In the Old Testament, God spoke to His people through prophets, angels and dreams. He also gave laws that they could follow and promises that they could look forward to. God communicates directly with people ‘at many times and in various ways’ (Hebrews 1:1). For example, the Old Testament records God speaking through a burning bush (Exodus 3), a thick cloud (Exodus 19:9) and in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:12).
The Old Testament is filled with stories about how God spoke to his people through prophets. The prophet Elijah was one of these prophets. He lived during a time when Israel had turned away from their faith in God. Because of their sins, God allowed the nation of Israel to be taken over by another nation (the Assyrians). But because of his unwavering faith in God’s power, Elijah was able to stand up against the powerful king Ahab and convince him not to kill him (1 Kings 18:10-12).
Another example of how God spoke through prophets is found in Isaiah 6:8-10 where Isaiah describes himself as being called by God: “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I! Send me!'”
But not always. Sometimes he gave people direct commands and instructions through his prophets. In these cases, it’s important to note that he used different means of communication depending on who he was talking to. For example, when speaking with Moses or Elijah, God appeared as a burning bush or a pillar of fire. When speaking with Isaiah or Ezekiel, he appeared as a man. But when giving commands to Balaam’s donkey or Gideon’s fleece (see Numbers 22:21-35; Judges 6:11-23), it wasn’t so much about the message itself but rather the power behind it—the way in which God chose to deliver His message made all the difference in how people responded!
How Did God Speak to Prophets in The Old Testament
In the Old Testament, God spoke to prophets in various ways to deliver messages, warn of impending judgment, and guide his people. Here is a list of how God communicated with prophets in the Old Testament:
1. Direct Communication
God often spoke directly to prophets in the Old Testament. This could be in the form of an audible voice, as seen in the case of Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:4) or Samuel in the temple (1 Samuel 3:4-10).
2. Dreams and Visions
God also communicated with prophets through dreams and visions. For example, Joseph, the son of Jacob, received visions from God that foretold his future greatness and his family’s bowing down to him (Genesis 37:5-11).
3. Angelic Visitations
Angels were often used as messengers to deliver God’s words to prophets in the Old Testament. An angel appeared to Daniel to reveal the interpretation of his visions (Daniel 8:15-17).
4. Signs and Wonders
God sometimes communicated his messages through signs and wonders. For instance, the prophet Elijah called down fire from heaven to prove that Yahweh was the one true God (1 Kings 18:22-39).
5. Writing on Stone or Scrolls
God also communicated his laws and messages to prophets by writing on stone tablets or scrolls. The Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai are a notable example (Exodus 31:18).
6. Prophetic Inspiration
Prophets in the Old Testament were often inspired by God’s Spirit to convey his messages. The prophet Isaiah describes being filled with the Spirit of the Lord to proclaim his word (Isaiah 61:1).
Method of Communication | Example in the Bible |
Direct Communication | Moses at the burning bush (Exodus 3:4) |
Dreams and Visions | Joseph’s dreams of greatness (Genesis 37:5-11) |
Angelic Visitations | Angel appearing to Daniel (Daniel 8:15-17) |
Using these various methods of communication, God spoke to prophets in the Old Testament to guide, warn, and comfort his people. The messages delivered through these means were crucial in shaping the course of Israel’s history and leading them in accordance with God’s will.

How Did God Speak in The Old Testament?
You’re a busy mom. You work, take care of the household, run errands and manage your kid’s school and social calendar. You barely have time to catch your breath some days. And, you want to get in shape. It can feel overwhelming, but it’s not impossible. Here are five ways to motivate yourself without feeling guilty:
God used dreams and visions.

In the Old Testament, God sometimes spoke to people through dreams and visions. These are two ways that He communicated with people.
Dreams were sometimes used by God to communicate information about the future. For example, when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, they told their father they had found Joseph dead in a pit (Genesis 37:12-36). However, when Jacob awoke from his dream after having seen his son alive in Egypt (Genesis 37:13), he knew it was time to go look for him.
Visions were also used by God to communicate information about the future of individuals or nations in the Bible; His message would be received through an angelic being who appeared before them while they were asleep or awake (Daniel 7:1-28).
God spoke in direct audible words.
God spoke in direct audible words.
This is true for the prophets, apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, as well as Moses and the children of Israel:
- “And it came to pass that as he was speaking with a great voice, even so it seemed unto them that they could not hear him, therefore they did not look unto him save it were with scorn; but there were many who did believe on his words” (Alma 26:11).
- “The voice of the Son came into this world from all sides of heaven; from Zion and Jerusalem, from above and below, from east to west” (1 Nephi 11:1).
God spoke through the Urim and Thummim.
The Urim and Thummim were two small stones that the high priest would wear while making decisions in God’s name. The ancient Hebrew text says that they “spoke” to him, but it doesn’t mean that they actually talked. Instead, these stones had something special about them—a supernatural quality—that helped determine God’s will for questions submitted by people who sought His wisdom. The high priest would use these stones to determine a guilty or innocent verdict for someone accused of breaking one of God’s laws. He also used them when deciding whether or not a person should marry another (this was relevant back then). In general, he could consult them on any issue where there was uncertainty regarding what God wanted him to do or say at any given time during his service as High Priest of Israel.
God speaks through His creation.
God spoke through His creation.
The first time God spoke to Job, He did so in the form of a whirlwind (Job 38:1-41:34). The next time He spoke to him, it was in the form of a storm (Job 42:7-9). Finally, when Job was down on his luck and ready to give up on life, God came to him again but this time as fire from heaven that burned everything around him except his wife and children (Job 42:10-17).
God spoke by sending prophets to deliver messages to the people.
God spoke through the prophets to the people. This was an important way that God communicated, but it was not always a popular one. For example, when you think about how difficult it is to just tell someone something they don’t want to hear, imagine having to do it because God told you to! Some prophets were killed for their message and some were mocked or ignored completely by those who didn’t want to hear them.
God spoke through pictures and symbols of all kinds, such as water, oil, fire, clouds, smoke, a donkey, a burning bush, a rock, etc.
God also used pictures and symbols to communicate. For example, sometimes God would use water to speak to his people. Isaiah saw God sitting on a throne above the waters (Isaiah 6:1-4). God also spoke through fire and clouds in the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34-38).
When Moses was struggling with how he could lead Israel out of Egypt, he saw a bush that was not burning up but giving off smoke—and it was not consumed by the flames! At that moment, God spoke to him through this picture (Exodus 3:1-6).
Finally, when Balaam tried to curse Israel but didn’t want anything bad happening there because of them taking care of his flocks, God told him through an animal sign that they were blessed! This donkey stood still while Balaam beat it three times – then went on its way as normal!
God spoke by moving people to write for Him by inspiration of the Holy Spirit as in the case of the Holy Bible–“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” (II Timothy 3:16)
God spoke by moving people to write for Him by inspiration of the Holy Spirit as in the case of the Holy Bible–“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.” (II Timothy 3:16)
This phrase is just one example from a great many Biblical passages that describe how God spoke to His followers. The Bible also indicates that God used angels to communicate with men and women, both before and after the Fall of man (Genesis 18:1). This angelic involvement appears throughout Scripture, from Old Testament times until present day revelation found in Jesus Christ’s life and ministry on earth (see Matthew 1:20).
You can motivate yourself without being mean to yourself.
You can motivate yourself without being mean to yourself.
One of the biggest obstacles to self-motivation is that we’re often our own worst critics, and many people feel like they don’t deserve to be happy or successful. But I’m here to tell you: You do deserve it! It’s okay for you to be a little selfish sometimes, because if you don’t think about what makes you happy, who will?
We can learn a great deal about God’s character, His nature, and His will just by observing how He spoke in the past. It is clear that He communicates with man in ways that are both ordinary and extraordinary. We all want to know what God has in mind for our lives but so often we miss it. In the same way, we miss many of the opportunities to speak with Him as well. If we are going to hear from God and if we are going to speak to Him, then it is important that we allow ourselves some time each day to sit quietly before Him and listen for His voice.