Are you trying to attend the next Kanye West Sunday Service in your area but are wondering how much the tickets will cost? We’ll take a look at how you can get the best tickets and prices.
Kanye West Sunday Service Tickets are on sale for $20 for each session, with all proceeds going to charity
The ticket price for each service at Kanye West’s Sunday Service has been made public. Read on to learn more about the pricing, and to see why some may have found the cost to be controversial.

The venue and city where you’ll be seeing Kanye West Sunday Service determine the cost of the tickets. The best way to find out how much your Kanye West Sunday Service tickets will cost is to use our interactive seating chart to choose your seats, then enter your preferred section, row, and price range. We’ll show you exactly how much each option costs so you can pick out the most affordable option for you!
Kanye West Sunday Service tickets are going to cost you a pretty penny. The service is hosted at the Adidas Arena in Anaheim, California.
The tickets range from $300 to $400, depending on location and time of purchase. If you want to get away from the crowds and get a chance to sit down in peace and quiet during the service, you can also have your ticket upgraded for an additional $200 per seat.
Kanye West’s Sunday Service is a weekly event that takes place at the Los Angeles Forum. The service is held every Sunday at 11 a.m., and admission is free. In addition to listening to music and participating in meditation, you can also watch videos and participate in discussions with other members of the congregation.
Kanye West’s Sunday Service Concert Tickets
Be a part of the unique concert and church experience with Kanye West’s Sunday Service tickets from TicketSmarter. The Christian music experience debuted on January 6, 2019, at Kanye West’s property in Calabasas, CA. Since then, Kanye West’s Sunday Service has been held in venues across the United States, such as the Powwow Garden outside the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, WY. Kanye West’s Sunday service has been held in his hometown of Chicago at the Huntington Bank Pavilion.
Kanye West has said the impetus for the Sunday service was to “open up our hearts to make music.” Kanye West’s Sunday Service features the choir The Samples. Jason White is the choir director for the gospel music group. Fans will hear a variety of gospel-inspired remixes of classic songs across different genres. Different local pastors and preachers will also deliver sermons. Kanye West’s Sunday Service was featured at Coachella at the Empire Polo Club in 2019. Preacher Joel Osteen opened up his Lakewood Church in Houston, TX for a special edition of Kanye West’s Sunday Service. The day featured conversations between Kanye West and Joel Osteen, with the Sunday service being held in the evening. Buy Kanye West’s Sunday Service tickets for an unforgettable Christian music experience.
Service Times and on Sundays
A pair of identical in-person services are available. Both at 11 a.m. and 9 a.m.
Between the hours of 10 and 11 AM, and again between 12 and 12:30 PM, Stepping Stones Books and Gifts is available to the public.
The lobby will be available for your arrival at 8:30.
— The main parking lot is the only one available. We have locked the gravel lot. — You should probably put on a mask. If you require a mask, we have several available.
— Feel free to pick a seat wherever in the chapel.
The sanctuary and the family room are both suitable places for children to sit with their parents.
— When sessions resume for teenagers, you are more than welcome to join in.
Right moment… — No post-service prayer or youth group meetings are held in person.
Take notice…
Our policies are based on recommendations from the county health department, which are subject to change and may differ from the most recent recommendations from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and individual states. We shall proceed with extreme caution to protect everyone involved.
Please join us online instead of going to the Centre if you or a member of your family has had any symptoms of COVID-19 in the 48 hours prior to the scheduled service.
What This Prayer does
By strengthening our connection with God over the course of nine days, a novena may help us fight against that temptation. Those of us who, despite our best intentions, could eventually stop praying if left to our own devices might benefit greatly from this method.
Fallen humans frequently exhibit defiant behaviour. We dislike being ordered about. However, it’s possible that submitting to a heavenly prescription like a novena is the greatest cure for such disobedience.
We are more likely to pray sincerely and to appreciate the prayer leader’s position of authority if we commit to praying at a specific time and on a specific day. Our prayer time is more effective now that we have a routine down.
The optimism that our prayers would change the world is dashed when we do a novena.
The novena is a set of prayers said over the period of nine days to show God how completely we rely on Him and to give Him control over the outcome.
The widow in Jesus’ parable (Luke 18:1-7) who begged the court for mercy seven times is a model of prayerful modesty and persistence.
This goes against the conventional wisdom that, by reciting a novena, we abdicate (rather than vie for) authority. Some novenas even claim to “never fail” if you follow the steps exactly.
Such advice (which is usually offered anonymously) is irrational and should be ignored. A novena will not alter the path of Providence. The number of days we spend in prayer is irrelevant; our words will not alter the course of events.
Instead, God wills that we accomplish what He intends for us to do. To prove how seriously we take prayer, we need do nothing more than pray.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t believe in the efficacy of a novena, though. They are, as are all prayers that are taken seriously. On rare circumstances, the outcomes of a novena prayer are nothing short of miraculous.
The precise, “guaranteed” promises connected with a few novenas should be viewed with scepticism, but the fact that millions of individuals have reported obtaining answers to their prayers through this technique suggests that it is at least worth a try.
When The dream and the words have You completely stumped: Do This
Perhaps the most important thing to learn from the Bible about dreams is how we should respond to them. To determine whether or whether our dreams are messages from God, we should compare them to biblical teachings.
It is essential that we make judgements based on a careful examination of claims in light of the Bible. God tells Israel’s leaders in Deuteronomy 13:1-3 to ignore the “dreamers” who preach heresy. We will not follow their example, but rather seek God’s will through prayer and Bible study (1 James 1:5). God may or may not use dreams to communicate with us, therefore we shouldn’t put any stock in them. Typically, the Bible is how God communicates with humans.
How the Bible Sees Our Kind of Fiction
A few dreams are mentioned in the Bible, however they are all dreams provided by God to specific people (see above).
Many Christians will see visions in the latter times, according to Acts 2:17. They were undoubtedly shown a glimpse of Heaven, Christ, or the future, but no details were revealed.
It seems that the message of Ecclesiastes 5:7 is to spread your resources around and not rely on any one thing too much. The aphorism goes something like, “much dreaming… (is) meaningless.” Instead of depending on dreams, we should read the Bible to learn God’s will for our lives.
Jeremiah 29:8 warns us not to put stock in the fantasies of others. False prophets may make up dreams to manipulate God’s faithful. When hearing about someone else’s dream, Christians should use utmost caution and constantly compare the dream’s interpretation to the Bible.
When all the rhetoric is stripped away, what is it that the Bible truly teaches?
The Bible was authored by persons who had direct communication with God and were thus able to pass on their profound understanding of Him. Here, we look at Jesus Christ, the second person of the triune Godhead. Love and life are the major ideas. The use of words and concepts is widespread, as is the juxtaposition of these elements.
God is the origin of love and all other beautiful things. God is described as love in 1 John 4:8, while John 1:3 declares that God gives life. Life on this rock hurtling through space must be interpreted as lasting longer than seventy-five years (give or take) if God is the source of life and life itself, and if He is everlasting.
God created humanity from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him when he had finished shaping the world. As a result of that one man’s wickedness, death entered the earth. The end of the world was never part of God’s plan for humanity. All of man’s efforts are difficult and fleeting because of sin and death. Because of sin, not only do men fail in their efforts to please God in this life, but they also perish in sin and spend eternity apart from God in hell.
God sent Jesus to Earth to give salvation to sinners. “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” Jesus said. You have to come to me before you can reach the Father. You would have easily noticed my dad if we were acquainted. You have now seen him, and thus it is written (John 14:6). Believers in Christ are restored in their relationship with God, redeemed for everlasting life, and given a fresh mission here on earth.
The issue is that human nature and everything else in the world act as barriers that must be overcome. To live in this world is to sin, to avoid the light, and to serve Satan. A passage from Ephesians 2:2–4 states that “in the past we also… indulged the desires of the body and the mind, and so became children of wrath, just as the rest of mankind” (NIV). As the passage puts it, “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience.”
The roots of a person’s obsession with sin, wickedness, and worldly power may be found in their ideas, beliefs, and actions. Satan makes these issues worse and is a direct result of man’s inherent wickedness. The thief only comes to steal, murder, and destroy, but Jesus came so that people may have “life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). The Bible warns that “for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). If one abandons one’s own path in favour of the world’s, they run the danger of missing out on the joys of both this and the next world. What can a man give to exchange for his immortal spirit?
Christ-Centered Charity
My Father will love you, and we will come to you and live with you” (John 14:23). Those who love me will follow my instructions. Jesus declared.
Obedience to Christ is an expression of one’s love for Christ.
The way to spiritual growth, holiness, and perfection is via love for Christ.
Loving Christ leads to a deeper union with Christ, which leads to a deeper union with God, which leads to a deeper union with others. We are motivated to serve Christ because of our devotion to him.
If you genuinely care about Jesus, you’ll give up something for him. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruits of the Spirit that enable us to live in the Spirit and serve one another compassionately.
The motivation underlying every choice to obey Christ is undeniable loyalty to him. Christian love, in its purest form, gives preference to what is good and rejects what is bad. Our faith in and devotion to Christ are the means by which we are redeemed from our sins and made into new people.
The love of Christ compels us to act in ways that are kind, honest, moral, and just. Christ’s love has set us free from the dominion of sin and the devil.
Our lives are transformed from curses to blessings as our love for Christ grows. Hope, strength, and inspiration come from having a deep devotion to Christ. Self-discipline is beneficial because it helps us achieve our goal of sharing in Christ’s holiness. Our faith in Christ makes it possible for us to emulate his selflessness, mildness, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love.
Because of our faith in Christ, we have every good reason to rejoice, to feel safe, to anticipate His aid and benefits, to experience salvation, and to live a full and rich life. To love Christ is to grow into His likeness and triumph over sin and evil. To adore God is to seek His absolute perfection, including His holiness, His Word, and His grace.
Having a deep, abiding love for Christ makes us more resistant to the seductive pull of pride, haughtiness, corruption, and self-centeredness.
Kanye West’s Sunday Service Ticket Prices
Kanye West’s Sunday Service ticket prices fluctuate based on the artists who are performing. Big-name artists such as Chance the Rapper will increase demand. Tickets also routinely sell out which raises ticket prices.
How much are Kanye West’s Sunday Service tickets?
Kanye West’s Sunday Service concert tickets can be found in places like The Forum – Los Angeles in Inglewood, CA. Upper-level seats will cost around $75 to $105. Lower level seats range from around $125 to $300. Floor seats have been known to cost around $350 to $500. Kanye West’s Sunday Service concert tour tickets in venues such as Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island, Chicago, IL will be slightly cheaper. Grandstand seats have been known to cost around $67 to $90. Reserved floor seats in the 200 section can be around $150 to $250. General admission pit tickets may be around $325 to $500.
Kanye West’s Sunday Service Tour Dates & Concert Schedule
Kanye West’s Sunday Service offers concerts on an almost weekly basis. Local churches become venues alongside more traditional concert venues such as The Forum – Los Angeles in Inglewood, CA. There have been plans to include international Kanye West’s Sunday Service tour dates in locations across Europe and Africa. Artists from a variety of genres have made guest appearances at the event. Rappers Lil Nas X and ASAP Rocky and the pop star Katy Perry have all attended Kanye West’s Sunday Service. Actors and comedians such as Brad Pitt, Chris Tucker and David Letterman have been known to appear alongside Kanye West. Browse through Kanye West’s Sunday Service concert schedule above to find tickets to the next performance.
When do Kanye West’s Sunday Service tickets go on sale?
Tickets usually go on sale a week prior to concerts. Performances at music festivals such as Coachella or conferences like the Strength to Stand Conference will usually be announced many months in advance. Tickets for these events will go on sale two to three months before the concert.
Kanye West’s Sunday Service Seating Chart
This gospel music concert takes place in traditional music venues as well as open fields across the United States. Venues with capacities of around 17,000, such as Lakewood Church in Houston, TX, will give fans a more conventional concert experience. Seating is arranged in four tiers, with the cheapest seats found in the 300 sections. Seats in the 100 sections will bring fans close to the stage. There are also Kanye West’s Sunday Service concert tickets for events held in outdoor locations. For these concerts, fans will find general admission seating. This will allow concertgoers to enjoy an intimate experience and engage with the celebrities in attendance. Click on a performance in Kanye West’s Sunday Service concert schedule to see an interactive seating chart.
Safe and Secure Kanye West’s Sunday Service Ticket Purchasing
Kanye West fans can skip the box office lines and purchase Kanye West’s Sunday Service tickets from TicketSmarter. Our unique online ticket marketplace allows fans to get their tickets quickly and easily. We implement the highest security standards available to keep your information safe and secure while completing your purchase.
100% Kanye West’s Sunday Service Ticket Guarantee
Your Kanye West’s Sunday Service tickets are 100% guaranteed. They are sure to arrive before the concert and get you through the door. Shop with confidence knowing that verified customers rate TicketSmarter 4.6/5.0 stars.
Rest assured that you are in good hands. And don’t worry if you can’t make it to a Kanye West Sunday Service, I will help you make the best decision when purchasing tickets online. This is my job and believe me that I am here to help every single fan in getting the tickets they want with ease.
Kanye’s team is refusing to confirm how much tickets for this Sunday’s church service will cost. But we do know that the price will go up based on demand. So, who knows – maybe Kanye West tickets aren’t as unreasonable as they seem!