Many churches today have built basketball gyms for their young congregants. This is a great example of being fully committed to the mission of your church. If you’re an avid basketball player, what better way could there be for you to get involved?
The book The Purpose Driven Church by Rick Warren has helped thousands of churches reach their full potential, and Warren’s leadership continues to be a tremendous influence in the way organizations are run today. Before Rick Warren became a well-known pastor and author, he played basketball at San Jose City College. This was back in 1970–71. Interestingly enough, the San Jose campus actually had a regulation-size indoor basketball court that made it possible for teams to practice year-round. This leads us to the topic of churches with basketball gyms—or more specifically, Christian churches that have basketball facilities on site! Discussed: Trinity Vineyard Church, Indoor Basketball Courts.

Churches With Basketball Gyms
Churches with basketball gyms might not be something you think is that common, but they are actually more common than you might expect. There is a population of church buildings with basketball or multi-purpose courts that have been constructed as permanent fixtures of the church. However, these facilities vary widely in quality, ranging from leagues to NBA-level court conditions.
I was watching a documentary on TV when suddenly someone said, “The name of Jesus has become a brand.”. I was in awe that such a statement exists. I started to wonder what the connection was between basketball and churches . How can you find churches with basketball gyms? Well my friends, let me tell you that story …
Churches are the perfect venues for basketball gyms. Churches have the space, they have the facilities, and they often have a built-in audience of interested participants. They also have the opportunity to bring people from different neighborhoods and backgrounds together. Here are some examples of churches that have created their own basketball circuits.
Central Christian Church (Bethlehem, Pennsylvania): This church’s gym is open to the public for pick-up games and clinics. They offer opportunities for members of the community to join their teams when they don’t have enough players.
Mount Olivet Baptist Church (San Francisco): This church holds a weekly basketball tournament for young adults in their area who want to play competitively but don’t have access to other leagues or practices outside of school hours.
Mayflower Congregational Church (Boston): This church hosts one-night tournaments with prizes for winners as well as free pizza for everyone who participates!
If you’re looking for a church with a basketball gym, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got a list of churches in your area that have basketball gyms and other amenities that will help you get the most out of your religious experience.
The number one thing to look for when searching for a church with a basketball gym is a church that has been around for over 100 years. This ensures that your church is stable and established and will be around for many years to come.
Churches With Basketball Courts Near Me
If you’re looking for more than just basketball gyms, try looking at churches that offer child care services or afterschool programs. These programs can help keep kids safe while they’re waiting for their parents to finish up at church.
In many ways, a church and a basketball court go naturally together. They’re both places for community building and socializing, with an emphasis on team spirit. Whether you need spiritual guidance or a place to shoot some hoops, these five churches are ready to serve you:
Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City
Richard M. Upjohn created the Park Avenue Presbyterian Church in 1891. The church is located on Park Avenue and 64th Street in Manhattan, New York City. The congregants of the Church of the Pilgrims moved to this location when their old building was demolished to make way for one of the city’s first skyscrapers.
The church is a National Historic Landmark and has been called “one of America’s most magnificent churches.”
Trinity Vineyard Church
1400 S. Lamar, Austin, TX 78704
Trinity Vineyard Church is a non-denominational, multi-ethnic church in South Austin. They have three campuses: South (South Lamar), East (East Riverside) and Downtown (West 5th Street). Each campus offers a state of the art auditorium with a capacity of thousands of people. The church also has two indoor basketball courts and an outdoor basketball court that are all available for rent by the public.
Trinity Vineyard Church is a Christian church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
The church has many activities for all ages, including children’s ministries and a basketball court.
The church’s basketball court is open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., as well as Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon.
The church also offers other sports activities like soccer, flag football and volleyball.[1]
Indoor Basketball Courts
Basketball is a great way to keep in shape and stay active. It can also be a great way to socialize with friends and family members. Indoor basketball courts are perfect for playing games with small groups or even large groups of people. Many times, these types of facilities also include other sports such as tennis, racquetball, volleyball, etc. If you’re looking for a place where you can play basketball indoors, then check out our list below:
Fitness Club: Most fitness clubs have an indoor basketball court or two available for members and non-members alike. The prices vary depending on the club but it is usually cheaper than renting out an indoor court at other facilities. You will generally need to pay a deposit fee as well as monthly membership fees in order to use the facility’s equipment.
University: Many universities have their own indoor basketball courts that they allow students to use free of charge during normal business hours (usually around 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays). As far as I know, this practice is legal since it isn’t restricted by any laws or regulations so it may vary from school to school depending on how strict they are when it comes to enforcing this policy (if they even enforce it at all).
First Church of Christ Scientist in Oakland, California
Church and gym. Church and court. Church, gym, court. It’s all the same to me! This church doubles as a basketball facility so you can play ball while you worship if you want to.
There’s even a little café in the back where they sell coffee and pizza after services, which is great because sometimes it’s hard to find places that are open late at night when I get hungry after playing ball at my local church, gym, or court (nota bene; if you want to know what a “note bene” is then go read some Wikipedia articles).
St. Stanislaus Church (Bricklayer’s Union), Chelsea, Massachusetts
The church is a sports gym for the Bricklayers Union and also a concert venue, a place of worship and a place of education. It’s one of the largest churches in Massachusetts.
Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Eugene, Oregon
Vineyard Christian Fellowship is a church in Eugene, Oregon. The church has a basketball court and also serves as home to the Eastside High School basketball team. The gymnasium includes bleachers, locker rooms, and restrooms for players and spectators of all ages. This is a great place to watch your favorite high school team play!
Churches can also be sports gyms.
Many churches have basketball gyms, but they’re not the only place you can find one. Churches are often used as sports gyms, and it’s a great way to get fit while supporting your community.
- Churches are often free, so you won’t have to pay any membership fees or anything like that!
- They usually have plenty of space, which means that there are a lot of courts available for play at any given time.
- They usually have lots of people who use their facilities on a daily basis, and if they don’t already have a sport team in place, there may be an opportunity for you to start one! A church might even help advertise for your team if it’s something that would benefit members directly (such as through health insurance).
If none of these options seem viable for where you live now… fear not—there’s another option: build your own court!
How To Get Your Own Basketball Gym
When you open a gymnasium, you are providing a space for athlete teams to practice various sports. Gymnasiums are also referred to as indoor sports facilities and may include basketball courts, indoor soccer fields, batting cages, racquet ball courts and matted areas for gymnastics. If you plan to open a gymnasium, you need a large enough building to accommodate sports team practices.
Develop a business plan. It outlines your plan for the gymnasium and states your objectives for your company. Entrepreneur David Ronick explains that a business plan includes what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. List all operating and equipment costs you can expect as part of your business. When you seek out funding, financial institutions will want to review your business plan.
Find a location for your gymnasium. You may purchase a previously owned gymnasium or find a site to begin construction on a new facility. Depending on how many courts and game play areas you plan to offer, you may need anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 square feet.
Build up funds to open your gymnasium. Apply for small business loans and grants through local banks. You need to show how much money you’ll need to start operations and how much you can expect to flow into the business as a way to pay off the loans. An exit strategy must also be presented in case your gymnasium business does not succeed.
Outfit the gymnasium with the necessary equipment. Required equipment and facilities may include hardwood flooring for the courts, artificial turf for indoor fields, nets, mats, sports equipment, lighting fixtures and furniture, and lockers and shower rooms.
Set up a pricing model for the gymnasium. Gymnasiums charge customers a rental fee to use the space in the gymnasium. You could also offer classes and free play sessions to increase your revenue.
Market the gymnasium. Advertise your new gymnasium through local newspapers and sports themed magazines and newsletters. Network with local clubs and schools that have sports teams that may need practice space.
Launch your grand opening. Hire and train staff members to assist clients with renting and using space in your gymnasium. Host an event to announce your business to the community with tours, food and giveaways.
After examining the trends among churches as basketball gyms, it appears that a lot of people still attend church. This could mean that there is a need for more churches with basketball gyms in order to accommodate everyone who attends them. Additionally, if we look at how many people are going to church today, then we can see that there is still an interest in going even though many other things such as movies and video games entertainment have taken over some of its place.