It’s a common sight to see people burning sage to cleanse themselves and their homes of negative energy, but is this Biblical? Is burning sage in the Bible? Sage is typically used for cleansing in ritualistic practices because of its strong smell. The leaves are often burned to create smoke that can be used to purify an area or person. Sage is often used during rituals that involve cleansing oneself or others from negative energy or spirits. The Bible doesn’t specifically mention burning sage as part of a ritual, but there are several passages that describe using smoke as a way to purify something. In Numbers 19:18-19, when the priests were performing a ceremony after coming into contact with dead bodies, they were instructed to burn sweet spices on top of some kindling while burning cedarwood, hyssop and crimson wool (Numbers 19:18). This was done because the sweet spices would give off a pleasant aroma when they burned and help create a cloud of smoke that would cover those who were being purified (Numbers 19:19).
Right here on Churchgist, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on sage in the bible kjv, benefits of burning sage in the bible,burning sage spiritual benefits, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on similar topics
Is burning sage in the bible

The book of Leviticus describes another type of cleansing ceremony called “Yom Kippur,” which means “Day of Atonement.” During this ceremony
Sage is a plant that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, especially as an antiseptic. The ancient Romans believed that burning sage would keep evil spirits away from their homes. Although there are no specific mentions of burning sage in the Bible, it was widely used in ritual practices during the Middle Ages.
Since burning sage has become a common practice among many religious groups, it’s important to know if it’s in the Bible.
Sage is a plant that has been used for centuries for its medicinal and spiritual properties. It was used by the Egyptians and Greeks to treat various ailments including indigestion, sore throat, colds, and headaches.
In Judaism, burning sage is done on Yom Kippur—the Day of Atonement—to cleanse the air of negative energy. Many Christians also use this practice during their own prayer services to welcome new members or provide an extra layer of protection against negative spirits.
While it may seem like there are many biblical references to burning sage because so many people do it today, there are no direct passages that mention using this plant as part of any ritual or ceremony. However, there are some indirect references in scripture that suggest the use of incense when praying or worshiping God (Exodus 30:1-10).
The Bible has a lot to say about sage. The word “sage” comes from the Latin word sapa, which means “to heal.”
In the Bible, it is used as a symbol for wisdom and healing. It’s also used to describe the smell of burning incense, which is made from dried sage and other herbs. The word “incense” comes from the Latin word incendere, which means “to burn.”
Burning sage was an important part of ancient religious ceremonies. Nowadays, people use it in their homes to cleanse negative energies and create a peaceful atmosphere.
Burning sage is a ceremonial practice that has been used for centuries. It is said that burning sage helps rid the body of negative energy, and it can be used as part of a cleansing ritual. Light the sage with a lighter or match, and watch it burn for about 20 seconds. Once it’s fully on fire, wave it around you in a circle. Then put it out by blowing gently on it or pressing down lightly with your hand. This will cause the ashes to fall into an ashtray or dish, leaving the rest of the herb intact so you can use it again later.
The Bible never mentions burning sage specifically, but there are references to other types of herbs being used in ceremonies. For example: “Then he shall take an unblemished bull calf for a purification offering.” (Leviticus 4:3).
Biblical scholars have been debating for centuries the proper methods and uses of sage. While many believe that sage is purely symbolic, there are some who think it literally is a powerful tool to cleanse and dispel the evil spirits that may be lurking in our homes.
The use of Sage
Sage is an herbaceous perennial whose leaves are used in cooking. Sage can also be used to make a tea, or even a vaporizer! In addition to its culinary uses, sage has been long-used for ritual purposes such as cleansing and purification.
In the Bible there are no references to burning sage in any religious context. If you want to burn sage as part of your spiritual practice, that’s totally up to you—but don’t expect anybody else around you (including God) to care much about it one way or another.
Is burning sage in the bible?
Sage is not mentioned in the bible. This means that it’s not a forbidden item and you can burn it if you want to.
Benefits of burning sage in the bible
Burning sage in the bible is used to cleanse the body, aura, spirit and mind. Sage is also known as a cleanser of negative energy and spirits. It’s been proven that burning sage for purification can help with healing many ailments including depression and anxiety, as well as improving sleep quality. In addition to using it for spiritual purposes, you can use sage for physical healing too!
- Cleansing your aura: Burning sage helps release negative emotions from your body which can affect your energy field or aura negatively. This creates an imbalance that attracts more negativity into your life so cleansing it regularly will keep this energy balanced!
- Cleansing your spirit: After releasing these feelings through burning sage, it’s important to balance yourself again by filling yourself up with positive thoughts/affirmations so that you feel good once again!
- Cleansing your mind: Once again we come back around full circle here because if there’s anything else left over after releasing our emotions with sage then it would be our thoughts……
The truth about burning sage
Burning sage is a ritual that has been used by many cultures—including Native American Indians, who called it smudging. The burning of sage can be used to help cleanse a person, space or object of negative energy and to promote healing. Smudging is also an ancient spiritual practice that dates back thousands of years.
How Burning Sage in the Bible Works
If you are worried about having bad energy in your home, there are a few signs to look out for. These include feeling physically drained after spending time at home, having trouble sleeping or concentrating, becoming more ill than usual and having frequent arguments with family members.
In addition to these symptoms of negative energy affecting your health and well-being, there are also physical signs that indicate the presence of bad vibes. For example, if you see moths flying around lights or hear them banging against windows in the middle of the night it can be an indicator that something isn’t right (the moths may also be attracted by the smell of sage). You might notice spiders building webs where they aren’t usually found as well as dead flies being left on surfaces instead of being swept away by cleaning staff.
Does Burning Sage in the Bible Really Work?
Sage is a great herb for all kinds of reasons, including its ability to help you relax and focus.
When you inhale the smoke from burning sage, it comes into contact with your nasal membranes and causes them to produce more mucus. This results in a feeling of fullness in the head which helps reduce stress and relieve tension.
When you burn sage, the aromatic oils are released into the air where they can be absorbed by your body through inhalation or absorption through your skin (which will also make you smell nice). Inhaling these fragrant oils can help bring about feelings of relaxation as well as reducing anxiety levels.
Where to Get Your Own Burning Sage in the Bible?
Where can you find burning sage in the Bible? The answer is simple: all over the place. If you want to experience the power of this ancient plant, look no further than your local grocery store or farmer’s market. Burning sage is an all-natural remedy for a variety of ailments and conditions, and it’s available at most health food stores. The best part about using burning sage as a natural remedy is that it doesn’t cost very much money!
Burning sage is an effective tool to remove bad energy.
The burning of sage is a practice that has been around for centuries. It is an ancient means of purifying and cleansing the body, mind, and spirit. The process involves using the smoke from burning sage to clear negative energy in one’s environment. This can be done by burning dried leaves or incense sticks made of dried leaves at home or in church services as part of religious ceremonies such as baptism or funerals; in fact, it’s believed that you should always burn sage during these types of ceremonies because it cleanses your soul!
The Bible does not mention any specific plants or herbs to use for incense. However, this does not mean that there is no valid Biblical basis for burning sage in the home or church. If you do decide to burn sage as an act of worship, it is important to remember that God’s Word should always take precedence over what you believe about something else (i.e., your own experiences with particular herbs). You may find that your spiritual practice is enhanced by using incense or other similar items, but if these things conflict with God’s Word then they should be avoided altogether—even though they may seem harmless at first glance.”
What Does the Bible Say About Burning Sage?
Burning sage is a spiritual ritual practiced by native peoples around the world. The specific practice of burning sage is not mentioned in the Bible, though God did instruct Moses to prepare a blend of herbs and spices to burn as an incense offering.
Also known as smudging, the practice of burning sage is done as part of a ritual which involves the bundling of certain herbs such as sage, cedar, or lavender into sticks and then slow-burning them in a purification ceremony, for meditation, for blessing a home or space, or for the purpose of healing, which is considered to be different than incense burning.
Burning Sage in the Bible
- Burning sage, or smudging, is an ancient spiritual purification ritual practiced by some religious groups and native peoples around the world.
- Burning sage is not encouraged or expressly forbidden in the Bible, nor is it specifically mentioned in Scripture.
- For Christians, sage burning is a matter of conscience and personal conviction.
- Sage is a plant used in cooking as an herb, but also for medicinal purposes.
Burning sage began with native cultures in many parts of the world, including Native Americans who held smudging ceremonies to ward off evil spirits and illness, and to encourage positive, healing energy. Over the course of history, smudging found its way into occult rituals, like spell casting, and other pagan practices.
Burning sage has also attracted New Age interest as a way of purging “auras” and eliminating negative vibrations. Today, even among ordinary individuals, the practice of burning herbs and incense is popular simply for the aroma, for spiritual cleansing, or for the supposed health benefits.
Burning Sage in the Bible
In the Bible, burning incense began when God instructed Moses to prepare a specific blend of spices and herbs and to burn them as a holy and perpetual incense offering to the Lord (Exodus 30:8-9, 34-38). All other mixtures of spices used for any other purpose than the worship of God in the tabernacle were expressly forbidden by the Lord. And only the priests could offer the incense.
The burning of incense symbolized the prayers of God’s people going up before him:
Accept my prayer as incense offered to you, and my upraised hands as an evening offering. (Psalm 141:2, NLT)
Over time, however, burning incense became a stumbling block to God’s people as they began to intermingle the practice with the worship of pagan deities and idols (1 Kings 22:43; Jeremiah 18:15). Even still, the appropriate burning of incense, as God had initially commanded, continued with the Jews into the New Testament (Luke 1:9) and even after the Temple was destroyed. Today, incense remains in use by Christians in Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and some Lutheran churches, as well as in the emergent church movement.
Many denominations reject the practice of burning incense for several reasons. First, the Bible expressly forbids any practice associated with witchcraft, spell casting, and calling forth spirits of the dead:
For example, never sacrifice your son or daughter as a burnt offering. And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD. It is because the other nations have done these detestable things that the LORD your God will drive them out ahead of you. (Deuteronomy 18:10–12, NLT)
Thus, any form of smudging or sage burning tied to pagan rituals, auras, evil spirits, and negative energies, goes against biblical teaching.
Secondly, and most importantly, through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross and his shed blood, the Law of Moses has now been fulfilled. Therefore, rituals like burning of incense as a means of approaching God are no longer necessary:
So Christ has now become the High Priest over all the good things that have come. He has entered that greater, more perfect tabernacle in heaven … With his own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—he entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever. Under the old system, the blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer could cleanse people’s bodies from ceremonial impurity. Just think how much more the blood of Christ will purify our consciences from sinful deeds so that we can worship the living God. For by the power of the eternal Spirit, Christ offered himself to God as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. (Hebrews 9:11–14, NLT)
The Bible teaches that God is the only one who can protect people from evil (2 Thessalonians 3:3). The forgiveness found in Jesus Christ cleanses us from all wickedness (1 John 1:9). God Almighty is the healer of his people (Exodus 15:26; James 5:14-15). Believers do not need to resort to burning sage to ward off the devil or his evil spirits.
Freedom in Christ
There’s nothing wrong with burning sage for non-spiritual reasons, such as the pure enjoyment of the aroma. Christians have freedom in Christ to burn sage or not to burn sage, but believers are also called to exercise our freedom to “serve one another in love” (Galatians 5:13).
If we choose to burn sage, we ought to treat it like any other freedom in Christ, being sure not to let it become a stumbling block for a weaker brother or sister (Romans 14). Everything we do should be for the benefit and not the detriment of others, and ultimately for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:23-33). If a fellow believer comes from a background in paganism and struggles with the idea of burning sage, we are better off refraining for his or her sake.
Believers are to consider their motives for burning sage. We don’t need sage to increase the power of our prayers. The Bible promises that through Jesus Christ, we can boldly approach God’s throne of grace in prayer and find help for whatever we need (Hebrews 4:16).