An argumentative essay is a piece of writing in which the author argues a point by presenting evidence and examples from various sources to back up their claims. Argumentative essays, also called persuasive essays, present the author’s point of view on a contentious issue and offer evidence in support of that viewpoint. In this article we’ll see interesting topics about christianity.
An argumentative essay requires a topic that is both interesting and controversial. Your essay’s topic serves as its “face,” so to speak; if it looks like hogwash, readers may skip over the rest of your work. The topic is what draws in readers, so if it doesn’t pique their interest, they won’t bother reading it.
You’re writing this because you care about reaching the right people with your message. Furthermore, I can imagine that having no one read your work is something you’d like to avoid at all costs. You want your argumentative essay to be well received by the professor and the audience. Make the title as interesting and impressive as you can. These free argumentative essay topics on religion are provided to help you get started on your paper because we know that choosing a great argumentative essay topic doesn’t come naturally to most writers. We’ll also highlight christian topics for discussion in this piece.
Christianity Argumentative Topics
1. The existence of God
a. Arguments for the existence of God
b. Arguments against the existence of God
2. The nature of Jesus
a. Was Jesus a historical figure?
Arguments supporting Jesus as a historical figure | Arguments against Jesus as a historical figure |
Multiple historical sources mention Jesus’ existence. | Some question the reliability of these sources. |
b. Was Jesus divine?
3. The Bible
a. Is the Bible reliable?
b. Alleged contradictions in the Bible
4. Salvation
a. How is salvation obtained?
b. Exclusivity of Christianity
Argumentative Topics for College Students
You can find a tonne of websites with lists of fantastic subjects for winning projects on the Internet, which is a good place to look if you need ideas for essay topics. Additionally, a list of intriguing recommendations is provided below for your perusal.
Are all wars caused by religions?
Think back to the most well-known conflicts in human history and investigate the role that religion played in them.
Do conflicts arise because religions separate people?
Examine the ways in which religions divide people and the part that this division plays in serious disputes between confessions.
Not only one religion is to blame for conflicts.
Examine the causes of conflicts, the role of religion, people’s beliefs, and how they understand God’s instructions.
Religious differences are frequently cited as justifications for war.
Are faiths these days typically invoked to justify war? What part did faiths play in historical conflicts?
It is not religion in se that starts wars, but rather its adherents’ misuse of it.
Examine how religion is frequently invoked as a justification for war, as well as the root reasons of many conflicts.
Conflicts frequently arise from religious intolerance.
Examine the degree of bigotry that particular religions foster towards other faiths. Is it a reason to go to war?
Religiously motivated wars can occasionally be justifiable.
Is an assault on religious freedom ever justifiable?
Indeed, religions start wars.
Which conflicts were solely motivated by a certain religion?
The fault for crimes should lie with the religions.
Should faiths be held accountable for crimes such as inquisitions, stonings, rites of execution, etc.?
Should offenders be treated differently if their religion justifies their criminal behaviour?
Explain What 1 Timothy 2:3–4 Means for Christians. Example of an Argumentative Essay
Sort of document: Argumentative Essay
Subject: Humanity, Truth, Bible, God, Jesus Christ, Morality, Life, Christians
Christianity’s emphasis on salvation
One of the main concerns of Christianity is salvation. It’s the doorway to everlasting life. Generally, baptism and the acceptance that the crucifixion and the death of Jesus Christ on the cross were to atone for sins, qualified one for salvation (Letter, 1952). The life of Jesus Christ, his deeds, his death, resurrection, ascension to heaven, and the lives of the early Christians are all told in the New Testament. Paul, who wrote about half of the New Testament’s books, provides insightful commentary on salvation. He claims that everyone is eligible for salvation via Jesus Christ in his epistolary epistle to Timothy. His opinions have, however, encountered opposition from various areas, particularly from early Christian writers like St. Prosper, who contends that God predestined the people to be saved. Although there have been disagreements on the nature of salvation, the Bible makes it clear that acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour disqualifies one from predestination in 1 Timothy 2:3–4 and other places.
It is crucial to read the verses before and following 1 Timothy 2:3–4 in order to fully comprehend the context of what Paul wished to impart to his protégé Timothy. “I urge first of all that requests, prayers, intersession and thanksgiving be made for everyone,” writes Paul in 1 Timothy 2:1–6. “This is good and pleases God our saviour, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth, 5 for there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men-the testimony given in its proper time.” Likewise, Paul writes that “intercession and thanksgiving should be made for everyone” (p. 1-3). Holy Bible-New International edition (NIV).
It is evident from the above context that God desires for all people to be saved. “who wants all men to be saved” (NIV). The Bible says in the preceding passage that everyone should make requests, pray, and offer intercession because these things please God, our Saviour. It is said that God, the all-powerful saviour, desires for all people to be saved. As a result, this verse disproves the idea that some individuals are predestined for salvation while affirming that everyone is eligible for it.
The road to knowledge of the truth leads through salvation, which allows “all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (NIV). This implies that there is a chance for those who are saved to learn the truth. In Christianity, truth is a highly desired commodity. The need for knowledge is what led to man’s fall. In defiance of God’s instructions, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in order to learn the truth. Mankind sinned by eating the fruit and going against God’s commands to know the truth; as a result, Jesus had to die in order to atone for man’s disobedience (Collins, 2008). It is accurate to state that redemption gives Christians the chance to learn the knowledge that Adam and Eve were searching for when they nibbled on the forbidden fruit.
Christianity Argumentative Topics

- The nature of God
- The existence of God
- Jesus Christ and his mission
- The relationship between Christianity and Judaism
- The relationship between Christianity and other religions
- Death and the afterlife
- Takeaway: There are many ways to approach writing an argumentative essay on christianity.
- Is there a connection between faith and health?
- Should the government fund religious schools?
- Should animals be used for research purposes?
- Should torture be considered appropriate in terms of imprisonment?
- Do we need religion to have good moral values?
- Can we believe that God exists because our parents taught us about it and we never doubted their word?
- Should churches pay taxes?
- Takeaway: These are some topics that can be used for argumentative essays on christianity.
- What is the core of Christianity?
- Do evangelicals have a political agenda?
- How is the Bible relevant today?
- Should religions try to convert people through missionary work or should they be content with their own membership?
- Should churches be taxed?
- Is “Christianity” a religion or an ideology?
- Are we all born Christian, Jewish, Muslim, atheist (no religion), etc.?
- Can God and science co-exist?
- How did Christianity contribute to the rise of science in Europe during the Renaissance and Enlightenment periods, as opposed to China and India where scientific discoveries seem to have stagnated for centuries?
- Is it rational to believe in a god or gods even if you don’t completely understand them?
- Takeaway: christianity argumentative topics are important to consider.
- Is the church irrelevant?
- Does God exist?
- Can money buy happiness?
- Are women oppressed in the church?
- Who is Jesus Christ to you?
- Is Christianity at its dusk?
- What are the original sins in Christianity?
- What happens to those who have not heard about Jesus Christ?
- Is the church a business today?
- Takeaway: These are interesting topics for christianity essays.
- The Holy Trinity: Fact or Fiction?
- Birth of the Savior and His Crucifixion.
- The Bible, a Good Source of Faith?
- Is the Bible Relevant to Today’s Culture?
- Biblical versus Secular Ethics.
- Stereotypes of Christians and Christianity.
- Reasons for Christian Conversion.
- Christianity as a Source of World Peace.
- Religious Persecution and Violence in Christianity.
- Christian Fundamentalism versus Religious Violence.
- Modern Devotion and Worship in Contemporary Times.
- Takeaway: Are you interested in any of these topics for your next paper? If so, we can help you with each step of the essay-writing process.
- The difference between Christian and Islamic religion
- How Christianity is right or wrong?
- The role of God in the lives of Christians
- What are the main goals of Christianity?
- Explain why Christianity is good.
- What is the impact of Christianity on history?
- The importance of Jesus Christ for humankind
- How to become a Christian?
- Takeaway: These topics will help you to make a good argumentative essay.
- Discuss how the church offers a sense of unity, community, and belonging.
- Why is faith important?
- Discuss how religion can help people to cope with daily life.
- Is it important for children to be exposed to world religions at a young age?
- Discuss the historical significance of Christianity.
- Do you think religious rituals are necessary? Why or why not?
- Do you think religious beliefs can be rationalized? Explain your answer.
- How do religious texts shape society’s norms and values?
- What is the role of Christianity in health care, education, business and government?
- What is the most powerful force in this world for positive change? Is it religion? Does it matter what religion a person follows as long as he or she believes in something?
- Why are people more likely to believe in conspiracy theories than in religion? (i.e., New age spirituality vs. science)
- Takeaway: There are many ways to discuss faith and religion.
- Should you teach your children about other religions?
- Is the Bible a historical document?
- Can someone believe in God and science?
- What does it mean to be Christian today?
- Why should I care about charity and social justice?
- Does prayer work?
- Does God exist outside of my mind?
- What are the ethical issues in Christianity?
- Takeaway: There are many great topics to write about that relate to Christianity.
- What are the consequences of christian religious practice?
- Should christians be judged by their religious beliefs?
- Is the bible the word of God or just another book of fables and parables?
- Are jesus’ miracles fact, fiction, or a combination of fact and fiction?
- Why did Jesus come to Earth?
- How can Christian families balance secular interests with religious ones?
- What is idol worship in Christianity?
- Is there a difference between god and devil? Or do they operate under one unitary doctrine?
- Should christians be allowed to own weapons in order to propagate their religion from religious persecution?
- Is heaven and hell factual places in christianity, or just a metaphor for good and evil?
- Takeaway: Christian religious ideas are not always easy to defend.
- Is Christian theology supported by evidence?
- Does the bible support the act of abortion in extreme cases?
- What are the views on abortion for Christian theology?
- Should Christians be against contraception?
- Why does faith inevitably lead to violence?
- Is Christianity a force for good in the world?
- How did Christianity transform Western civilization?
- Do miracles happen today, as in ancient times?
- Was Jesus Christ real, or is it all myth and legend? Why do you think so?
- Is religion a necessary part of human life? What benefits do you get from your belief system (or non-belief) that make it worthwhile to you?
- Takeaway: If you have questions about your faith, consider writing them out. This may help you find answers.
- Is God a good thing?
- Is belief in God irrational?
- The problem of evil.
- What is the relationship between suffering and God’s love?
- Why believe in miracles?
- Do humans have free-will?
- Are miracles possible?
- Can we ever truly know what the Bible says?
- Takeaway: These ideas can be used to write about or discuss Christianity.
- Is there a connection between the Bible and the Quran?
- Are virtues higher than values?
- Do we need natural theology?
- Is there any difference between Creation and evolution?
- Does religion give a moral compass to humanity?
- Should religion be separated from the state?
- Can religious leaders be democratic?
- Why do you believe in something you can’t see?
- Why is it essential to believe in God?
- Is Christianity still moving forward or backward?
- Takeaway: Choose an idea that means something to you, so you can write with passion.
- christianity argumentative topics
- christianity pros and cons topics
- christianity informative essay topics
- christians and abortion essay
- religious argumentative topics
- spiritual research paper topics
- Takeaway: christianity argumentative topics
- should christian church leaders be forced to perform gay marriages.
- Is Christianity a religion of peace?
- Can Christians support the death penalty?
- Should Christian parents use spanking as a form of punishment?
- What difference did the Reformation make to Christianity in Europe?
- Would Jesus have voted Republican or Democrat?
- Why are Christian fundamentalists worried about Intelligent Design being taught in schools?
- Is there anything wrong with using embryonic stem cells if they come from aborted fetuses?
- In what ways does the Bible affect the life of Christians today?
- What are the religious differences between Mormonism and traditional Christianity?
- Takeaway: There are many interesting argumentative essay topics that you can write about.
- What significance does faith have on the life of a Christian person?
- Is Christianity a true savior for humanity?
- What are the major advantages of Christianity in comparison with other religions?
- Are you ready to become a Christian?
- What are the restrictions and prohibitions in Christianity?
- Why do people start following Christianity instead of other religions?
- Is there free will in Christianity?
- How does Christianity shape the moral values of a person?
- Why do people follow Christianity instead of other religions?
- What is the main evil that Christianity is up against and why?
- Takeaway: You can get interesting ideas while reading this collection of argumentative topics.
- The great things about Christianity
- Whether Christianity is real or not
- How does God identify itself to us?
- Is there a force beyond our knowledge?
- When does the advent of Christianity start?
- Is Jesus Christ and God one and the same being?
- What are some of the ethical concepts in Christianity that are not found in other religions?
- How does fasting affect men mentally, physically and spiritually?
- How does the Catholic Church interpret the Bible?
- Can animals be considered as Christians or must they be baptized and have faith in God?
- If Jesus Christ is the son of God, why did he call him Father?
- Takeaway: Debate topics related to Christianity.
- Is Christianity the most intolerant religion?
- Is the church doing enough to help the needy?
- How can the Catholic Church reconcile its teachings on sexuality with modern society?
- Does faith matter when it comes to global warming and conservation?
- Should Christianity be taught at schools/universities?
- How does meditation apply to Christian beliefs?
- Why do some Christians believe that people of other faiths go to Hell?
- Takeaway: There are a lot of different topics related to Christian faith which might interest you.
- Does Christianity Condone Violence?
- Does Christianity Cause Wars and Violence?
- Has Christianity Done More Harm Than Good?
- The Bible Doesn’t Teach Blind Faith, So Why Do Christians Believe It?
- Is Religion a Force for Good or Evil in the World?
- Takeaway: You can have views about christianity and share them with the world.
- Is the modern Christianity too liberal?
- Why is prayer still important for Christians nowadays?
- Will Pope Francis play a big role in the current political and social issues?
- Should atheists be allowed to become priests or preachers?
- Why do many people who describe themselves as Christians approve of abortions?
- Why is it that Christianity is a more popular religion in Western countries compared to Eastern countries?
- Can a Christian have an idol, and if so, what would it be?
- Is being a Christian still a good leverage when running for political office?
- Should Christians learn other religions aside from their own?
- Can one religion be considered superior to another and if so, which one will be considered superior and why?
- Takeaway: Christianity has always been associated with several important matters.
- Should Creationism Be taught in School?
- Is Abortion a Crime?
- What is the Purpose of Life?
- Is Sex before Marriage a Sin?
- Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished?
- Does God Exist?
- Should Gay Marriage be Legalized Everywhere?
- Life after Death – your opinion on this.
- The Role of Women in Christianity.
- Why do People Become Religious?
- Takeaway: people have strong feelings about these issues
- The Bible is the Word of God.
- Baptism and being born again are equally important in Christianity.
- Christianity is not an institution of higher education.
- Churches in the black community are generally easier to consult on a wide range of issues.
- Evangelical Christianity is more than just faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The majority of churches in America have a standard religious beliefs and practices that their members must follow to be considered Christians.
- There are formal liturgical and ritualistic practices involved in church membership, including baptism, communion and confession.
- Christian theology seeks to understand the relationship between God, humans and the world.
- Some of the basic theological questions that arise from Christian theology include: What does it mean to be human? How does God relate to humans? What is the nature of sin? How does the world relate to God? Why do people suffer? How can we be saved? How can we know God’s will for our lives?
- Christians believe that Jesus came down from heaven to earth as both fully divine and fully human, so that he could die on behalf of humanity’s sins and rise again to provide eternal life
- Is it Justified to push for Gay Rights in Africa and Asia?
- Faith and sexuality are not mutual exclusive.
- Do Violent Video Games Make People More likely to be violent in Real Life?
- Yes, because they desensitize players to the effects of violence.
- No, because correlation is not causation.
- Discussing religion at work can be dangerous.
- Should Creationism be taught in Schools?
- State and religious institutions should not mix, so no, it shouldn’t be taught in schools.
- Religious education should be protected like other forms of education.
- The ethics of modern science are questionable.
- Takeaway: Differences in faith shouldn’t lead to arguments; rather they should lead to more compassion and understanding of other people’s beliefs.
- What are the essential teachings of Christianity?
- Should we use the Sermon on the Mount as a guide for how to live our lives?
- Why does God allow bad things to happen?
- Is it morally acceptable for Christians to kill in war?
- What is the best way for Christians to relate to the government?
- Why did Jesus die on the cross and what does it mean for us today?
- Takeaway: These are some important topics about what it means to be a Christian.
- Pros and cons of divorce
- Pro and con gay marriage
- The evolution-creationism controversy
- Is religion a force of good or evil?
- Should creationism be taught in addition to evolution in public schools? Why or why not?
- Cloning in the 21st century
- Pros and cons of “designer children”
- Should stem cell research be banned? Why or why not?
- Takeaway: Study more about all these issues because they are relevant to your life.
Interesting Topics About Christianity
Religion and religious beliefs have a tremendous effect on society as a whole. Digging into it reveals insights into the development of human culture and the growth of our sense of what’s important to us over time. Many potential areas of inquiry into religion, however, are simply too involved. In that case, take a look at the list below for some of the best ideas for your next paper on religion.
Traditions within religious groups as they exist in different cultures.
Education and scientific progress: religion’s place in the story
From a social psychological point of view, religious belief and the individual
Faith in a modern, interconnected world
Reconciliation and retribution in the context of religious belief and criminal behavior
The Role of Religion in Politics
Religion-free faith systems
The Role of Religion in the Economy and Politics
How does the advancement of science affect religious beliefs and practices?
Just how does one go about conceiving a new faith?
Poetry and literature’s place within the context of religious belief
Both faith and the media play a role in shaping society.
Differences in religion across the generations
Mental health and religious belief
Role of religion in environmental concerns
Is there anyone who religion actually helps?
Perspectives on faith from the postmodern era
Methods of faith that don’t involve a supreme being
Could there be a final chapter for religion?
Repetitive actions performed by adherents of various faiths
Communities and nations held together by their religious beliefs.
Modern tribalism as a religion based on technology
Theology and the Great Beyond —
What is the relationship between religion and morality?
Religion and Women
Influence of religion on international relations
Both religion and medicine
Sacrifice’s centrality to various faiths
What effect does faith have on the bonds of family?
Prejudice and the influence of religion
Religion from an evolutionary vantage point
Our contemporary need for myths
Religion and Symbolism
The intertwined development of social stratification and religious belief
Faith in the Enlightenment Era
Diverse Nonbeliefs
Religion’s use of deception and magic
Teenagers and the influence of religion
How do you separate spirituality from faith?
Can there ever be one global religion?
Praying vs. Meditating: An Analogy
Do you think it’s possible to have both faith and reason?
Marriage and the religious ethos
Effects of religious belief on political upheaval and armed conflict
Why should God be treated differently by the state?
Contradictory opinions on death and the afterlife
Population dynamics and the world’s religions
character traits of a revered religious figure
When faiths die, why do they disappear?
The prevalence of extraterrestrial symbolism in religious art
Christian Topics For Discussion
Many people toss around the word “integrity,” but what does it actually mean? Study Proverbs 11:3 (the antonym of integrity is dishonesty), 12:22 (the value of being truthful), and 13:18 (the importance of not harboring guilt) with your Bible study group. Explore the meaning of integrity in different contexts, such as the classroom, the home, extracurriculars, and interpersonal relationships.
Studying the topic of spiritual warfare does not have to be frightening for teenagers; rather, it can arm them with the knowledge and confidence that they can defeat the devil and his lies (John 8:44) by drawing on the strength of the Holy Spirit who dwells within them (Romans 8:11). Your teen small group will be more equipped to resist temptation and spiritual fortifications if you do this and also study the weapons available to leverage against the enemy (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Having a tattoo or bumper sticker proclaiming your faith in Christ isn’t necessary because you are a new creation in Christ. Even better, it means being adopted into God’s family and spending eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ.
Jesus’ parables are timeless, so feel free to pull out the flannel graphs from your teen Bible study and review them. What is a parable and why does Jesus use them? Unpacking some, like the parable of the sower and the seed in Luke 8 or the parable of the ten bridesmaids in Matthew 25, can be useful in teaching these concepts.
Relationships – This is a great theme for a series of small group discussions, which can include not only dating, but also investing in healthy, safe friendships and learning to get along with parents and siblings.
You can’t beat temptation if you don’t know what it is, so it’s important to learn to identify it when you feel its pull. To better understand temptation, it’s helpful to distinguish between trials of faith (from God) and temptations (from the devil), to recognize the point at which temptation becomes sin (James 1:13-15), and to remember that God gives us the strength to resist temptation (James 1:12). (1 Corinthians 10:13).
Faith, Charity, and the Almighty Dollar – Most teenagers can’t wrap their heads around the concept of a budget, but they do appreciate material possessions. How should we handle wealth, and what does God say about money (does he say we should never have nice things)? Proverbs 19:17 and 2 Corinthians 9:6 are both excellent choices of scripture for this discussion.
Teens in today’s society can learn a lot about how to put what they hear into practice by reading James 1:22-23. What does James mean when he says that after looking at one’s reflection (or social media profile), one forgets what one actually looks like? A fascinating point of debate.
Just What Does It Involve to Follow Christ? If we examine the lives of Jesus’ followers, we see that they did not always walk an easy path of clear understanding. Romans 12 is a great starting point because it gives a detailed, step-by-step plan for how to become a Christ-follower in daily life.
Conquering Your Tongue – The Bible likens an unrestrained tongue to a shave with a sharpened razor (Psalm 52:2-9). (James 3:6-8). Its mastery indicates spiritual development because of the blessings and curses it can bestow (Proverbs 12:18). Talk to your young people about how what they say in person, online, and in text messages has just as much of an impact as what they say out loud.