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Sermons for Jail Ministry

    Jail ministry is something that we can all do, even if you’re not in a position to visit someone in prison or minister directly to inmates. The first step is to realize that there are people who need help, and they’re in prison because they didn’t get it on their own. The second step is to realize that these people have been abandoned by society and are suffering as a result. If you’re not comfortable with going into a prison yourself, then at least consider making monetary donations or other kinds of donations that will help support people who do go into prisons regularly.

    There’s no shortage of people who need our help when it comes to jail ministry. According to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, roughly 2 million adults are incarcerated each year in the United States alone—that’s almost one percent of our entire population! And this number doesn’t include juveniles or those who are on probation or parole after serving time in jail; it also doesn’t include those who serve time in prison but don’t end up being convicted of any crime (like some drug addicts). So you can see how many people are involved when we talk about jail ministry!

    Churchgists will give you all you ask on how to prepare for jail ministry, message for prisoners and so much more.

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    Sermons for Jail Ministry

    Exodus 2:1-10

    In Exodus 2:1-10, we are introduced to Moses and his mother. The story of Moses is a familiar one: a baby abandoned in a basket on the riverbank, rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised in Pharaoh’s palace as an Egyptian prince. As an adult, he sees how cruel his people are being treated by the Egyptians and decides to do something about it. But before he can leave Egypt—even before he knows who or where God is—he must first find his father (Exodus 2:10).

    Moses’ story begins with family relationships (his parents) and community relationships (the Hebrew slaves working for the Egyptians). It is important for us to understand these relationships because they formed who Moses was as a person; they shaped how he thought about others and himself; they influenced how he viewed God; they helped him understand what it meant to be human.

    For example: when God speaks with Moses out in the desert after forty years away from Egypt (Exodus 3), He tells him that His name is “I AM WHO AM.” This statement emphasizes that God Himself has always been present since creation but was hidden among His people until now! You cannot know who someone really is without understanding their past experiences; likewise you cannot know yourself without reflecting upon where you came from—even if those experiences were painful ones like abandonment or abuse.”

    John 8:31-36

    The gospel of John is about freedom and love. It’s about the truth that sets you free, and it’s about following God’s ways to find happiness here on earth (John 8:31-36).

    This week’s passage shows us how Jesus used his status as a Jew to speak truth to power in a very public way. He stood up against the lies of religious leaders who were holding people captive with fear, guilt, and shame—and he came face-to-face with one of their biggest lies: You can’t trust what comes out of your mouth.

    In this passage we see themes like faith vs doubt, being captive vs being free from sin (or any other negative behavior), darkness vs light; all these things are really common themes throughout Scripture but they’re put together perfectly here in order for us to better understand how we should live our lives today.

    Acts 16:16-40

    After Paul and Silas were put in jail for casting out a demon, they sang songs of praise and worship to God. Then God sent an earthquake to free them from prison! The jailor was saved and baptized! Paul and Silas left the town in the morning.

    Luke 1:46-55

    As you read this section of Luke, you’ll notice that Mary’s song is a song of praise. The Magnificat is actually an ancient text written in Aramaic, the language that Jesus spoke. This particular translation has been translated into many languages and sung around the world by people all over the globe.

    The word magnify means “to increase in greatness or honor.” So if I magnify something, it becomes greater than it was before. For example:

    “If someone says ‘I love God’ but hates his brother whom he has seen then he is a liar because one who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” 1 John 4:20

    “But whoever keeps His word,” Isaiah 55:10a (NKJV)

    “For there can be no prophecy without divine inspiration.” 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB)

    Luke 4:1-13

    In the first temptation, Satan tempted Jesus to turn stones into bread. It was a test of faith for Jesus to trust that God would provide. It’s also a test for all of us, as prisoners or not. Do we trust God will provide for our needs? In this case, did you know that one loaf of bread can feed about 10 people? We often don’t realize how much God provides for us until it is too late and we are hurting from lack of provision!

    In the second temptation, Satan offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world if he would worship him instead of God. Again this was a test—it showed how much Jesus valued his relationship with his Father over anything else in life. The same can be said about us too…how much do you value your relationship with Christ? Do you value it enough to spend time studying His word and meditating on His goodness toward us?

    Luke 15:1-7, 11b-32

    The parable of the prodigal son is an archetypal story that speaks of God’s love and grace, His mercy and acceptance. It offers a message of hope to those who have been wronged by others or who have wronged others themselves. It tells us that even when we’ve fallen short in our personal lives, God still loves us as much as He does anyone else; it also tells us that God wants to forgive us for our past mistakes.

    The father in this story represents God in His desire for our loyalty and obedience; he gives his sons gifts because he wants them to trust him (for example, he tells them where their money will be stored). When the older brother refuses to accept any gift from his father without first knowing what kind of gift it will be (he demands first-born rights), he demonstrates an attitude of prideful self-righteousness toward his father–an attitude which has no place in our relationship with God. On the other hand, when the younger brother accepts whatever gift his father gives him despite having just disobeyed him (a costly lamb), he demonstrates a humble attitude toward his father–an attitude which has everything do with how we should relate ourselves to God (and one another). In this way we can learn how important it is not only that we trust but also believe in Him enough so as not to question His love or goodness towards us even when things seem bleakest.”

    Matthew 25:31-46

    The story of the sheep and the goats is a parable Jesus told to illustrate how God will reward or punish people. It’s important to note that Jesus is speaking in this passage as King, not just as our Savior and friend. He is the King who will judge all people. In other words, this isn’t just some random moral lesson; it’s what you can expect when you get to heaven—or hell!

    Jesus makes it clear that we should help others while we’re alive, because there will be no second chances after death: “Come now; let us settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet wool, they shall be white as snow; though they are red like crimson wool, they shall become like wool” (verse 38). If you never did anything wrong before being born again through Jesus Christ and confessing him as your Savior, then “you shall see Abraham’s bosom” (verse 46). But if you fail to accept Christ as your personal savior before dying and go into eternity without him…well…you know what happens next!

    Romans 14:(1)-12, (13)b-18, 19b-23a

    Romans 14:1-12, 13b-18, 19b-23a

    • Romans 14:1-12 – Paul begins this section with a long exhortation about how Christians should behave. He states that we are to be united in the faith (1). We must not judge or condemn each other because God has already judged the world (2). He warns that we will be condemned if we do not love our brother (3). The only way to love is through Christ who loves us first and gives us something about which to be thankful (4-5). If we don’t understand someone else’s behavior it does not mean that what they are doing is wrong; maybe it just looks different from how you would act in their situation. In other words, it’s okay if your friend eats meat sacrificed at the temple of Artemis when you wouldn’t eat such meat yourself! As long as they don’t cause you harm then go ahead and let them live according to their conscience(6)!

    Christianity is about finding the forgiveness of sins and peace through God.

    It is important to understand that Christianity is about finding the forgiveness of sins and peace through God. The Bible is a guide to help you understand what God wants from you, but if you believe in Jesus, your path to Heaven is easier.

    how to prepare for jail ministry

    Some years back, a group of individuals from a church decided to form a prison ministry team. With heartfelt good intentions, they created a list of the members’ skills and ran it by their pastor. Next, they took it to a chaplain at the nearby prison where they were hoping to serve. The list focused on the special gifts they could contribute to inmate well-being, such as Bible study, exercises, arts and crafts related to the studies, and so on. In addition, this group offered to donate crosses, religious books, Bibles, workbooks on how to read the Bible, and handouts for inmates to color or decorate.

    What is wrong with this picture? This type of planning might work well for a ministry within a congregation, but when approaching a prison – or other institution, for that matter – leaders must first find out what is actually needed.


    One of the worst things well-intended churches can do is to presume that their own agenda of services will work in a prison without first asking what the prison actually needs. After all, prison ministry assumes service to God foremost. The first task of the ministry group is to build trust, both with the prison administration and with the inmates to whom they are assigned. As the chaplain and administrators observe the work of your team enriching the lives of inmates and developing relationships, they can ascertain what other projects are best suited for your group and decide the best direction for your ministry as a whole.

    Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you saying, this person began to build and wasn’t able to finish. (Luke 14: 28-30, New International Version).1


    Take time for personal reflection on prison ministry, especially if you are not accustomed to setting aside your own agendas. Consider the following questions carefully, both individually and with your group, BEFORE starting to form a prison ministry:

    1. How well do I really understand prison systems and culture? Have I already made assumptions and judgments that I may need to question?
    2. Do I understand how important it is to be covered appropriately in prayer before entering a prison?
    3. How willing am I to ask for help and power from the Holy Spirit to avoid the pitfalls of flaunting my own agenda?
    4. When was the last time I truly confessed my own sins to God and others?
    5. Am I willing and able to ask for forgiveness for those sins, thoughts, and past judgments; and am I humble and teachable enough to allow God to remove my defects?
    6. How well do I let go and let God in most situations?
    7. Can I truly listen to and love all inmates unconditionally — even child molesters, murderers, or rapists?
    8. Will I have difficulty refraining from asking details about an inmate’s particular crimes, especially when driven by assumptions about him/her or negative feelings?
    9. Am I able to help a rapist, murderer or any other type of sinner (in prison or not) feel as special as my other church brothers and sisters?
    10. Can I look a prisoner in the eye and truly smile at him or her?
    11. When speaking one-on-one with an inmate, can I listen to him or her as if s/he is the most important one in the room?
    12. How willing am I to allow an inmate to pray God’s will over me?
    13. Am I truly ready to love the prisoner through God’s love in me?
    14. In what ways am I unprepared for this ministry, and how will I get ready?

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:16-17, English Standard Version)


    Sometimes ministry teams become frustrated, feel inadequate, and may even get a false sense that they are unwanted just because their suggestions and donations are not accepted. At this point, take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Here are just a few of the reasons why it may not be suitable to bring certain materials into a prison:

    1. Crosses – Inmates generally must select one cross (in some prisons two) as part of their personal property. If the inmate truly enjoys your program, she /he may have to sacrifice a cross (perhaps a special sentimental one gifted by a relative) in order to keep yours. In fact, an inmate may choose to sacrifice his or her special cross because s/he is afraid you will not accept him or her, or may even sense she/he could offend you somehow because she/he cannot accept your gift. The worst part is that the inmate will never tell you any of this.

    2. Religious materials – Religious materials are also analogous to personal property. That is, having too many books or materials can stir up jealousy among inmates or even raise concern that the inmate’s personal property (including the religious possessions) could be confiscated permanently. At that point, the inmate would have to choose between a number of items very carefully and surrender property that may be very personal to him or her.

    For example, an inmate had to surrender a personal family Bible to receive another Bible from a ministering group. He was afraid that if he did not take the Bible offered him, the ministry might reject him, and that group had become very important to him. He sent the personal Bible home to his family. Unfortunately, the family took offense, and the inmate endured about two months without visits from his loved ones. Later, after much help from the chaplain, the conflict was resolved; and the family resumed visiting him.

    You can avoid causing incidents like these simply by trying to see another side of the decision-making process in prisons. I don’t mean to imply that the prison staff are always correct, or that the inmate is being mistreated; rather, it is best for all persons to follow the recommendations set forth by the particular prison for ministry. When you feel unsure, ask. Most prison staff members are eager to answer volunteers’ questions.

    3. Clearances – Religious books must meet the requisites of prison clearances, perhaps being purchased through an approved vendor, book distributor, or publishing house. Further, the materials must specifically align with the intended purposes of the program and be accompanied by the proper paperwork signed by a warden. All items must pass through intake to ensure security and safety for all.

    4. Arts and crafts – Most prisons possess art materials, including paints, canvasses, yarn, thread, and so on, and acquire these items through specific procedures (as briefly alluded to above). That is not to suggest they are necessarily of superior quality. Inventory of all types – and art materials as well – must pass safety requirements set forth by the particular prison and its programs. For instance, paints can cause serious safety violations if not inventoried properly and stored in a secure location, or if they contain noxious materials.

    Bottom line, understand that there may be good reasons for decisions you did not anticipate. When a ministry team becomes disgruntled with prison staff, rules, and programs, they may be trying to control rather than to serve. As a result, the team loses its spiritual impact on behalf of God’s work for God’s kingdom. The prison may also terminate your ministry in the prison. Follow your prison leaders, therefore, and pray for them. You are the body of Christ in reality to most inmates as well as to the prison staff. Being disagreeable because you cannot conduct your program as you want reflects badly on you, especially since your intention is to serve as an example of and servant to Christ. Remember that your job is to follow the system rules while leading, encouraging, and shepherding both your own team and the inmates assigned to your particular ministry.

    First pride, then the crash – the bigger the ego, the harder the fall! (Proverbs 16:18, The Message)3


    A ministry leader, wherever he or she is serving, first surrenders to God, becoming primarily a servant. In prison ministries, as elsewhere, the litmus test for servanthood lies not in how much the leaders and team accomplish, but in how much they surrender control. Relying heavily on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the team grounds itself in prayer and willingly responds to needs by beautifully reflecting God’s grace, mercy and love. As Robert Greenleaf states (1977/2002): “The best test is: do those served grow as persons: do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or, at least, not be further deprived?”

    Thus it is not about what a prison team can dorather, it is all about remaining in service to assist the chaplain in ministering to and with the inmates. Listen to the prison chaplain first, and as God prompts you with ideas for improvements, wait patiently, watch for ways you can serve, and listen for the Lord’s direction as he molds your prison ministry through each step! Leave your agenda at home, seek wisdom and guidance behind the prison walls, and ask for help. You will soon discover you have more to learn than teach, at least initially.

    Be still and know [recognize, understand] that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth. (Psalm 46:10, Amplified Bible)


    When I coach ministry teams, one of my first questions is: “How specifically have you prayed regarding the formation of your prison ministry team?” Prayer is the heartbeat for any ministry. Remove prayer, and I promise you a dysfunctional team built on arrogance, self-importance, pride, and competitiveness. I watched one team struggle over who would be in charge. Picking up on the conflict, the inmates suggested beginning each meeting with prayer focused on asking God to remove the discord. Not long after, the attitude of the ministry team changed, and they became an example of unity for the whole prison.

    Through prayer, God naturally weeds out people with self-serving instead of God-serving intentions. When servants empty themselves and rely solely on the Holy Spirit, God can use them powerfully.

    Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave of all. (Mark 10:43-44, NIV)


    If Jesus were standing in front of you, how would you treat him? Are you willing to treat inmates the same way, that is, by mirroring Jesus to them? What is your real heart attitude before you serve in prison ministry, and what is it when you leave? Here are some ideas for developing a nonjudgmental attitude:

    1. Talking with God – You may discover that an inmate has committed acts you can hardly imagine, such as murdering someone or harming a child. Before setting foot into a prison, spend serious time in conversation with God. Journal your thoughts and feelings and then share and pray over them with a close friend or pastor. These materials may help you get started:

    Books written by or about prison workers and former inmates:

    • Fallen, Felon, and Finally Faith – Dr. Ralph Reagan
    • Life After Hell: Reflections of a Bag Lady – Dr. Sandra Jenkins
    • Prison Ministry: Understanding Prison Culture Inside and Out – Lennie Spitale

    Devotionals that include true experiences of prison life

    • Prisoner to Prisoner – Kairos Prison Ministry International (KPMI)
    • Jesus Calling – Sarah Young
    • A Table in the Wilderness – Watchman Nee

    2. Examining Your Call – A call to prison ministry can be exciting, but also very daunting or even confusing. Sometimes a person experiences a number of concerns all at once: what others might think, whether she/he is doing the right thing, if the “vocation” is based on someone else’s expectations, or even if one is mistaken about a call. A very passionate personal desire, for instance, can seem to the voice of God. In other words, the call is a serious consideration that can be easily misunderstood without some clear guidance and focus. Here are a few tips:

    • Carefully meditate on what you learned through prayer and journaling above.
    • Consult with someone serving in prison ministry. Learn more about some of its joys and challenges.
    • Visit or meet with a prison chaplain to gain more clarity about prison ministry.

    3. No Judging or Talking Down – I have served well over 5,000 incarcerated men, women, and youth over the past 25 years. The longing I hear inmates express most often is for a genuine spiritual home where others do not judge or talk down to them. One inmate reported hearing a preacher say, “I am delighted to assist with ex-cons just so long as they are neither sex addicts nor violent offenders.” The inmate responded, “Well, that counted me out…I committed murder. I just don’t think I can be accepted in a church – too hoity-toity for me.”

    So, if Jesus were standing in front of you, how would you treat him? Can you treat any inmate the same way? What is your real heart attitude before you attend and when you leave worship? Can you treat inmates the same way you would treat the Lord?

    If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. (1 John 4:20, ESV).

    message for prisoners

    01“Dear Maggie, I am writing to say that I can’t wait for you to get out of jail.
    There is so much waiting for you outside – great food, wonderful parties, your family. I can’t wait to share all of these things with you.
    I don’t want you to fret too much about the past. I don’t intend to dwell on that either.
    PS: I am waiting for you with open arms.”

    This phrase is encouraging for any convict because it looks forward and into the future positively. It presents you as a non-judgmental individual who is more focused on what can happen next.

    woman with tied hands closed eyes messy hair

    02“Louie, you are one of the strongest people I know, and you have always known how to find the simple joys in any situation.
    I am counting on you to delve into yourself to find that special ability for your current situation, and I hope that it can help you to stay afloat for as long as it takes.
    Please stay strong, man. We love you.”

    One of the best ways to encourage someone is by highlighting his/her strongest points. This phrase does just that, and it is generic enough to work for anyone.

    03“Marty, son, whatever you are feeling or thinking, I want you to remember that all difficult times come to an end.
    Your current situation is one of those difficult times, and it will end too. I’ve been through some difficult times myself, and that thought always got me through. I found a way to remain sane and sound.”

    This is a good phrase to use because it positions you as someone who has been through some tough times too; your words of encouragement will likely land with more gravitas because of this position.

    04“Timmy, how’s it hanging?
    Just so you know, I am on your side, and I am never going to judge you for what happened.
    As you get through your sentence, I hope you don’t worry too much about what will happen next because the future is not yours to control.
    Saying that, I want you to remember that there is an end in sight, and it’s not over for you yet.”

    This phrase is perfect for encouragement, as it’s filled with positive vibes and hopeful messages. It’s also rather flexible in a generic way, so it can be tweaked to work for any message to a convict.

    05“Dear Judy, I hope you are staying strong. I am writing to tell you that I love you, and things will get better.
    I am also confident that, with the lawyer you have (and I have spoken to him), your appeal will be successful. I’m sure that you will be out in no time.
    Sending lots of love, dear.”

    Sometimes, a convict needs a little encouragement from the outside world; this message is full of hope about the situation, love, and support.

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