Every day, thousands of people browse the internet looking to see pictures of jesus in the clouds. They are searching for pictures, pictures of jesus in the clouds. That is why I have put together this list of recent photographs that people have submitted, pictures of jesus in the clouds. If you’re looking to see pictures of jesus in the clouds yourself or just want a collection of cool photos, then you’ve come to the right place!
People that don’t follow Jesus often hear about claims of “pictures of Jesus in the clouds”, and how people claim to see an image of Christ in everything from pictures on toast to pictures of jesus in the clouds. This is considered an example of pareidolia, which is the tendency for humans to pick out patterns of object, like seeing a face on Mars or on processed cheese.
Sure, clouds can be a pain. They can mess up a picture or they can block your view of the sky. Clouds have very little purpose, but there is something interesting about them. They are in the sky, and sometimes you can see figures in them. It is these images of Jesus Christ, the virgin Mary, and other religious icons that led to the word “cumulus” used to describe these cloud formations.
Jesus in the clouds is a rare phenomenon that occurs when Jesus appears in the sky as a cloud. The most famous example of this phenomenon was on April 21, 2011, when Jesus appeared in the sky over Jerusalem. This was especially surprising because it was Good Friday, which is usually not a good time for Jesus to appear in the sky. However, since Jesus had died on Good Friday and risen from the dead on Sunday morning, he decided to make an exception for this one special day.
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Pictures Of Jesus In The Clouds
A new religious trend has just swept across the nation. A group of church-goers started taking pictures and video footage of Jesus in the clouds to prove his existence. Jesus has been spotted in the clouds. Yes, you read that correctly. Pictures of Jesus in the clouds have recently been submitted to our site via The Chive’s SendItToTheChive.com launch campaign. We can’t confirm if these photos are legit or if this is just a hoax, but we’ve done some investigating and here are some of the top Jesus pictures we’ve come across thus far:
Throughout history there have been many sightings of Jesus in breathtaking places, or is it just your mind playing tricks on you? Below are a few pictures that might be some of the best sightings yet.
Jesus In The Clouds
This is a picture of Jesus in the clouds. The person who took the picture was walking through a park when he saw it. He said that he was so surprised that he dropped his camera and ran away. He didn’t want anyone to see him taking pictures, but he couldn’t help himself. He had to get one last shot before leaving.
When people first saw this picture, they were shocked at what they saw. But soon, they realized that it wasn’t really Jesus in the clouds—it was just an image created by sunlight reflecting off of a nearby building onto another building across the street!
Jesus is in the clouds!
These pictures of Jesus in the clouds are amazing.
The first picture is of Jesus’ face in a cloud. We can see his eyes and nose and mouth, as well as his long hair and beard. Wow!
The second picture shows Jesus with his arms outstretched, looking down upon us from above. He’s wearing robes that look like they’re made of linen, so it must be pretty hot up there! Still, he looks cool as a cucumber (or as cool as someone who can control weather). If only we could be as calm and collected as him—but then again, he does have all the power in the world.
The third picture shows Jesus with one hand raised up toward heaven and one hand stretched out toward Earth. In this image, he appears to be walking on water—but not just any water: water from the Sea of Galilee!