When it comes to the holidays, many of us find ourselves in a rush. We’re running around trying to get everything done, and we’re often short on time and energy.
But while the hustle and bustle of the season can be stressful, it can also be a great time to slow down, take a breath, and reflect on all that we have in our lives. It’s also a chance to think about those who are less fortunate than we are—and how we might be able to help them.
This is why this month’s blog post is about holiday sermons for the elderly. Many older adults feel isolated during the holidays because they don’t have family nearby or their children live far away from them. If you know someone who is elderly and feeling lonely this time of year, consider offering them some words of comfort through an uplifting sermon that gives them hope for a brighter future!
Christmas is a time for love, joy, and family. It’s a time to reflect on the past year, and look forward to the new one.
For many elderly people who live alone or with family members who are unable to provide them with the care they need, Christmas can be a difficult time.
It’s important to remember that these people still have feelings, they still want to feel loved, and they still want to know that someone cares about them and wishes them well.
Christmas sermons for the elderly can be special because they allow you to reach out to those who may not otherwise receive any attention this season. You can let them know how much you care and make sure they know that there are people out there who will lift them up during this time of year just as much as anyone else!
Senior Christmas Sermon Topics
- Christmas is a time for love, joy, and family. It’s a time to reflect on the past year, and look forward to the new one.
For many elderly people who live alone or with family members who are unable to provide them with the care they need, Christmas can be a difficult time.
It’s important to remember that these people still have feelings, they still want to feel loved, and they still want to know that someone cares about them and wishes them well.
Christmas sermons for the elderly can be special because they allow you to reach out to those who may not otherwise receive any attention this season. You can let them know how much you care and make sure they know that there are people out there who will lift them up during this time of year just as much as anyone else!
2. When we think of Christmas, we often envision a child’s face filled with wonder and excitement as he receives his first bicycle from Santa Claus. But what about the elderly? Do they too deserve a special present this holiday season?
Yes! The elderly are just as deserving of gifts as any other person in your life. And if you’re looking for the perfect present for your grandmother or grandfather this year, then look no further than your local church.
Churches are more than just places where people go on Sundays to listen to sermons. They are community centers that provide education, support, and socialization opportunities for people of all ages. But especially for those who are older or have limited mobility or hearing ability. Churches offer programs specifically designed for these groups and can be invaluable resources when it comes time to find an affordable gift that will bring joy into someone’s life!
3. Christmas is a time for celebration, but it’s also a time to reflect on our lives and the lives of those around us.
This year, we’re going to be focusing on the elderly. We know that many of you in the congregation have parents or grandparents who are getting older—and as they age, they need more care. It can be hard to balance all of your responsibilities at home with your responsibilities as a member of this community.
But here at [church name], we believe that Christmas is a time for family, and that family includes all of us—even if it’s just for one day! So this year, instead of just sitting there and listening while I preach at you about how great it is to be old and wise like an Elderly person (because let’s face it: they’re pretty darn wise), why don’t we try something different?
This year instead of just sitting there and listening while I preach at you about how great it is to be old and wise like an Elderly person (because let’s face it: they’re pretty darn wise), why don’t we try something different? Instead of just sitting there and listening while I preach at you about how great it
4. The elderly are often overlooked during the Christmas season. They don’t have children or grandchildren to spend the holidays with, and they usually don’t even have family members who remember them on their birthdays.
This is why it’s so important to make sure they feel loved and appreciated this holiday! Here are some ideas for making your elderly neighbors feel special:
-Send a card or small gift to let them know you care about them.
-Cook them a special meal (even if they don’t eat meat).
-Leave a note on their door telling them how beautiful they are and thanking them for being such an inspiration.
-Bring them something from your garden (flowers, veggies) so they can enjoy the fresh air from outside too!
5. Christmas is a time for family, friends, and loved ones to gather together. It is a time to reflect on the year that has passed and look forward to the new year ahead. But this season can also be a sad one for many people who are alone or without loved ones.
This year we will be taking some time to think of those who are alone or without family members during this Christmas season. We will be sharing stories about people who have no one to spend the holidays with or are lonely because of circumstances beyond their control.
We have all been blessed with friends and family, but there are many who do not have these blessings in their lives. Please remember them during this holiday season as well as those who have lost someone dear to them recently such as a spouse or parent due to death or divorce/separation from spouse/partner/child(ren).

Christmas sermons for the elderly
Our Top 10 Christmas and Advent sermons will ignite your own creativity as you prepare to preach about Christ’s birth. Starting with Tim Keller’s “The Purpose of Christmas,” these sermons cover a range of Christmas themes, including the Incarnation, Mary and Joseph, the Nativity stories, the meaning of Immanuel, the Wisemen or Magi, and more. Let these Christmas sermons inspire your own Christmas preaching.
The Purpose of Christmas
Because Christ came, we have a joy that transforms our lives.
Timothy Keller
Connecting the Dots at Christmas
Sometimes seemingly imperfect timing is perfect for accomplishing God’s purposes.
Ken Shigematsu
What Do I Do with My Heartache at Christmas?
We can rest in the relief of Christ’s coming—and wait well on God
Steve Luxa
Oh Christmas Three
The wise person continues to seek and worship Jesus.
Daniel Fusco
Round Yon Violence
Christmas is God making war against sin.
Russell Moore
The Almighty God became Immanuel, “God with us,” so we can spend eternity with him.
Mark Batterson
Have Yourself a Global Little Christmas
What does it mean to have a global Christmas message?
Matt Woodley
Girl Interrupted: The Unmistakable Strength of Mary
The mother of Jesus experienced a divine interruption unlike any other.
Tracy Bianchi
More than a Baby
Jesus came in a wooden manger to die on a wooden cross.
Ryan Welsh
What Child Is This?
What’s the big deal with Christmas? Jesus is God ‘with’ us and God ‘for’ us.
Juan Sanchez
Bonus Selections (we couldn’t just pick 10)
A Disgraceful Christmas
God can use the most disgraceful moments of our lives to do great good.
Peter Chin
Blood in Bethlehem
Jesus saves us from the terrible condition we are really in.
Wiliam Willimon
What Child Is This Who Came Not to Bring Peace?
Jesus came not to bring immediate peace, but to divide us from our illegitimate allegiances.
Skye Jethani
A Tiny Gift – Strangely Wrapped, Silently Delivered
In the birth of Jesus, God has delivered an indescribably gift to us.
Charles Swindoll
Explore Preaching Today’s Christmas Holiday Page:
Christmas Sermons and Sermon Illustrations
Ignite your Christmas sermon prep with fresh ideas on how to preach the Christmas story.