Who was the first woman preacher in the bible? Well The answer is very simple, The first woman preacher in the Bible was Miriam. She was the sister of Moses and Aaron, and the daughter of Amram and Jochebed. In Exodus 15:20, Miriam led the women in a song of praise after the Israelites had crossed over the Red Sea. The first woman preacher in the Bible KJV ‘ Miriam’, who was a prophetess and the sister of Moses. She was also a leader in the Israelite community. Miriam led the women in singing and dancing when they were celebrating with their families after God had delivered them from Egypt.
This is an example of how she used her talents to help others and praise God. The Bible is God’s Word and it speaks about different topics. There are also several books in the Bible that were written by multiple authors over a period of time. One such book is Genesis, which was written by Moses.
However, before Genesis begins, the book of Genesis discusses the creation of the world, the origin of mankind, and many other related subjects. In this article bible verses supporting female pastors, we’ll discuss one woman in the bible and her significance to Christian theology. In 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Hannah was described as being a prophetess and a judge who judged Israel. The men of Israel would come to her for advice and guidance because she had been given insights from God that she shared with them.
In 2 Kings 22:14-20, Huldah was a prophetess who lived during King Josiah’s reign. When Josiah heard about Jeremiah’s prophecy about how God would destroy Jerusalem if they did not repent for their sins, he sent some people to Huldah for confirmation that this was true. They returned with her answer that yes indeed it was true!
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on First Woman Preacher In The Bible Kjv, Who was the first female evangelist in the bible, Bible Verses Supporting Female Pastors, Is the Bible Against Women in Ministry and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.
First Woman Preacher In The Bible Kjv
The first female evangelist in the Bible is the prophetess Deborah. She was a prophetess and judge who led Israel during the period of the Judges, from around 1200 to 1150 B.C.
Deborah was called by God to lead Israel against Sisera, an enemy general who had taken refuge in the land of Harosheth-Goiim (Judges 4). When word reached Sisera that the people of Israel had risen up against him, he fled in terror with his army to Kishon Brook (Judges 4:15-16). Deborah then sent for Barak, another soldier from her tribe, and told him to take ten thousand men against Sisera’s army (Judges 4:9-10).
Deborah also prophesied victory over Sisera’s armies (Judges 5:19-21). She wrote a song about this battle that has been preserved as part of Scripture (Judges 5).
There are many women preachers in the bible, but the first woman preacher is Deborah. Deborah was a prophetess, judge and leader of Israel. Her story is found in the book of Judges. Deborah was a judge for 40 years and led Israel during a time when there was no king over the land. She helped save her people from their enemies by calling on God to help them defeat those who were trying to oppress them.
Who was the first female evangelist in the bible
The first woman preacher in the Bible is known as Miriam. She was the sister of Moses, and she spoke up in praise to God after the Israelites crossed over into freedom from Egypt. Her words were so powerful that they became a part of scripture!
Miriam was also a leader during this time, leading the women in dancing and singing after their miraculous crossing. This shows us that even though she wasn’t an actual preacher herself, she could still lead others with her words.
The first female evangelist in the Bible was Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron.
In Exodus 2:1-2, we see that Miriam is a prophetess who led a rebellion against Pharaoh’s edict that all Hebrew boys were to be drowned. She helped lead it by going out and gathering a group of women who then sang and danced for joy at the announcement of this news. Miriam was also known for her prophecy regarding Israel’s future.
This makes her an important figure for many reasons, including her gender, but also because she was one of God’s earliest champions for justice and freedom for His people.
Bible Verses Supporting Female Pastors
The first woman preacher in the Bible was Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron. She is mentioned in Exodus 15:20-21 as one who led the women of Israel in song after they had crossed the Red Sea.
The second woman preacher in the Bible was Deborah. She led Israel’s army against Jabin, their oppressor. She appears several times in Judges chapters 4 and 5. She also judged Israel for 40 years (Judges 4:4).

The Bible has many verses supporting female pastors. Here are just a few:
1 Timothy 2:12
—A woman who teaches or has authority over a man is to be silent. (NIV)
1 Corinthians 11:5
—Any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled dishonors her head, since it is the same as having her head shaved. (NIV)
1 Corinthians 14:35
—If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in church. (NIV)
2 Timothy 3:16-17—
All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Judges 4:4
4 And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.
Romans 16:1
1 I commend unto you Phebe our sister, which is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea:
1 Timothy 2:12
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1 Corinthians 14:34
34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
Galatians 3:28
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Acts 18:26
26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.
Acts 2:17-18
17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
1 Timothy 2:11-12
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Psalm 68:11
11 The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.
Is the Bible Against Women in Ministry?

You have probably heard some of the verses that appear to be against women in ministry. In 1 Timothy 2:12, Paul writes that “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; she must be silent.” In 1 Corinthians 14:34, Paul says that women should not speak in church at all.
In this chapter we will look at these verses and many others related to women in ministry as well as learn about some of the amazing ministries God has given them throughout church history. We will also see how understanding these biblical passages can help us work together with our brothers and sisters toward mutual edification and unity (cf., Ephesians 4:3).
Can a woman preach in the pulpit
Can a woman preach in the pulpit? Absolutely she can. The home of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ was not a male only domain. Many women like Mary, the mother of Jesus provided support so that the ministry of Jesus Christ could be carried out. I understand your dilemma because there are some religious leaders dictating laws against women preaching. But you have to know that a woman’s ability to interpret scriptures is given by God himself.
Let Everything That Has Breath Praise The Lord!
Worship is one of the most important aspects of Christianity. It’s what sets us apart from other religions, and it’s an important part of our lives. Worshiping God is the most important thing we do because that’s what He wants us to do!
Most Christians know that worship involves singing and praying with your whole heart and soul, but did you know that worship also involves being thankful for all the wonderful things God has done for you? To show your gratitude to Him, you must say “thanks” when He gives something good in your life like new friends or a new job. You should also say “thanks” when He takes something bad away from your life like sickness or even death itself! Praising God means thanking Him for everything he does for each one of us personally so that no matter what happens in life we can trust Him completely because He always has our best interests at heart – no matter how hard things get sometimes they will work out as long as we keep trusting him through them all.

Why God Wants Everyone To Praise Him
Praising God is a form of worship. Praising God is a form of obedience. Praising God is a form of encouragement. Praising God is a form of edification. Praising God is a form of prayer.
Praising God helps us to focus on Him and our relationship with Him, which leads us to glorify Him. By praising Him, we are encouraging others to do the same as well by showing them how much He deserves our praise and worship!
Prophets Were Not Disappointed, Neither Are We
Prophets were not disappointed, neither are we.
The Bible tells us to praise the Lord at all times, in everything and for everything. There is always a reason to praise the Lord. The purpose of music and song is to help us praise God, even when we don’t want to or feel like it’s too hard for us. Music has been made for our benefit, so that we may be strengthened by its power (Eph 6:10). Music can change lives and help us grow closer to God!
We are made to praise God!
The Purpose of Music and Song
Music can be a powerful tool, but it can also be used for evil. The Lord created music to be a force for good, and the purpose of music is to praise the Lord.
Singers and musicians throughout the history of the church have used their talents to build community and bring people together in worship.
Following Christ is not about restricted behavior, it is about being set free from restrictive behavior to worship God.
Worshiping God is not about obeying rules. It is about being set free from restrictive behavior to worship God in the way you want to as He has commanded us all.
The bible mentions many ways of worshiping God, some of which are: singing praises and hymns, praying and giving thanks for all things (1 Timothy 2:1-2), preaching the gospel (Acts 8:25-40), ministering to the poor (Acts 10:42-48), sacrificing animals on altars (Leviticus 17:11-12) etc. These are just a few examples of how Christians have been instructed to serve their Lord through various means throughout time.
Is it right for a woman to preach on the altar
In the debate about women preaching in church, the primary problem is not found in how we understand preaching or authority over men or what Paul means in 1 Timothy 2:12 or 1 Corinthains14:34. No, the problem is in how we define “church.”
This issue, which has caused so much division within the church, is based almost 100% on a faulty definition and understanding of “the church.” Once we understand what the church is, this debate about whether or not women can preach in church completely disappears and becomes a non-issue. (This is why a definition of the church is so critical … see my book Skeleton Church).
Sure, we still have to figure out why Paul wrote what he wrote To Timothy and to Corinth (for the churches in Ephesus and Corinth too were meeting in homes as well). But since nobody (rightfully so!) is going to tell women to remain silent in home groups and any other gathering of the church. Also, in such gatherings, there are almost never questions about who gets to be called “pastor.” (Or at least, there shouldn’t be.)
So here is my final answer: I believe women can speak and teach in church, because I understand the church to be the people of God who follow Jesus into the world, and so a gathering of the church occurs whenever and wherever believers gather, whether it is two or three around a dinner table, five or six in a living room, seven or eight at a coffee shop, or larger gatherings in some other building.
For those who think that it is wrong for women to preach in church, I would ask them this: “Is it wrong for women to speak in Sunday school or home group Bible studies?”
If not, why not? These also are gatherings of the church, are they not? Men are usually present at these gatherings, right? Why can women speak and teach in one context, but not in others (especially when this other large-group context is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible)?
Once we understand the definition of “church” the whole debate about whether or not it is wrong for women to preach in church or be a “pastor” fades away into insignificance. It becomes a non-issue.
I do not permit a woman to speak Bible Verses
1 Timothy 2:8–14
Read the Passage
8I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; 9likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, 10but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.11Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.12I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.13For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.
—1 Timothy 2:8–14
An Exhortation for Men
It is significant that Paul addresses men in verse 8 before addressing women in verse 9. Paul views men as leaders of their homes—and some of them as leaders of the church. He is making clear that they have a particular role to play “in every place” where the church gathers, including at Ephesus. Men are supposed to pray. Paul has already made clear what he wants them to pray for (cf. 1 Timothy 2:1–7). The issue that he focuses on here is how they are supposed to pray, zeroing in on two things, one positive and one negative. On the positive side, they are to pray while “lifting holy hands.”
This is a common posture for prayer in the OT (1 Kings 8:22; Pss. 28:2; 63:4). Jesus himself prayed with lifted hands (Luke 24:50). A reference in Isaiah to the lifting of the hands informs our understanding of Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 2:8:
When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; even though you make many prayers, I will not listen; your hands are full of blood. Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes; cease to do evil. (Isa. 1:15–16)
Isaiah is clear that lifting hands is not merely a posture for prayer. A person’s hands represent his deeds, which can be either pure or defiled. In the Isaiah text, his hearers’ “hands” are covered with blood, so God will not hear them.
This is why Paul calls on these men to pray while lifting “holy hands.” Their public expressions of worship must flow from a life marked by holiness. In other words, God is looking for worshipers who will worship him in spirit and in truth, not in hypocrisy. God cares very little for a man’s religious performance at worship if such a man is living like the Devil elsewhere. And so Paul says that men are to raise “holy hands.”
Negatively, Paul asserts that public expressions of worship must grow out of a life that is without “anger” or “quarreling.” Anger and quarreling, therefore, are the specific sins in view that render a man’s “hands” unholy. “Anger” refers to an inner disposition of wrath and indignation, while “quarreling” refers to unholy disputes and arguments produced by such an angry spirit. “Lifting holy hands” requires a transformation of both heart and deeds.
An Exhortation for Women
“Likewise” indicates a correspondence between Paul’s exhortation to men in verse 8 and his exhortation to women in verse 9. George Knight explains the connection this way: “Just as Christian men needed to be warned that their interest in vigor and discussion should not produce strife and dissension (v. 8), so Christian women needed to be warned that their interest in beauty and adornment should not produce immodesty and indiscretion.”1
There is nothing new under the sun. Women in Paul’s day were concerned about their appearance just as some women in our day are. There is evidence from antiquity that these particular adornments—elaborate braiding of hair, gold, pearls, expensive clothing—while not evil in themselves, could be marks of sinful motives: “It is the excess and sensuality that the items connote that Paul forbids (cf. Jas. 5:1–6), not braids, gold, pearls, or even costly garments in and of themselves.”2 It is not that all braids and gold and pearls and clothing were wrong. It is only those that express seduction or ostentation (cf. 1 Pet. 3:3–4, where Peter is not forbidding wearing “clothing” per se).
With contributions from a team of pastors and scholars, this commentary through 9 of Paul’s letters helps students of the Bible to understand how each epistle fits in with the storyline of Scripture and applies today.
Learning was not generally encouraged for women by Jewish men in the first century, yet, in spite of that patriarchal norm, Paul tells the believers in Ephesus that he desires women to “learn” (i.e., to be instructed in the faith). This command for women to “learn” is the only imperative in this entire text. However, the accent is not on the command itself (Paul seems to assume that women will be learning) but on the manner in which women are to do so: literally, they are to learn “quietly” and “with all submissiveness.”
“Quietly” does not mean that women are never to utter a word when the church gathers for worship. This would completely contradict what Paul says about women in 1 Corinthians 11, where he tells the women how to pray and prophesy in church. His assumption is that they will pray and prophesy, which means his assumption is that they will speak during church services. We may note that the term for “quietly” in verse 11 is similar to the term for “quiet” in verse 2. When Christians are commanded to pray for a “peaceful and quiet life,” that phrase does not describe a life in which no one talks. It aims rather at a life “without turmoil” (cf. BDAG, s.v. ἡσυχία). Likewise here, “quietly” does not mean complete silence. It means instead that women are to be “without turmoil.” The term requires women to have a “quiet demeanor and spirit that is peaceable instead of argumentative.”3
Second, women are to learn “with all submissiveness.” This expression is related to the expression Paul uses in Ephesians 5 in instructing wives to submit to their husbands. But here in 1 Timothy he is not narrowly talking about submission to a husband but is addressing submission to the proper teaching authorities in the church—the elders. He is instructing the women not to be contentious and usurp the role of the elders but to submit to their authority. In this sense, the Christian woman’s obligation is no different from that of a Christian man. Both men and women are called to submit to the authorities God has placed in the church (e.g., Heb. 13:17). Submitting to the authority of the elders is not unique to women. What is unique about a woman’s role is articulated in verse 12.
Who Was The First Preacher in The Bible
The book of Exodus tells us that Moses was born and raised in Egypt, where he was an important member of Pharaoh’s court. When he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave, Moses killed him in anger and fled to Midian, where he lived as a shepherd for 40 years. After this period of exile, God sent Moses back to Egypt with instructions to lead his people out of slavery and into freedom.
Moses was a gifted speaker and writer who used both his words and his actions to inspire others towards action. He spoke directly with God and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai; he also wrote down many of the stories of Israel’s early history and helped organize them into books after his death.
The first preacher in the Bible was Moses.
He was born in Egypt and raised as the son of Pharaoh. But one day, he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew slave and he felt that something was wrong with this picture. So he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand (Exodus 2:11). Moses’ act of violence turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it forced him to flee to Midian where he met Jethro, who became his father-in-law (Exodus 2:16).
After spending 40 years in Midian, God called Moses back to Egypt and told him to lead Israel out of slavery (Exodus 3:10). He obeyed God and returned to Egypt where he worked for 40 years leading Israel out of slavery and preparing them for the Promised Land (Exodus 4:10).
