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Spiritual Meaning of Cowrie Shells

    Cowrie shells are widely used as a medium of exchange and they have religious significance as well. The spiritual meaning of cowrie shells is that they represent the ritual cleansing of the human spirit as it rises up to heaven, where it will be reborn. Let us explore the meaning of the cowrie shell dream and how to use cowrie shells for money.

    In West Africa, diviners frequently use cowrie shells because they associate the plant with fertility and creative power. The cowrie is also the symbol of knowledge in Yoruba culture. A diviner may be called a “cowrie man.”

    Right here on Churchgists, you can rest assured that you will obtain all the relevant information you need on how to wear cowrie shells, how to use cowries to attract money, how to read cowrie shells pdf, and so much more. Take the time to surf through our catalog for more information on similar topics.

    Spiritual Meaning of Cowrie Shells

    The spiritual meaning of cowrie shells is a symbol of wealth, prosperity and fertility. Cowrie shells are associated with both the moon and the ocean, which represent power and wealth. Cowrie shells served as currency in ancient times, and women frequently wore them to denote their status in society.

    Cowrie shells are also associated with the goddess Yemaya, who is known for her beauty and abundance. She was also known as “The Mother Sea” because she was revered as a powerful deity that could bring prosperity to those who honored her. Cowrie shells are often used in rituals intended to bring good fortune or prosperity into your life

    Cowrie shells are a symbol of good luck and prosperity in many cultures. They are used in jewelry, clothing and as decorations on houses and vehicles, and they’re also believed to be a sign of fertility and wealth.

    The shell’s shape is said to resemble that of an egg, which is also associated with fertility. In addition, cowrie shells are traditionally white or cream-colored, which is associated with goodness and purity.

    Cowrie shells have been used for thousands of years across the globe by cultures including the Greeks, Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and Japanese.

    Here are some of the spiritual meanings associated with cowrie shells:

    1. Wealth and Prosperity

    Cowrie shells have long been seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. In ancient times, they were used as currency and were highly valued. In many cultures, wearing cowrie shells is believed to attract financial abundance and success.

    2. Fertility

    The shape of cowrie shells, which resembles that of an egg, is often associated with fertility. Many cultures believe that carrying or wearing cowrie shells can enhance fertility and bring about the blessing of children.

    3. Power and Protection

    Cowrie shells are associated with the moon and the ocean, both of which are symbols of power and protection. In many spiritual practices, cowrie shells are used for protection against negative energy and to enhance one’s personal power.

    4. Good Luck

    Cowrie shells are considered to bring good luck in many cultures. It is believed that wearing or carrying cowrie shells can attract positive energy and ward off misfortune.

    5. Purification and Purity

    The white or cream color of cowrie shells is often associated with purity and goodness. In some spiritual practices, cowrie shells are used for purification rituals to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit.

    6. Biblical Significance

    In the Bible, the concept of abundance and prosperity is mentioned in various scriptures. One such verse is from Deuteronomy 28:11, which states, “The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity – in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock, and the crops of your ground – in the land he swore to your ancestors to give you.”

    Meaning Symbolism
    Wealth and Prosperity Associated with financial abundance
    Fertility Linked to the blessing of children
    Power and Protection Used for protection against negative energy
    Good Luck Believed to attract positive energy
    Purification and Purity Used in rituals for cleansing

    What Does Cowrie Shell Symbolize

    Cowrie Shells might appear simple and unassuming, but they are highly valued, and in some parts of the world, have even been used as jewelry and currency. Cowrie shells are admired for their delicate shells and markings and have been an integral part of many ancient cultures, traditions, and belief systems. 

    As a gift from the Goddess, cowrie shells have long been a symbol of prosperity, material wealth, and good fortune. In African and American cultures, people with more cowrie shells were considered to be of a higher social status and were treated with honor.

    What is a Cowrie Shell?

    What is a cowrie shell

    The word Cowrie or Cowry comes from the Sanskrit word kaparda which means small shell. The term is generally used to classify marine snails and gastropod mollusks. Cowries are predominantly found in coastal areas, particularly in the Indian and Pacific oceans. 

    The old Italian word for Cowrie Shells Porcellana, was the root for the English word Porcelain. The English included the word in their vocabulary due to the similarity between Cowrie Shells and porcelain ceramic. 

    Characteristics of Cowrie Shells

    Cowrie Shells have a smooth, shiny, and glossy surface. They are predominantly shaped and structured like an egg. The round part of the shell, or what looks like its back, is called the Dorsal Face. The flat side of the shell, with an opening in its middle, is called the Ventral Face. 

    Almost all Cowrie Shells glow and shine similar to porcelain ceramic. Most varieties of shells are also etched with colorful patterns and designs. Cowrie Shells can be anywhere between 5mm to 19 cm long, depending on the species. 

    Cowrie Shells Dream Meaning

    Cowrie Shells have been used as currency, jewelry, and sacred objects in many cultures.

    Let’s take a look at the meaning of Cowrie Shells in ancient civilizations. 


    African trade networks used Cowrie Shells as their main form of currency. Due to their lightweight nature, they could be easily placed on strings and transported across the continent. Cowrie Shells were also easy to handle, protect, and count. 

    Cowrie Shells were always prevalent in Africa, but they became widespread only after the entry of European colonizers. The Europeans introduced large numbers of Cowrie Shells and exchanged them for both slaves and gold. 


    The Ancient Chinese used Cowrie Shells as a form of currency, and they eventually became a Chinese Character to represent money. In China, there was a large demand for Cowrie Shells and over the years they became very scarce. Due to this reason, people began making imitations of Cowries from bones and other materials. Cowrie Shells were also placed in tombs, for the dead to have access to wealth. 


    In Southern India, Cowrie Shells were used by astrologers to predict and foresee the future. The astrologer would hold Cowrie Shells in his palms and rub them together in a ritualistic chant. After this, a certain number of Cowrie Shells were taken up and kept separately. From this separated bundle, a few shells were picked based on logic and calculation. The remaining shells were finally used for predicting and foreseeing the future. 

    North America 

    Ancient North American tribes like the Ojibway, used Cowrie Shells as sacred objects. The shells were often used in Midewiwin ceremonies, that promoted spiritual growth and healing. It remains a mystery how the Ojibway discovered Cowrie Shells since their homes were far away from the ocean. 

    Uses of Cowrie Shells

    Cowrie Shells weren’t only used for monetary purposes by ancient civilizations but also as jewelry and for decoration. The Chinese used Cowrie Shells on their clothes to make them look appealing and attractive. 

    African women wore accessories made of Cowrie Shells and even decorated their hair and attire with them. Masks were made from Cowrie Shells for dances and celebrations. They were also placed on sculptures, baskets, and other everyday objects. Warriors and hunters glued Cowrie Shells onto their outfits for greater protection. 

    In contemporary times, Cowrie Shells are used to make unique jewelry, art, and craft items. 

    Types of Cowrie Shells 

    • Yellow Cowrie: Yellow Cowrie Shells have a yellow shade and are used for prosperity and wealth. They are also kept to balance the mystical powers of planet Jupiter. 
    • Tiger Cowrie: Tiger Cowrie Shells have a mound that resembles the pattern of a tiger’s skin. These shells are used to keep away negative energy and ward off the evil eye. 
    • White Cowrite: White Cowrie Shells are the most common and popular variety. They are used for astrological purposes and are believed to contain divine powers. 

    Tiger Cowrie Shell Spiritual Meaning

    Cowrie Shells have various symbolic meanings, which add to their value. This varies from region to region, but there are some similarities that can be found across cultures.  

    • Symbol of Fertility: In African tribes, such as the Mende of Sierra Leone, Cowrie Shells were symbols of womanhood, fertility, and birth. The split in the shell was seen as a symbol of the vulva and called the Giver or Elixir of life. 
    • Symbol of Rank: In the Fiji Islands, golden Cowrie Shells were used by the chieftains of tribes as a symbol of rank and prestige. 
    • Symbol of Prosperity: In both African and American cultures, Cowrie Shells were an emblem of wealth and prosperity. Those who had more Cowrie Shells were considered affluent and given respect and honor. 
    • Symbol of Protection: Cowrie Shells were closely associated with the African goddess of protection who resided in the ocean, Yemaya. The deity blessed and protected those who wore these shells.

    How To Use Cowrie Shells For Money

    Cowrie shells have a rich spiritual history. They are believed to bring good luck and fortune, as well as protection from evil spirits.

    In the 1800s, cowrie shells were used in ceremonies to heal illness and disease. When someone was sick or injured, they would receive a small number of cowrie shells from an elder or shaman who was skilled in using them. The person would then use the cowrie shells to make offerings to the spirits; these offerings were often made during ceremonies with other people who had been afflicted by similar illnesses or injuries.

    Because cowrie shells are so small, it is challenging for anyone other than an elder or shaman to use them in a ceremony without drawing attention to themselves. This means that only those who have been trained know how to use them properly, which means that when you see someone carrying around some cowries in their bag or pocket, they’re probably not just trying to be “hip” or “cool.” It’s more likely that they’re trying to harness their power for good luck and fortune!


    Cowrie Shells have a plethora of symbolic meanings, and they are intricately connected with many ancient civilizations. While these objects may no longer hold as much value as in the past, they’re still admired and used for their beauty and versatility.

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