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How Many Chapters Are In Each Book Of The Bible

    Each book of the Bible is made up of a range of different chapters. The Bible is a large book, with 66 books and 1,189 chapters. The Old Testament alone contains 397 chapters and the New Testament has 260 chapters.

    The books of the Bible were written over a period of many hundred years by a variety of people from all walks of life, in different circumstances and places. There are basically two ways to count chapters: either its structure or the flow of their content. The number named for each book doesn’t always correspond with their actual number of chapters.

    list of how many chapters are in each book of the bible

    The chart below is a list of all 66 canonical books of the Bible along with the number of chapters in each book. Most of the books were written for a group of readers. Those which were written to specific individuals are identified with asterisk. This list of Bible books has them in the order in which they appear in Bibles today. The order is more in terms of subject matter — history, wisdom literature, prophecy, gospel accounts, letters and so on — than in the chronological order in which they were written.

    For example, Bible scholars say Mark was likely the first Gospel account to be written. However, Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, likely because it makes more references to the Old Testament than any of the other three Gospel accounts. Scholars also think1Thessalonians was the first of Paul’s letters or epistles to be written. However, Romans the first book in the section containing his letters to churches and individuals. The same kind of thing occurs in the Old Testament. Esther, for instance, is about events during the Babylonian exile while books like Psalms and Isaiah, which were written prior to the Exile, appear after the Estther’s story in printed Bibles.

    Book of the Old Testament, a.k.a. the Hebrew Bible

    list of Bible books
Genesis through Song of Songs with number of chapters in each book
    list of Bible books
Isaiah through Malachi with number of chapters in each book

    Books of the New Testament

    list of New Testament
books showing types of writings and the number of chapters in each book

    *Biblical writings addressed to an individual

    See the Old Testament portion of this outline in a graphic table [ more ]

    What are the longest and the shortest books of the Bible?

    Well, there are two ways to measure the books of the Bible. One way is by the number of chapters and the other way is by the number of words. By number of chapters, Psalms is the longest book. In terms of the shortest book, Obadiah, Second John, Third John, Jude and Philemon only have one chapter each. In terms of actual words, Jeremoniah is the longest book and Third John is the shortest./p>

    Books of Bible ranked by the number of chapters

    From the most chapters to the least number of chapters

    1. Psalms — 150
    2. Isaiah — 66
    3. Jeremiah — 52
    4. Genesis — 50
    5. Ezekiel — 48
    6. Job — 42
    7. Exodus — 40
    8. Second Chronicles — 36
    9. Numbers — 36
    10. Deuteronomy — 34
    11. First Samuel — 31
    12. Proverbs — 31
    13. First Chronicles — 29
    14. Acts — 28
    15. Matthew — 28
    16. Leviticus — 27
    17. Second Kings — 25
    18. Second Samuel — 24
    19. Joshua — 24
    20. Luke — 24
    21. First Kings — 22
    22. Revelation — 22
    23. John — 21
    24. Judges — 21
    25. First Corinthians — 16
    26. Mark — 16
    27. Romans — 16
    28. Hosea — 14
    29. Zechariah — 14
    30. Second Corinthians — 13
    31. Esther — 13
    32. Hebrews — 13
    33. Nehemiah — 13
    34. Daniel — 12
    35. Ecclesiastes — 12
    36. Ezra — 10
    37. Amos — 9
    38. Song of Solomon — 8
    39. FirstTimothy — 6
    40. Ephesians — 6
    41. Galatians — 6
    42. First John — 5
    43. First Peter — 5
    44. First Thessalonians — 5
    45. James — 5
    46. Lamentations — 5
    47. Second Timothy — 4
    48. Colossians — 4
    49. Jonah — 4
    50. Malachi — 4
    51. Michah — 4
    52. Philippians — 4
    53. Ruth — 4
    54. Second Thessalonians — 3
    55. Second Peter — 3
    56. Habakkuk — 3
    57. Joel — 3
    58. Nahum — 3
    59. Titus — 3
    60. Zephaniah — 3
    61. Haggai — 2
    62. Second John — 1
    63. Third John — 1
    64. Jude — 1
    65. Obadiah — 1
    66. Philemon — 1

    Bible books ranked by number of words

    From the most words to the least words

    Which Bible book is the longest? Well, it’s not necessarily the one with the most chapter divisions. Take a look at this list.

    The word count given is the number of words each book has in the original languages. That word count would, of course, vary from language translation to language translation

    1. Jeremiah — 33,002 words
    2. Genesis — 32,046 words
    3. Psalms — 30,147 words
    4. Ezekiel — 29,918 words
    5. Exodus — 25,957 words
    6. Isaiah — 25,608 words
    7. Numbers — 25,048 words
    8. Deuteronomy — 23,008 words
    9. Second Chronicles — 21,349 words
    10. First Samuel — 20,837 words
    11. First Kings — 20,361 words
    12. Luke — 19,482 words
    13. Leviticus — 18,852 words
    14. Second Kings — 18,784 words
    15. Acts — 18,450 words
    16. Matthew — 18,346 words
    17. Second Samuel — 17,170 words
    18. First Chronicles — 16,664 words
    19. Joshua — 15,671 words
    20. John — 15,635 words
    21. Judges — 15,385 words
    22. Job — 12,674 words
    23. Mark — 11,304 words
    24. Proverbs — 9,921 words
    25. Revelation — 9,851 words
    26. Daniel — 9,001 words
    27. Nehemiah — 8,507 words
    28. Romans — 7,111 words
    29. First Corinthians — 6,830 words
    30. Ezra — 5,605 words
    31. Hebrews — 4,953 words
    32. Esther — 4,932 words
    33. Zechariah — 4,855 words
    34. Ecclesiastes — 4,537 words
    35. Second Corinthians — 4,477 words
    36. Hosea — 3,615 words
    37. Amos — 3,027 words
    38. Ephesians — 2,422 words
    39. Lamentations — 2,324 words
    40. Galatians — 2,230 words
    41. First John — 2,141 words
    42. Micah — 2,118 words
    43. Ruth — 2,039 words
    44. Song of Solomon — 2,020 words
    45. James — 1,742 words
    46. First Peter — 1,684 words
    47. Philippians — 1,629 words
    48. First Timothy — 1,591 words
    49. Colossians — 1,582 words
    50. First Thessalonians — 1,481 words
    51. Joel — 1,447 words
    52. Malachi — 1,320 words
    53. Second Timothy — 1,238 words
    54. Zephaniah — 1,141 words
    55. Second Peter — 1,099 words
    56. Jonah — 1,082 words
    57. Habakkuk — 1,011 words
    58. Haggai — 926 words
    59. Nahum — 855 words
    60. Second Thessalonians — 823 words
    61. Titus — 659 words
    62. Jude — 461 words
    63. Obadiah — 440 words
    64. Philemon — 335 words
    65. Second John — 245 words
    66. Third John — 219 words

    how many chapters and verses are in each book of the bible

    When preparing Bible Studies, or thinking about what book to study over the course of a term’s worth of small groups, or just planning a sermon series where you are reading an entire chapter of Scripture and preaching on it, it is helpful to have a list of books of the Bible with the number of chapters they contain.

    Of course, this is a blunt instrument – some chapters are longer than others – but given that a faithful preacher can generate a sermon from a single verse of scripture (I’d recommend Colossians 3:17, personally) or even a single word, I wanted to at least for myself collect together a list of the books of the Bible ordered by the number of chapters in each book.

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