Praise and worship music is an important part of the black church experience. In fact, it’s the foundation on which many churches are built.
But sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where you want to start your own praise and worship group at your church or in your community but don’t know where to begin. Or maybe you’re just looking for some new songs to add to your repertoire—either way, I’m here for you!
In this blog post, we’ll be taking a look at ten praise and worship songs that have been proven time and time again to be crowd-pleasers at black churches across the country. These songs are tried-and-true classics, so when you choose them for your next service, people will know that they’re going into something great!
Praise and worship songs are a staple of the Black Church. They’re the songs that everyone knows, that everyone can sing along to, and that everyone can relate to. They’re also the songs that get people into the spirit of worshiping God.
But what if you’ve got a song that’s too old or too new? What if you want to do something different? Or what if you just need some inspiration for your next praise and worship song? We’ve got all those answers here!
Easy Praise And Worship Songs For Black Churches

See You Again – Anthony Evans
This song knocked me out when I first heard it. I decided this was the gospel song I was finally going to try in my church. So we got the (predominantly white) worship team together and rehearsed it like crazy. Yep, it came out like a long-lost U2 song. Nothing is like the original. Even though we couldn’t replicate the song’s majesty and power, I still like listening to it often. Evans brings insane intensity and vocal prowess to this number. Whether or not you go to church or believe in God, you’ll be one step closer to the Almighty after hearing this masterpiece.

Way Maker – Sinach.
This is one of those songs that unexpectedly takes the world by storm. Nearly every worship band and major Christian artist has covered it by now, and it will continue its rise in 2022. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a farming town in Iowa, urban Los Angeles, London, England or Lagos, Nigeria. You will worship like never before when you hear it.

Every Praise – Hezekiah Walker
You see, there’s just something I can’t pull off when I lead worship. Like call and response. Walker performs this masterfully. He naturally calls out and leads the choir (and the onlookers in this video) with the spoken word. If I were to try this, it would sound more like Weird Al Yankovic calling out the next line of my latest polka. Props to Hez.

You Are Good – Israel Houghton
There’s a reason this guy’s named after the Promised Land. That’s exactly where he takes you with his high-energy vocals and ridiculously good guitar playing. This is one of my all-time favorite worship songs of any style. Now I only wish I could do it justice!

Anything Can Happen – Jonathan Nelson
You know, there’s just something about a strong worship leader. Anyone can be a song leader, but it takes a special anointing to lead people in worship. Jonathan Nelson takes worship to the next level with this song. He all but takes the congregation by the hand into the Lord’s presence. No matter what your background, you can learn something from this guy.

Shackles (Praise You) – Mary Mary
I still remember hearing this song on secular radio when it first came out. It’s a purely pop song and worship song at the same time. I’m not sure how Mary Mary did that, but I’d sure like to do that someday.

No Weapon – Fred Hammond
Hammond brings serious encouragement to the believer with “No Weapon.” I love it when a worship leader teaches and lifts up a congregation. God wants every worship leader to lead his people as skillfully as Hammond does here.

You Deserve It – JJ. Hairston & Youthful Praise
One thing that most predominantly white churches haven’t figured out yet is how to build and use a choir. In this tune, JJ Hairston uses his choir to bring a new power through call and response. Truly inspiring!

Your Spirit – Tasha Cobbs Leonard ft. Kierra Sheard
There’s nothing better than listening to strong women lead in worship. Leonard and Sheard absolutely wreck you with this powerhouse tune.

O Come to the Altar – Israel Houghton & Elevation Worship
Psalm 133:1 says “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (ESV). Houghton and one of my favorite bands, Elevation Worship, team up and demonstrate how the best of two genres of worship can be combined with fantastic results. Why shouldn’t worship be a unifying tool so that congregations can better “dwell in unity”?