If you’re a church administrator and are looking for ways to lessen your church’s cost, you’ve come to the right place. Thousands of churches give away food each year. The meals can be for Thanksgiving or Christmas but many also help out following natural disasters. Whether it’s by donating meals through your soup kitchen, food pantry or if you have a Kool Aid stand at children’s fairs, churches that give away food is nothing new. In fact, the Salvation Army has run the iconic red kettle campaign for decades. Recently the trend has gained steam as churches have gotten much more comfortable (or desperate) with their internet presence.
Holy Trinity Church in Portland, OR has made a name for themselves over the last few years by serving food to those in need. Churches that give away food have always been around — but as a news source; this church has truly used its position in the community to spread awareness of food insecurity issues and how churches can help.
Churches and non-profit organizations around the United States give away free food every day. Churches that give away food to homeless people are listed below.
Food pantries and food banks are a great resource for families down on their luck, but what about when people aren’t in a crisis, but just need some help getting back on their feet? What if you just need enough food to get through the week? Charity is an important pillar of any Christian community. What happens if you don’t have an emergency medical fund or enough money to pay all your bills this month? Some churches, recognizing these needs, offer charity boxes that anyone can take food from.
Churches that give away food
There are a number of churches and religious organizations that offer food to people in need. This can be done through the church itself or through its members. The food may be prepared by volunteers or members of the congregation, or it may be purchased from a local grocery store or restaurant.
The following is a list of churches that give away food:
[list][*]Church of Saint Francis Xavier (New York City, NY)
[*]Saint Matthew’s Church (Washington D.C.)
[*]Saint Mary’s Cathedral (San Francisco)
[*]St. Charles Borromeo Church (Philadelphia)
Churches that give away food
Many people are aware of the fact that some churches provide food for those in need. Some churches provide meals, others give out food boxes, and still others offer both. But what if you don’t know where to find a church that offers this kind of assistance? Here are some suggestions:
Church Finder
Church Finder is an online directory that allows you to search for churches by state or city, as well as by denomination. You can also search by keywords such as “giveaways,” and the site will show you all of the churches in your area that have been tagged with this word. The site includes photos and contact information for each church.
Food Pantries Near Me
Another way to find a nearby church offering free food is through this website, which lists locations for over 50,000 pantries across the United States. Just enter your zip code and click on “Food Pantries.” You’ll be able to see a list of all pantries within a 10-mile radius from your location—and if you click on any one of them, you’ll get more information about their hours and services offered (including whether they serve hot meals).
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on churches that help with food vouchers, free food giveaway today near me, food pantry near me, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.
Churches that give food away
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Address: 7030 N Davis Hwy, Milton, FL 32570
Phone: (850) 623-3662
Website: https://www.stpaulspensacola.com/
Salvation Army
Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that provides social services to individuals in need. It runs numerous programs, including thrift stores and soup kitchens, but it’s best known for its Christmas bell ringers who collect donations outside of grocery stores during the holiday season.
The Salvation Army operates as a church, charity organization and non-profit organization (but not a government agency) in countries around the world. However, only some branches are religious charities while others are secular organizations or simply dedicated to providing social services without religious affiliations.
Salvation Army operates both as a church and a charity/non-profit organization depending on location
Central Baptist Church of Pensacola
The Central Baptist Church of Pensacola serves hot meals to the public every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:15 p.m. to 6 p.m., as well as one Saturday per month (the day varies). They also offer a food pantry that’s open on Wednesdays between 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Thursdays between 12-2 p.m., and Saturdays between 9-11 a.m.. Those in need can call ahead at 850-479-5457 or stop in to receive the same information when they arrive at their location at 1706 N Palafox St
Christ Church Pensacola
Christ Church Pensacola is a church that provides food to those in need every Saturday at 1 p.m. The food is provided by Christ Church and the United Methodist Church of Pensacola. Those who are eligible to receive food include anyone who is over the age of 18, has a valid government-issued photo ID, and lives within the city limits of Pensacola, Florida (zip code 32503).
St. Ann Catholic Church
St. Ann Catholic Church is a non-profit organization that has been serving their community for over 50 years. They have been a part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee since 1959 and are located at 805 North 12th Avenue in Pensacola, Florida.
First United Methodist Church of Milton
First United Methodist Church of Milton, located at 212 NE 1st St, Milton, FL 32570 is open for the following hours:
- 9:30am-12:30pm
- 5:00pm-7:00pm
Pace Assembly of God
The Pace Assembly of God Church in Florida, USA provides a meal and bag of groceries to anyone who is in need. They serve lunch Monday through Friday from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Their address is 5001 W State Rd 16, Pace FL 32571
Congregation Beth Shalom in Orange Beach; Congregation Beth Israel in Gulf Shores, AL; and Temple Beth El in Daphne, AL.
Congregation Beth Shalom in Orange Beach, Congregation Beth Israel in Gulf Shores and Temple Beth El in Daphne are three Alabama churches that give away food to those who need it.

Churches that give food away
Churches that give food away:
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Pensacola
Salvation Army, Milton and Navarre
Central Baptist Church of Pensacola, Pensacola
Christ Church Pensacola, Pensacola
St. Ann Catholic Church, Milton**(This church gives away food every Wednesday from 3:00 to 4:00 PM.) First United Methodist Church of Milton and Pace Assembly of God.
churches that help with food vouchers
Poverty Alleviation

Hands of Compassion assists those in need. We provide assistance through food vouchers, transport, building materials, and educational costs, such as school fees, stationery, and uniforms.
We also re-distribute resources. We have a team on standby to collect donated furniture, appliances, clothing, food, etc., in the greater Johannesburg area. Once collected, donations are sorted and used at Hands of Compassion or distributed to other organisations, ministries and individuals. You will be surprised how many people are blessed by what you may no longer want or need. Please contact us if you would like to give in this way.
Disaster Response

The poor are often most vulnerable when they are victims of a disaster and it is in times of crisis that we are called to respond with compassion – a compassion that is demonstrated in a practical way to alleviate suffering by providing food, blankets, clothes and at times building materials.
In partnership with other relief organizations we respond to people in crisis as a result of fires, floods, evictions or other disasters.
Stories from our people
One Friday evening in February we received a phone call from a distraught lady telling us that a group of people had just been evicted from where they were living (close to HOC). She had seen our vehicles in the area and looked up our number. We visited the site of the eviction and decided to help accommodate about twenty people at the HOC farm. We worked late into the night in conjunction with the local disaster management committee, to get some of the people settled into a few of our vacant bedrooms and a hastily erected army tent. Through the help of an attorney, our guests were able to take their case to court, which decided that their eviction was illegal and ordered that their original accommodation be re-instated.
It was a blessing to hear that during their stay with us, many had been ministered to, and some of them had experienced God’s love.
“It seems that God was blessing us while we stayed on the church’s property, as some of us found jobs during this time”, commented some of the people.
. . . learn to do good. Seek justice: help the oppressed; defend the orphan; plead for the widow. (Isaiah 1:17)
It is our hope that this article will help those in need of food and other resources. We also want to encourage anyone who may be interested in volunteering to reach out to these organizations so they can join the fight against hunger. Note: The information above was provided by the Pensacola News Journal on November 22nd, 2018.