aftermath of his death, Job said what?
It’s doomed to die
There will be no positive outcomes.
It will be consumed by skin worms.
Inevitably, there will be repercussions
A divine revelation is in store for it.
Do you know this from old, since man was placed on earth, that the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite is for the moment? said one of Job’s friends.
Originally, what did Satan consist of?
An interruption
One of the angels who fell from heaven
An Acquaintance of the Divine
A divine messenger
It’s None of the Above
How many of Job’s friends agreed with him that Job should “quit quarreling with God” so that the man could find peace?
Disregard all of the above
Skin for Skin, a man will give his last piece of flesh to save his own.
Service Personnel
Disregard all of the above
When they learned of Job’s misfortune, what did Job’s friends do?
communication between them
I began praying right away.
Wept while Dressed in Rags
Disregard all of the above
As to the claim that God considers man to be no better than a worm, please provide a source for that statement.
To what did Job attribute his sense of wisdom?
In terms of value, it surpasses silver.
It doesn’t exist in the realm of the living.
Humans require it in order to survive.
It results from having reverence for God.
B & D
To what does Job’s central message boil down?
A. Tips for dealing with friends who cheat on you.
B. Why Do They Occur?
U.S.A., Capital Letters
D. Why his wife left him
Not Any of the Above