A lot of people forget that the Bible is a collection of stories and lessons. In fact, it is more like a beginner guide on how to live life as a good person. There are tons of chapters in the Bible that deal with social etiquette and morality, one of those being verses about putting others down. This article highlights Bible verses about putting others before yourself.
Bible verses about putting others down show God’s love for people is unconditional. As Christians, the Bible teaches us to treat others with respect and dignity. These scriptures can help you spread the love of God in your daily life.

The Bible can offer a lot of wisdom when it comes to building healthy relationships with others. In this blog post, we’ll go through what God says about looking down on others.
Bible Verses About Putting Others Down
Throughout the Bible, we are taught about the importance of treating others with love, kindness, and respect. Putting others down is not in line with God’s teachings and can have negative consequences on both the person being put down and the one doing the bullying. Here are a few Bible verses that speak to the importance of uplifting others instead of tearing them down:
1. Proverbs 11:9
“With their mouths the godless destroy their neighbors, but through knowledge the righteous escape.”
2. Ephesians 4:29
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
3. Proverbs 16:28
“A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.”
4. Colossians 3:8
“But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.”
5. Ephesians 4:31
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”
These verses remind us of the power of our words and the importance of using them to build others up rather than tearing them down. By following these teachings, we can create a more loving and compassionate world where everyone feels valued and respected.
Embracing Kindness and Encouragement
Proverbs 16:24 (NIV) states, “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” This verse emphasizes the power of our words and urges us to offer kindness and encouragement to those around us. Instead of using our words to belittle or degrade others, we should aim to uplift their spirits and heal their wounds. This verse reminds us that the words we choose can positively impact someone’s day and even bring healing to their soul.
Hebrews 3:13 (NIV) advises, “But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.” This verse stresses the importance of consistently uplifting and supporting our friends, family, and even strangers we encounter in our daily lives. By offering encouragement, we prevent the hardening of hearts and foster an environment of love and understanding. Rather than tearing down or criticizing, we should seize every opportunity to build up and motivate others.
Avoiding Judgement and Criticism
Matthew 7:1-2 (NIV) cautions us, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” This verse reminds us of the importance of refraining from passing judgment on others. We are called to focus on our own growth and shortcomings instead of pointing out the flaws of those around us. By avoiding judgement, we create a space where love and acceptance can flourish, allowing us to build stronger relationships based on understanding and empathy.
Romans 14:13 (NIV) advises, ”Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister.” This verse encourages us to prioritize unity and harmony over criticism and judgment. We should strive to be mindful of our actions and the impact they may have on others. Instead of causing division, let’s work towards building bridges and supporting one another, focusing on shared values and strengthening our communities.
The Bible provides us with valuable insights on how we should treat others. Rather than putting others down, we are called to celebrate their strengths, offer encouragement, and avoid passing judgment. Embracing kindness and empathy not only benefits those around us but also contributes to our own growth and spiritual well-being. By following the guidance of these Bible verses, we can create a world where love and understanding prevail, fostering an atmosphere of unity and support.
Bible Verses About Putting Others Down
In the world today, it always seems that people think they are better than others. It is important to remember that we are all humans, and we should treat each other with respect as God asks us to do. In these Bible verses about putting others down, you can read how God wants us to treat each other.
John 13:34
34 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
This verse is a great reminder of how we should be treating others and why it’s important. The example of Jesus shows us that we should put other people first before ourselves. He was willing to die on the cross because he loved us so much! We should follow his example and love our neighbors as ourselves by putting them above ourselves and helping those who need it most. God loves each person equally and wants them all to be saved (Romans 5:8). This means there’s no difference between race or religion when it comes to salvation because everyone has equal value in God’s eyes since He created them all in His image (Genesis 1:26-27).
Romans 12:10
- Romans 12:10 Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you.
Luke 6:20-26
In verse 20, Jesus says that we should be like a city on a hill. To be a light to the world means that God’s work is being done in our lives and in our community. Verse 21 says that it is not good for people to be alone, so we should do all we can to help those around us.

In verses 22-25, we are told that if someone asks us for food or clothing, we should give it to them without asking questions or expecting anything in return (like money). If they ask you for more than what you can afford to give away freely, then tell them no and let them go elsewhere for help. But before that point comes where one needs something from another person without giving anything back in return (like when someone asks you for money), then do not say no because this would only hurt their feelings or make them feel bad about themselves!
2 Corinthians 4:5
Let’s look at the positive side. Paul says that it is better to build others up than to tear them down. It’s better to be positive, encouraging, kind and a good role model.
Mark 9:38-40
””If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a large millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off; it is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.”” (Mark 9:42-43)
I think we’re all familiar with this passage from Mark. We may have even heard our parents or teachers use this verse when we were kids. But let’s take a closer look at those words–what do they really mean?
1 Corinthians 10:24
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Galatians 6:7-9).
We should be willing to put others before ourselves when it comes to ministry or service in our church. We must be careful with how we treat people because everyone has their own struggles and battles. The Bible says that if someone hurts us, we shouldn’t hold a grudge against them but instead forgive them for what they’ve done wrong so that God can bless both parties involved and bring about greater peace within our lives as well as theirs! If you find yourself getting angry at someone else throughout this process (which happens sometimes!), remember those words… “What goes around comes around.”
Galatians 5:15
Galatians 5:15 says, “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.”
This scripture means that you should be careful not to put other people down or hurt them in any way. It also means that you should not be rude or mean towards others, because by doing so it makes you no better than they are. You are just as bad as they are if this is what you do!
You should never judge others based on their looks or lifestyle choices, because even though someone may look bad on the outside there could be something very wrong with their lives inside of them (such as depression). No matter how much money a person has or doesn’t have; what kind home they live in; their skin color; gender identity; age group…etc., God loves everyone equally regardless of these things!
John 3:17
The Bible teaches us to put others first, not ourselves, and certainly not our own desires or wants. It’s a difficult concept to grasp at first, but putting others before oneself is one of the most important aspects of Christianity.
The following verse puts it into perspective: “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” (John 3:17). In other words, we should be willing to sacrifice our own comfort and convenience for the sake of others’ benefit. We should let go of our pride and ego when helping someone else as an act of charity; after all, this is what Jesus did when he died on Calvary for our sins!
Romans 12:9
- 9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
- 10 Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
- 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
- 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Matthew 7:12
It’s important to remember that the way we treat others is a reflection of Jesus, and He wants us to be a good example. Being kind and helpful should be something you do daily, but here are some suggestions on how you can improve your ability to be an example:

- Be humble.
- Practice patience by waiting for things instead of rushing into them, because this shows people that you have self-control over yourself.
- Be giving with both time and resources (money), because these are gifts from God that should be shared with others in need around us as often as possible.
- Avoid gossiping about others at all costs; it only causes strife within your relationships with those around you who may have heard about whatever rumor was being spread—and trust me when I say nobody likes being talked about behind their backs!
Bible Verses About Putting Others Before Yourself
The Bible makes it clear that you should put others before yourself. Consider the following verses:
- “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18)
- “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24)
- “And above all these put on love…” (Colossians 3:14)
Therefore, if you want to be a good person, don’t look down on others or hate them; don’t destroy them or talk down to them; don’t destroy yourself or talk down to yourself; and most importantly, don’t hate yourself!
That’s right, whenever you treat someone else as more important than yourself. This is what it means to live out a Christian life—one that is focused on others and not just yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in our own thoughts, needs, wants and desires but if we take the time each day to put someone else first then we can truly be blessed by God instead of suffering through his wrath.
What Does God Say About Looking Down On Others
Proverbs 3:34
The subject here is God, and He scorns the scornful. Scorn, a contempt or disdain, is a fruit that pride produces in a person, and it is usually shown toward someone thought to be an inferior. A human being will tend to avoid the person who he deems unworthy, or he will immediately reject or ridicule the unworthy person’s opinions. What is the effect of this? It breaks people into cliques. Scorn divides and separates.