Becoming a pastor in Canada can be a challenging journey, but it can also allow you to contribute to your spiritual community and help those in need. Our guide below will teach you the steps you need to take in order to become ordained as a pastor, or any other clergy member.
Have you ever thought about becoming a pastor?
If so, you’re in good company. In fact, there are currently more than 1.2 million pastors serving in the United States alone. But what does it take to become one of them?
The answer is not as simple as “getting ordained.” Becoming a pastor involves many steps, including earning an undergraduate degree and completing seminary training. This article will cover everything you need to know about becoming a pastor in Canada!
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How To Become A Pastor Canada
Are you looking for a guide on how to become a pastor in Canada? If yes, here it is!
Pastoral jobs are one of Canada’s professional jobs in religion, which often requires a university degree to become one. The candidate must hold an ordination certificate from a reputable denomination or organization and must have the necessary counselling education , or be willing to take an intense certificate or diploma courses from Waterloo Bible College .
As of 2011, more than two-thirds of Canada’s population are Christians. This amounts to approximately 22.1 million Canadians. The denomination of Christians in Canada consists of Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Christian Orthodox, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, United Church, etc.
Without a doubt, Christianity is a well-established religion in Canada. Its initial emergence in Canada was in 1497. Choosing to work as a pastor will lead you towards a spiritual life while teaching others on the right path of Christ, and getting paid by the church in return.
The average salary of pastors in Canada per year is about CAD $20,000 lower to the average yearly earnings of workers generally within the country. Regardless of that, pastoral jobs are profitable in Canada and have good prospects.
On this page, you’ll be access the steps to take to become a pastor in Canada. It also covers information on their job duties, estimated salary, qualifications, licensing, some churches to apply to, and more.
Who is a pastor?
A pastor is a person with authorization to conduct religious activities. He or she also leads the congregation in the church, as well as advises, encourages and leads them to Christ.
Besides, pastors are one of the professional occupations in religion in Canada. There are varieties of pastoral job positions and titles in Canada.
Some of these include assistant pastors, evangelist/outreach pastors, senior pastors, youth pastors, worship & creative arts pastors, English pastors, Cantonese pastors, and children’s pastors.
What do Pastors do?
Generally speaking, you need to know what the church and congregation expect from you while planning to become a pastor in Canada.
With regard to this, here are the primary job responsibilities of pastors.
- Organizing and administering sermons
- Providing counselling services such as to individuals and prospective couples
- Carrying out events and programs based on the church’s mission
- Hosting special events and guests according to need
- Upholding a well-built image that portrays the mission of the church
- Executing community support schemes
- Discussing business terms to promote the church
- Collaborating with the advisory councils, as well as with church boards to decide on the church’s direction
Why is Pastoral job a good career in Canada?
The following are justifications that show that pastoral jobs are rewarding and worthwhile in Canada.
- There is a shortage of pastors in Canada. Because of this, even foreigners can become a pastor in Canada through its Express Entry’s Federal Skilled Workers Program (FSWP).
- Pastors earn a substantial salary of CAD $51,675 in Canada. This amount is sufficient to cater for a family of not more than two.
- There are good career prospects for pastors in Canada due to its high population of Christians and churches. Moreover, pastors have more job opportunities in Ontario and British Columbia provinces of Canada.
How To Become A Minister In Canada
All persons who want to become a pastor must possess a number of essential skills. These skills make it possible for you to carry out your job responsibilities as expected.
You can surely build all of these skills through mentorship by emulating the moral qualities of a pastor.
The following are the top five (5) skills you need to become a pastor, as well as to conduct religious activities in Canada.
#1. Public speaking skills
To become a pastor in Canada, you need to possess top-notch public speaking skills. This gives you the courage to stand and preach in front of the congregation.
You can develop your public speaking skills by rehearsing, learning how to control your breath while talking, and by maintaining a relaxed state.
#2. Good communication skills
As a pastor, you need to be excellent in both written and oral communication. This implies that your English language should be superlative with regard to speaking, writing, reading and listening.
#3. Problem-solving skills
Another top skill required to become a pastor in Canada is problem-solving skills. With a high level of problem-solving skills, you’ll be able to resolve conflicts within the congregation, as well as in the neighbourhood.
You can develop this skill by thinking and praying on all matters brought forward to you.
#4. Leadership skills
Pastors also need to have premium leadership skills in order to enable them to lead and rule the congregation. Being a good leader demands you to be compassionate, dependable, patient, creative, and experienced of several situations.
#5. Active listening skills
Undoubtedly, pastors are required to have good active listening skills. With this skill, you’ll be able to pay attention to your church member’s spiritual needs, marital issues, and other concerns.
Ensure not to judge too quickly or to interrupt him or her when explaining their concerns and problems to you.
How To Become An Ordained Minister In Canada
Simply by acting on the following steps, you’ll find it very easy in becoming a pastor in Canada.
- Attain education in theology
- Seek for a mentor
- Get ordination as a pastor
- Apply for pastoral job positions
STEP 1: Attain education in theology
Before you can become a pastor in any Canadian province or territory, you need to have completed a post-secondary program. A theology-related degree program from an accredited university is often required.
As a matter of fact, several denominations of Christians require pastors to have graduated from a theological college or university program in order to facilitate their ordination.
STEP 2: Seek for a mentor
#2 out of the four steps to take to become a pastor in Canada is to consider having a pastor as your mentor. This serves as a way of getting guidance and advice on what pastoral job entails.
Having a mentor will also enable you to learn about their moral qualities, skills, as well as how they perform their responsibilities in the way of the Lord.
Without doubt, you can seek for your mentor while studying in a college or university. These include through your supervisor or an internship program.
As a matter of fact, having a mentor will help you gain cognizance of how to handle wide-ranging situations, as well as to make critical decisions.
STEP 3: Get ordination as a pastor
Here is the stage where your degree certificate comes in handy. As has been noted, you must have completed a Bachelor of Theology degree program in order to meet the employment requirement for pastors in Canada.
Of course, you need to be ordained with the United National Ministry before you can officiate weddings, and conduct some other religious activities in Canada. There are surely different ways to secure ordination in Canada depending on the province or territory.
STEP 4: Apply for pastoral job positions
This is definitely the last step to take in becoming a pastor in Canada. It requires you to start sending and completing applications for pastoral jobs in Canada.
Employment agencies and job sites are options open to you in finding pastoral jobs in any Canadian province or territory. There are many employment agencies in Canada that help both Canadian and foreign workers.
Additionally, you can try job sites like Talent Canada, Glassdoor, Job Bank, Jobillico, CareerBuilder, Jobboom, Indeed Canada, LinkedIn, Monster, Eluta, Workopolis, etc.
Pastor Jobs In Canada For Foreigners
Pastoral Courses In Canada
A bachelor’s degree is given to students who fulfill the necessary requirements given by the college or university they are attending. The requirements include three to seven years of focus on a subject, typically referred to as a major or concentration.
Ministry is an area of academic focus seeking to prepare students for their future ordination as ministers of the church. Often, students learn many of the most useful skills for clergy members, such as leadership, mission planning and education.
Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean.
Graduate Certificate in Ministry Leadership
Horizon College & Seminary
Horizon College & Seminary
Saskatoon, Canada
This program aims to prepare ministry leaders by combining graduate courses in leadership studies (9 credit hours) and biblical and theological studies (9 credit hours). These courses can later be applied to a graduate degree program. –
English (Canada)
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Bachelor of Christian Ministry
Eston College
Eston College
Eston, Canada
Expand your practical toolkit of servant leadership gifts and continue to strengthen your spiritual muscles, with practicum opportunities in the area you hope to serve in.
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BA Music Worship Arts Stream
Tyndale University College and Seminary
Tyndale University College and Seminary
Toronto, Canada
The BA in Music Worship Arts stream offers a holistic program for students pursuing careers in music ministry. Serving both the church and society, this degree enables you to have a solid basis musically, biblically and practically to expertly lead in worship music with self-assurance and theological awareness. –
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Bachelor of Christian Ministry
Nipawin Bible College
Nipawin Bible College
Nipawin, Canada
The Bachelor of Christian Ministry program offers an increasing degree of knowledge and leadership development as it builds onto the Christian Ministry Diploma courses (years 1 and 2). The program objectives are: a competent knowledge of Scripture, and attitude of servant leadership, and skill development for Christian ministry. –
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Bachelor of Theology Pastoral Ministry
Master’s College & Seminary
Master’s College & Seminary
Peterborough, Canada
This four-year degree is a comprehensive program of training for ministry, with courses in theology, Bible, practical ministry, and general studies. In addition to acquiring a solid biblical and theological foundation, you will also develop the practical ministry and leadership skills essential to effectively give leadership to a faith community. –
Famous Pastors In Canada
Canada is celebrating its 150th year of existence, and we too are joining in the celebration. We know that Canada is not a perfect country and that Canada does not have a spotless past. But Christians can still be thankful for the good things that God has done and is doing in our country.
God is at work in our nation, and I for one am thankful for the many Christian leaders that the Lord has raised up in our nation. I asked a number of these leaders: “What is one unique thing about Canada that you are thankful for,” and here is how they answered.
Brett Landry | Lead Pastor of Christ City Church in Vancouver
Brett LandryI grew up in a village in rural central Alberta and now pastor a church in the heart of Vancouver and I’m not sure the rest of the world thinks it needs more Canada, but I sure love living here. In a world of heated rhetoric around walls, travel bans, Brexit, and the rise of neo-nationalism, one author speculated that we may be “the last immigrant nation left standing”. Our own Prime Minister was quoted as saying that Canada may be the “first post-national state”. Our ongoing policies of multiculturalism and immigration are a beautiful part of being Canadian.
Whether you agree with our Prime Minister’s statement or not, immigration and multiculturalism offer Canadian Christians the opportunity to preach the gospel in beautifully diverse, albeit unique and sometimes even difficult circumstances. Canada offers everyone the freedom to possess their own identity, and while there is an obvious dark side to this kind of autonomy, we as the church need to see the inherent opportunity. What if Jesus’ church saw this freedom as an opportunity to point to a different way of being and a different source of identity? Followers of Jesus do not find their identity in their nation of origin or dwelling, we find our identity in who we are in Christ. The Canadian church is free to show people from all over the world what it means to once-and-for-all ground their identity in the person and work of Jesus.
Mark Dana | Ordained Baptist Minister and Part of the North Canada Evangelical Mission in Quebec
Mark DanaMany First Nations people traveled freely in the land of North America without the distinctions of Canada and the United States. History redefined boundaries and borders, and I chose to become a Canadian though having been born in the Northeastern US. Today, I am able to enjoy similar freedom of travel and use of the land as my tribe did in the past. God’s glory is reflected in the vast beauty and resources that He has entrusted to the inhabitants of Canada’s provinces and territories. The manifold riches of many cultures and languages continue to increase, bringing ethnically diverse persons as welcome neighbors in close proximity to our Gospel communities. Canada is in a unique position for discipling the nations, which includes its original inhabitants.
Robbie Symons | Senior Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in Oakville
robbie bio picAs a Canadian born and raised, it was in my early twenties that I had the opportunity to travel abroad for the first time. I left my homeland for six months and was thankful for the experience. However, it was upon my return back to Canada that I was profoundly struck by how blessed I was to call Canada home. I remember reaching Canadian soil and feeling such gratitude for a nation of freedom, security and opportunity. Canada may be considered to be a humble nation at times, but I am extremely proud of our heritage and the values that we have been founded upon. In fact, one of my relatives was one of the Father’s of Confederation (William McDougall). Oh how blessed we have been and may we never take for granted what the LORD has entrusted us with in such grace and kindness with such a nation as Canada. Truly, God keep our land glorious and free!
Paul Carter | Lead Pastor of First Baptist Church Orillia
2017 Paul Bio PicWhere do I begin? I tell my kids on a regular basis that they have been born into the greatest country on planet earth. We enjoy historically unprecedented peace, prosperity and opportunity; we have wonderful neighbours and abundant natural resources. This is as good as it gets – on this side of eternity!
Having spent a fair bit of time in other lands and places, I think I would also want to add a word of appreciation for our excellent and affordable health care. Whining about wait times is something of a Canadian obsession, but I think all of us know that we are very fortunate to have the system we have. I have 5 kids. I appreciate the fact that at 4 in the morning I can take any 1 of my 5 kids to the ER and know that someone will be there who knows what needs to be done. And I appreciate that no one will ask to see my credit card.
Thank you Canada and happy 150th birthday! May there be many more!
Yanick Éthier | Pastor of Teaching and Vision at Église de l’Espoir in Longueuil
Yanick EthierSans parler d’orientation politique, comme chrétien, je suis profondément reconnaissant d’avoir toujours vécu dans un pays de grandes libertés et de grandes sécurités. Dès leurs plus jeunes âges, nous avons communiqué à nos enfants les privilèges incroyables que nous avions comme famille de vivre en Occident, plus précisément en Amérique du Nord, et tout spécialement au Canada.
Mais je suis particulièrement reconnaissant pour l’héritage évangélique unique du Canada avec ses deux langues officielles. Cette particularité nous a donné une histoire de partage possiblement unique. Ainsi, le Québec francophone qui n’avait pour ainsi dire pas entendu parler de l’Évangile dans toute sa simplicité évangélique, en raison d’une omniprésence de l’Église catholique, a reçu des missionnaires venant de partout en occident, mais surtout de ses provinces voisines. L’Évangile est entré au Québec, enfin!
Et, depuis lors, Dieu a produit un réveil spirituel puissant au Québec dans les années 70-80 qui a donné une vivacité à la foi de cette Église naissante. Depuis plus de 30 ans, à présent, les Églises évangéliques québécoises encouragent les autres provinces à vivre la foi avec le zèle du premier amour. Voilà une histoire de partage qui me rend particulièrement fier et reconnaissant d’être canadien.
Without getting into politics, as a Christian, I am deeply grateful to have always lived in a country of great liberties and great security. From their earliest ages, we communicated to our children the incredible privileges we had as a family to live in the West, specifically in North America, and especially in Canada.
But I am particularly grateful for Canada’s unique evangelical heritage with its two official languages. This particularity has given us a possibly unique shared-history. Francophone Quebec, for example, had hardly heard of the Gospel in all its evangelical simplicity, which was largely due to the omnipresence of the Catholic Church. Quebec, however, received missionaries from all over the West, and most of all from its neighboring provinces. The Gospel had finally entered Quebec!
And since then, God has produced a powerful spiritual revival in Quebec in the seventies and eighties, which gave a vivacity to the faith of this nascent Church. For more than 30 years, Quebec’s evangelical churches have encouraged other provinces to live the faith with the zeal of its first love. This is a shared history that makes me particularly proud and grateful to be Canadian.