Genesis is our first book, and it covers the creation of the world up until Abraham’s family travels from Ur to Canaan. From there, we move on to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth and Samuel (1 & 2). The books of Kings cover all of Israel’s kings until its fall in 586 BCE. Chronicles begins with King David’s death and goes back in time to Adam and Eve before continuing on with Israel’s rulers until their exile in Babylon around 538BCE. Then we have Ezra and Nehemiah as well as Esther before moving onto Daniel and finally ending with Malachi (which takes us all the way up to about 350BCE).
So that’s it! If you’re looking for How many years does genesis cover, How many years does the bible span, a brief history of the Old Testament without having to read it all yourself (which would take forever), this should help get you started!

How Many Years Does The Old Testament Cover
The Old Testament is the first section of the Bible, covering the creation of Earth through Noah and the flood, Moses and more, finishing with the Jews being expelled to Babylon. The Old Testament contains many important scriptures related to Jesus Christ’s life and purpose on earth.
The Old Testament covers about 1,000 years
The Old Testament covers about 1,000 years of history. It begins with the creation and ends with the death of David, but it also includes stories from other people’s lives. The Old Testament spans from the time of judges to the reigns of kings, so it goes back to ancient times as well as forward in time past Jesus Christ’s birth.
The books included in this section are:
- Genesis (the beginning)
- Exodus (of Moses)
- Leviticus (rules for priests)
- Numbers (numbers)
Genesis – Abraham is born and story of creation
The book of Genesis is the first book in the Bible. It’s also known as Bereshit in Hebrew, meaning “in the beginning.” Genesis is a book about beginnings and origins: how God created everything, how Adam and Eve sinned and fell from grace, how Noah built an ark to ride out a flood (and then had two sons), how Abraham was born and became God’s chosen one.
Exodus – Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt.
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
Leviticus – Holiness code for worship.
Leviticus is a book of the Bible. It is the third book of the Pentateuch, and it has a total of 7 subchapters. Leviticus is also part of the Torah and Tanakh, but it’s not present in any other religious texts. The Christian Old Testament includes Leviticus as its third book, while its Jewish counterpart has five more books before this one (Genesis through Deuteronomy).
The Book Of Leviticus Is A Holiness Code For Worship
Numbers – Israelites journey in the desert.
The book of Numbers is the fourth book of the Torah/Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy). This book covers Israel’s travels in the desert after leaving Egypt. The Angel of the Lord appears to Moses and tells him how long they will travel through the desert until they get to Canaan.
How many years does the bible span
The Bible spans 3,000 years and contains 66 books. That’s a lot of time and a lot of authors, so it’s easy to get confused about which book is which. Even some people who claim to be experts on the Bible can’t tell you how many books it has!
To help you sort out all the books in the Bible, here’s a quick guide:
Genesis – The first book of the Bible. It talks about creation and God’s covenant with Abraham.
Exodus – A continuation of Genesis that tells how God rescued his people from slavery in Egypt.
Leviticus – A set of laws given by God for the nation of Israel through Moses. Most Christians don’t follow these laws today because Jesus fulfilled them by dying on the cross for our sins (see Romans 10:4).
Numbers – A book about how God led his people through the wilderness after they left Egypt. In this book we also read about how Korah rebelled against Moses and was killed along with his family (Numbers 16).
The Bible spans nearly 3,500 years of history, from Adam and Eve to the present day. The Old Testament covers the first two-thirds of that time period, while the New Testament covers the last one-third.
The best way to think about the Bible is as a record of God’s revelation to mankind. This revelation began with Adam and Eve and continued until Jesus Christ came to earth as a man. It has continued since then through His followers and will continue until He comes again in glory (1 Corinthians 15:24-28).
So how many years does Genesis cover? Let’s count them up:
Adam was created on Day 6 (Genesis 1:26-27) – approximately 4,000 years ago
Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old (Genesis 5:3) – approximately 4300 years ago
Enosh was born when Seth was 105 years old (Genesis 5:6) – approximately 4100 years ago
Kenan was born when Enosh was 90 years old (Genesis 5:9) – approximately 3900 years ago
Mahalalel was born when Kenan was 70 years old (Genesis 5:12) – approximately 3800 years ago.
How many years does genesis cover
Genesis covers a period of time that spans thousands of years. According to the book of Genesis, the creation of the world occurred about 6,000 years ago. The book of Genesis also tells us that Adam and Eve were created about 5,000 years ago.
Genesis spans from Creation to the death of Joseph in Egypt.
In addition to covering many thousands of years, Genesis also covers hundreds of generations. For example, Abraham is one of the most important characters in Genesis because he was the first patriarch and father of many nations (see Gen 12:1). His grandson Jacob had twelve sons who became leaders in their own right (see Gen 30:21-23). Each son had at least one son who became a leader in his own right (see Gen 46:8-26).
The Bible spans from Creation to the death of Joseph in Egypt which occurred around 1125 B.C., making it roughly 4500 years old!
Deuteronomy – Israelites near the Promised Land.
Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Torah and also includes many of the stories and laws that you read about in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. It is also called “the Second Law” because it summarizes God’s covenant with His people Israel at Mt. Sinai (Mount Horeb). In this book Moses gives them an account of their journey through the wilderness so they can remember how God has led them safely out of Egypt and given them His promise to give them Canaan as their home. The book ends with these words: “And Moses wrote this law [Torah] according to all that Yahweh commanded him; he wrote it according to all that Yahweh commanded him on Mount Sinai. And Moses gave this law unto all Israel who were present in those days; a thousand men had attended Moses from twenty years old and upward: everyone hearing his words as they were spoken from mouth to mouth, so that there was no need for writing down anything from memory.”

The Old Testament covers a huge chunk of history and how God interacted with his people. It covers a period of about 1,000 years, and it starts with the creation of the world and ends when Jesus was born.
The Old Testament contains 39 books, but if you are looking for information on the entire book, I’d suggest reading through my “How To Read The Bible” article that goes over what each one is about.
In conclusion, there are many years and events covered in the Old Testament. The Old Testament is a unique literary work that provides information about the history of God’s people. It also presents an account of human sinfulness, God’s holiness, and his plan for our salvation. It is clear from the Bible that we can learn a lot about our relationship with God by reading these books of the Bible.