Broken car window. Does it have a spiritual meaning? Well, yes, if you think about it. The universe can’t tell everything through words, so there are symbols. A broken car window is a symbol that means something else. Or does it mean nothing?
Why a Broken Car Window Can Bring Good Things to You ? A broken car window is always bad news. It can cost you an arm and a leg and more than the insurance will pay for. But the feeling of being in this situation doesn’t have to be negative and you can use it to your advantage if you know how. My friend Mike was reading ‘The Power of Intention’ by Wayne Dyer one day, when he came across the interesting fact that everything happens for a reason, even though sometimes it takes us awhile to see what the reason is. This inspired Mike and he began to think about these things whenever something unpleasant happened in his life. This week Mike’s out for a drive when he sees that his left rear window has been broken into. No way… How could we have let this happen?
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Spiritual Meaning of Broken Car Window
We may not be able to control the world around us, but we can control the way we respond to it. The spiritual meaning of broken car windows is that when something goes wrong in your life, you should use it as an opportunity to grow and learn.
When something bad happens, it’s easy to get caught up in how unfair it is and how much easier life would be if things had gone differently. This is especially true for car accidents—why did this happen? How could this have been prevented? What if I hadn’t been driving that day? Why does everyone else get to go on with their lives while mine has been turned upside-down?
But when you look at the situation this way, all you’re doing is punishing yourself for something that wasn’t your fault. You are allowing yourself to become a victim of circumstance instead of taking ownership over your own choices, actions, and reactions.
Instead of asking why did this happen?, ask what can I learn from this experience? What can I do differently next time? What can I do better now?
When you decide to take control over your life instead of letting external forces dictate it for
Broken car windows have a spiritual meaning.
They represent the need to let go of past hurts, so that you can move forward with your life. The window represents the “door” of your car, which is usually the way you enter and exit the vehicle. When this window is broken, it means that something has happened in your life that has caused you to feel like you cannot get out of your old ways and make change for yourself.
The only way to fix this problem is through forgiveness—the act of letting go of anger or resentment toward another person or situation. You must forgive yourself as well as others in order to be able to move on from whatever happened and open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences.
Churchgists has provided a well detailed information on the aforementioned and so much more. You will find these details very useful in whatever course you intend to use them for.
If there is someone in your life who has hurt or betrayed you, try thinking about them differently than before—if they no longer mean anything bad to you anymore then there’s no reason why they shouldn’t come back into your life again!
Metaphysical Meaning of Breaking Glass
What’s the spiritual meaning of a cracked or broken windshield?
A lot of the time when we think about omens and spiritual meanings, we do so in relation to things that have a traditional footing in our society. Think about things like lucky horse shoes or seeing a white deer. However, the newer things we interact with—like windshields—also having meaning. In fact, sometimes their meaning goes back before their invention. This is the case with the car windshield, because after all, it’s just a window. And the other important symbolic element of car windshields is travel. This is because, obviously, we use our cars to travel.
Let’s Start With Broken Glass and Broken Windows
Since a windshield is, essentially, just a window in your car, it’s a good place to start in understanding its spiritual meaning. Windows represent several different things. Among other things, windows represent barriers, and they also represent vision.

Let’s start with barriers. A barrier could be any sort of barrier. For example, it could be a metaphorical blind spot; are you overlooking something very important in your life? It could be that a broken windshield, like any broken window, is a message from your guides to examine your current situations and search for any important issues you might not be noticing.
However, a block in your vision isn’t the only sort of barrier. It could also be that you’ve been targeted by someone else’s ill intent. That is, something somebody has done or is doing is restricting you in some way. This could have a lot to do with vision or perception. So, when your windshield breaks, this could be a message that another person’s malign influence over you has been cracked, shattered, or broken.
Travel Omens and Broken Windshields Spiritual Meaning
When you crack a windshield, it’s the same message as a cracked window in your house. But there is one important difference. When you crack a window in your house, the omen relates to the home and the things the home symbolizes: the body, the self, protection, security, family, etc. However, when you crack your windshield, the message instead revolves around things the car represents: travel, journey, freedom, motion, movement, choice, and connections.

So, this means that when you break your windshield you should spend time reflecting on any upcoming journeys you might have planned. The broken windshield might be an omen to shed any preconceptions you might have about the journey you have planned. Like, for example, if you assume the weather will be good, instead double, triple, and quadruple check the weather forecast to make sure you’re not accidentally driving into a hurricane or a blizzard. The same goes for which route you take, pay extra attention to what the best route might be and make a careful, considered, and thoughtful choice.
Remember though, the broken windshield isn’t a message that you must or should change your travel plans, it’s just a reminder to make the best plans ahead of the trip.
Is a Broken Windshield a Good Omen or a Bad Omen?
A broken windshield is neither a good omen or a bad omen. Instead, it comes as a neutral message to remind you to pay extra attention to things around you. The broken windshield omen wants you to break any assumptions you might have about travel. But, it doesn’t necessarily mean a prediction of something bad on your journey, it just means you can always have a better journey if you make very good plans before leaving.