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greek orthodox prayer to the theotokos

    The Orthodox Prayer To The Theotokos: A blog about the prayers to the holy mother.

  • orthodox prayer to theotokos
  • O Theotokos, we come to you with our hearts and minds filled with love for you and your Son. We thank you for the gift of life, and we ask that you pray for us as we do our best to live a life of peace and harmony.

    We ask that you watch over us as we travel down this path, and help us to be aware of the dangers that lie ahead. As we make our way through this world, may your guidance lead us in the right direction. May your love guide our every action as we seek to learn from your example and live a life of devotion toward God.

    We thank you for all that you have done for us, O Holy Mother!

    Dear Theotokos,

    We are in need of your help. We pray that you give us strength, courage, and guidance as we navigate this world. We pray that you help us to always seek out truth, and to follow your example in being compassionate towards those who are suffering. May we be able to use our voices to speak up for those who have no voice, and may we be able to use our hands to help those who need it most. We ask that you guide us in the way of peace and love—that through us, our communities may be made stronger and more loving places for all people. Amen.

    Pray for us, O Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

    O Lady, blessed among women, who bore God in your womb, who gave birth to him who is above all things and through whom all things were made; we pray you to deliver us from every evil.

    Pray for us, O pure one, that we may not know the punishment of sin.

    For you are the hope and salvation of our souls and bodies.

    We worship you, O Mother of God, the Blessed and ever Virgin Mary. You are the Ark of salvation, the Gate of Heaven. You are the exalted Queen who sits between two Cherubim. We praise you as the Mother of God and we implore you:

    To help us in our weakness;

    To intercede for us with your Son and His Holy Spirit;

    To deliver us from all harm and danger;

    To preserve us from all evil;

    To grant us peace and harmony with one another in our homes, families, communities and nation;

    And finally to bestow upon us eternal life in Heaven with God in His Kingdom. Amen!

    I call upon you, Lady, who are the Mother of God and Virgin, that you would pray for me a sinner.

    You who were full of grace and without sin from the moment of your conception, when you gave birth to Christ our true God, have mercy on me and save me.

    Forgive my mother’s transgressions and my father’s shortcomings; wash away all my sins with your precious blood.

    You alone are blessed because you gave birth to Christ our God. You alone are blessed because you remained a virgin after giving birth to Him. Praise be to you!

    O Theotokos, who hast borne the Savior of our souls in thy womb, do thou vouchsafe to bestow upon me a child who shall be in my image and likeness.

    Grant that this child may be pure and chaste, as thou wast; loving as thou didst love thy Son; true and faithful as thou didst show thyself to be to Christ; that he may grow up in the fear of God, and make his parents glad by his deeds.

    Almighty Lord! Who didst bless the waters of Jordan with healing power for Thy disciples, grant that this my prayer for a son or daughter may be heard by Thee; for Thou art the true God Who hearest all things. Amen

    We pray to thee, O Theotokos, who are full of grace, the treasury of good things, and of excellent majesty. We beseech thee that thou wilt look down upon us and upon this holy house which we have built in thy name. Direct it, O Lady, to be a house of prayer for all Orthodox Christians; a haven where they may come to rest after their labours; a place of safety where they may find protection from the enemies without; a home for all those who love thee and belong to thee. We pray thee also to bless the celebrants and deacons who minister here, that they may ever offer the holy sacrifice of thy Son with love unceasing and with reverence in their hearts. Make us worthy to approach thy most pure altar with confidence and joy, praising thy Son always and everywhere with hearts made pure by his grace. And make us worthy too to receive with thanksgiving the divine gifts which he has given us through thee as our Saviour and Mediatrix before him.

    O Virgin Theotokos, Mother of God, we praise you and glorify you for the wondrous miracle of your holy conception. You are the most blessed, who granted us the great gift of your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.

    For He is truly God born of the Holy Spirit and True Man born of the Virgin Mary. He is One Person in two Natures, perfect in Divinity and perfect in Humanity.

    As we contemplate this mystery, we praise you who gave birth to Him Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a woman at the Annunciation by Gabriel. You are truly blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus Christ our Lord.

    Through Him we have received forgiveness of sins; through Him we have been sanctified; through Him we have been saved from spiritual death; through Him we have become adopted children of God; through Him we have been granted eternal life; through him all things have been created anew; through him all things were made by the Father before time began; through him all things were made in heaven and on earth by the Father’s will;

    O Mother of God,

    thou didst bear the Word incarnate;

    pity me and receive my prayer.

    O Mother of God, who art the all-glorious and pure Virgin, we beseech thee that thou wouldst look down from heaven upon us thy servants, who have been called to thy divine service.

    We implore thee to bless us and our children; deliver us from all evil, that we may live in peace and harmony with all mankind.

    We beseech thee also to entreat thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord to hear us and answer us according to His great mercy.

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