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Sermons for the Month of March

    March is a time for new beginnings. It’s the month when we say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. It’s the time of year when we’re all trying to get our lives back in order after the holidays—we’re getting back into our fitness routines and trying to stay on top of work so that we can enjoy our weekends.

    We know what it’s like to be bogged down by stress, so we want to encourage you: there is always something you can do right now to make your life better. You don’t have to wait until after the holidays are over or until your New Year’s resolutions are over. You can start right now!

    This month, we’ll be talking about how you can take steps toward a brighter future for yourself and for those around you. We’ll talk about how we can change ourselves for the better and improve our relationships with others by changing our attitudes toward them and making an effort toward communicating with them more effectively.

    churchgists will give you all you ask on Sermons for the Month of March and so much more.

    When we’re working toward something good, it feels great! The goal isn’t just to be happy; it’s also important that we understand how happiness works so that we know what will make us happy (and why).

    March 2022 Bible Reading Calendar – In God's Image

    Sermons for the Month of March

    Mar 1st

    • Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, a season of fasting and reflection.
    • During this season, Catholics are encouraged to pray more often and reflect on the ways they can be better Christians.

    Exodus 20:8-11

    Exodus 20:8-11 is the 4th of the Ten Commandments.

    The 4th commandment states: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” This means that you must not use any work on this day, but only give rest to your body and soul. The 7th day of the week is called Sabbath because it was on this day that God rested from all His labors (Genesis 2:2). Therefore, we also have to rest our bodies and minds by ceasing from our daily tasks and spending time in prayer or Bible reading.

    1 Corinthians 16:1-4

    Paul’s first command to the Corinthians was to give.

    Paul told them that giving is a way of expressing faith in God. Giving is an act of worship, and as you give, you are trusting God with your finances. Your trust in Him will be seen by others, who then have a chance to hear about Christ through your example.

    Paul also said that when we give, we should do it “as we have been prospered.” This means that if we haven’t been blessed financially yet (which may seem like it hasn’t happened because the economy is so bad), we need to believe in God anyway and trust Him for what He says He’ll provide us with!

    He also said that they should practice this week before he got back from his trip so they would get used to doing it regularly once he came back.

    Ephesians 1:15-23

    But when we pray, we also need to remember that the eyes of our hearts are darkened by sin. We know this because Paul says in Ephesians 1:14-15 that God chose us before the foundation of the world and predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ. But then Paul asks, “What is it you have that is not from God?” (1:17). That’s a rhetorical question—the answer is nothing! Everything we have comes from God.

    We see this truth in verse 18 where Paul says that all things are ours through Christ who has redeemed us and made us a kingdom, priests serving His God and Father. It wasn’t enough just to give us salvation; He also gave us everything else we need so that there would be no lack within our lives! What an amazing thought!

    John 2:13-22

    Jesus, knowing our hearts and minds, knows what is in our souls. He knows our thoughts, motivations, intentions and needs; this is why he was able to cleanse the temple.

    Jesus knows your heart and mind because he created you with those things. He can see all that you see in yourself; but unlike human beings who often hide their true thoughts behind a facade of lies or excuses for their actions — Jesus sees us as we really are!

    Jesus will give us salvation if we repent for our sins (sinful nature) and surrender to him as Lord of our lives (heart).

    God wants us to RENEW our hearts, REFRESH our minds, and REJOICE in the Lord.

    • Renew your hearts by keeping the Sabbath holy.
    • Refresh your minds by giving offerings to the church, for God is not pleased with the offering of Cain, but he has accepted Abel’s gift because Abel offered it from his flock and his fat portions from their flesh.
    • Rejoice in the Lord!

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