The words I have written down in the article is nothing but a small attempt to show that Moslems are not violence people, we love and respect all humans of this planet. Our prayers are for everyone in the world, we pray for peace and respect on earth and we want this day to last forever. God bless you, because he loves you.
We ask that you, in the name of God, restore our planet. This planet we call home belongs to you, God, the loving Lord of heaven and earth. Help us, Lord, to appreciate it the way you do. Give us the strength to sacrifice ourselves for the benefit of all people and all of your creation, as you do.
Prayer For Everyone In The World
![A Prayer for Light for the World [John 1:9] - Daily Prayer Guide](
Dear God,
I pray for everyone in the world today. I pray that they will have a safe, happy and healthy day. Please help them to find peace and happiness in their lives.
I pray for all those who are suffering from illness or injury. Please help them to recover quickly and be healed completely.
I pray for those who are lonely and need friendship. Please help them to find friends who will care about them.
I pray for those who are hungry or homeless; please provide food and shelter for them as soon as possible.
I pray for those who have lost loved ones; please comfort them in this difficult time, and help them to find peace again one day soon.
Dear God,
We thank you for the world we live in. We thank you for the beauty of nature, and the joy that comes from spending time with friends and family. We also thank you for the opportunity to help others in need. We pray that everyone will be able to enjoy life’s blessings, and that no one has to go without even the most basic necessities of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen
Dear God,
We pray for all of humanity. We ask that you watch over us and protect us, especially those who are suffering most. Let your light shine on them, and let it guide them to safety. Bring them peace and hope, and give them strength to endure these difficult times.
We praise you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon us: our families, our friends, our homes, our food and water, our health, our safety from harm. Please continue to bless us with these gifts so that we may continue to live in peace and harmony with one another.
We pray for the victims of this terrible tragedy who have lost their lives or been injured by its effects; we pray for their families who are suffering alongside them; we pray for those who have been separated from loved ones by war or illness or other circumstances beyond their control; we pray for those whose homes were destroyed by earthquakes or hurricanes or fires; we pray for those who are still trapped in rubble as they wait for rescue workers to arrive; we pray for those who have suffered great losses in any way because of this disaster—from losing loved ones to losing everything they own.
Prayers For Our Troubled World
Dear God,
We ask that you protect us from the evils of this world. We pray that you will be with us in our times of despair and heartache, and that you will give us strength to carry on. We ask that you keep us safe from harm, both physical and emotional.
We also ask that you forgive those who have wronged us and guide them towards repentance. We pray for all of our loved ones who are not here with us today.
We thank you for your blessings upon us and for your love, protection and guidance throughout our lives.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for creating this world and making it so beautiful. Thank you for giving us the capacity to love one another, and for the ability to feel pain when those we love are in need.
May we all take a moment today to reflect on how much we have been blessed by Your love, and may we realize that there is no greater gift than compassion.
We pray today that You might grant us increased understanding of the ways our lives can be used to bring hope and healing to those who suffer. In order to do this, we must first learn what it means to be truly present with others—to listen deeply, without judgement or expectation; to let go of our own needs as best as possible in order to meet theirs; and to offer comfort where it is needed most.
We ask these things through Christ our Lord, Amen