A church steeple is a building that is attached to the top of a church tower and carries a spire. Typically, steeples are built with wooden or metal beams and covered in brick, cement, or tiles. The tower of the church is used as a place for observation and worship.
Churchgists is always committed to offering you all the details you need on How To Build A Church Steeple, What’s The Purpose Of A Church Steeple, Things to Consider When Purchasing a New Church Steeple, What Is The Difference Between A Church Spire And A Church Steeple I trust that when you done with this article you will be well grounded on this subject matter.
How To Build A Church Steeple
When building a church steeple, there are many things to take into account. I am here to offer you with the best internet advice on how to go about it. Permit me to begin by introducing myself. I am Albert C. Jones and I am an expert in this field.
Got a few hours to spare, a couple of friends, and a small budget? Then you can build your own church steeple! There are some parts you may have to purchase, but this tutorial will show you how to put it all together.
Church steeples have been part of the human experience since at least 1200 AD and vor sure will be or years to come. Steeples pop up in literature, movies, songs, & they’ve even made their way into video games.
How to build a church steeple
- Start with a wooden frame, which you can make out of 2x4s or 2x6s. Make sure to use good quality wood—it’s going to be holding up your church steeple for many years, after all!
- Cut four pieces of wood for each corner. These will be used to create the main structure of the church steeple; two pieces should be shorter than the other two by about an inch or two at each end because this will help them fit together better later on in the process.
- Glue these pieces into place with strong glue like epoxy so that they are very secure and won’t easily come apart later on in the process. You may also want to screw them together if you’re worried about them coming apart later on down the line–but be sure not to screw them too tightly since they’ll need some room to move around as they expand over time due to weather changes or other factors such as temperature changes (or even just regular wear and tear!).
- Next, take one piece of wood that has been cut longer than all other pieces earlier on in this step (this is what will form one side of your steeple once it’s finished).
The process of building a church steeple is simpler than you might think. The first step is to draw up plans for the steeple, taking into account the size and shape of the church’s roof. You’ll need to consider how much room there is for space between the roof and the steeple itself, as well as how much weight it can support.
The next step is to mark out where your foundation will be laid. Find a level place on your property—you may need to hire an engineer to help you do this if you’re not sure how to do it yourself—and then dig down deep enough so that there will be enough space above ground level for what you want to build inside.
Once this has been done, you need to make sure that everything is level before laying down any concrete or other materials that make up foundations for buildings like churches or homes or other structures like these types of buildings are built upon because if they aren’t level then when people go inside them then they’ll feel off balance because everything isn’t aligned correctly which means that it can cause problems later on down the road when people start using those structures for their intended purposes which could mean something bad happening such as someone getting hurt or even worse!
Choosing to build a church steeple is one of the most important decisions you can make for your church. Certain types of spires have been around for hundreds, even thousands, of years. Do you want to go with a classic design? Or do you want to create something entirely new and unique? You also have to consider how much money you’ll need for materials and labor. Some steeples can cost tens or hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars to build! Of course, the first thing you need is a good location that’s out of the way of power lines and tall trees, not to mention all the other buildings in town. Once you’ve picked a spot, then comes the real work: building a strong foundation, constructing the steeple itself, plus painting and all those finishing touches that really make it yours. Here’s how it’s done:
Choose a type of steeple, or design your own.
To choose a type of steeple, you’ll need to consider three things. First, choose a style that fits your church—one that will match its overall look and feel. Second, make sure the style you choose fits within your budget. And finally, make sure it also matches what your congregation is used to seeing in their community (so they’ll feel comfortable with this new addition).
Determine your budget, supplies and labor.
Before you begin to build your steeple, it’s important that you determine what your budget and time frame are. There are many factors that will affect your budget, such as:
- How much can I afford?
- How long do I have to work on this project?
- What materials should I use?
Find a location that’s out of the way of power lines and tall trees.
When deciding on a location for your steeple, it is important to consider the following criteria:
- Choose a location that’s flat and level. Choosing an area with uneven ground can be problematic in terms of construction, as well as potentially hurting the overall stability of your steeple. If you’re not sure whether or not your chosen site is level enough for building purposes, use a spirit level to check.
- Make sure you choose a site that’s away from power lines and tall trees (if possible). This way, if there are any accidents while you’re building your steeple (such as dropping heavy tools), they’ll have less of an impact on nearby structures or individuals—and it’ll be easier for people who come across them later on too!
- Selecting an accessible location will ensure that getting materials and equipment into place will be easy once construction begins later down the line once everything else has been confirmed as balanced out properly first before moving forward further ahead now so long story short yes it matters because no one wants their
Build a sturdy foundation for the steeple.
As you build your steeple, it’s important to ensure that the foundation is strong enough to support the structure. The foundation must be able to withstand high winds and high temperatures, as well as heavy rains and snows.
To do this, you’ll need to build a sturdy base that can handle all of these conditions at once.
Build the steeple itself.
The first thing you’ll need to do is build the scaffold itself. This will be a structure that stands on its own, and it’s where most of your construction will take place. Depending on how tall you want your steeple to be and how strong it needs to be, this can get pretty complicated. It’s important to make sure your scaffolding is sturdy enough so that no one falls off while working there.
Once you’ve built the scaffold, you’ll want to start working from the top down rather than from the bottom up like most people think about when they hear “scaffolding”. This allows for more control over each piece as it’s being built rather than having everything falling into place at once; this makes it easier for everyone involved if something goes wrong or gets stuck because someone was working on another part of their section when something else happened elsewhere in their area (like getting stuck halfway through a job).
Finish the details and paint the steeple.
- Use the correct paint.
- Have the right brushes and tools.
- Make sure you have proper safety equipment, training, and experience.
- Be sure to have the right attitude as well!
Building a church steeple isn’t easy, but it can be done
Building a church steeple may be a rewarding experience, but it’s not something that can be done overnight.
The first thing you’ll need to do is determine if your church has the funds necessary to complete such a project. If not, then you’ll have to find ways of raising money for the steeple by hosting fundraisers and selling raffle tickets. You could also ask each member of your congregation to donate $1 per month until enough money has been raised.
If funding is available, then it’s time to start planning how big your steeple should be and how much wood will be needed for construction.

Things to Consider When Purchasing a New Church Steeple
A brand new steeple can be a major change for any church. Church steeples are a big deal. People can often see these towers from relatively remote distances. They can help people easily identify churches as well. If you’re looking to purchase a new staple for your church, you should take the search process extremely seriously. No two church steeples in this world are exactly the same. They all bring different things to the table. You should explore all of your options in church steeples with great care and dedication. Your new steeple will likely remain a major part of your church for a long time.
Focus on Steeple Size
Church steeple size is always a critical factor, to say the least. Steeple heights should generally accommodate building heights. Assess the height of your structure beginning at the ground and going all the way to the top. You should aim for a steeple height that’s roughly 1 to 1-1/4 feet tall in relation to the height of the building. If the peak height of your church is 25 feet, you should probably look for a steeple that’s anywhere between 25 and 31 feet tall.
Base width is yet another important size factor. Assess your structure width and then divide it by either six or seven. If your church has a width of 36 feet, you should be on the lookout for a steeple that has a base width of anywhere between 5 and 6 feet if at all possible. That should help get you on the right track in the size department.
Concentrate on Building Design
The world is full of many beautiful and memorable churches. If you want your church to maintain its gorgeous and distinctive appearance, you should concentrate on its overall design. You should look for a church steeple that can blend in seamlessly and effortlessly with the overall design of your structure. Architecture that’s inconsistent and that lacks cohesion can be quite off-putting to people. Make a point to look for a church steeple that can give the appearance of your structure additional harmony. A church steeple either works aesthetically or it doesn’t. If your church has a form that’s similar to that of an octagon, you should look for a steeple that has the same basic design. It can also be a good idea to assess door and window forms. The more cohesion you have, the better.
Explore All of Your Available Color Choices
The vast majority of church steeples in this world are white. White makes a lovely and traditional church steeple color option. It definitely isn’t the only color option that’s available to you, however. If you’re interested in maintaining a classic and traditional look for your church, a white steeple should be ideal. If you want something a little different, however, you can easily explore many other color varieties. Off-white, gray and brown church steeples aren’t at all uncommon these days. It can be interesting to select a steeple color that can successfully highlight other parts of your structure. Some churches have steeples that make the colors of their roofs look more intense and dramatic.
Think About Your Anchoring Needs
Church steeples are connected straight to their structures’ roof support systems. If your structure has a truss system, then its anchor beams are connected via the assistance of numerous trusses. If you have a masonry or metal structure, it should be connected in the same exact way. You can pick a church steeple that’s 100 percent appropriate for your building by carefully assessing its materials and overall style. Try not to make any important anchoring decisions without speaking with a knowledgeable and experienced building contractor, too. A capable building contractor should be able to help you make a sound and reliable anchoring system choice.
Consider Bringing a Cross Into the Mix
Church steeples sometimes feature crosses. They don’t have them in all cases, however. If you want your church steeple to prominently display a cross, you need to invest in a ball. This ball can offer transitional benefits. It can help the spire move into the cross with more ease. Aluminum crosses are common. There are even many crosses that are made using durable material choices beyond just those as well. Fiberglass crosses can be particularly beneficial. Crosses made using these materials offer reliable bonding advantages. They can also help minimize electrical conductivity greatly.
Stay Within Your Budget
Church steeples are no different than most things in life. They’re available in all different price ranges. If you want to choose a high-quality church steeple that can accommodate all of your budget requirements perfectly, you have to be meticulous, detail-oriented and patient. There are so many church steeple options out there. There are large church steeples available that are budget-friendly. There are smaller ones that cost substantially more, too. The options are plentiful.
What’s The Purpose Of A Church Steeple
What is the purpose of a church steeple? Is it purely aesthetics or is there a specific purpose behind them?
Buildings and Communities
Today churches are being put more and more on the fringe of cities. They are being pushed out of downtown sections. In my history classes in college I once heard that the tallest buildings in the community were what the community valued the most. For centuries, in most cities, it was the church steeple that was tallest. Today, in many of the communities in the state in which I live, the grain elevators are the tallest buildings and so this seems to show that the focus in these many towns in Kansas is the wheat harvest. Their whole economy often lives and dies by farming. Today, in most cities, the tallest buildings are reserved for banks and businesses, reflecting what we value the most in these cities but it also reflects who has the most money.
The traditions of Steeples
One thought is that the vertical lines of the steeple helped to visually enhance the lines of the church, directing the viewers’ eyes vertically to the heavens and to God and thus, help to keep us in a heavenly frame of mind coming into worship. Some architects believe that the taller the building is the more graceful and elegant it becomes. Even the use of stained glassed windows were there to tell stories since in the early church, few could read and write, so the images on the stained glassed windows told stories in the Bible without using words. Some steeple’s purpose might be to house the church bells and the higher the steeple, the farther the bells would be heard. For the sound of the church bells to be heard, the steeple had to rise above all the other buildings in the town so that the sound wouldn’t be obstructed. These church bells were useful for community emergencies like fires but also served as town halls for the community to meet in and the bells made it easy to find the church and the height of the steeple allowed people to see where the church was at, even if they were new to town.
Church Steeple History
Steeples traditionally were topped with a cross, a weathervane, or a decorative piece but some also contained clocks so that the community could see when services started. Originally, from the time when reliable clocks were either not around or they were too expensive, but some churches had clocks, some had bells, but almost every church in early America had steeples. Tall steeples were also believed to inhibit evil spirits from entering the church which many Christians believed plagued church buildings. Even the extremely steep roofs, sharp steeples and gargoyles were added to churches in great numbers by parishioners hoping to drive away evil creatures. The thinking was that as difficult to inhabit as they were, they hoped it would drive away evil creatures but mostly, church steeples were built to house bell towers so churches could ring the bell when it was time for worship and everyone could easily hear them from miles around. The church steeple is for this and aesthetics purposes but lastly, the fear of evil spirits.
Church steeples have been around for hundreds of years, and they will likely be around for hundreds more. Besides looking beautiful from the outside, church steeples serve a very important purpose — they are used to hold bells that ring out over the town or city. Building a steeple can be dangerous work, so make sure you read up on safety procedures before beginning your steeple project.
The bells called us to worship, the steeple told us where worship was, and the verticality of the churches directed our attention upward toward God as we entered the church for worship services and may have originated in Europe. Even though there are many different ideas about the origins of church steeples, today it is still easy to spot a church from a fairly long distance. The distinct church steeple still directs our attention upwards and the end result, hopefully, will be that we are drawn to God and as Jesus said “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself” (John 12:32). The cross atop many a steeple is still drawing people to Christ.
What Is The Difference Between A Church Spire And A Church Steeple
Steeple, implies, the turret of a church; be it of what form soever. By spire, is understood, a steeple, rising taper to the top. By tower, is implied, a square steeple.
Spire, and, tower, then, are certain kinds of steeples.