Does a church have to file a 990? Today, lots of churches file these forms, whether they’re required to or not. It’s because these forms are the easiest way for them to receive donations from companies and individuals.
Every church is required to file a form 990 even if they do not receive contributions from the public. The IRS monitors how much money churches are making to make sure that their income matches the 501(c)(3) status they are given.
Many churches, non-profits and religious organizations are required to file a 990 EZ or 990 N return. What is it? Why is it used? What does it include? How does it work? These are all critical questions that we need answered when creating a church budget for a set of financials.
Does A Church Have To File A 990
Churches can accept tax deductible gifts from donors and not file an annual information return, commonly known as a 990 form. However, some churches choose to file 990s voluntarily. Churches will not be required to file any new or different forms as part of final regulations published by the IRS on September 23, 2018 (REG-107892-18). These regulations apply only to churches that already file 990s, consolidated returns (Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax), and Form 5471, Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations. Churches remain exempt from federal income tax but are not automatically exempt from filing returns. Members of the public use these returns to research a church’s activity and finances.
A church is a tax-exempt organization and does not have to file a 990. The IRS defines a church as an organization that has the following characteristics:
1) It has a recognized creed and form of worship;
2) It has regular religious services;
3) It has ordained ministers; and
4) It has established places of worship.
Yes, churches are required to file a 990. Churches are exempt from Federal income tax, but they are not exempt from filing the 990-T.
The 990-T is a tax form that nonprofits must file in order to pay taxes on their unrelated business income (UBI). UBI is income that a nonprofit earns from providing goods or services outside of its normal activities. For example, if a nonprofit sells tickets for an event that it regularly holds and donates the proceeds to charity, this is considered UBI.
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on why are churches exempt from filing form 990, do churches have to report income, 990 filing requirements, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.
Church Filing Requirements
Churches do not have to file a 990. However, the IRS does provide churches with access to this form in case they want to file it.
do churches have to report income
No, churches are not required to file a 990.
No, churches are not required to file a 990. The IRS does not require religious organizations to file a 990 because they do not receive federal funding and their financial information is protected under the First Amendment.
However, churches are required to file an annual informational tax return called Form 5500 (for 501(c)(3) organizations), which serves as a substitute for the 990. While this form has less documentation than the 990, it still requires some basic information about your church’s finances, including any investments or payouts above $500 in one year’s time

Why Do Churches File a 990?
The main reason churches file a Form 990 is to demonstrate transparency, financial health and compliance with laws. A church’s congregation and donors may be more likely to support the church if they know what services the church provides and how much money it takes in.
Churches also file a Form 990 because they’re required by law to do so—just as you might have to fill out an IRS form every year or two. The IRS requires all 501(c)(3) nonprofits (including churches) to file an annual return disclosing their income, expenses and assets.
What About the Form 990-N (e-Postcard)?
Form 990-N (e-Postcard) is a short form that churches and church-related organizations use to provide their annual information to the IRS. It is a much simpler form than Form 990 and does not require audited financial statements.
The e-Postcard is available for churches with gross receipts of $50,000 or less, excluding grant income. In order to use it, you must meet certain requirements:
- You do not have any unrelated business taxable income (UBTI).
- You do not have any employees other than unpaid volunteers (such as members who serve in your ministry).
- None of your officers or key employees are compensated in excess of $60,000 per year total compensation from all sources.
Who Can Help Your Church with Tax Compliance?
A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) can help your church with tax compliance, planning, preparation and advice.
- Tax Planning/Preparation: A CPA can help your church establish a proactive approach to minimize taxes and maximize deductions. This includes establishing an effective record-keeping system to ensure maximum contributions are made. A CPA also provides guidance on how much money should be set aside by your organization for charitable giving as well as whether there are other ways it can reduce its overall tax burden.
- Tax Advice: CPAs provide valuable information about what is required by law in order to maintain compliance with IRS reporting requirements for non-profits like churches
Churches don’t have to file a 990 but may choose to do so.
Churches do not have to file a 990 but they may choose to do so. The IRS only requires churches that are exempt from federal income tax and that have gross receipts over $1,000 or more in any one year to file Form 990. If your church does not meet these criteria, it is not required by the IRS to file a Form 990.
However, there are some benefits for churches choosing to file a Form 990:
- Receipt of donations for tax purposes
- Deduction for business income
why are churches exempt from filing form 990
- Based on the IRS regulations, churches (including integrated auxiliaries and conventions or associations of churches) that meet the requirements of 501(c)(3) status are not required to file an annual return or notice with the IRS. Therefore, these organizations are exempt from filing annual returns.
- Also, they are not subjected to automatic revocation of exemption for
failure to file.
Churches are not required to file a 990, but they do need to ensure that they are in compliance with all other applicable tax laws for nonprofits. If you have any questions about your church’s tax obligations, it’s best to talk to an attorney or accountant who specializes in tax law for churches and other religious organizations.