There is a tide in the affairs of men – which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. But omitted, or deferred – all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. What we become depends on what we read after all of the formal schooling is done. Knowledge pays no dividends unless it’s used to change your behavior and improve your mental state. I believe there is wisdom in the writings of good preachers throughout history that can improve a young adult’s life if you are willing to let it work on you. The great preachers saw people differently than others because they understood people better due to their knowledge of God and Scriptures; this is lacking today amongst our youth but is found within these sermons by famous preachers of old.
It’s not easy to find good sermons for young adults. There are so many other things competing for their attention—things that are more fun and interesting than the Bible. But what if you could find a sermon that was both fun and interesting? What if it was also relevant and applicable to their lives? A sermon that helped them grow in their faith, rather than just gave them something to do once a week?
That’s what we’re here for. We’ve been collecting great sermons for young adults from all over the world, with one goal: to help you find sermons that will help your teens grow in their faith.
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on short powerful sermons for youth, heart touching sermons for youth, creative youth sermons, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

Good Sermons For Young Adults
A good sermon for youth is a lot like a good joke. If you have to explain it, it really isn’t all that funny. Along these lines, a good sermon will be short (preferably under 20 minutes), simple, and easy to follow. The sermons of the past were typically written by men who lived busy lives and had little time for writing. Their sermons were generally short, because they didn’t want to keep their listeners up all night waiting for the ending! The best sermons are those which can be read in one sitting, or listened to in one sitting, without requiring too much effort on the part of the listener. In this way they are similar to jokes which don’t require any explanation or setup before being funny!
Along these lines, a good sermon will be short (preferably under 20 minutes), simple, and easy to follow.
- Short sermons are easier to remember.
- Short sermons are easier to follow.
- Short sermons are easier to write.
- Short sermons are easier to deliver.
- Short sermons are easier to understand.
Short sermons can be read, listened to, and shared more quickly by young adults than longer ones because they’re more concise and require less attention span.
Short Sermons are easier for others to remember, as far as the main points of the sermon.
Short sermons are easier for others to remember, as far as the main points of the sermon.
- Short sermons are easier to understand.
- Short sermons are easier to follow.
- Short sermons are easier to apply.

short powerful sermons for youth
Short sermons were generally written by men with busy lives and little time for writing.
Short sermons were generally written by men with busy lives and little time for writing.
This is important to understand, because the short sermon’s brevity was not an accident. It was a deliberate choice on the part of its authors, and it had good reasons behind it:
Short sermons usually have a single storyline or theme.
Short sermons are effective. Short sermons have a single storyline or theme that is easy for the listener to understand, remember and follow. A short sermon usually has three main points which the speaker can develop by using illustrations and explanations.
In addition to being easier to preach, short sermons are easier to write, edit and revise. This is because there are fewer words being used in the same amount of time as compared with long sermons which often have multiple ideas packed into them without enough explanation or development of each idea separately so they can sound confusing when trying to listen while reading your own copy at home before going out public speaking somewhere else (such as a conference).
A young man asked Jesus one day, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
A young man asked Jesus one day, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus answered him, “If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
He said to Him, “Which ones?”
Jesus said, “You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness,”
heart touching sermons for youth
The best sermons for youth are short sermons. Short sermons can be powerful and meaningful to young adults, but they must be addressed in a way that doesn’t bore or confuse the audience.
Short sermons were generally written by men with busy lives and little time for writing. These short sermons usually have one storyline or theme, which makes following along much easier for listeners who may not have heard of the Bible before coming to church on Sunday morning.
The shortest sermon recorded in Scripture is found in Mark 12:28-34 when a young man asked Jesus one day, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” In response, Jesus told him simply “Go sell all your possessions and give them away.” The young man went away sad because he had many possessions (v33). We don’t know what happened after that passage was written, but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t anything good!
Good sermons are short, simple, and easy to follow. Youth need good sermons that are short because they will be easier for them to remember as far as the main points of the sermon. Good sermons are short because they were generally written by men with busy lives and little time for writing. Short sermons usually have a single storyline or theme. A young man asked Jesus one day, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?”