The name does not appear in the Bible. It is a form of “Elizabeth” which came from the Greek name Ελισαβετ (“Elisabet”) derived from the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע (“Elisheva” or “Elisheba”), meaning “God is a vow”. In the Old Testament, Elisheba was the name of Aaron’s wife.
Today it is sometimes abbreviated to Isa. Elisheba (Hebrew), Elisabel (Medieval Latin), Isabel (Spanish and Portuguese), Isabella (Italian), Isabelle (French, Dutch, German), Izabela, Isobel, Ishbel (Scots), Iseabail (Scottish Gaelic), Izabela (Polish), Ysabeau, Elizabeth (English) Ysabelle, French.
Isabelle in The Bible Verse
The name does not appear in the Bible. It is a form of “Elizabeth” which came from the Greek name Ελισαβετ (“Elisabet”) derived from the Hebrew name אֱלִישֶׁבַע (“Elisheva” or “Elisheba”), meaning “God is a vow”. In the Old Testament, Elisheba was the name of Aaron’s wife.
Isabelle is a popular name with French origins, meaning “God is my oath.” In the Bible, there are various references and stories that illustrate the significance and symbolism of this name. Let us explore the meaning of Isabelle in the Bible by examining relevant verses.
1. Genesis 24:61
Then Rebekah and her attendants got ready and mounted the camels and went back with the man. So the servant took Rebekah and left.
2. Exodus 1:15
The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiprah and Puah,
3. Proverbs 31:10
A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
4. Luke 1:5
In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron.
5. Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
6. Romans 1:7
To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. 1 Corinthians 1:30
It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
8. Hebrews 11:5
By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.” For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.
9. 1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
10. Revelation 21:27
Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
Facts about the Name Isabella
The name Isabella has a rich history and cultural significance across different parts of the world. Here are some interesting facts about the name:
- Isabella is a feminine given name that originated from Spain and Italy.
- It is derived from the name Elizabeth, meaning “God is my oath” or “God is my satisfaction,” as mentioned earlier.
- Isabella is a popular name among royalty and noble families throughout history.
- There have been several prominent historical figures with the name Isabella, including Queen Isabella I of Castile and Isabella of France.
- The name Isabella gained widespread popularity in the English-speaking world during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
These facts highlight the historical and cultural significance attached to the name Isabella, further contributing to its allure and popularity.
Isabelle In The Bible

Isabelle is a character in the Bible.
Isabelle’s husband Elkanah had another wife named Hannah. Hannah was childless, so she prayed to God to give her a son. God answered her prayer and gave her Samuel, who was their firstborn child.
After that, Elkanah went up to Shiloh every year to worship God. One year while he was there, he made a sacrifice and took his wife Isabelle with him. But Hannah did not go with them because she thought that since she had already had a son, her husband would now love her more than his other wife Isabelle. While Elkanah was offering sacrifices at Shiloh, Hannah stayed home with their son Samuel for seven days before joining them again for another week at Shiloh.
When they returned home from Shiloh, Hannah told her husband about how upset she had been about not going with him on this trip because of jealousy towards Isabelle; but instead of comforting her by saying that he would do something about it later on down the road after thinking things over properly first.
Isabella is one of the most well-known women in the Bible. Isabella was known for her great wealth and generosity toward others.
Because of Isabella’s faithfulness and generosity, God blessed her with many children. Her first three children all died before reaching adulthood—which was common at that time—but then she had four more children: two boys named Johanan Hyrcanus (who became king after his father) and Aristobulus II; and two girls named Alexandra Salome (who married Roman Emperor Pompey) and Mariamne (who became queen after her brother Johanan died)
Is The Name Isabelle In The Bible
Isabel’s story begins when she is first introduced to us as an unnamed woman in Genesis 24:48-49. Her father Eliezer sends his servant with ten camels and a large amount of money to find a wife for Isaac (who was born blind). When he reaches Aram Naharaim (today’s Syria), he finds Rebekah at a well and brings her back to his master.
The next time we hear about Isabel is in Genesis 29:15, when she marries her husband’s brother Jacob. This marriage was not meant to be; however, it produced two sons: Reuben and Simeon.
After this marriage failed, Jacob married Leah and Rachel—his first wives—and then married their maidservants Zilpah and Bilhah (Genesis 30:9-13). This second set of wives also produced children who played important roles in biblical history: Gad and Asher for Zilpah; Dan for Bilhah; Naphtali for Leah; Issachar for both women; Joseph
Isabel was a daughter of King David. She married her first cousin, the prophetess Huldah, and they had one daughter, Abishag.
Isabel had a close relationship with her father’s heir, Solomon, who was also her nephew (and the son of her sister Bathsheba).
Meanings of the Name Isabella in the Bible

What is the meaning of the name Isabella in the Bible? Names can have different meanings, some good and some less good. That’s why I decided to write this article.
- Do you plan to name your daughter Isabella?
- Are you bearing the name Isabella?
- Do you have a friend named Isabella?
- Are you curious about the meaning of this name in the bible?
In the spiritual world, names are significant. Therefore, you have to be careful about the names you give your child, or bear. Names can predict your future; they can indicate the events of your past life, and so on. This is why you should not trivialize the importance of names.
There are more than a million names out there.
However, Isabella falls among the scarcely used names. In addition to this, people who bear this name don’t know the meaning or prediction that hangs around this name.
Recently, there has been an increase in people’s inquiries about the name called Isabella.
Therefore, it became a necessity to put together this article for your consumption.In addition to this, I will talk about the origin of this name, and what it means in the bible.
The Origin Of The Name Isabella
Isabella originated from the Hebrew language. It is believed that the name points to the ability of God to transform people’s lives. The word Bella means beautiful.
People who bear this name are associated with beauty.
Originally, the name Isabella is translated from the word Elisheba. In the Spanish and Italian languages, Elisheba is translated as Isabella. Therefore, understanding the meaning of Elisheba is necessary to understand the meaning of Isabella.
In the Hebrew language, Elisheba means “God is my oath”.
In the Hebrew language, Oath-taking is sacred. It is used for forgiveness of sins, offering sacrifices, and friendship purposes.
Therefore, whenever you hear the word “God is my oath”, it talks about salvation and friendship. It means that God is your surety, and he is your assurance.
The name Isabella also carries this meaning. Apart from this, it talks about the beauty of God in man.
Isabella is a name for females. The word Bella means beautiful, and it is attributed to the feminine gender.
What is the meaning of the name Isabella?
Isabella means “God is my oath”.
This name talks about the assurance and faith in God. This is a name given as a result of the miraculous acts of God. Whenever someone sees the act of God, he/she might give this name to their daughter as a reminder of God’s promise to them.
The name Isabella also means an oath of thanksgiving to God. People give this name to their daughters as an oath to God. This means that whenever the name Isabella is called, they will remember their oath, and give thanks to God.
This name inspires thanksgiving.
Another meaning of the word Isabella points to confidence. If you have doubted God in the past, this name will prove to you that God can be trusted.
The bible talks about this in the book of Hebrews.
Whenever you begin to lose faith in God, you might hear this name in the spirit realm. In addition to this, you might meet someone bearing the word Isabella.
Meaning Of Isabelle In The Bible
1) Life is beautiful
The name Isabella describes the beauty of Life. Whenever you hear this name, it is a message of encouragement.
It is a message to encourage these people. Beyond your situation, life is beautiful. Having this mindset will change several things about you. Furthermore, it will affect the results you will generate. It is also believed that the people who bear this name are always beautiful.
2) Confidence in God
Whenever you hear this name, it inspires confidence in God. If you need a constant reminder of God’s faithfulness, you can give yourself the name Isabella.
This name points to the power and ability of God to fulfill everything he has promised. In the bible, God’s word is final.
Therefore, he is going to fulfill what he has promised. I get this message whenever I hear the name, Isabella. Isabella is a name of trust. It is a name that displays the faithfulness of God. It is a name that inspires faith in God – even in the face of contradictory situations.
3) Consecration
Another spiritual meaning of Isabella points to consecration. It is believed that the name Isabella will spur a heart of service to God.
In the bible, this is a name that reminds you of the benefits of your service to God.
If you find it hard to stay consecrated to God, your angel might call you Isabella. Whenever this happens, take it as a sign from the universe to serve God. Service to God can be done in prayer, worship, giving alms, or bible study.
4) Emotional stability
In the bible, God encourages us to be temperate. This is the ability to maintain stable emotional energy even in the face of pressure.
Now, people with the name Isabella are believed to be gifted with this ability. They are believed to be anointed with the spirit of temperance. If you don’t bear this name, you can learn from the name, and apply the same principle to your life.
Becoming emotionally stable will affect your decision-making ability. It will also affect your relational skill. Isabella talks about emotional stability and reveals the benefit of becoming emotionally stable.
5) Self-discovery
Whenever you hear the name Isabella, it should inspire you to discover your abilities, talents, and skills.
Isabella means self-discovery. In the bible, God wants us to understand who we are. He wants us to come to terms with our spiritual purpose.
When you discover who you are, it will be easy to understand your purpose on earth. In addition to this, self-discovery will prevent low self-esteem. This is an important message.
Let this name inspire self-discovery and awareness.
6) Spiritual connection
Isabella means spiritual connection. People with this name need to be connected to the spiritual world. The bible talks about God’s relationship with his people. It is important for God’s children to also build a relationship with Him.
You have to become spiritually sensitive to your environment. With spiritual sensitivity, you will enjoy the following:
- Your spiritual sight will be sharp. You will be able to pick different spiritual signs.
- You will see into the future, and predict events before they happen.
- And your energy level will operate at a higher frequency. This will make you stronger than negativity.
7) Creativity
God is interested in your mind. He wants to use it for his glory. However, you need to let him in. One of the ways to accomplish this is to pray every day and feed on the bible.
Furthermore, learn to use your mind constructively. People with this name are believed to be creative people.
Therefore, it is an inspiration to use your mind constructively, and open up yourself to be influenced by God.
The bible talks about God requesting for the hearts of men. Isabella is a short word for this request. Isabella means “God needs me”. Therefore, make yourself available by opening up your mind to God.
Does Isabella mean Beautiful?
Yes, Isabella means beautiful.
The word “Bella” means beautiful. It is believed that Isabella is given to people that are blessed with beauty. According to our research, some culture believes that Isabella means “Blessed by beauty”. Therefore, you can give your daughter this name.
In addition to this, bearing the name Isabella should improve your self-esteem. This name talks about the beauty of your character, heart, and body. It should be an encouragement to keep you confident in yourself.
Is Isabella a good name for my daughter?
Yes, you can give your daughter the name Isabella. This name will improve the confidence of your daughter. The energy from this name will ingrain some qualities into your daughter.
- Isabella will make your daughter beautiful.
- Isabella will make your daughter creative and sharp in her mind.
- Isabella will make your daughter confident in her abilities and skills.
- Isabella will make your daughter close to God.
This name is perfect for your daughter.
Final Words
The secret behind Isabella has been revealed in this article. Therefore, let this help you to understand the spiritual meaning of this name.
As you open your mind to the virtues of Isabella, you will enjoy peace, confidence, and spirituality.