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Good Questions To Ask A Pastor About God

    Have you been curious about how to know God? Where do you even begin to know if a person is telling the truth about God? With so many religions and pastors out there, it can be difficult to figure out who is telling the truth and who isn’t. To help realize your spiritual quest, here are some questions to ask a pastor about God. Maybe this article can guide you along your way to better answers about spirituality.

    When you’re trying to figure out whether or not God is real, it can feel like you’ve got an entire world of information and misinformation at your fingertips.

    But then you realize that half of what’s out there is just someone else’s interpretation of the Bible. And then you realize that most people aren’t even reading the Bible at all.

    So how do you know what’s true?

    If you’re looking for some guidance, here’s a list of questions to ask a pastor about God.

    1) What does God look like?

    2) How do we know He exists?

    3) Can we see Him with our own eyes?

    4) What if I don’t believe in God?

    Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on hardest questions to ask a pastor, hard questions for the church, how well do you know your pastor questions, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.

    Good Questions To Ask A Pastor About God


    It’s common to have lots of questions about God, especially if you’ve only recently started going to church. I had been a Catholic my whole life and didn’t know the first thing about Protestants or Baptists and felt totally lost when trying to answer some of these questions. That’s why I decided to sit down with a pastor and get a few answers, so you don’t have to! Check out this list of things that are often confusing about God and what pastors have told me about them.

    Why is God so jealous?

    God is jealous because He is love. The Bible tells us that God’s jealousy isn’t the same as our human envy or jealousy. It’s the kind of passion a husband feels for his wife when he sees her flirting with another man, or when he believes she is being led away from him by someone else. God is passionate about keeping us close to Him, and He will do anything within His power to ensure our love remains centered on Him alone.

    God doesn’t want our devotion, attention and trust because they’re His to keep; they’re ours! We belong to Him by virtue of creation (Genesis 1:26-27), but we also choose Him through faith (Romans 10:9) and obedience (Matthew 7:21). Jesus said that apart from us giving ourselves completely over to God (like a child gives himself over into his father’s arms), no one can come into heaven (John 14:6). What does this mean? It means that if you are not 100% devoted to Christ as your Lord and Savior who died for you on the cross—if your heart does not belong completely to Him—then there will be no resurrection for you at all! This means death for sure!

    Is there a denominational hierarchy in heaven?

    When we talk about a denominational hierarchy in heaven, it’s important to understand that there is no hierarchy in heaven. The Bible does not talk about a denominational hierarchy in heaven and doesn’t say there is one either.

    One place we can look is Ephesians 4:11-12 where Paul writes, “they are all part of one body, but each part belongs to all the others.” What this means for us here on Earth is that Christians should be united with one another regardless of their denomination or church affiliation. In fact, Jesus himself said that even if you don’t know who’s knocking on your door (Matthew 7:7-8), invite them into your home anyways because it could be him knocking!

    What happens to people who have never heard of Jesus?

    A pastor may say that God is merciful, just and fair. This means He will judge all people equally.

    However, it’s important to note that He judges people based on their actions, not their beliefs.

    For example, if someone is born in a country where they don’t know who Jesus is and they live life according to what they were taught by their parents and community members (which may include things like worshipping idols), then God will judge them based on how they lived their life—not what was taught to them about Jesus.

    What about divorce and remarriage?

    You might be surprised to learn that the Bible does not prohibit divorce. In fact, it allows for God’s followers to end their marriage if they are being abused physically or emotionally by their spouse. The only caveat is that once you’re divorced and remarry, you must stay married until death do you part with your new spouse—you can’t get divorced again after remarrying. This rule isn’t unique to Christians: Jewish people have had a similar law in place since the time of Moses (Deuteronomy 24:1–4).

    Does God have a physical body?

    God is both eternal and finite. God is infinite and finite. God is perfect, but He also has flaws. And so on—this is the nature of God, who transcends all of our human definitions and expectations.

    Asking if God has a physical body might be one way to start thinking about this paradoxical aspect of faith in Jesus Christ (1 John 4:8). While it’s not easy to think about how an eternal being can be “finite” or how an infinite being can be “finite,” we do know that when Jesus was born as a baby, He had certain human limitations such as needing food and rest (Luke 2:7-9).

    This idea of Jesus having both spiritual qualities (eternity) with physical limitations (finitude) applies not only during His time on earth but also before He became fleshly in Bethlehem; even then He was still spirit without form (John 1:1).

    With whom did Cain find a wife?

    Did you know that the first human to marry was Cain? Did you know that he married his brother’s daughter? If you didn’t, don’t worry. I didn’t either. It took me a while to figure it out, too. But now that I’ve learned about this story, I find myself wanting to tell everyone about it and wondering why more people aren’t familiar with it.

    Cain and Abel were the two first humans created by God. They had different fathers—Abel’s father was Adam (the first man) and Cain’s father was Lucifer (the Devil). When they were still young men, they asked God what they should do with their lives; God told them to work hard on their farms so they could become fathers themselves one day and have families of their own someday as well! But then something happened: one day when Cain went out into his fields to work hard on his farm like he always did every day when suddenly there came into view right beside him this beautiful girl named Lulu who just wanted ive hours ago at 5pm.

    hardest questions to ask a pastor

    Will we get our pets in heaven?

    If God is all-knowing, all-loving and all-powerful, then it’s reasonable to assume that He would have planned for pets to be in heaven. The Bible says that God created animals for a purpose (Genesis 1:22), so why would He allow them to suffer for eternity? And if God is a God of order and not chaos (Isaiah 45:18), wouldn’t that mean He has something in mind for all the animals who pass away on Earth?

    Besides that, the Bible makes it clear that God is a just and loving God who doesn’t tolerate injustice or injustice (Psalm 97:10; 1 John 4:8). If He loves His creatures enough to give them life in their earthly form now, surely He cares enough about them to make sure they get what they deserve later on!

    If God is love, why doesn’t He just forgive everyone and let them into heaven, no matter what they do or believe?

    The answer to this question is not a simple one. If God were human, He would forgive everyone and let them into heaven, no matter what they did or believed. That is because humans have the capacity for forgiveness and love—even if we don’t always use it appropriately! We can easily understand that if we were God, we would be able to show mercy and grace to people who have done some pretty terrible things.

    But since God is not a human being (and never has been), he doesn’t have human emotions like anger, rage or jealousy—even though these feelings are important for us on earth because they help us keep ourselves safe from harm through our own actions against those who might try to hurt us.

    So how does this affect whether or not someone gets into heaven? Well according to Scripture (the Bible) Jesus came down from heaven so that he could take on our sinfulness by dying on the cross for us so that when we ask him into our hearts as Lord (Jesus said “You must love me more than anyone else”) he will give us new life in Him through baptism which means that now we belong completely to Christ.

    hard questions for the church

    Why does God allow evil to exist?

    You may have heard the saying: “In God’s eyes, there is no such thing as evil.” This means that God allows things that seem bad or unjust for the greater good of us, the people He loves. Here are some reasons why God allows evil to exist in our world:

    • To give us a choice between doing good and doing bad. God wants us to choose which path we go down—good or bad—and He knows that making a choice will strengthen our character if we make the right decision. For example, imagine how much better you would be at choosing healthy foods if it were illegal! You’d have no choice but to eat healthily because it was illegal not too! This kind of law doesn’t actually exist (yet) but still makes sense when you think about how learning not only from mistakes but also through hard choices can help us grow closer to God.
    • To allow us room for growth and improvement. Sometimes we need hard lessons so that later on down the road life will be easier for us; this is what psychologists call “experiential learning”. It’s sort of like going through training camp before playing in a big game where everyone watches closely at every move made by each player so they know what works best during times when pressure mounts high enough where even experienced players might crumble under pressure sometimes during games like these–it happens all too often with athletes who’ve played professional sports their entire lives without ever having any serious injuries until recently when they were forced into retirement due to injury brought on by age itself rather than an accident caused by another person outside themselves since most accidents happen due to poor maintenance work done after installation time has passed thus allowing more wear-and-tear damage over time which eventually leads up into needing replacement parts instead only being able

    Why does God allow natural disasters to occur?

    If a pastor is going to answer this question, they should probably be ready for it. People always want answers to the problem of evil, and sometimes natural disasters are the easiest way for them to ask those questions.

    If you’re ready to ask your pastor why God allows natural disasters, here are some ways he might respond:

    • To punish people for their sins. Some Christians believe that when God allows disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes to occur, he’s punishing people who do bad things (like sin). They also believe that if you’re good enough and follow God’s laws at all times, then bad things won’t happen to you—or if they do, then it’s just part of life on Earth and nothing personal against you specifically. In other words: The more sinful someone is perceived as being by church members or family members who know them well enough (and even strangers off social media), the more likely they’ll be blamed in some way for what happened during an event like Hurricane Harvey last year where thousands lost their homes after having been flooded out due to heavy rainfall pouring down upon Houston over several days without pause until finally coming back down again later on Thursday afternoon.”

    How can you prove the Bible is true, since it was written by men and not God himself?

    You can prove the Bible to be true in many different ways. One of those is that the Bible contains an enormous amount of historical, scientific, logical and factual accuracy. It also fits together perfectly as one integrated whole. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle with thousands of pieces all fitting together perfectly to create one complete picture–the picture being God’s Word! You don’t see any mistakes or errors in this puzzle; everything fits perfectly together just like it was designed by an intelligent being who wanted to communicate something important about himself through his word (the Bible).

    There are some deep questions that need answering.

    There are some deep questions that need answering. Things like “Who is God?” and “What does God want from me?” It’s hard to wrap our minds around the fact that we’ll never fully understand the answers to those questions, but it’s possible for us to get a little closer with each passing moment of our lives.

    God is a mystery, and he delights in being so! If you’re looking for some things you can ask your pastor about God without getting overly specific (and thus wasting their time), here are a few things they might be able to help with:

    • Why did God create the world?
    • How did sin come into the world?
    • Is there any hope for those who have died without Christ?


    I hope I have demonstrated the importance of asking questions. Remember, the more you know about God and the Bible, the better equipped you are to answer questions others may have. Asking good questions will help you grow as a Christian and deepen your understanding of God’s Word.

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