Elevation Church Service: How Long Is Elevation Church Service?
The Elevation Church service is a contemporary worship experience that lasts about an hour and a half. The service starts with a song by the band, then Pastor Steven Furtick takes the stage to deliver his message. He might do this alone or with a guest speaker. The service ends with communion, which means that all attendees are invited to take part in an open table where they can receive bread and wine as a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice for humanity.
Elevation Church service times vary throughout the week. On Sundays there are two services at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM, while on Wednesdays there is only one service at 6:00 PM. Thursday nights there is no evening service but instead there is a Saturday evening service called “Breathe” which begins at 7:30 PM and ends at 9:00 PM.
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How Long Is Elevation Church Service
The Elevation Church also known as TEC has been set up by God to develop members to be witnesses for Christ and still empower them to achieve the highest levels of distinction and greatness in life. At The Elevation Church, greatness primarily means service.
According to Mark 9:35, Jesus said that whoever wants to be great in God’s kingdom must first learn to be the servant of all. The privilege of leadership brings with it a higher calling to serve God and humanity. And as we take definite steps to reach out to elevate one another, we elevate our communities as well. Thus, making the spirit of greatness common.
We have a wide variety of ministries and avenues through which our members can serve. Everyone can find a place to spread greatness. So whatever your gift, this is an environment where you can express it and become all God has created you to be!
TEC is also focused on Social Service delivery and is the main driver behind several initiatives, events, interventions and community outreaches that are enablers and beneficial to the social well being of the communities that it serves. TEC’s present focus areas are its immediate communities in Lagos and some other parts of Nigeria. Some of these interventions include:
- The Pistis Foundation
- The Ubomi Project
- Prison Rehabilitation Impact Programs
- E-200 Empowerment outreaches
- Employability enhancement programs
- Several other recovery, medical and wellness interventions