The Watchers were a group of angels who were banished from heaven to Earth for their sins. They are the first creatures to appear in an ancient Jewish scholar’s Book of Enoch. The term “Watchers,” meaning “wakeful ones” (Aramaic ןיריע), glossed as “sons of Heaven” in 1 En. 6:2, refers to a class of angels, mentioned in the Bible only in Dan.4:10, 14, 20.¹ Even within the Book of the Watchers it is sometimes used of the holy angels in heaven (e.g., 12:2-3, 20:1).
The Watchers were sent to Earth to teach humans about technology, math, and other earthly sciences. However, they started having sex with human women after becoming fascinated by them. The offspring of these unions were called Nephilim—the giants who inhabited the Earth before the Great Flood.
The Watchers also ate food that had been offered to idols and drank wine offered in sacrifices to other gods. Because of their sins, God banished them from Heaven and condemned them to wander upon Earth for all eternity.

The Watchers Of The Bible
The term “Watchers,” meaning “wakeful ones” (Aramaic ןיריע), glossed as “sons of Heaven” in 1 En. 6:2, refers to a class of angels, mentioned in the Bible only in Dan. 4:10, 14, 20.¹ Even within the Book of the Watchers it is sometimes used of the holy angels in heaven (e.g., 12:2-3, 20:1).
A Watcher is a type of biblical angel. The word occurs in both plural and singular forms in the Book of Daniel (2nd century BC), where reference is made to the holiness of the beings. The apocryphal Books of Enoch (2nd–1st centuries BC) refer to both good and bad Watchers, with a primary focus on the rebellious ones.
Here are The Features of The Watchers in the Bible
1. Fallen Angels
The Watchers in the Bible are often associated with fallen angels who disobeyed God and descended to Earth.
2. Sent to Watch Over Humans
According to some interpretations of the Book of Enoch, the Watchers were sent to Earth to watch over and guide humanity.
3. Engaged in Forbidden Relationships
One of the most well-known stories about the Watchers is their involvement in forbidden relationships with human women, which resulted in the birth of the Nephilim.
4. Taught Humans Forbidden Knowledge
The Watchers are said to have taught humans various forbidden knowledge, including sorcery, astrology, and other occult practices.
5. Punished by God
For their disobedience and corrupting influence on humanity, the Watchers were ultimately punished by God and imprisoned in the abyss until the day of judgment.
6. Powerful Beings
The Watchers were depicted as powerful beings with the ability to shape-shift, fly, and possess great knowledge and abilities.
7. Associated with End Times Prophecy
Some interpretations of the Book of Enoch suggest that the Watchers will be released from their imprisonment during the end times and play a role in the final judgment.
8. Mysterious and Enigmatic Figures
The Watchers remain a mysterious and enigmatic group in Biblical lore, with much speculation and debate surrounding their true nature and purpose.
Who are the watcher angels / Grigori?
The term Grigori is not found in Scripture. But watcher angels are mentioned in three verses of the Bible, each in a vision that King Nebuchadnezzar had (Daniel 4:13, 17, 23). Not all translations use the term watcher angels. The ESV, CEV, and KJV speak of “a watcher” in Daniel 4:13, and the NASB calls it “an angelic watcher,” but the NIV simply calls this being “a messenger” from heaven. The NET says that Nebuchadnezzar sees “a sentinel.” These watcher angels are supernatural, celestial beings or “holy ones” who come down from heaven with authority to speak for God.
The Hebrew word translated “watcher” in Daniel 4 comes from a root word meaning “wakeful one” and thus can mean “watcher,” “sentinel,” or “guardian.” The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia describes watcher angels as servants of God who “possess a certain joint authority to speak the decrees of God, and apparently form a heavenly council who listen to God’s word and then act as divine messengers to bring these commands and revelations to human beings” (vol. 4, p. 1024).
Noncanonical literature elaborates in detail regarding the watcher angels. According to the books of Enoch, watcher angels can be either fallen angels or holy angels. These watcher angels take a particular interest in the earthly affairs of human beings, “watching” them and, at times, even interfering in or controlling situations that concern people. The fall of the watcher angels unfolds in the apocryphal book of 1 Enoch. Part of Enoch’s mission is to pronounce God’s judgment on the fallen watcher angels, who supposedly dwelled in the fifth heaven, where their fall took place.
Grigori is the name Enoch assigns to these fallen watcher angels in the book of 2 Enoch. The English word Grigori is simply a transliteration of the Greek word for “watcher,” used in the Septuagint. According to the account, the watcher angels are sent down to earth to look after humans. They soon develop an unnatural lust for the beautiful women of earth. A large group of rebellious watchers, the Grigori, seduce the women of earth and impregnate them with a race of hybrid giants who violently raid the earth and threaten humanity.
Another noncanonical book, Jubilees, also speaks of heavenly watchers who violate their ordained nature by lusting after and having sexual relations with human women. The offspring of their unnatural unions are monstrous giants who corrupt the children of earth and prompt the flood of Noah’s time.
These extrabiblical writings seem to provide an explanation for the creatures mentioned in Genesis 6:1–4 called Nephilim. The Bible tells us that Nephilim were the result of sexual relations between “the sons of God” and “the daughters of men” (verse 2). Much debate exists regarding the true identity and origin of the Nephilim. The only solid information we can gather from Scripture is that the Nephilim are the offspring of the sons of God and human women and are described as “heroes of old” and “men of renown” (verse 4). Numbers 13:33 suggests that the Nephilim were a people of extraordinary size, possibly associating them with giants.
Substantial debate also surrounds the nature of the “sons of God” who fathered the Nephilim. Were they fallen watcher angels or Grigori? Does the biblical book of Jude provide a clue: “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day” (Jude 1:6)? For now, we can only speculate. The Bible does not provide us with clear answers; therefore, we must be content with uncertainty.
We are wise to be extra cautious about giving serious weight to the ideas found in extrabiblical sources. Nevertheless, Scripture does affirm the concept of heavenly beings who watch the earth (Ezekiel 1:15–20) and are interested in the affairs of humans: “This Good News has been announced to you by those who preached in the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. It is all so wonderful that even the angels are eagerly watching these things happen” (1 Peter 1:12, NLT).
Since God’s purpose is to use the church to display His wisdom to rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 3:10), the idea of attentive watchers, angels or guardians is biblically sound. Likewise, the Bible confirms the presence of angels who guard and protect humans: “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Psalm 34:7; see also Matthew 18:10; Acts 12:9–15).
Are The Watchers In The Bible Good or Bad
Who are these evil watchers? These watchers could be a person assigned to gather information about you. It could be somebody close to you and when you discuss it with him, he takes the information and gives it to them in the coven. The devil and his cohorts need information to strike. Without information, they can do nothing; hence, they find ways to always get information from you by sending a spy to you for information. The watchers could also be a monitoring or familiar spirit or demon assigned to monitor your daily activities and also to supervise a curse in your life to see to it that the curse materialises in your life. Again, the watchers could be animals assigned against you in the spirit realm that sometimes manifest in the physical.
The animal could be a dog, snake, bird, etc., and you always see it in your dream watching you or in the physical following you. Devices or gadgets like CCTV, a mirror or a bowl of water could be used to monitor someone. The use of a mirror is called crystallomancy and is a form of divination in which they use a mirror to monitor you. They will call your name and when you appear, they will begin to monitor you via it. The use of a bowl of water (hydromancy) is a form of divination in which water is placed in a bowl and they look at the person’s life and dictate what they want to happen to the person. Spiritual marks could also be placed on their victims to identify and monitor them.
The following are signs to show you are under the siege of the evil watchers. If you always have a strong feeling that someone or an invisible being is watching you,. Whenever you close your eyes and you see two eyes watching you,. When you discover that there is a particular animal that is always around you,. When you always see a dwarf-like creature when you are about to get up or while getting intimate with your spouse,. When you are pregnant and you discover that someone comes to show you a red object or something that causes you to have a miscarriage, it shows that you are being watched.
When things are constantly moving in your ceiling. When someone comes to press you in your sleep or dream,. When you suffer constant disappointments at the edge of your breakthrough. If things are missing in your house mysteriously,. When you hear your name being called by an unknown person, especially at night,. If you always hear footsteps by your door or windows, and when you open it, you can’t find anyone there,. If you wake up and see bloodstains in your house,.
In order to deal with the evil watchers, you must be born again, live a holy life, get knowledge and engage in fasting and warfare prayer.
What Happened to The watchers in The Bible?
The watchers in the Bible were a group of fallen angels who rebelled against God and left their heavenly abode to dwell on Earth. Their story is mentioned in the Book of Genesis, chapter 6, verses 1-4. It is believed that these angels, often referred to as the “sons of God,” saw the beauty of human women and became infatuated with them. They then proceeded to take these women as their wives, resulting in a hybrid race called the Nephilim. God became displeased with this unholy union and decided to punish both the fallen angels and their offspring. In the end, the watchers were banished from the heavenly realm and sentenced to eternal punishment.
Who are the watchers in Daniel 4:17?
In Daniel 4:17, the watchers are mentioned in a vision that King Nebuchadnezzar had. The vision, interpreted by Daniel, reveals that the king would be humbled and stripped of his power, and that this decree was made by the watchers, or holy ones, who came down from heaven. These watchers are often interpreted as angelic beings who carry out divine judgments and decrees. They observe the actions of humans and report their findings to God. The mention of the watchers in this verse signifies their involvement in the unfolding of God’s plan and the execution of His will.
What did the watchers look like?
The appearance of the watchers in the Bible is not explicitly described. However, based on their heavenly nature and angelic status, it can be inferred that they possessed a divine and awe-inspiring form. In other biblical accounts where angelic beings are mentioned, they are described as having a radiant countenance and being dressed in dazzling white robes. It is believed that the watchers, being celestial beings, were adorned with similar features. Their presence would have commanded reverence and inspired both fear and wonder in those who encountered them.
Are the watchers in the Bible good or bad?
The nature of the watchers in the Bible can be seen as ambiguous. While they were initially created as holy beings, they chose to rebel against God and engage in sinful behavior by mating with human women. This act of disobedience led to the birth of the Nephilim, a corrupt and wicked race. As a result, the watchers were condemned and punished by God for their misconduct. Their actions were considered evil and brought about negative consequences. Therefore, it can be concluded that the watchers, despite their angelic origins, turned out to be bad and detrimental to the world.
The watchers in the Book of Enoch
The Book of Enoch, an ancient Jewish religious work, provides more detailed information about the watchers. This book expands upon the narrative of Genesis and gives names to some of these fallen angels. It describes the watchers as heavenly beings who descended to Earth to teach humanity forbidden knowledge and engage in illicit relationships. The Book of Enoch also depicts the punishment and judgment that await the watchers for their transgressions. It offers a more comprehensive understanding of the events surrounding the watchers and their fall from grace.
Watchers in the Bible (KJV)
The Bible, particularly the King James Version, mentions the watchers in several instances. Apart from the aforementioned references in Genesis and Daniel, the watchers are alluded to in the book of Job. In Job 4:18, the passage states, “Behold, he put no trust in his servants; and his angels he charged with folly.” This verse implies that even angels, including the watchers, are not exempt from committing foolish acts and being untrustworthy. It reinforces the concept that these celestial beings are fallible and subject to God’s judgment.
Book of the Watchers
The Book of Watchers, also known as 1 Enoch, is an ancient Jewish text that expands upon the story of the watchers mentioned in Genesis. It delves into the origins of these fallen angels, provides details about their activities on Earth, and describes their ultimate punishment by God. This book sheds light on the influence and impact of the watchers on human civilization, particularly in shaping the moral and spiritual state of humanity before the Flood. Although not officially included in the biblical canon, the Book of Watchers offers further insights into the fall of these celestial beings.
Watcher angels names
While the Bible does not explicitly mention the specific names of the watcher angels, the Book of Enoch provides a list of their names. According to this text, the leaders of the fallen angels, often referred to as the chief watchers or fallen watchers, were named Azazel, Shemyaza, Armaros, Kokabel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Arakiel, Batriel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, and Ezeqeel. These names, although not universally accepted or acknowledged, are commonly associated with the fallen angels known as the watchers.
What Happened To The Watchers In The Bible
The watchers are bound “in the valleys of the Earth” until Judgment Day (Jude verse 6 says, “And the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”).