Incontinence can have a spiritual meaning. To feel like one cannot stop a bad behavior, such as eating too much sugar, smoking, or drinking alcohol, is a basic idea in Christianity and Buddhism. Below, we will review the Spiritual meaning of incontinence, the spiritual meaning of bladder cancer and the spiritual meaning of urine smell below.
Incontinence is defined as the inability to control urination or defecation. It is not simply limited to those suffering from accidents; it can be coupled with physical as well as mental impairment. The literal translation of the word incontinence in Latin means “without law” and it has been a fascination for many religious scholars such as Augustine, who wrote on the topic.
The spiritual meaning of incontinence is a difficult concept to grasp, but once it’s understood, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for personal growth.
Incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine or feces. It happens when you can’t control your bladder or bowels. In addition to being the result of illness or injury, this may also be the result of depression or anxiety. When we’re talking about incontinence as a spiritual concept, we mean that there is something in your life that you cannot control and that has led to some sort of crisis situation.
Spiritual Meaning of Bladder Cancer
Incontinence can involve money problems, relationship issues, job loss, legal trouble—anything that makes you feel like everything’s going wrong and there’s nothing you can do about it. The inability to control these situations can cause anxiety and depression, which then leads to incontinence.
But there is hope! Once you’ve accepted the fact that there’s nothing you can do about this situation (and this isn’t always easy), you can start working on ways to cope with the problem at hand and move forward with your life.
This might involve changing how you think about things. Rather than seeing yourself as someone who gets into trouble all the time for no reason at all, try thinking
Incontinence is a condition that affects the bladder. When you have incontinence, your bladder doesn’t work properly and causes you to have difficulty holding or controlling your urine.
Incontinence can be caused by a number of things, including:
- Certain medications: Some medications, such as diuretics (water pills) and those used to treat high blood pressure, can cause incontinence. If you’re taking these medications, talk to your doctor about other options that may be right for you.
- Aging: As people get older, their muscles weaken and they begin to lose control of their bladder functions. This is especially true for women who have been through menopause because they no longer have estrogen production in their bodies.
Spiritual Meaning of Incontinence
Do you pee a little when you sneeze, laugh, or cough? That’s incontinence. It means your pelvic floor isn’t working optimally with the bladder and brain to keep urine from leaking out. It’s a good idea to see a urologist or pelvic floor physiotherapist to help with this problem, but there may also be a spiritual aspect to that little leak. What we’re considering here is the spiritual meaning of incontinence.
*Please note that trauma often plays a role in vaginal issues, so read on with care, be gentle with yourself, and skip this article if you’re not in a place to think about that right now. Call RAINN’s sexual assault hotline at 800-656-4673 if you need to talk to someone.
Powerful Times of Release
The vagina is a powerful, energetic gateway. It can draw in energy, certainly and it can also release energy out through urination, menstruation, and sometimes childbirth. The pelvic floor is meant to be a barrier to help keep things in when they should stay in and let things out when it’s time for them to go.
With menstruation and childbirth, we are particularly open in an energetic sense. The cervix, which is normally closed, opens up during these times (which is one reason these experiences come with some pain). You’re a little more vulnerable when your cervix has opened (including if you were opened through a c-section). That means you can take on more energy that doesn’t belong to you during these moments, and sometimes that energy can get stuck inside of your body.
These are also powerful times of bleeding and release, so if we let them, these can be moments to let go of that old energy that we no longer need within us. This is already happening naturally in these moments, but we must also ensure that we allow the energy to leave and that we protect ourselves from unwanted energy coming in.
One of the things that can happen with trauma or prolonged stress is that the nervous system is constantly signaling to the pelvic floor to contract in order to keep energy in and protect ourselves. When the pelvic floor can never let go, we can never fully release the energy that shouldn’t be inside of us. Over time, this also weakens the pelvic floor, which can contribute to incontinence. Yes, usually incontinence means there is weakness in the pelvic floor, but we don’t often realize that weakness is often caused by too much tension.
The Vagina After Childbirth
For many of us, vaginal pain and imbalances can stick around after childbirth due to trauma, hormonal shifting, and injury to the vagina or pelvic floor.
Incontinence is a common aftereffect of childbirth, and in part, it indicates a loss of strong boundaries, which happens naturally when we have a young baby. The baby’s needs always come first, and we don’t always get to keep our own energy. There is a sort of “leaking” that can happen, especially when we don’t have enough support from our community or family to help us with the major task of both raising a baby and maintaining a sense of our own selves and our own separateness.
It is important that we get support during this time. Professional help from a pelvic floor physiotherapist, osteopath, doctor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, naturopath, and/or counselor can greatly help us return to balance. New parents also need other forms of support, including childcare, so they can get some space to focus on healing. If you can find a way to get help with the baby so you can go get a massage or take a yoga class, your vagina will thank you!
Taking some time for yourself can bring up feelings of guilt and anxiety. Keep in mind that plenty of evidence shows that parents who are calm, mentally well, and resourced tend to be more patient and loving parents. We can’t control everything about our support and resources, of course, but take a look at what you could do to put your needs first, even just once in a while. If guilt and anxiety are present, let them be friends who are letting you know you’re changing a pattern.
Spiritual Meaning of Urine Smell
Urine has a spiritual meaning in many cultures, from Egypt to India. In the Hindu religion, urine is considered a sacred fluid that contains the essence of life itself. The Hindu god Shiva is often depicted with a golden stream of urine coming out of his penis, which is said to be a symbol of his creative power.
In ancient Egypt, urine was used as part of daily cleansing rituals and also as an offering to the gods. It was poured into the Nile River and was believed to help cure diseases such as arthritis and skin problems.
In the modern day, urine therapy has become popular among some people who claim it can treat health problems such as acne, fatigue, stress, depression and menstrual issues (among others). However, many medical experts say there is no evidence that urine therapy works or even that it’s safe for human consumption!
Self-Care & the Spiritual Meaning of Incontinence
Here are some questions to consider:
- Am I connected to the needs of my own body?
- What about the needs of my heart, my mind, my spirit, and my relationships?
- Am I able to get those needs met?
- Am I asking for help when I need it?
- Is help available?
- What is my relationship to setting limits with my child/ren? What does it feel like to say no?
- Where can I set a limit with my family in order to get something I need?
- How can I negotiate with my guilt so that I can get my needs met?
Incontinence is treatable through physical means, but because the pelvic floor is so deeply hooked into our nervous system, it may also be worth exploring the spiritual meaning of incontinence by looking at what’s happening in this area on an energetic level.