All of the major stories from the Old Testament are told in chronological order, featuring the key characters and events that shaped Israel’s history. This is the most comprehensive and accessible introduction to the Old Testament available. Designed for ages nine to twelve, this book walks readers through dozens of Bible stories and includes nearly 250 illustrations, maps, chronologies, time lines, and character profiles. Whether you are a student or a parent looking for an easy way to understand all of the major Bible stories; whether you are new to Christianity or have been reading your Bible for years; whether you want a fun way to support your children’s faith development—this book is designed for you.
Did you know that God had a plan for your life before He created the earth? And did you know that every word of Scripture was inspired by God? The Chronological Old Testament Bible Timeline tells you when each book of the Old Testament was written and reveals the unfolding themes of redemption, restoration and revelation.
The prophets of the Old Testament were an important part of the Jewish religion, and they are also an important part of Christianity. The prophets were people who spoke for God and told others about God’s plan for humanity. They were often persecuted for their beliefs, but they were also honored as heroes by many Jews and Christians.
The first prophet mentioned in the Bible is Enoch, who lived approximately 4,000 years ago. He was a great-grandfather of Noah (Genesis 5:22-24). The most famous prophets were Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. These men lived between 1,200 B.C. and 1,200 B.C., and they each wrote books that are included in what Christians call the Old Testament (the first five books of the Bible).
Other prophets include Amos (8th century B.C.), Hosea (7th century B.C.), Daniel (6th century B.C.), Jeremiah (6th century B.C.) and Malachi (5th century B.C.).
The Old Testament prophets are some of the most influential people in the Bible. They had a profound influence on both their contemporaries and future generations. The prophets were chosen by God to deliver messages from him to the people, sometimes speaking directly to them and sometimes speaking through dreams or visions.
The prophets were sent to warn the people of their sins, as well as instruct them on how they could repent and be forgiven by God. They also spoke out against injustice and oppression among the Israelites, calling them to action. The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and others are all filled with prophecies that have been fulfilled since they were written thousands of years ago.
Churchgist will provide you with all the relevant information you are looking for on 27 books of the new testament in chronological order, chronological order of the old testament prophets, books of the bible in chronological order and so much more.

Chronological Old Testament
For those who are curious about the history of the Bible, you may be wondering what is the chronological order of the Old Testament. The Old Testament itself is a compilation of several books that cover all of Biblical History. This article will give you an overview on how you can read the Old Testament in chronological order.
Moses – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
Moses was not just a legendary figure of the Old Testament; he was an actual person who lived during the middle of the second millennium B.C. His life story is chronicled in four books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. Within these books we find out that Moses was born when his parents were already old (Exodus 2:1). He lived in Egypt at this time and became known as a Hebrew slave there (Exodus 2:10-11). Eventually he led his people out of bondage from Egypt under God’s guidance. Later on, he wrote down much of what had happened during this time period for future generations to read about their history (Deuteronomy 34).
Joshua – Joshua
You couldn’t have a discussion about the Old Testament without talking about Joshua. He was one of the main characters in the book of Joshua, and is mentioned in other books as well.
Joshua was an important military leader for God, who helped lead His people into new places like Canaan (the promised land).
After Moses died, it was up to Joshua to lead these people into this promised land.
Elders who outlived Joshua – Judges, Ruth
There are two books in the Old Testament that cover a period of history after Joshua, but before Samuel and Saul. These books are Judges and Ruth.
Judges is a book of the Bible that tells the story of the Israelites during the period of the Judges. The story begins when they enter Canaan, and continues until they have reached their final resting place in Gilgal (at which point Samuel begins his ministry). Ruth is the story of a Moabite woman who marries an Israelite man, and her loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi during their time as widows.
Samuel – 1 & 2 Samuel
Samuel was born in Ramah. He was a prophet, judge and author of the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis through II Chronicles).
Kings of Judah and Israel – 1 & 2 Kings
1 & 2 Kings were written by a single author, but there are some disagreements about who that author may be.
Some say it was the same person who wrote 1 & 2 Chronicles (written in the 5th century BCE). This is because they have similar themes and both books focus on Israel’s history, kingship and worship practices.
Others claim the two books were written by two different authors who lived during the Babylonian Exile of 586 BCE, when Israel was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar II and forced into exile for 70 years. This theory is supported by linguistic analysis of Hebrew texts from that period.
After studying all this information carefully I’ve come up with my own theory: that there are actually three authors who wrote 1 & 2 Kings each contributing their own unique style to this important historical narrative about what happened before and after God’s chosen people left Jerusalem forever (except for those who returned under Cyrus).
Jeremiah – Jeremiah, Lamentations, Baruch
Jeremiah was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem during the Babylonian exile. He was also a contemporary of the prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. He is known for predicting both the destruction of Jerusalem and its temple (Jeremiah 7:1-15), as well as predicting that this destruction would be followed by an exile (Jeremiah 25:11-12; 29:10).
Ezekial – Ezekiel
Ezekiel, a priest and prophet of Judah, was among the first to prophesy during the Babylonian captivity. He was one of three prophets who were contemporaries with Jeremiah and Daniel; some believe that he lived in Babylon as well.
Ezekiel wrote about many things including Jerusalem’s destruction by Nebuchadnezzar II; he also prophesied about the Second Temple’s destruction and exile after it was built.
Daniel – Daniel
Daniel was a prophet, and he wrote his book during the Babylonian captivity of Israel. He is one of the most famous Old Testament prophets, alongside Isaiah and Jeremiah.
Daniel was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar (a king of Babylon) when he was very young. Daniel became an officer in Nebuchadnezzar’s court, but he refused to eat food that had been sacrificed to idols as part of a banquet thrown by his master. This act of faith led to Daniel being thrown into a lions’ den where he survived for three days with God’s help before being rescued by His angel Gabriel (6:22-23).
The main theme of this book is faith—faith in God despite all odds and circumstances; faith in His Word even when it seems impossible; faith even when one does not understand why certain things happen or what purpose they serve in His plan for our lives—and vv 6-9 show us how important it is for us as Christians today! Our Lord wants us to use every opportunity we have here on earth wisely so that we can prepare ourselves spiritually for heaven someday soon 🙂
Ezra – Ezra and Nehemiah
Ezra is one of the most important biblical figures to be mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. He is a priest and scribe, who led the first group of Jews to return to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile. Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem signaled a new era for Israelites that now had to reconstruct their society and religion after centuries of separation from their homeland. Ezra himself played an integral role in helping establish this new form of Judaism by determining which laws should be kept or discarded, such as reinstating circumcision as an essential part of Jewish life (Nehemiah 10:28-39).
Haggai – Haggai and Zechariah
- Haggai and Zechariah were prophets.
- They wrote in the post-exilic period.
- They wrote their books in the middle of the 5th century BC.
Malachi – Malachi
Malachi was a prophet who lived about 450 years before Jesus. His name means “my messenger” and he wrote the last book of the Old Testament. Malachi warned of God’s judgment on the people of Israel, but also predicted the coming of the Messiah. In fact, it has been said that there are more references to Jesus in this book than any other Old Testament book!
Paul of Tarsus – 13 books in NT (Romans-Philemon)
Paul was a Roman citizen, but he was also a Pharisee. Paul had been born into Judaism and became one of the most zealous Jews of his day. He persecuted Christians until God’s miraculous intervention caused him to change his mind about who Jesus is and what he has done for us. In fact, when you read Paul’s writings in the New Testament (Romans through Philemon), you’ll see how much he changed from being a self-righteous persecutor to being an apostle who gave up everything to help spread the gospel message throughout the Roman world.

All in all, this chronology shows that the Bible is a history book. It records accurately events which have occurred in time and space. It also illustrates clearly how the Old Testament was built on the foundation of prophecy, with each prophet calling for a greater understanding of God’s will and plan for humanity than those who had come before.