Greetings everyone in this new church whatsapp group! I was once in your position just a few months ago. So excited, can’t wait to see what God will do through us. All things are possible with God. Praise the Lord.”
Whenever you create a group and add new members you have to welcome them. So here are lots of welcome to Whatsapp group wishes and quotes for friends and as well as bosses.
Welcome To Whatsapp Group Quotes
Welcome wishes quotes are the best way to share your expressions with the new members. So the all welcome wishes and quotes are well written.
If you are in company and you want to welcome a new boss then welcome messages for the new boss. Same as you can also share Welcome abroad to the team wishes.
Welcome To WhatsApp Group Wishes
welcome to WhatsApp group quotes
We are very glad that you have joined our group and we are very encouraged to have you here and I hope we will continue to benefit from you.
It is a great pleasure for us to welcome you to our group and be among us and I hope you will benefit us with your intelligence and your guiding experience.
Right here on Churchgists, you are privy to a litany of relevant information on church greetings and welcome, biblical welcome message, christian welcome message, and so much more. Take out time to visit our Website for more information on similar topics.
10 Welcome Message For Church Whatsapp Group
Welcome Message for Church Whatsapp Group
1. **Welcome to our Church Whatsapp group! We are excited to have you join us in fellowship and community.**
2. **Hello and welcome to all our new members! We look forward to sharing prayer requests, Bible verses, and uplifting messages with each other.**
3. **Greetings in the name of the Lord! May this group be a place of support, encouragement, and love for all who are a part of it.**
4. **Welcome to our virtual church community! We are grateful for your presence and eager to grow together in faith.**
5. **Blessings to you as you join our Church Whatsapp group. May we lift each other up in prayer and walk in God’s grace together.**
6. **Welcome, dear brothers and sisters, to this space where we can connect, worship, and share God’s love with one another.**
7. **We are thrilled to have you join our Church Whatsapp group! Let us build each other up in faith and unity as we journey together.**
8. **Greetings and a warm welcome to all new members! May this group be a source of strength and inspiration for you in your faith walk.**
9. **Welcome to our digital church family! Let us draw closer to God and to one another as we engage in meaningful conversations and share our testimonies.**
10. **Hello and welcome, everyone! We are so glad to have you as part of our Church Whatsapp group. Let’s spread the love of Christ together!**
Welcome Message For Church Whatsapp Group
We are proud to have you in our group and your positive thinking and leadership attitude are very good for us. We hope you will guide us with your experience and leadership advice.

The members of the group are also like family so you have become a part of our family which I am very happy and I welcome you to my group. Thank you for considering our group worthy and Joined together.
welcome to the group new members
I am proud to benefit from your excellent advice and abilities and it is a great pleasure for me to meet a person like you. I am glad that you considered me worthy of this and you joined our group. Nice to meet you and welcome to the group
You have set a great example for the betterment of humanity by joining our group and dedicating yourself to the service of humanity and we welcome you to our group and hope you will continue to do good deeds.
It is an honor for us to have a respectable and excellent person like you with us and we needed a leader like you who would improve our thinking and our character and make us a better people.
welcome message examples
Welcome to the pleasant and wonderful atmosphere of our group. I hope you will make your place in all of us with your positive thinking and positive attitude and always support us to spread goodness.
Welcome To Group Friend Wishes
welcome message for friends in whatsapp group
Thank you so much for joining our educational group. It is a matter of pride for all of us to have a great teacher like you teach us and join our group and we hope that your useful words will benefit us.
It is a great pleasure for us to have a great man like you join us and guide us and we hope that you will join us in every good deed and work together for the good and betterment of humanity so that humanity could benefit.
Our group is designed to share the good stuff. So I hope you will share the good and the helpful stuff every day and in our group so that all the group members can benefit and improve their academic ability.
Knowledge grows from sharing and this group of ours is also formed for this purpose so that with the help of knowledge man can be taken from the depths of ignorance to the heights and I hope that you will fully support us in this work and our Welcome to this knowledge group.
welcome wishes quotes
Life is not complete without a best friend and if there is more than one friend, life becomes a paradise. Now that you have joined our group, I am glad that our family is growing and we have succeeded in creating a better environment.
Dear friends, since you joined this group, spring has come to this group and I have got the courage to use this group together for a better and better purpose. We will guide our members to the best of our ability.
welcome message for friend
My friend this group would be incomplete without you but you have come and made this group complete and I am very happy that I hope we will both work very well together and the members of the group Will keep you happy.
Welcome To The Group Quotes
welcome message for new employe
Welcome to our office and I hope that you will fulfill your responsibilities as a new boss in the best possible way and together we will benefit this company.
Dear cousins welcome to our group of relatives and I hope we will all live in love with each other and build a strong relationship between us.
This group is made for entertainment purposes. So let’s have lots of fun together. I welcome you to this group and I hope you will like the amazing and lovely atmosphere of the group.
I welcome you as a new member of the group and I hope we all work together to develop this company and make our future better.
welcome aboard to the team
Thank you so much for joining our group and for working together with the best ideas and techniques, so that we can do great things and come up with new things.
You are now our family member and I welcome n you to my group and hope we will do better things together and make some things amazing. This is my good fortune to working with an intelligent and amazing person.
I welcome you as a new employee to my company and my group. I hope you will work hard and will do better things with us and help us to progress this company day by day.
A new group member means a new family member. Welcome to the group of entertainment and excitement. Have lots of discussions and get rid of your work fatigue.
Welcome to our newspaper group and I hope you find the best kind of content here and on a daily basis, you will find new news and also interesting content.
welcome message for new boss
A warm welcome from me to you on a broad and wish you amazing and happy moments. Do lots of achievements daily and enjoy your life with fun.
Welcome to the Church of Christ! We are so glad you are here. We know this service is going to be a great one, and we want you to feel at home. We will discuss the Welcome speech for church service, welcome speech for church youth program and welcome speech for church anniversary.
Welcome to all as we celebrate the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is my pleasure to welcome all the brothers and sisters of the church. We want to thank everyone for taking time out of their days to give praise to the Lord for continuing to bless their lives day in and day out.
You may find it hard to access the right information on the internet, so we are here to help you in the following article, providing the best and updated information on Church welcome speech sample. Read on to learn more. We at churchgists have all the information that you need about Church welcome speech sample.
Church welcome speech sample

Before we begin, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page about how we do church here at [church name]. Our goal is to create a space where people can come together, connect with God, and be encouraged by each other. We believe that our faith is strengthened when we lean into one another’s struggles and triumphs—and that’s why we want this service to be an opportunity for you to share your story, as well as hear from others in the congregation.
We also believe that every single person who visits this place should have an equal chance at being heard, regardless of their background or socio-economic status. This means that if you don’t have a microphone or a big fancy job title, don’t worry—you’ll still get plenty of opportunities to contribute and share your thoughts throughout our time together today. If there is something you need from someone else in order for that contribution to happen (whether it’s a ride downtown or some money), please let us know during this service so we can help make sure it happens!
Our church welcome speech sample below covers the 3 essential elements of a genuinely welcoming speech for the visitors or newcomers in your congregation.
The speaker has:
- acknowledged newcomers
- given them an introduction to the core points of the congregation’s beliefs and practice
- and warmly invited them to connect and participate in church life.
The speech is sincere, brief and will be easily understood by those who hear it.
All the possibly tricky issues are covered
Although it might appear simple the speech covers a number of potentially complex issues succinctly.
These are:
- offering a welcome freely regardless of the visitor’s motivation. That is “just looking”, or seriously considering the church as fitting their needs.
- removing unspoken questions through giving a clear statement about what’s at the heart of the church. The visitor does not have to guess. They have something solid to base their decision making process on.
- giving an invitation to discuss issues personally.
For example: “… so if you ever feel like just another number, we’re doing something wrong and I give you permission to tell me about it.”
The implication of that invitation is powerful. The message it gives is: “You are valuable. I care, we care, enough about you to give you time. I am not above or better than you. You are free to tell me where I have gone wrong.” - providing clear means of creating a connection. E.g. “Fill out one of our connect cards” and by completing a prayer request.
- having a welcoming pack to give to visitors. It’s something tangible they can take away that contains the church’s essential details and contacts. (In this speech it’s a “bulletin”.)
- looking into the future, anticipating what’s ahead if the invitation to join is accepted
- honoring the guest: “Allow us to serve you.”
You’re welcome to take, shape and change it to fit your needs.
welcome speech for church youth program
I want to take a moment to extend a very warm welcome to everyone who’s visiting us for the first time this morning. Whether you’re just having a look, or are searching out for a place to worship, we’re delighted to have you here.
To give you some idea of what we’re all about, I’ll quickly sketch some of our foundational beliefs.
Our vision says this: Getting and growing people in relationship with Jesus.
So firstly, we’re all about Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was who he said he was, the Son of God who came and died for our sins. So if this is your first time in church, we hope that get to know Him as we do, because He’s truly what life is all about for us!
Secondly we’re all about people. Every person who walks through our doors is important to us, so if you ever feel like just another number, we’re doing something wrong and I give you permission to tell me about it.
As a group of God’s people we care about you and your family and we’re here not only to feed you spiritually, but to help in any way we can. We love doing it and it’s why we exist!
Thirdly, we’re all about relationships. We hope to cultivate and grow meaningful and positive relationships between another, but also go further by getting and growing in relationship with God. Christianity is all about a Person, and less about a set of rules. That means that we exist to be in a relationship with Someone, that’s Jesus, and merely not to obey a religion.
That’s us in a nutshell!
I want to encourage you to fill out one of our connect cards that you’ll find in the bulletin you got when you came in. Just write your name and e-mail or phone number on there, since we’d love to stay in touch with you and let you know about some exciting upcoming events we’re planning for the next few months.
Also, if you’ve got a specific prayer request, please take the courage to write it down on that same piece of paper (there’s a space for it), and put it in the prayer box at the back of this room when you leave.
We’d love to pray for you, but if you don’t ask us, there’s nothing for us to pray for, so I encourage you to make use of this opportunity and allow us to serve you in this way.
Enjoy the rest of your worship time with us, and God bless you!
About this example speech
This example of a short church welcome speech was written by Leon Potgieter, an actively committed Christian. At the time he gave it to me to share he, like me, owned and ran a website offering public speaking help.
welcome speech for church anniversary
Hello, everyone!
We’re so excited to be here today. We know how much this day means to you, and we’re honored to be a part of it.
We know that all of us are here in this room because we believe in something bigger than ourselves—a force that is powerful enough to give us hope in a world that can sometimes feel like it’s falling apart. We all come from different backgrounds and walks of life, but we’ve found something in common: That belief is what brings us together today.
We have all been asked to stand up at some point in our lives and fight for what we believe in, whether it was fighting for our country or fighting for a cause we care about deeply. We’ve all learned that when we stick together as one community—when we hold hands with those who share our values and share their stories with others who don’t yet understand them—we can overcome any obstacle thrown at us. And today, with your help, I’m going to show you how this tradition started—and how it can change your life forever!
Welcome, everyone! We’re so glad you could make it today.
We know this is a busy time of year for many of us, and we’re grateful that you’ve taken the time to join us here at [church name]. It’s always a pleasure to see familiar faces and meet new ones, too!
Today we have a special presentation from [person who will present]. After that, we’ll have some announcements from the church council about our upcoming events, and then we’ll take some time for socializing with coffee and treats.
In case you don’t know what to expect from our service today, let me tell you: first, there will be an opening prayer; then we’ll hear from [person who will give the talk]; after that, there will be another prayer followed by [song] (which is sung by our choir). Afterward, we’ll have time for announcements and socializing.
If you have any questions at all throughout the service or afterward, please feel free to come up to me or any other member of the leadership team. We’re happy to help in any way possible!
Welcome Address For Church Choir Anniversary

Here is the church choir anniversary welcome speech that is biblical for you to share with other fellow choir members and the church at large.
As you mark this anniversary celebration in your church for the church choir you are sure that having a great and lovely speech to give will give a long lasting impression to those who will attend and even to the church members who have come to bless the day.
Let everybody know that singing for the Lord is the way to go and is a form of worship that we all need to be involved for those who are believers and want to share the love of God with one another.
opening speech
church choir anniversary welcome speech from choir leader
Visitors present,church members and my fellow choir members who have come to grace this occasion that we have always looked forward to.
We are very much privileged to be here today through
the mercies of our Lord Jesus Christ
It is a day we have always looked forward to as we celebrate together
as a choir in this church of what our loving Lord has done us
through the grace that He has given us.
I do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.
[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,
that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets]
in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him,
By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light,
so that you can know and understand the hope to which
He has called you, and how rich is His glorious
inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones),
And [so that you can know and understand]
what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness
of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated
in the working of His mighty strength.
Let take this opportunity to welcome everybody to this occasion and let the love of God be upon you always.Thank you very much for coming to grace this occasion that is very important in our church choir calendar.
The choir anniversary is a very entertaining day and nobody will want to miss this day because of the exciting activities that are offered by the choir in general. Think of the singing session, the testimonies and many more activities that will make everybody smile and feel happy for attending the anniversary.
below is another church choir anniversary welcome speech from a member
church choir anniversary welcome speech
A speech from a choir member:
Our church pastor and the first lady, my fellow church choir members and the church at large.
I thank the Lord for giving me this chance and the church at large for allowing me to give these introductory remarks today.
As we all know this is a special day in our church because we are marking a milestone in our church.
We are here to remember for what the Lord has done to us more so the church choir who are celebrating many years since inception.
Have been a choir member as long as I can remember but there is a unique thing about this choir of our church. The many choirs have been before they die before marking the 5 year anniversary but ours today we are celebrating the 10 anniversary since we began singing for the Lord.
All this I give credit to the Lord and also the dedication of our church members through the able leadership of the church starting from our senior pastor who is there for us always and give us a piece of advice when we need it.
His daily prayers to the throne of mercies have kept us this far.
Let us celebrate together and know that the Lord who began good work in us shall finish it. We have confident that come 20th anniversary we shall gather here again to praise God for what He has done to us as the choir.
Let me take this opportunity to welcome you all to this day and feel at Jesus feet knowing that the presence of the Lord is with us and the promise is that will never leave us nor forsake us.
Brethren may the good Lord guide us through this day which is full of love and at the end of the day we shall give glory and honor unto to the Lord.
Allow me now me now to welcome the leader of the church choir who shall give us the remarks before pastor comes and give us the final remark before we start the activities of the day.
Be blessed.
Inaugural choir welcome address
Below is an inaugural choir welcome address sample which can also be used for the welcome speech for church anniversary choir annuals etc.
Ladies and gentlemen,I greet you in the name of Jesus,
Good evening,
Thank you for finding time to come here today during this inauguration ceremony of our choir in the church,
It is very important occasion in the church more so the choir members,we have been praying for this day and want to thank God it is here with us now.
Hope the Lord has kept you well,Feel welcome and may the good Lord keep you at peace always,
Welcome and enjoy the activities of the day,feel blessed in the Lord and as you give welcome speech for choir day
church choir anniversary welcome speech – specific samples
Below here you will find church choir anniversary welcome speech for specific people who are in leadership in the choir.
choir master speech on anniversary day
Here is the choir master speech on anniversary day
I greet you all in the name of our Lord Jesus,good morning,
Allow me to welcome each and everyone of you to this special occasion in our church,
A day that we are remembering our church choir and what the Lord has done to us since the inception of this choir in our church.
Let me thank our heavenly Father for the grace given to us and we shall keep on praising Him always.
Welcome you to our church and enjoy all the activities lined up during this occasion as we celebrate the anniversary.
Feel welcome and God bless you always.
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choir anniversary gratitude speech
The Choir anniversary day in church is a day that you celebrated and thank God for the far He has brought the choir.
Welcome To Church Speeches For Your Next Event in 2023

If you’ve just stumbled upon this post, it’s probably because someone’s asked you to give welcome to church speeches—or maybe it’s something you do regularly and you want to improve. We’ve got you covered.
Not only will you find 10 welcome to church speeches to kick off your next church service or large event, but also some suggestions for keeping your new church members engaged beyond your Sunday service.
Are Welcome to Church Speeches Necessary?
Whenever you have a large number of people gathered, it’s important to round them up and focus them on the reason that you’re all together. Even though we’ve come to call this initial address a “welcome speech,” it’s so much more than that.
When done right, a welcome message gets church members focused, sets the tone for the meeting, gives some sense of the agenda and outcomes, and gets everything off on the right foot.
Because welcome speeches tend to be brief and are seen as perfunctory, they’re often given without adequate preparation. Even the most seasoned speaker should shy away from completely improvising.
The Dangers of Not Planning Your Welcome to Church Speech
While it’s entirely possible to give a fantastic impromptu church welcome speech, there are reasons why it’s best to give some thought to your welcome to church speech. Here are some of the hazards of inadequate preparation:
One of the surest signs that someone hasn’t done their work in preparation is babbling. It’s easy to come up with a couple of points you want to hit on and imagine you’re prepared. What you inevitably forget is how unnerving it becomes when 100 pairs of eyes are fixed on you.
At that moment, you might remember your welcome message’s intended destination, but entirely forget how to get there. That’s when the rambling starts. In the moment, it becomes really hard to know when you’ve sufficiently made the point you wanted, so you just keep talking…
The other side of the rambling coin is the stammering. When you haven’t cemented the opening remarks you want to say, it’s so easy to get stuck in a mental loop. Your brain’s going 1,000 miles a second trying to construct your speech. In the meantime, the stuttering starts and you have a hard time getting back on track.
Both the person that’s rambling and the one that’s flustered try to ease their stress by cracking wise. Nothing breaks tension like jokes, right? Well, not so fast. Jokes are like pork: Wonderful if properly prepared, but when you start serving them up only half-baked, you have a good chance of turning off everyone.
When your brain is struggling to feed you the next line, it’s not going to do a good job of assessing the quality of a joke. In this situation, it’s easy to throw out a quip that’s incoherent, inappropriate, or awkward.
It’s likely that there are important points or directions that need to be communicated during a welcome speech. You might think, “It’s only a couple of items. What are the chances that I’ll forget them?” The chances are higher than you think.
Rules to Follow with These Welcome to Church Speeches
Before we get into the content of a welcome to church speech, here are a couple of rules to remember when you’re giving your address:
You’re setting the tone of this gathering, and most of the time you’re trying to make people comfortable. The key to being prepared lies in being able to speak in a way that feels extemporaneous.
You can definitely bring a card with some notes on it, but it’s there as a guide, not a crutch.
Being personable isn’t too difficult. You just want to appear cool, calm, and confident. Preparedness will help you get there. Meeting the gaze of people in the room is going to help sell it. Just don’t stare them down.
Talking too fast is almost inevitable when you’re not used to speaking in public. You get up there and the adrenaline starts pumping through you, and you end up speaking three times faster than you intend.
As crazy as it sounds, speak a little more slowly than feels comfortable.
Polonius speaks the truth in Hamlet when he says, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” Keep your warm welcome tight and concise and everyone will think you did brilliantly!
6 Key Elements of a Good Welcome to Church Speech
Most good welcome to church speeches are going to share some common components. But they might need to be packaged or delivered differently based on the kind of event you’re greeting people for. Here are six things every good welcome to church speech should do:
Start by welcoming everyone to the event and introducing yourself. This can be as simple as “Welcome to Redeemer Lutheran Church. My name is Susan.”
This is just a brief explanation of what people can expect to happen at the event. This should be as simple as possible. You’re not breaking everything down at an atomic level, you’re just giving a quick synopsis.
Let people know what they may need to know in order to enjoy themselves. This could include things like the location of restrooms, a reminder to turn down cell phones, or the location of refreshments.
Let visitors know that they’re welcome. It’s amazing how much tension is alleviated in visitors when they’re told, “We know there are some new people here.” This gives them permission to figure stuff out as they go.
You’ll also want to address any methods you use to capture their contact information. A simple, “If you’re new here today, we want to extend to you a special welcome. In the pew in front of you is a contact card, we’d love for you to fill it out and drop it in the offering basket so we can get to know you better.”
After you’ve welcomed everyone, your job is to smoothly transition to the next thing. That might mean that you’re encouraging them to welcome a speaker or releasing them to get food or refreshments. Whatever it is, make sure that you’re helping to facilitate the next steps.
If the situation calls for it, you can also open in prayer. The same general rules apply to public prayers that apply to welcome speeches. Unless you have some experience under your belt, it’s better to over-prepare than it is to wing it.
Welcome to Church Speech Templates
Here are some templates for various welcome speeches that you can use for your next gathering. Feel free to use these as springboards to get your creative juices flowing!
Sunday Morning
Good morning! My name is [NAME] and I’d like to welcome you to [CHURCH NAME]. If this is your first time here, we’d like to thank you for coming and we hope that you’ll be comfortable. We look forward to spending the next [service time period i.e. hour] worshiping with you. You’ll find a contact card in [location], please fill that out—we’d love to get to know you better.
Please remember [include any pertinent information about childcare, cell phone usage, or whatever here].
Please join me in prayer. [Insert prayer*]
As the worship team comes forward, join me in singing [song title].
Hi! My name is [name] and we’re really glad that you decided to join us this morning. If this is your first time at [church name], we want to let you know how excited we are that you’re here. I hope that our casual environment will help you feel comfortable. I also want to let you know that [include any pertinent information about childcare, cell phone usage, or whatever here]. Lastly, please take a moment and fill out the comment card that can be found [location]. We’d love to get to know a little bit more about you, and how we can serve or pray for you.
Let’s ask God to bless our time together. [Insert prayer*]
[Introduce next element]
Good evening. My name is [name] and it is my pleasure to welcome the families, friends, and teachers of our [year] graduating class. It seems like just yesterday that these graduates were preparing for their first years here at [school name], and here we are celebrating their great accomplishments.
We want to thank each and every one of you for the part you have played in helping each of these students get here. Your sacrifice has made their [high school, middle school, college, etc.] career successful. Thank you.
Throughout the program we’ll hear from some of the faculty and a few of the students, pass out diplomas, and send these students on the next part of their journey. [Insert whatever elements you need to include]
Please remember to [insert important information]. And join me as we welcome [next presenter/speaker].
Families and friends of the [year] graduates of [school name], my name is [name] and the faculty and I would like to welcome you to this wonderful evening. We look forward to remembering some of the fun and inspirational stories from the last [number] years.
This journey would have been impossible without the love, support, and encouragement of each one of you here tonight. So before we even begin, the faculty and students would like to thank you for the important role you played in this evening.
Lastly, we’d like to remind you that [insert important information].
Now, please join me in welcoming [next presenter/speaker].
Social Gatherings
These general speeches are helpful for picnics, potlucks, welcome-back dinners for students, and other get-togethers
Hello everyone, I just really want to thank you for coming out. It’s nice to see so many familiar faces. If this is your first time with us, my name is [name] and we [if appropriate insert the name of the church or organization] want to extend the warmest welcome to you. We hope that you can use this time to make some important connections and build some relationships.
A couple things before we get started: [Insert any important information]. When I excuse you, we’ll start by [give directions for the next element]. [Share about any other events that will be happening during the gathering].
[Insert prayer* if appropriate]
Welcome! If you don’t know me my name is [name] from [organization or church], and we’re really excited that you all were able to come out and join us for [name of gathering]. If you’re new here, we’re glad you’re with us and we’d all love an opportunity to get to know you better.
The reason we’re here today is [reason—it can be as simple as an opportunity to share a meal and enjoy some fellowship]. It’s going to be an awesome time of fun, food, and [include other elements that will occur.]
In a minute I’m going to excuse you and we’ll [insert directions]. Please note that [important reminders or information.]
Thank you and welcome again!
Membership or Business Meeting
Good [morning, afternoon, evening]. Thanks for making time to be here for [name of meeting type]. Our objective is to go over these items [briefly list topics] and be done in [time period]. If time allows we’ll also discuss [auxiliary items].
[If there are people who are new to this meeting] It looks like there are some new people here, so let’s quickly go around the room and introduce ourselves. From there, [name] will be taking minutes and we can get down to business.
Baby Dedication
Children are a gift from God. To recognize this gift and the responsibility to the parents, to the extended family, and to the community of faith, we are gathered to dedicate this child. My name is [name], and on behalf of the family, I would like to welcome you to [church name] for this wonderful event.
We believe that Christian parents have a wonderful joy, privilege, and duty to raise our children in a way that honors God. Because our children ultimately belong to God, it only seems appropriate that we take the time to dedicate [child name] to God.
[Any important information that people need to know about the ceremony or for after the ceremony.]
[Prayer if appropriate unless someone else is performing this step.]
Let’s welcome [person responsible for dedication] up to the front as we begin.
Christmas Service
Good morning! We’re so thankful that you have chosen to worship with us at [church name] as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether you’re a regular attender or are just visiting with us this morning, we’re glad that you’re with us—and we’re excited to sing some Christmas carols and talk about what the season’s all about with you.
My name’s [name] and I just wanted to let you know [important service information]. If you’re visiting, it would mean a lot if you’d take a second to fill out one of the contact cards in [location of contact information] and deposit it [wherever your church puts them]. We’re looking forward to getting to know you better.
Won’t you pray with me? [Insert prayer]
[Introduce next service element]
Easter Service
Welcome to [church name]! My name is [name], and I am excited you’re worshiping with us this Easter. If you’re a visitor, we want to thank you for joining us on the most celebratory Sunday of the year. Today we’ll be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ with singing, teaching, [any other elements Sunday will include].
If you’re new here, please take a second right now to fill out a contact card located in [card location] and drop it in the offering plate as it come by. This will help us get to know you better.
Please note that [insert important information that needs to be known about the service].
Join me as we pray.
[Introduce next service element]
Connect with Your People Beyond Sunday
After the events of 2020, church shopping is on the rise. According to Pew Research Center, many Americans are experiencing virtual services for the first time. Additionally, most virtual worshippers have watched congregations other than their own. Have you considered ways to engage new people beyond your virtual Sunday service?
biblical welcome message
Our God is a welcoming God. He welcomes anyone and everyone who believes on Jesus into His family. While He lived on earth, Jesus always welcomed anyone into His presence or to wherever He was preaching at the time.
With Jesus as our example, we should never be shy about welcoming others. Whether it’s welcoming friends into our home, visitors into our church, or just saying hello to a stranger on the street, as Christians we should display the welcoming attitude of God.
To help you study this welcoming attitude of God, here are seven Bible verses to get you started:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
This verse epitomizes God’s welcoming attitude. This reminder was written to the early church. It went against their culture to welcome people different from themselves (Greeks, slaves, etc.) – just like in today’s world, there are some people we might find it hard to welcome based on our cultural expectations. But if someone is a believer in Christ, they are the same as we are, and should be welcomed.
“For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?” Matthew 5:46-48
This verse is about welcoming everyone, not just fellow Christians. This does not contradict the previous example, though – if anything, it takes the welcoming concept to the next logical step. It’s easy to welcome those like us (other Christians), but what about those who are so different that they’re not even believers? Welcoming those who have nothing in common with us should be one of the distinguishing marks of Christians.
“When the crowds learned it, they followed him, and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God and cured those who had need of healing.” Luke 9:11
If we’re to follow Jesus’ example, then we should be as welcoming as He is here. Not only did He treat the crowds with kindness by welcoming them, He did something for them – He told them about the Kingdom and He healed them. Being welcoming is more than just saying hello – it’s finding ways to bless people.
“When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and the elders, and they declared all that God had done with them.” Acts 15:4
Here is another good illustration of Christians welcoming other Christians. In this case, “they” are Paul, Barnabas, and others traveling to Jerusalem on a mission for the newly-birthed church. This passage reminds us to be not just welcoming in general, but to welcome and serve workers in the church. Whether it’s a missionary, an elder, or the groundskeeper, anyone who works for the church should always be welcomed by other church workers and fellow believers.
“And thus you shall greet him: ‘Peace be to you, and peace be to your house, and peace be to all that you have.” 1 Samuel 25:6
Peace – this is one of the simplest, easiest ways to ensure that you always have a welcoming attitude. Focus on peace – in your heart, your home, and in the words you say – and everyone around you will feel welcome.
“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Romans 15:7
If any verse serves as a blatant reminder about Jesus’ welcoming nature, this one is it. Jesus died for us so that we could be welcomed, sinless and reborn, into the presence of God. Dare we exclude or ignore others for our own petty reasons when Jesus sacrificed himself to make us welcome?
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” Matthew 25:35-36
This is probably one of the most well-known verses about welcoming others. It speaks specifically to those who might initially be hard to welcome – the poor, the sick, or anyone who we consider “different.” But our kindness is not only a reflection on Christianity as a whole, but it’s a direct reflection on how we think about Jesus.
christian welcome message
A church is a sacred place for worship and a religious place for Christians. However, a church welcomes all devotees irrespective of religion, caste, creed and race. There are regular mass prayers conducted in a church where many people come on Sundays for the prayers. The welcome wishes for a church are sent to different people to welcome them to the church for the prayers and the religious meetings held in the church. The welcome wishes for church can be sent through text messages or through cards for the people. One can also upload a church photograph on a social networking site and send the welcome wishes there or send a video clip recording the welcome wishes. Following are some of the sample of welcome messages for church sent in different ways:
Welcome Messages for Church Bulletins
Church bulletins convey news and messages about the church to the general people. The bulletins also convey the changes made any to the church to the people. The welcome wishes for the church bulletin can be sent with photographs of the church and the notes on a card along with the church bulletin.
“I welcome you all people through the church bulletin to the church and the Sunday mass prayers. Come together and join me in praying Lord Jesus for making this world a peaceful and a better place.”
Welcome Messages for Church Visitors
Church visitors come to church almost every day to offer their prayers to Lord and ask for blessings for a prosperous life. The welcome wishes for the church visitors can be sent out through welcome cards to every visitor as he or she comes to church. One can also send text messages to each church visitor to welcome them to Sunday mass prayers.
“Dear church visitors, through this beautiful card I welcome you all to the church for the Sunday prayers every week. I would appreciate your accepting my proposal and joining me in praying the Lord.”
Welcome Messages for Church Signs
Church signs are signboards and billboard signs near a church where welcome wishes and templates for people can be written. One can also keep cards with welcome wishes for the people near church signs for one to take and have a look. Or else, welcome wishes and sayings in the church sign boards can also be given.
“Welcome to St. Joseph’s Church for the mass prayers and the feast for all to be held in the church. Join one and all for this celebration and prayer meetings for the Lord.”
Welcome Message to New Church Members
New church member are the ones who visit the church for the first time or join a church recently. The new church members come and join the prayer meetings and speeches where they learn information about the church and the rituals which are held in the church regularly.
“To all the new church members, I extend my good wishes and welcome you to the prayer mass to be held this Sunday. I welcome you to join the church and pray to Lord Jesus for blessings of joy and prosperity.”
Welcome message for church website
A church website has pictures and information about a particular church. The church website also has information on the different festivals held in the church as well as about the rituals the church conducts.