Hugging trees can increase your nature-connection, which is about the physical, psychological and emotional impact of engaging in nature through our senses and immersing ourselves in our natural surroundings. It is also about our sense of the relationship that we have with the natural world.
Hugging a tree for spiritual meaning can be practiced individually — in your mind, or silently — or with a group of people. Hugging a tree is an activity that has rich history and ties to various religions and belief systems, particularly within the traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism.
When you hug a tree you feel its essence connecting to every part of your being. The roots run deep into the earth while branches reach up to the sky. Nature’s bounty is defiantly evident as you absorb all that nature has to provide. The leaves rustle in the wind, the birds sing their shrill song, and the water flows over stones with tiny bubbles popping at each step. All this and more can be found in hugging a tree. Hardships fall away, demons are no longer silent, pain is held at bay, and darkness has no place to hide.
Spiritual Meaning Of Hugging A Tree
Hugging a tree is a great way to connect with nature, and it can also be a powerful spiritual practice.
Trees are one of the oldest living beings on this planet, which means they have some serious wisdom to share. They’ve been around for millions of years, and they’ve seen it all—they know how to survive in any environment, and they’ve had plenty of time to perfect their survival strategies. So if you’re looking for some life advice or maybe just a little inspiration, hugging a tree is definitely worth trying.
If you’re having trouble getting into the spirit of things, here are some tips for getting the most out of your hug:
Make sure it’s not too cold outside! If there’s snow on the ground, wait until springtime or fall (or winter if you live in a warm climate). If it’s too hot outside, try taking an evening walk around sunset when the temperature has cooled off a bit. Choose an old friend! You don’t have to pick out someone new every time; just go back to your favorites whenever you need some advice or inspiration.

Hugging A Tree Dream Meaning
When you hug a tree, you are connecting to the earth. You are connecting to nature. You are connecting to all that is around you, in all its beauty and wonder, and you are acknowledging that there is something greater than yourself.
You can feel it when you hug a tree—it’s not just a thing, it’s a living organism. It’s alive and breathing, just like you are. And when you hug it, there is an energy exchange that happens between the two of you—you give your love and appreciation for its existence, and it gives back by letting you know what it needs from its environment in order to survive and thrive.
It may seem like it’s nothing more than hugging any other living thing—like hugging your cat or your dog or even another human being—but that would be wrong! Because hugging trees has meaning beyond just being loving or kind toward something else; there is spiritual significance attached to this act as well.
Hugging a tree is an ancient spiritual practice that has been used for centuries by people all over the world. It is an activity that allows you to connect with nature and your surroundings, while also giving you the opportunity to feel grounded and focused.
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious, hugging a tree can help you calm down and find peace of mind. The act of hugging a tree also helps us to feel more connected with our environment, which may help us to improve our overall relationship with nature.
spiritual meaning of hugging a tree
Nature is a medicine that works for all mental and emotional ailments. Though we need to do the legwork to become our healthiest and highest self, nature is up there on the list of remedies.
Whether it be a lonely heart, a tired mind, depression, ADHD, stress, or anxiety (etc.), nature finds a way to help. We are all deeply rooted in nature, whether we feel it or not; and getting back to our source gives our spirit a good cleanse.
It’s not just the open green spaces that heals; it is specifically the vibrational properties of trees and plants. The trees provide us with not only oxygen, shade, and wood; but they also give off healing energy to the beings that interact with them.
In Blinded by Science, author Matthew Silverstone said he has proven that the vibrational energy of trees and plants gives us health benefits. Trees give off a grounding energy, with their roots embedded in the ground, and a safe and secure feeling to those who depend on them. They emulate a strong figure, that is firmly in the earth, but always reaching upward; using their strength to grow higher and extend goodness toward others.
Scientists are now starting to realize that the tree-hugging hippies may have seen something that they haven’t. We know that everything around us has a specific vibration. A tree, when touched (or hugged), has a unique vibration that affects our well-being in many wondrous ways.
By coming in contact with the trees we pick up these vibrations and are grounded by the trees natural life-giving energy. It also gives us a chance to slow down and get in touch with the natural part of us, and the world around us.
How can we reconnect to nature, and practice tree hugging?
Just like with human relationships, there are many ways that we can have a relationship with nature. Nature can be like the cousins we drive out to see every once in a while, the parents we see once a week, or a close friend we talk to every day. You can also have a relationship with nature as an intimate lover.
To strengthen this relationship, choose a tree near your house, or in the park, and work on your relationship just with that tree alone. When you feel that you’ve created a bond, visit other trees, plants, or walk in the forest; and get to know them too. Here are some way to get to know your tree:
- Hug the tree. Imagine it receiving all your worries and recycling it through the earth. Imagine receiving all the strength and stability that the tree embodies.
- Trees have a way of standing as wise old pioneers; so imagine that this is so, and talk to the tree as if it is a mentor to you. You can also use your tree as a role model; when you are feeling insecure or unconfident in a situation, practice standing firm and confident like your tree.
- Thank a tree (mentally or verbally) for nourishing the earth, and helping you ground yourself.
- Send positive energy to the tree. This will also be beneficial to you, as giving out good energy affects the giver as well as the receiver.
- Plant a tree to continue the positive cycle. This is also a way that humans can give back to nature all the nourishment it provides us.
You can also:
- Bring plants into your home and workplace.
- Plant a garden in your backyard, or even in a pot. This is a very intimate way to have a relationship with nature.
Now, we understand that nature can have many benefits; but how do we make time for some good ol’ tree hugging in our hectic days?
1) Make designated activities “outdoor activities.”
If you have other rituals that you do daily, take them outside. This way you become used to going outdoors with a habit that you’ve already got down pat. So if you write in your journal every day, or call your mother, or read the newspaper, or study; find a nice park to walk through, a big tree to rest under, or a nearby beach. Soon, nature will be a part of your daily routine along with your old habits.
Nature Fact: Researchers at Tokyo’s Nippon Medical School found that women who spent six hours in the woods over the course of two days had an increase in virus-and-tumor-fighting white blood cells, and the boost lasted at least seven days afterwards.
2) Exercise
The same goes for exercise. If you have a daily workout at the gym or in your home, move it outdoors and see how it can drastically improve your mood and stress levels. Biking is a great workout for your legs, and makes getting from place-to-place, or just going around town, a more enjoyable and healthier experience.
Nature Fact: A 2011 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that people who walked on an outdoor track moved at a faster pace, perceived less exertion, and experienced more positive emotions than those who walked on an indoor treadmill.
In another recent study done in Scotland, subjects who walked through a rural area viewed their to-do list as more manageable than those who walked on city streets.
3) Take a friend
This may sound weird, but using someone else may motivate you to get some quality nature time. Like walking a dog, you are getting where you need to go through someone else’s needs.
So, walk your neighbour’s dog (if you don’t already have your own furry friend), take your kids out for a much needed run around, meet a friend in the park, etc. Anything to get you and your loved ones outside.
Nature Fact: Studies show that when children can see trees or shrubs from their classroom windows, they have better concentration, enhances cognitive abilities, improves academic performance, and have an easier time thinking creatively and problem solving.
Imagine the impact when these children actually spend time in nature. Just a 15-20 minute walk through nature can help both children and adults concentrate better, whether they are counteracting ADHD or not.
4) Join an outdoor activity

Join the yoga class in the park, the book club in the garden, the survival 101 in the forest, the surfing lesson at the beach, even gardening in your own backyard, etc. Once again, this is to motivate you and get you in the habit of making nature a regular part of your everyday life.
Nature Fact: Norwegian researchers discovered that subjects with moderate-severe depression who participated in a horticultural program, experienced reduced symptoms after 12 weeks.
“Humans are innately engaged in nature,” says study author Marianne Thorsen Gonzalez, PhD, making gardening an ideal distraction from the rumination that fuels depression.
5) Little things
If all else fails, and you really cannot find time in your schedule to get out, there are some small helpful things you can do to bring the nature to you. Hang up scenic pictures in your work space, place plants throughout your house, eat a healthy green salad, or even wear jewelry or clothing made from natural materials.
You can also make quick stops during your day, such as picking a beautiful flower on your way to or from work; or stopping to to look at a striking tree or cloud in the sky. These little moments will help rejuvenate you throughout your day, and bring a little more greenery into your life.
Nature Fact: Not only does nature help us, but even pictures of nature can be extremely beneficial. According to a study in the Korean Journal of Radiology, people who were shown pictures of scenic, natural landscapes had heightened activity in areas of the brain associated with recall of happy memories compared to people shown urban landscapes. So hang some landscapes up by your desk and watch as your day gets a little brighter.