Churches have lots of Christmas programs all year round. However, it can be difficult to come up with ideas for a church Christmas program to present as your church’s gospel celebration service on Christmas day. You can use the ideas presented here to create a special church Christmas program.
Whether you’re looking for a variety of suggestions for the perfect church Christmas program or looking for some ideas that your church can use to stage a program, below are some examples of theme-based Christmas programs for your church.
Christmas is around the corner. Its time to start thinking about the upcoming Christmas program at your church. This can be an exciting event that engages and inspires the congregation, to which they will look forward every year.
Ideas For A Church Christmas Program
The church Christmas program is a tradition that brings joy to the hearts of children and adults alike. It is also a great opportunity for the church to show what they are all about, their beliefs and values.
If you are planning this year’s Christmas program, here are some ideas for you:
- Make it fun
- Make it interactive
- Include everyone in the program
- Have a good message
- Plan ahead
The holidays are a time for family, friends, and all the joys of the season. For many people, it’s also a time to reflect on what matters most in life—and for some folks, that means being part of a church community.
If you’re looking for ideas for a Christmas program that will inspire your congregation to be the best version of themselves this holiday season, here are some tips:
Invite Santa Claus to visit your church! Santa knows how to spread holiday cheer and can give your members some great gifts they’ll love! If you have a small budget, consider having Santa dole out candy canes instead of expensive gifts. This will make everyone feel like they got something special without spending too much money on it.
Make sure your church has plenty of decorations so people can get into the spirit of things! Consider putting up lights around your building or decorating with wreaths or garlands—whatever feels festive to you! Make sure there’s enough food so everyone gets something good to eat (and maybe even some treats!)
Don’t forget about music! It’s easy for churches to get caught up in their service planning and forget about things like music or getting ready for Christmas Eve services
Church Christmas Program Titles
Your church’s Christmas program is an important part of the holiday season. Long after the presents are opened and forgotten, the lights are taken down from the tree, and the Christmas cards you sent to your Christian friends have been thrown away by all of your non-Christian friends who really don’t care about you as much as you thought they did, a well-executed church Christmas program will remind everyone in attendance why they love Christmas so much.
A Silent Night
- What do you want to teach your congregation?
- How can you create a program that is fun for everyone?
- What would make your church’s Christmas program unique, memorable and valuable?
Christmas Pageant (This works well on the church steps with participants and narrator.)
With a Christmas Pageant, you can get the congregation involved in celebrating the birth of Christ. This traditional pageant can be done on the church steps or indoors, depending on weather and other factors. The Christmas Pageant has many variations, but no matter what kind you choose to perform, it’s sure to bring delight to young and old alike.
Nativity Scene, also known as a Living Nativity. (Also works well outside.)
A Nativity scene, also known as a Living Nativity. (Also works well outside.)
A common tradition of many churches and homes during the Christmas season is to set up a Nativity scene. The Nativity scene is a representation of the birth of Jesus Christ on earth and has become quite popular in recent years. Many communities will organize public displays where people can come together to enjoy this tradition by visiting and taking part in the re-enactment of Christ’s birth.
Christmas Songs performed by the choir and congregation.
Choir and congregation singing is a great way for the choir to share their musical talents with the congregation and for the congregation to sing together. It’s also a great way to bring the community together, as many churches invite non-members or visitors from other churches to join in on choruses. This means that when you perform Christmas carols and hymns, you can include more than just your own members in singing them.
For example, “O Come All Ye Faithful” (also known as “Adeste Fideles”) is one of the most popular Christmas carols out there, but it has been sung by so many people over time that they have changed some of its lyrics slightly over time—so much so that many people don’t even realize they’re not singing exactly what was written! You could explain this while performing this song during your church Christmas program so everyone knows what they’re actually singing along with!
Readings from the Bible by members of the congregation or choir.
Readings from the Bible by members of the congregation or choir
Many churches like to have readings done by members of their congregation or even by just one person during their services. If you choose to do this, it is important that everyone is comfortable speaking out loud in front of people they do not know well. You will want to make sure that the people who are reading have time to practice and prepare themselves before they read in public. If you are running short on time, it may be better to just have a few people read rather than try to include several in your program.
One alternative is that you could have members of your choir sing some songs instead of having them give readings during your service because singing takes less time than talking does!
Recollections of Christmas from the Pastor.
Allow the pastor to share a personal story of Christmas.
The pastor can also share a Christmas story.
He or she could read a Christmas poem, such as one that they wrote themselves or one written by another person, such as Robert Frost’s “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening.”
If you are holding your program in the winter season, consider having someone sing an appropriate winter song for your church program. (And if you are holding it in the spring, consider having them sing something like “Oh Holy Night,” which seems fitting for both seasons.)
Finally, ask the pastor to bless your congregation with words from the Bible—either something from one of Jesus’ birth narratives or something from his Sermon on the Mount—to end your service.
Communion is an important part of the church year. It is a time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and also a time for worship, thanksgiving and remembrance.
Churches have a wide variety of programs for the holidays.
Churches have a wide variety of programs for the holidays. Some are more traditional than others, some are more modern and some are more short and sweet, while others take advantage of the holiday season to put on elaborately staged productions.
It is important for a church to select a program that both fits with their theology and mission as well as what members want from their holiday services.
All of these are great ideas for Christmas programs, but not all of them are suitable for every church. It all depends on the size, membership and budget of your particular congregation. Whatever you decide, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a celebration of Christ’s birth and should be treated with reverence and respect by all participants.