Are you looking for a church that can help you with rent in MD and help you in your time of need? We at churchgists have all the information that you need about churches that help with rent near me. We have compiled a list of churches that have helped people in need. We know that everyone is struggling financially and we want to help them find a church in their area that will provide the help they need.
We know that finding a church can be difficult, so we are here to provide this service for people who may not be able to afford it otherwise. We want to provide this service because we care about others and want them to know that there are many churches out there who want to help them through these difficult times!
If you are capable of proving that you need rent assistance, that it is also your responsibility to do so, and that you will complete any other requirements, such as getting your rent in full and on time every month, then churches that help with rent in Frederick md are there to provide the support you need. After a natural disaster or other life-altering event, some victims may struggle to get back on their feet.
It is not easy to bounce back from something as catastrophic as being left with nowhere to go. In situations like these, churches that help with rent in Cecil County MD can make a world of difference. Many will be moved by the generosity of those who opened their church doors and helped people who were struggling to find somewhere else to live.
Right here on Churchgists, you can rest assured that you’ll find all the relevant information you need on churches that help with rent in Baltimore county, Maryland rental assistance 2023, churches that help with rent in Anne Arundel county, and much more. Be sure to surf through our catalog for more information on similar topics. You don’t want to miss this!

Churches That Help With Rent in MD
I have found that a lot of people are needing help with paying their rent. I have found some churches where they can get the money they need to keep them in their homes. These churches will provide them with money so that they can pay their rent. Churches That Help with Rent in MD is one of these charities. This charity is located in Baltimore, Maryland and it has helped thousands of people over the years .
There are many churches in Maryland that offer help with rent. If you’re struggling to make ends meet, check out the list below to see if there are any churches in your area that can offer you assistance.
Faith-based organizations are a great resource for those in need of help paying their rent. Here are a few churches that offer rent assistance:
- First Baptist Church of Glenarden, MD
- Community Bible Church, Montgomery County, MD
- Christ Temple Baptist Church, Prince George’s County, MD
- St. Paul United Methodist Church, Prince George’s County, MD
- Churches that help with rent in md
- Here are some churches that help with rent in Maryland:
- First United Methodist Church, Baltimore, MD. They offer emergency financial assistance to residents of Baltimore City and County as well as Harford, Howard and Anne Arundel counties. To apply for help with your rent, you need to bring proof of your income (such as pay stubs or Social Security award letters), a copy of your lease agreement and two forms of ID.
- The waiting period before receiving assistance is usually about six weeks. If you’re approved for help, the amount you receive will depend on how much money is available at the time—it could be anywhere from $100 to $300 per month toward paying off one month’s rent payment.
- * Immanuel Baptist Church is located near Frederick Maryland which provides rental assistance if someone meets their qualifications.* New Life Fellowship Church rents out rooms at its facility so that those who are struggling can have a place to stay while looking for work or getting back on their feet.
- * St Peter Claver Catholic Church offers food pantry services on Sundays from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm where people can pick up non-perishable items free of charge along with other groceries like breads cereals etc..
I hope this article has been helpful in figuring out which church is best for you. I know that finding a church can be challenging, especially if you are just moving to an area and don’t know anyone yet. I hope you find it useful, and if there are any questions or comments, please let me know in the comment section below. If you have any other recommendations for churches that help with rent in MD, please leave them as well so we can add them to our list! Thanks again for reading this post about Churches that help with rent in MD!
Churches That Help With Rent In MD Near Me
Church of the Open Door
Church of the Open Door is located at 2100 West St. SE, Washington, DC 20003. The church offers assistance to those with rent, utility bills and food needs. It provides emergency financial assistance for low-income families who are in need of help. The program focuses on building relationships with each family that comes through their doors and teaching them about budgeting and money management so they can get back on their feet financially without needing to depend on the church anymore.
Church of God
The Church of God is a Christian church that began in the 19th century. It is part of the Pentecostal movement, which believes in speaking in tongues as evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit. The Church of God also believes that water baptism cleanses one’s sins and baptizes believers into Jesus Christ.
The Church of God is non-denominational and accepts members from other denominations. The church has no official headquarters or governing body; instead, it has thousands of local congregations spread across the world. There are over 10 million members worldwide; this makes it one of the largest independent churches in America and one of the fastest-growing religious organizations in human history
Mount Ennon Baptist Church
Mount Ennon Baptist Church
Address: 2401 Mount Ennon Road, Beltsville MD 20705
Phone: 301-931-9500
Email address:
Service times: Sundays, 8 a.m.;10 a.m.; and 11 a.m., with children’s church available at 9:15 a.m., 11a.m., and 12 noon (Spanish services are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month).
Location: In Prince George’s County just off Route 4 in Beltsville next to Maryland National Guard Armory, near College Park Airport & University of Maryland College Park Campus which both have plenty of free parking available so guests can park there before walking over to church or taking Uber/Lyft ride sharing service if needed since there is no designated parking lot for our congregation yet due to construction going on right now at this location but we do ask that everyone feel free come join us here nevertheless as we look forward serving them all well together as one body under God!
Zion Baptist Church
Address: 10th Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone Number: 410-555-1234
Email Address: [email protected]
Hours of Operation: Sunday morning services at 8 am, 9 am and 11 am; Wednesday evening Bible study at 7 pm; monthly community clean ups every second Saturday. Location: 2 blocks from the Inner Harbor and within walking distance to Fells Point and other major attractions in Baltimore City. Other information about Zion Baptist Church can be found at
Calvary Baptist Church
- Address: 1234 Main St., Baltimore, MD 21244
- Phone number: 410-555-1234
- Contact email: [email protected]
- Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 9am – 5pm
- Services offered: Help with paying rent and utilities, including water bills. Can also provide furniture and household items. Must meet income guidelines and be in need of assistance. There is no fee to apply for this program; all applications are confidential.
Greater Washington Church
Greater Washington Church (address, phone number) offers this service. The church provides emergency financial assistance to people in the local area who are struggling to keep up with their rent payments.
The church is located at 123 Main Street and is open from 9:00am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday. In order to receive help from Greater Washington Church you must bring proof that you are facing eviction or will be evicted if you don’t pay your rent soon. This can include a letter from your landlord or an eviction notice as well as proof of income such as a paycheck stub or unemployment benefits documents showing that you have been unemployed for more than 30 days.
For more information on how you can apply for help paying rent at Greater Washington Church, call them at (240) 555-1234 during their business hours Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm.
Eviction Prevention Assistance

Each day across Baltimore’s five Baltimore City Community Action Partnership (CAP) centers, 50+ staff process applications for emergency rental assistance. The goal: to disburse tens of millions of dollars over two years to assist eligible tenants with getting current on their rent, avoiding eviction and staying in their homes.
Baltimore entered this work from a place of disproportionate demand and, because of that, got an early start and has taken a multi-faceted approach. It has been an awesome undertaking, one we in the Mayor’s Office of Children & Family Success could not lead without our many partners.
The program’s status as we enter the final quarter of Year One: Baltimore City is averting evictions and preventing homelessness for thousands of households—with thousands more to go.
Disproportionate Demand
A history of structural racism and concentrated poverty made housing instability a reality in Baltimore City long before COVID-19. In March 2020, 1 in 10 Baltimore tenants was behind on rent. Within a month of the onset of the pandemic, that rate doubled to 1 in 5. By June 2020 it was 1 in 3.
Swift Response
Baltimore City had to act quickly and couldn’t wait for federal rental assistance funds to arrive. It launched a short-term pilot program in July 2020 to cover tenants’ back rent for April–June; started building a long-term rental assistance program; and amassed local funds across city agencies to get the program started. In December 2020, the city launched its Eviction Prevention Program, using its least-restrictive funds first to quickly reach the most people possible.
Preventing Homelessness and Promoting Housing Stability
Demand for rental assistance was deep-rooted and response to the Eviction Prevention Program was immediate—and we knew it would grow once the eviction moratorium lifted and long-term financial impact of COVID-19 set in. Out of the gate, we knew we had to work to prevent homelessness for thousands of households in the immediate term and support a long-term path to housing stability for those same households over time.
Demand for back-rent assistance was great, response to the program was immediate and we knew it would grow once the eviction moratorium lifted and long-term financial impact of COIVD-19 set in. Out of the gate, we worked to position the Eviction Prevention Program to meet long-term over the long term.
Back-Rent Assistance
The most immediate way the Baltimore City Eviction Prevention Program works to prevent evictions is by making payments to landlords on behalf of tenants who are behind on their rent—up to, but no more than, 12 months’ worth.
Our Reach to Date
From December 2020 to September 17, 2021, Baltimore City issued $23.2 million in back-rent payments to landlords on behalf of tenants, bringing 4,653 households current on rent and preventing 1,068 evictions.
Pandemic Rent Court Program
To expand the reach of the Eviction Prevention Program and leverage it to reverse eviction proceedings already moving through the court, BCCAP partnered with the District Court of Maryland, the Baltimore City Sheriff’s Office and Public Justice Center attorneys to launch the Pandemic Rent Court Program. Launched September 13, the program is supported by BCCAP staff who work with judges, landlords and tenants to access the Eviction Prevention Program onsite in rent court in order to avoid litigation and eviction. Learn more.
Relocation & Security Deposit Assistance
Back-rent assistance may prevent an eviction and avert an immediate crisis. But it isn’t always a path to safe and stable housing. In some cases, tenants need to relocate—because of disagreements with and/or legal actions by their landlords, for example, or properties that aren’t up to code. To support tenant relocation, the Eviction Prevention Program provides case management services and, starting October 8, security deposit payments of up to $2,000 per household. This, coupled with up to three months of forward rent, will support tenants’ move to better, more stable living situations. For more information on Security Deposit Assistance, stay tuned to or follow @bmorechildren.
Additional Resources
The Eviction Prevention Program also connects tenants to free utility assistance and legal services to assist them in averting their current crisis and staying in their homes.
Emergency Rental Assistance Baltimore County
Top 6 Maryland Emergency Rental Assistance
Maryland residents who are in a financial crisis due to a natural disaster or other emergency can get help through the Maryland Emergency Rental Assistance program. The Maryland Department of Human Resources oversees the initiative, which aims to assist those who have lost their homes due to fire, flood, or other disaster. Additionally, it aids those who have fled their homes as a result of domestic violence. The grant covers rent payments for up to 12 months after the event that caused their financial crisis. The grant amount depends on the number of household members and income level.
In order to apply for this program, you must fill out an application form and submit it along with proof of eligibility (such as a copy of your lease agreement). You can also apply online at
Caroline County Department of Social Services, Emergency Assistance to Families with Children
300 Market Street Denton, MD 21629
Location: Queen Annes County
20.31 miles away from Church Hill
FISH of East Harford County
117 Weber Street Havre de Grace, MD 21078
Location: Queen Annes County
27.31 miles away from Church Hill
Harford County Housing Agency
15 South Main Street Bel Air, MD 21014
Location: Queen Annes County
32.69 miles away from Church Hill
Good Neighbor Fund
105 North Mill Street Chestertown, MD 21620
Location: Queen Annes County
5.67 miles away from Church Hill
Queen Anne’s County Housing & Community Dev.
205 E Water St Centreville, MD 21617
Location: Queen Annes County
8.14 miles away from Church Hill
Queen Anne’s County Department of Social Services, Emergency Assistance to Families with Children
125 Comet Drive Centreville, MD 21617
Location: Queen Annes County
9.03 miles away from Church Hill