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Joan in the bible

    Joan is best known as the mother of Jesus. She was a young woman who had an encounter with God’s angel Gabriel, who told her that she would give birth to Jesus and that he would be the son of God.

    In the Old Testament, there are many women who are mentioned as being important figures in God’s plan for his people. One example is Bathsheba, who married King David after he committed adultery with her. Some people believe that Bathsheba was also the mother of Solomon, one of David’s sons. Other women included Miriam (known as the sister of Moses), Deborah (who led Israelite armies into battle), Esther (who saved the Jewish people from genocide), Ruth (an ancestor of Jesus), and Rebekah (the wife of Isaac).

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    Joan of Arc was a French saint and warrior who led the French army to victory during the Hundred Years’ War. She is considered a national hero in France and a martyr of the Catholic Church.

    Born in 1412, Joan’s parents were farmers. At the age of 13, she began hearing voices from God telling her to lead an army to drive out the English invaders from France. She became convinced that this was her mission, despite concerns from her parents and village priest. At age 17, she left home with two men who claimed they were sent by God to guide her to Charles VII of France (King Charles). They traveled through enemy territory and entered Paris unharmed, where they presented themselves before the king and his courtiers. After some initial skepticism on their part, Charles VII eventually believed Joan’s claim that she had been sent by God as well as her request for military support in order to drive out the English invaders from France.

    Joan spent much time on horseback leading troops into battle against the English occupiers of France during what would come to be known as The Hundred Years’ War between England and France (1337-1453). She was wounded several times during these battles but continued fighting each day until finally succumbing.

    Joan in the bible

    Joanna (Koinē Greek: Ἰωάννα, romanized: Iōanna, also Greek: Ἰωάνα), the wife of Chuza (γυνὴ Χουζᾶ),[1] is a

    woman mentioned in the gospels who was healed by Jesus and
    later supported him and his disciples in their travels. She is one of the women
    recorded in the Gospel of Luke as accompanying Jesus and the twelve
    apostles and as a witness to Jesus’ resurrection. Her husband was
    Chuza, who managed the household of Herod Antipas, the ruler of Galilee;
    this is the origin of the distinguishing epithet commonly attached to
    her name, differentiating her from other figures named Joanna or Joanne.

    Her name is from Hebrew: יוֹחָנָה, romanized: Yôḥānāh (transl. ’Yahweh has
    been gracious’).[2]: 143–145 [3] Although the name is
    etymologically related to Anna,
    sharing a common derivation (from the Hebrew: חַנָּהיוֹחָנָה, romanized: Ḥannāhlit. ‘grace’), Joanna is not
    a compound formation and originated as a separate, unitary derivation, directly
    from the Hebrew male name Yôḥānān, ‘John’.[4][5]

    She is recognised as a saint in the Anglican, Eastern Orthodox,
    and Catholic traditions.

    Joanna in the Gospels[edit]

    Joanna is shown as the wife of Chuza, steward to Herod Antipas while being
    listed as one of the women who “had been cured of evil spirits and
    infirmities” who accompanied Jesus and the Apostles, and “provided
    for Him from their substance” in Luke 8:2–3.

    Joanna is named among the women mentioned in Luke 24:10, who, along
    with Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James, took spices
    to Jesus’ tomb and found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. The accounts
    in the other synoptic gospels do not mention Joanna as one of the
    group of women who observe Jesus’ burial and testify to his Resurrection.

    Identification with Junia[edit]

    Richard Bauckham argues for identifying Joanna, the wife of Chuza, with
    the Junia mentioned in Paul’s letter to the Romans 16:7,
    “Joanna” being her Jewish name, and “Junia” her Roman.
    Joanna is mentioned as one of the members of the ministry of Jesus in the
    Gospel of Luke, travelling with him among the other twelve and some other
    women, city to city.[6]

    After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another,
    proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and
    also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called
    Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out; Joanna the wife of Chuza, the
    manager of Herod’s household; Susanna; and many others. These women were
    helping to support them out of their own means.

    — Luke, 8:1-3

    Joanna is also mentioned alongside Mary Magdalene and other women as those
    who first visited the tomb and found it to be empty, and it is to this group of
    women, including Joanna, that Jesus first appears and instructs to tell the
    disciples to meet him in Galilee in Matthew 28:8-10. Bauckham notes that
    Paul describes Junia as having been a member of the Christian community prior
    to him, and given that Paul himself converted within three years of the death
    of Jesus, that would require Junia to have been a member of the community from
    a very early period. Whereas Joanna is a Hellenized,
    Grecian, adaptation of a Hebrew name,[7] Junia is a Latin name.
    Jews often adopted a second, Latin name that were nearly sound equivalents to
    their original name. Joanna and Junia act as near sound equivalents in the
    native languages, which Bauckham says is indicative of the identification
    between the two. Finally, Paul describes Junia as being “prominent among
    the apostles”. Given that Junia is described as an earliest member of the
    community, and as one of the most prominent members, that she is not named
    elsewhere is indicative, as Bauckham argues, that she and Joanna are the same
    individual, given Joanna’s high prominence during the ministry of Jesus.[2]: 172–80 

    Holy Myrrhbearer traditions[edit]

    See also: The Three Marys

    In Orthodox tradition, she is honored as “Saint Joanna the
    Myrrhbearer” (Greek: Αγία Ιωάννα η Μυροφόρος) and is commemorated
    among the eight women who carried myrrh on the “Sunday of
    the Myrrhbearers”, two Sundays after Pascha (Orthodox
    Easter). From this commemoration, in the revised Calendar of Saints of
    the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod she is commemorated as one of the
    Holy Myrrhbearers on August 3, together with other women present at the tomb of
    Jesus in New Testament accounts. These include Mary of Clopas (also
    called Mary, the mother of James the Less and Joses) and Salome.[8]

    Although not mentioned by name, Joanna is seen as one of the women who
    joined the disciples and Mary, mother of Jesus, in the upper room in
    prayer. She was believed to be among the group of 120 who chose Matthias
    the Apostle to fill the vacancy that was left by Judas, as well as
    being present on the Day of Pentecost.[9]

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