When a pastor is on sabbatical, indefinitely in retirement, or has died, the Presbytery may, through its Board of Transition, delegate all or part of the powers and duties vested in such pastor to one or more individuals selected by the Presbytery.
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If a pastor dies, who takes over?
A good question, and one that’s not as easy to answer as you might think. It depends on how the church is structured: if it’s a small congregation, they may have a board of elders or other leadership structure in place; if it’s larger, they may have an appointed interim pastor. But no matter what structure your church uses, here are some things to consider when faced with this situation:
1) Who will lead Sunday services? If you’re planning on having someone fill in temporarily while you look for a new pastor, make sure those services are covered.
2) Who will lead Bible studies? If your church has regular Bible studies or other programs that require a leader (like adult education classes), make sure those are covered as well.
3) What about funerals? You’ll want someone who can speak at funerals—and preferably someone who knows the deceased well enough to talk about them honestly and with sensitivity.

If a pastor dies who takes over?
That’s the question that many churches are asking themselves as they mourn their pastors. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and will provide a replacement for any pastor who is called home before their time.
But what happens in the meantime? How do you keep your church running smoothly when you’re in mourning and not sure how long it will last? Here are some tips for keeping your church running smoothly while you wait for God to provide a new pastor.
1) Don’t rush into anything. You may feel pressure to find someone right away, but don’t rush into anything until God has revealed His plan to you.
2) Be clear about what needs to happen next. Do you need to call an interim pastor? Do you need to advertise? How do you want this person to be selected, and what kind of person should they be?
3) Make sure everyone knows who’s doing what and when—and that includes everyone from the board members down to Sunday school teachers!

If a pastor dies who takes over
If the church is connected to a denomination like Lutheran, Methodist, Roman Catholic, there is a leader, often called a Bishop, who would appoint a pastor to assume the duties of pastor for that congregation. The newly-appointed pastor would be sensitive to the grief and mourning of the congregation.
If the church is an independent one, the church’s board of directors would be responsible for the next steps. Typically the board does not include any pastors and their decisions are made out of their own experience in church and in industry.
When a church’s pastor dies, there is an effort to both mourn the loss, seek God’s direction and continue ministries as they are able.
That depends a lot upon the congregation and the denomination, but I wouldn’t expect any but very small independents to just stop services. There are more people running a church than just the pastor. Congregations of my denomination (the Mennonites) hold autonomy instead of being run by the conference.
My own congregation always has an assistant pastor or two, so (s)he would take over while our board of elders decides what to do and takes applications for a replacement. When our pastor retired unexpectedly(?), we hired a professional interim pastor for a year and he helped talk us through what we might want in our next pastor. Apparently he travels the country and makes a living at this.
But we have good enough relations with our conference that I imagine a nearby Mennonite church’s assistant pastor (or a retired one) would offer to step in for a month if we didn’t have our own back-up. If his own church needed him, a small group of them might split the burden.
In some denominations an Interim Pastor will be appointed to immediately substitute for the loss of clergy. This is helpful because the congregation is grieving the loss. Changes that the new Pastor makes will remind some members that their former Pastor is gone. “Well, Pastor Smith never did it that way.” Or if the former Pastor was excellent at preaching while the new Pastor is excellent at teaching, this talents difference can be problematic. Also members will want to reconsider their continues membership.When some members leave, the Board can get very anxious about the new Pastor.
The Interim Pastor leaves within a couple of years, and the change of clergy will help unify the congregation again.
If a pastor dies who takes over
When a pastor dies, who takes over? That’s the question that many are asking in the wake of Beverly Carter’s death. The real estate agent was taken hostage while showing a house and later found dead. Police arrested Arron Lewis for her murder. He says he took Carter to an ATM, where she gave him $10,000 in ransom money.
Beverly Carter’s husband, Carl Carter Jr., had been pastor of the Landmark Church of God in Christ in North Little Rock since 1990.
In many cases, when a pastor dies who takes over becomes evident quickly: often it is his assistant or another pastor at the church. Sometimes it’s someone that has been identified by senior leadership at the church as being equipped to take over if necessary or as someone being groomed for leadership at some point down the road. In some cases, which have become more common over time as well-trained pastors become increasingly available, churches will choose someone from outside their congregation as their new leader after prayer about what God would have them do next for their church – led by lay leaders or occasionally even a replacement senior leadership team brought in to help with this transition time until a permanent plan can be determined for moving forward and maintaining effective ministry beyond this crisis point that many churches face when they lose their top executive – the senior pastor
Does the assistant pastor of a church take over if the senior pastor dies
In most cases, the assistant pastor will not take over for a senior pastor if the senior pastor dies. Often, assistant pastors step down when their boss leaves. When that happens, churches typically begin the process of finding a new pastor by forming a committee (consisting of staff and lay members) to conduct an extensive search for candidates. If you’re currently in an assistant position and want to become a lead, your best bet is to communicate your interest in taking on more responsibility with your current employer.
What happens to church when a pastor dies? Does it cancel …
So what happens when a pastor dies and leaves the church?
The assistant pastor does not take over, in most cases he/she will step down and a new pastor will be found.
You ask: “What happens to the congregation if the pastor dies?”
We say: “The assistant pastor does not take over, in most cases he/she will step down and a new pastor will be found. The church may have an interim pastor or they may search outside the church.”
You ask: “How long will it take to get a new senior minister?”
We say: “Usually three to six months.”
You ask: “Will there be anyone available during that time?”
We say: “Yes! The assistant pastor or one of your elders can fill in until a new senior minister is found.”