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How Long To Read The New Testament

    How Long to Read the New Testament

    When you’re trying to figure out how long it will take you to read the New Testament, there are a few factors that come into play. The first factor is how quickly you read. The average person reads at around 200 words per minute, but some people are faster than that while others are slower.

    Another factor is the length of each book in the New Testament. Some books are very short and others are quite lengthy. For example, 1 John is only 4 verses long, while Revelation is 66 chapters long!

    If you want an estimate of how long it will take you to read through the entire New Testament, we suggest starting by dividing 110 chapters (the total number of chapters in the New Testament) by 200 words per minute (the average reading speed). Then multiply this number by 60 minutes (the number of minutes in an hour) and divide this result by 60 seconds (the number of seconds in an hour). This should give you an approximate time frame for how long it will take for you to read through the entire New Testament based on your current reading speed and how many chapters each book has!

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    How Long To Read The New Testament


    The New Testament is made up of 27 books and takes about 5 to 7 months to read.

    40 Days: Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

    Six months is a good amount of time to read the New Testament.

    The Gospels are the most important part of the New Testament, and forty days is a good amount of time to start reading them.

    50 Days: Acts

    Acts is the second book of the New Testament. It is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke, which was written first. The book begins when Jesus has ascended into heaven and ends with his great commission to spread the gospel throughout all nations on earth. The author and date of writing are uncertain, but many scholars believe that it was written by Luke around AD 60–62.

    The book tells us about what happened during this time period. it’s called Acts because it speaks about acts (things done) by Peter, John Mark (who wrote the Gospel according to Mark), Paul and others who were apostles or followers who had previously known Jesus while he lived on Earth.

    23 Days: Romans – Jude

    You’ll read Romans – Jude in 23 days and it will take you about 10 hours. This book is the shortest in the Bible, but it’s not lacking in content. In fact, Paul’s letter to the Roman Christians was so influential that it ended up in the Bible. It explores themes like being a Christian and following God’s commands. The letters aren’t meant to be read sequentially; instead, they can be used as individual resource guides for learning about different topics.

    Romans: Jude is an excellent guide for new readers who want to understand more about their faith life and relationship with God but don’t have time or interest in reading through an entire book or series on the topic right away.

    37 Days: Revelation

    Revelation is the last book of the New Testament. It was written by John in about 90 A.D., making it one of the last books written for the Bible. Revelation is unique because it’s not a narrative or letter like all of the other books in the New Testament, but rather an apocalyptic vision from God to John that he records for readers who are living at that time and also for future generations to come who may need encouragement in their faith during difficult times.

    For most people it takes 5 – 7 months to read the New Testament.

    The Bible is not a book that you can read in a day or even a week. It is a book that you can read in your lifetime, but it will take time to get through all 66 books of the Old and New Testament.

    If you’re looking to read the whole Bible as quickly as possible, then I recommend reading three chapters each day (1/3 of the entire Bible). That way, you are able to complete one third of the Bible every week! This method works well if you have less than 5 minutes per day (which is what most people do).


    Reading the New Testament is an exciting and rewarding journey. For many people, however, it can seem daunting. After all, there are dozens of different books to read! That’s why we created this handy guide—if you know how long it takes most people to read each section of the Bible, then you’ll have a better idea of what your own pace should be. The New Testament is also divided into four groups that correspond with the four seasons: Matthew through John (40 days), Acts (50 days), Romans through Jude (23 days), and Revelation (37 days). We hope this helps you plan your reading schedule!

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