(B-2) What Is a Seer? “A seer is one who sees with spiritual eyes. He perceives the meaning of that which seems obscure to others; therefore he is an interpreter and clarifier of eternal truth. He foresees the future from the past and the present.
What is a seer anointing? In this post, we will discuss A Seer In The Bible and signs of seer anointing. A seer was a term used in the Bible to refr to several people who had been given the privilege of witnessing divine visions by means of which they could predict future events and relay them to others. Seers were known by different names, such as “Nabi” (Arabic), “Wali” (Persian) and “Rishi” (Hindu), although the basic meaning behind all of these terms was similar.
In the Bible, there are many different types of prophets. One very important type of prophet is the seer. Seers were people who could see into the past and present, as well as the future. They would usually receive their visions when they were asleep or in a trance-like state.

A Seer In The Bible
One example of a biblical seer is Samuel. He was a young boy who lived in Bethlehem, which was part of the land of Israel. He had a vision while he was sleeping that told him that his uncle Eli was going to die soon (see 1 Samuel 3:1-21).
Another example is Isaiah, who lived during King Uzziah’s reign (see 2 Chronicles 26:22). It says that Isaiah had many visions about things that would happen in the future (see Isaiah 6:1-10).
The book of Revelation tells us about John’s vision on Patmos Island (see Revelation 4:1-11). This vision helped him understand how God wants us to live our lives today so we can be ready for Jesus Christ’s return someday soon!
1. Samuel
One of the most well-known seers in the Bible is Samuel. In 1 Samuel 9:9, he is referred to as a “seer” before he becomes a prophet. Samuel’s ability to see into the future and receive messages from God played a crucial role in guiding the Israelites during tumultuous times.
2. Nathan
Nathan was another seer in the Bible who delivered messages from God to King David. In 2 Samuel 12, Nathan confronts David about his sin with Bathsheba and prophesies the consequences that will follow. Nathan’s ability to see beyond the surface and reveal hidden truths showcases the power of a seer in biblical times.
3. Elijah
Elijah was a powerful prophet and seer in the Old Testament. In 1 Kings 18, he challenges the prophets of Baal to a showdown on Mount Carmel. Through his prophetic abilities, Elijah demonstrates the superiority of the God of Israel. His ability to see the hand of God at work in the world sets him apart as a true seer.
4. Ezekiel
Ezekiel was a visionary prophet who received vivid and symbolic visions from God. In the book of Ezekiel, he sees a vision of God’s glory departing from the temple due to the Israelites’ unfaithfulness. Ezekiel’s ability to see the spiritual realities behind physical events highlights the depth of insight that seers possessed.
5. Daniel
Daniel was another seer in the Bible who interpreted dreams and received prophetic visions. In the book of Daniel, he accurately interprets King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and foretells the rise and fall of empires. Daniel’s ability to see the future and discern the meaning of signs and symbols showcases the role of a seer as a mediator between God and humanity.
The seers in the Bible played a crucial role in communicating God’s messages to his people. Their ability to see beyond the physical realm and perceive spiritual truths made them powerful instruments of God’s will. Through their visions, prophecies, and insights, the seers showcased the importance of seeking divine guidance and understanding the deeper realities of the world.

What Is A Seer Anointing
A Seer is a person who sees things that other people don’t. They are able to see things in the future, or things that have happened in the past.
In the Bible, there are several Seers. One of them is Samuel, who was given prophetic visions by God. He saw what was going to happen before it happened and told people what they needed to know.
Another Seer was John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus during his ministry on earth (Matt 3:11). He could see that Jesus was going to be crucified and raised from the dead, so he taught others about that truth as well.
Seers in the Bible were highly regarded spiritual leaders.
Seers were highly regarded spiritual leaders. They were considered to be prophets and often spoke to kings. A seer was considered very wise, as they held a special place in society.
Samuel, Saul, David and Nathan were all seers during their time on Earth. Even though these men were seers, they also had jobs that helped support them financially (such as being a prophet).
Seers are given the ability to perceive, receive and speak the word of God.
Seers can receive insight from God. A seer is someone who has the ability to perceive, receive, and speak the word of God. They can see things that are not visible to the naked eye, including visions from God and hear the voice of God. The gift of prophecy is a form of seership in which a person receives inspiration from God for communicating messages or visions about future events (1 Corinthians 12:4-10).
God uses spiritual gifts for His purpose for our lives!
What is a seer anointing
A seer anointing can be transferred from one person to another.
A seer anointing can be transferred from one person to another. The anointing can be transferred in a variety of ways, but it is not simply a gift of the spirit. It is also a gift to the church.
The Bible tells us that God gave “prophets and seers” (Revelation 18:22). In Acts 11:27–28, we see that God used Peter’s ministry to transfer the prophetic mantle from him to Barnabas, who then used it on Saul (the apostle Paul) as part of his conversion experience in Acts 13:2–4. This type of transference was also illustrated during Pentecost when Peter spoke about how Moses and other prophets were able to receive revelation from God through visions sent by angels in Daniel 9:21–23 (see also Matthew 17:1–13; Mark 9:1–9; Luke 9:28–36).
In the Bible, a seer is a prophet or someone who was gifted with the ability to see into the future. The word comes from the Greek word “sophia,” which means wisdom.
The first person in the Bible who is called a seer is Joseph, who had several dreams that came true. The second person is Moses, who was able to see God and receive instructions from Him. Isaiah was also called a seer because he was able to tell people about events before they happened, like when he told King Hezekiah about his death before it happened.

The gift of vision, foresight or perception can be traced back to Moses’ vision of Yahweh in the burning bush.
The gift of vision, foresight or perception can be traced back to Moses’ vision of Yahweh in the burning bush. God appeared to Moses in a bush that was burning but not being consumed. This signified that God would use Moses to lead His people out of slavery, just as He had used the bush as an instrument for His glory. In other words, God showed him how his life would change forever because he could now see things from His perspective!
The Bible says that “the eyes are the lamp” (Proverbs 20:24), and this applies both physically and spiritually as well! If you have poor eyesight then it will be difficult for you to see clearly; likewise if your spiritual eyes are weak then you may struggle with discerning God’s purpose for your life. However, once you have been born again through faith in Jesus Christ then not only do your physical senses improve but also those spiritual senses which enable us all access wisdom from above by which we may live wisely on earth today!
Saul, who was originally a king over all of Israel, predicted defeat in battle, and Samuel interpreted it as a sign that Saul had lost favor with God.
Saul, who was originally a king over all of Israel, predicted defeat in battle, and Samuel interpreted it as a sign that Saul had lost favor with God.
He didn’t say: “Oh no! You’ve displeased me!”
He said: “I sense that you are not on the side of the Lord.”
Samuel prophesied that David would replace Saul as king over Israel.
You may have heard the word “prophet” used in a religious context. But what does it mean to be a prophet?
Well, for one thing, being a prophet means being able to predict the future. But not just anyone can do this—a person has to be called by God and given special powers so that they can see into the future.
In the Bible, Samuel was both a prophet and seer (see above). Though he didn’t always predict good things happening in people’s lives (he told Saul that he’d lose his kingdom), he remained faithful to God throughout his life because he understood how important it was for him to make sure everyone knew about God’s message of love and forgiveness.
The story of seers in the bible reminds us that God is able to speak through anybody
The story of seers in the Bible reminds us that God can speak through any person.
It’s easy to look at a prophet like Moses and think, “Wow! God must have chosen him because he was so special.” But we need to remember that God didn’t choose Moses because he was better than anyone else—if anything, God chose him because he was worse than most people! He killed an Egyptian, fled Egypt, killed another Egyptian and married his daughter (which was against the law), lied about who had actually killed her husband and was on the run from Pharoah. Yet despite all of this, when it came time for God to speak through someone, He chose Moses not because of who he was but because of who He is. And as far as I know there have been no other seers recorded in Scripture after Num 22:38 except for one woman named Noadiah (Neh 6:14).
signs of seer anointing
“A seer is one who sees with spiritual eyes. He perceives the meaning of that which seems obscure to others; therefore he is an interpreter and clarifier of eternal truth. He foresees the future from the past and the present. This he does by the power of the Lord operating through him directly, or indirectly with the aid of divine instruments such as the Urim and Thummim. In short, he is one who sees, who walks in the Lord’s light with open eyes. (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 8:15–17)” (Widtsoe, Evidences and Reconciliations, p. 258.)
As Ammon said, “A seer is a revelator and a prophet also” (Mosiah 8:16). When necessary he can use the Urim and Thummim, or holy interpreters (see Mosiah 8:13; 28:13–16; 1 Samuel 9:9; 2 Samuel 24:11; 2 Kings 17:13; 1 Chronicles 29:29; 2 Chronicles 9:29; 33:19; Isaiah 29:10; 30:10; JST, John 1:42; 2 Nephi 3:6–14; D&C 21:1; 107:92; 124:94, 125; 127:12; 135:3; Moses 6:36, 38.)