The Bible is full of strict rules and regulations regarding diet, but some foods have been written off as “unclean” in scripture. These food guides offer a peek into what the Israelites were allowed to eat in the time of Moses, namely because they could not consume literally everything under the sun. You may notice that some of these foods are surprisingly mainstream today—like pork and shellfish—while others have fallen out of favor over time. Here are five foods forbidden in the Bible that you might fall for if you lived back then.
Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession. Do not eat any detestable thing. the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep Deuteronomy 14 :: NIV.

List of Clean and Unclean Foods in the Bible
The clean and unclean foods mentioned in the Bible can be found primarily in the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Here is a summarized list of some of the forbidden foods: Any food that could be eaten but has water on it from such a pot is unclean, and any liquid that could be drunk from it is unclean. Anything that one of their carcasses falls on becomes unclean; an oven or cooking pot must be broken up. They are unclean, and you are to regard them as unclean.
Forbidden Food in the Bible New Testament
The only dietary restrictions specified for Christians in the New Testament are to “abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from meat of strangled animals” (Acts 15:29), teachings that the early Church Fathers, such as Clement of Alexandria and Origen, preached for believers to follow.
1. Blood
In the Book of Acts, it is mentioned that the consumption of blood is prohibited for Christians. Acts 15:29 states, “You are to abstain from food sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and from sexual immorality. You will do well to avoid these things.”
2. Food Sacrificed to Idols
Eating food that has been sacrificed to idols is also forbidden in the New Testament. This practice is seen as a form of idolatry and is condemned by the early Christians.
3. Strangled Animals
The consumption of meat from animals that have been strangled is also prohibited in the Bible. This was likely seen as a form of cruelty towards animals and was therefore forbidden.
4. Sexual Immorality
While not a type of food, sexual immorality is listed alongside the forbidden foods in Acts 15:29. This highlights the importance of moral purity in the Christian faith.
5. Food with Stumbling Blocks
In Romans 14:21, it is advised not to eat certain foods if it may cause a fellow believer to stumble or be offended. This emphasizes the importance of considering the impact of our actions on others.
Overall, the New Testament provides guidelines on what foods are considered forbidden for Christians. These restrictions serve to promote purity, moral integrity, and consideration for others in the Christian community. By following these guidelines, believers can uphold their faith and live in a way that honors God.
Forbidden Foods in the Old Testament
- Pigs
- Camels
- Rabbits
- Shellfish
- Eels
- Eagles
- Vultures
- Owls
- Ravens
- Bats
- Reptiles
- Insects
Forbidden Foods in the New Testament
As mentioned earlier, there are no specific foods forbidden in the New Testament. The focus is on unity, love, and respect within the Christian community rather than dietary restrictions.
It is important to remember that these lists of forbidden foods were a part of the Old Testament law for the ancient Israelites. Christians, however, are not bound by these restrictions today but are encouraged to make wise and considerate choices in all aspects of their lives.
Leviticus Food Laws List
In the book of Leviticus, chapter 11 provides a comprehensive list of animals that are considered clean and unclean for the Israelites. The following is a summarized list of clean and unclean animals mentioned in Leviticus:
Clean Animals
- Cattle
- Sheep
- Goats
- Deer
- Antelope
- Mountain sheep
- Gazelle
- Roebuck
- Wild goat
- Wild ox
- Wild sheep
Unclean Animals
- Pigs
- Camels
- Rabbits
- Hyrax
- Water creatures without fins and scales
- Bald eagle
- Vulture
- Black vulture
- Carrion vulture
- Raven
- Owl
This is not an exhaustive list, as there are many more animals mentioned in Leviticus. The purpose of these laws was to guide the Israelites in their journey of faith and obedience to God’s commands.
While Christians are not obligated to follow these specific food laws, they are encouraged to make choices that promote physical health, respect for the environment, and consideration for others.
Foods Forbidden In The Bible
Prohibited foods that may not be consumed in any form include all animals—and the products of animals—that do not chew the cud and do not have cloven hoofs (e.g., pigs and horses); fish without fins and scales; the blood of any animal; shellfish (e.g., clams, oysters, shrimp, crabs)
Have you ever wondered what foods are forbidden in the Bible? Well, here’s a list of some of the foods that are forbidden in the Bible.
- Pork
Pork is prohibited in Leviticus 11:7-8 and Deuteronomy 14:8-9. The pig was considered unclean because it divided its hoof but did not chew the cud, making it an unusual animal to the Israelites.
- Blood
Blood is prohibited in Leviticus 17:10-14 and Acts 15:20-21. Blood was used in animal sacrifices as part of their worship of God, so they did not want to eat it because they believed that it had been cursed by God when he instituted sacrifices for sin (Leviticus 17:11).
- Shellfish
Shellfish is prohibited in Leviticus 11:10-12, Deuteronomy 14:9-10, and Acts 10:9-15. These types of animals were considered unclean because they had many legs like insects and walked on all fours like quadrupeds (Leviticus 11:11).
Forbidden Food In The Bible New Testament
The pig is not a clean animal. Pigs can eat almost anything, including garbage and sewage. They are scavengers by nature because they live in the dirtiest places on earth. The Bible says that pigs are unclean animals and should not be eaten because they carry disease and parasites. Pig meat can give you tapeworms if you eat it raw, as well as trichinosis if it’s undercooked or improperly handled.
In Christianity, the eating of rabbits is forbidden. It is also prohibited in Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. In fact, both religions don’t allow the consumption of any kind of meat from an animal that does not chew cud and has a split hoof. Rabbits also fall under this umbrella since they do not have split hooves or chew their food.
People who practice vegetarianism or veganism cannot eat meat because Hinduism does not support the killing of animals for food like so many other religions do. If you were raised as a Hindu and want to follow your faith strictly then you’ll have to give up rabbit meat along with all other meats like beef or pork because these animals would be killed just like cows would if they were ever slaughtered at all!
The camel is a particularly problematic animal in the Bible. Leviticus 11:4 specifically prohibits eating camels, along with their meat and milk products. The verse reads:
“But these you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth: whatever parts the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud—such you may eat.”
The Bible forbids catfish because of the fish’s diet. Biblical scholars believe that the catfish’s scavenging habits are a sign of its unclean nature. Catfish, which are bottom-feeders, typically feed on detritus and algae. Although they do sometimes catch insect larvae and crustaceans, they prefer to eat dead or decaying matter. Catfish also consume anything they can find: garbage, dead animals, worms (yuck), even other fish if they’re hearty enough to catch them!
Other reasons why catfish were considered unclean include their sharp spines on their fins and scales (these can be painful when stepped on). In addition to being uncomfortable for those who walk barefoot where these critters are present in large numbers, these spines make it difficult for cats—the feline variety—to clean themselves properly; hence why some schools still ban them from campus grounds today instead of just allowing students’ pets inside classrooms during class hours since their owners usually have no problem making sure their pets stay out at night time when most furry friends will go off exploring without any supervision whatsoever anyway so really there wouldn’t really need any kind of rules at all except maybe just having one person look after each classroom door during class hours so nobody comes out while others aren’t done yet getting ready but still want something done before going home again anyways too late now anyways
If you’re looking for meat that is not kosher, frog legs are a good option. Frogs have been forbidden in the Bible and considered unclean by Jewish and Muslim people. Some Christians also consider frogs to be morally evil and sinful.
What is the reason behind this? According to several sources online (including Eat Your Bible), frogs walk on four feet; they are amphibians; and they make noises that are similar to those of humans when they croak or talk. As such, many people believe that eating frogs would make them more humanlike—and less like God’s creation.
Another reason why frogs may have been considered unacceptable food was their association with witchcraft and sorcery. Some cultures believed that witches could turn into frogs at night so they could go out into their town undetected by humans while casting spells or causing mischief during nighttime hours (such as destroying crops). These beliefs might have influenced why certain groups decided against eating these animals.*
The lobster was considered a poor man’s food in the early years of its existence. In fact, the lobster was eaten only as a last resort and then only by those who were desperate for food. Lobster wasn’t even considered fit for human consumption; it was seen as an unclean animal that could only be eaten by animals or people with no choice but to eat them.
- Do you know what shrimp eat?
- They eat anything. Literally anything.
- Shrimp are scavengers, meaning they will go to the bottom of the ocean and eat any dead or decaying matter that washes up on the shore. So if there’s something in your backyard that you don’t want anymore, don’t throw it away; just throw it into the water where a nearby shrimp will eat it for you!
- And if there isn’t anything else available for your shrimp friends to eat? Well then they’ll turn on each other! That’s right: shrimps can cannibalize each other when food is scarce (or when they’re bored). So not only do they make excellent pets but also great companions when going through difficult times like being left alone with no friends or having nothing else to do but kill themselves off one by one until there’s only one left standing—which then becomes king of all things living under water and gets his own show on Netflix called “Shrimp Wars.”
If you’ve ever seen a seal, you know they’re really cute. They’re also mammals, which means they are not kosher. Seal meat is delicious, but if you want to be religious and eat only kosher foods while on vacation in the Arctic or Antarctic, you should probably avoid eating seal meat at all costs.
Shark is mentioned in the bible as an unclean food. The bible doesn’t really explain why shark was put on the forbidden list, but it does say that only fish with fins and scales are clean.
Biblical scriptures don’t really explain why these foods were put on the forbidden list.
While there is no clear explanation for why these foods were put on the forbidden list, many scholars believe that several reasons contributed to their categorization as unclean.
First, some of these animals are scavengers (e.g., pigs), while others are unclean because of their eating habits (e.g., camels). Still other creatures are considered unfit because they eat unclean animals themselves (e.g., dogs).