A prison ministry is a ministry that brings a message of hope and salvation to prisoners in jail and prison. The purpose of these sermons is to provide spiritual guidance, encouragement, and comfort to those who are incarcerated. These sermons can be based on the Bible or other religious texts such as the Quran, Guru Granth Sahib or the Bhagavad Gita.
Some prison ministries will conduct weekly services or meetings while others may only provide counseling or visits by ministers once a month or less frequently. A prison ministry can also be associated with an existing church or mosque where it provides assistance to inmates on a regular basis.
The goal of a prison ministry is to help prisoners become better people through their growth in spirituality, morality and social skills so that they do not commit any more crimes after they are released from jail or prison (1). It has been shown that inmates who participate in religious activities while incarcerated are less likely than those who don’t partake in any religious activities at all – including attending church services regularly – to re-offend when they get out.
Sermons for Prison Ministry

Before you speak to any group, remember that your attitude is key. It’s an old cliché, but it is true: You will never be the right pastor for everyone. Some people will not like you or what you have to say. Some people will not fit into the mold of “the ideal listener.” But if you know that going in and still manage to stay positive and keep smiling throughout all their feedback, then there is a good chance God can use even those particular people in ways he might not have anticipated before now.
Be Prepared for All Topics
- Be prepared for all topics.
- They may not be able to speak about their past, but they can certainly speak about their present and future.
Be Prepared and Informed
- Be prepared for the most commonly asked questions. Prisoners are curious, and they want to know more about you. Are you married? Do you have kids? How long have you been a Christian? What brought you to prison ministry? Don’t get nervous or defensive when these questions are posed—praise the Lord that someone is interested in getting to know your story!
- Be familiar with the Bible. You don’t have to be an expert on all of Scripture, but being able to speak intelligently about some of its central themes will go a long way towards helping people understand what Christianity means for them and their lives.
- Stay abreast of current events as well as news from the outside world (especially regarding your church). This may sound like common sense, but it can be easy for us—especially those who spend our days inside prison walls—to forget just how much things are changing around us every day.
Be Prepared in the Most Basic Ways
- Bring a Bible. This is probably the most obvious, but not all churches have Bibles available for use in worship services. If you are not sure if your church will be providing one, it’s best to bring your own Bible so that you’re prepared for whatever may come up during the service.
- Bring a notepad and pen (or pencil). In case there is something specific that you want to write down or share with someone else after the service, it’s good to have these items with you so that they are readily available when needed!
- Bring a bottle of water with you – this will help keep your energy levels up throughout the entire service!
- Finally, if possible try bringing some snacks since hunger can detract from concentration on what is being said/preached at any given time.”
Be a Good Listener
Being a good listener is a skill that can be practiced and honed. Listening doesn’t simply mean hearing; it means understanding what the other person is saying by asking questions, paraphrasing to make sure you understand correctly, and summarizing at key points in the conversation.
Ask: What are they saying? How can I help them? What do they need most right now?
Listen for understanding before responding or giving advice. If there’s an opportunity to help someone else but you don’t know what they need yet, ask questions!
When you are prepared, you are equipped to serve those who need you.
Preparation is the foundation of our ability to serve. If you are unprepared, you will not be able to help anyone. This applies both on a personal level and on a ministry level. You cannot expect your church or organization to send you out into certain situations if you do not know what those situations entail.
When we talk about being prepared for prison ministry, it means knowing how the prison system works: how sentences are served; what types of inmates are housed at each facility; which staff members are present at different times during the day; etc. It also involves learning about issues such as recidivism and re-entry, so that we can equip men as they leave prison by helping them find jobs or housing and adjusting their mindset after years away from society’s norms.