The Bible is the most read book in the world. It has been translated into over 2,000 languages and dialects. It has been printed in over 5 billion copies and distributed throughout the world. The Bible is one of the most important books ever written. It is known as the Word of God because it tells us about God’s plan for our lives, how we can have a relationship with Him, and what He expects from us.
In order for us to understand the Bible today, men who received inspiration from the Holy Spirit wrote down exactly what God wanted them to write down. There are 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament. They were written over a period of 1500 years (from approximately 2000 BC until around 100 AD). The Old Testament contains 39 books, while there are 27 in the New Testament.
The word “Bible” comes from an old Latin word that means “book.” In addition to these two parts, there are many other books that we consider part of Scripture; they include history, poetry, prophecy and letters written by prophets such as Paul, Peter or John, who wrote down what Jesus said or did when He was on earth
If you wish to know the list of books in the Cepher bible. The Cepher Bible with Apocrypha is a translation of the Holy Scriptures into English from the Greek, Latin and Hebrew texts. This edition was first published in 1866 by John Wm Williams, London. It has been reprinted many times since and has become an important model for many other Bibles both in terms of design and typography
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List of the Books In The Cepher Bible
The ETH-Cepher is a bible that transliterates the sacred names and places and reestablishes the presence of the Eth or את which was removed from other bibles.
This religious text contains over 87 inspired and historical books, including:
1. Torah (Law)
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
2. Nebi’im (Prophets)
- Yehoshua (Joshua)
- Shofetim (Judges)
- Shemu’el Riyshon (1 Samuel)
- Shemu’el Shayon (2 Samuel)
- Melakiym Riyshon (1 Kings)
- Melakiym Shayon (2 Kings)
- Yesha’yahu (Isaiah)
- Yirme’yahu (Jeremiah)
- Yechezqel (Ezekiel)
- Hosea
- Yo’el (Joel)
- Amos
- Ovadyahu (Obadiah)
- Yonah (Jonah)
- Mikhah (Micah)
- Nakhum (Nahum)
- Chavakuk (Habakkuk)
- Tsephanyahu (Zephaniah)
- Haggai
- Zechariah
- Malachi
3. Khetuvim (Writings)
- Dibre Hayamiym Riyshon (1 Chronicles)
- Dibre Hayamiym Shayon (2 Chronicles)
- Ezra
- Nehemyah (Nehemiah)
- Esther
- Iyov (Job)
- Tehiliym (Psalms)
- Mishlei (Proverbs)
- Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes)
- Shir Hashirim (Song of Solomon)
- Yeshayahu (Isaiah)
- Yirme’yahu (Jeremiah)
- Yechezqel (Ezekiel)
- Daniel
- Hoshea (Hosea)
- Yo’el (Joel)
- `Amos (Amos)
- Ovadyah (Obadiah)
- Yonah (Jonah)
- Mikhah (Micah)
- Nahum (Nahum)
- Chavakuk (Habakkuk)
- Tsephanyahu (Zephaniah)
- Haggai
- Zekaryah (Zechariah)
- Malaki (Malachi)
- Mattithyahu (Matthew)
- Markos (Mark)
- Luqas (Luke)
- Yokhanan (John)
- Ma’asei (Acts)
- Romaiym (Romans)
- Qorinthiym Riyshon (1 Corinthians)
- Qorinthiym Shayon (2 Corinthians)
- Galaqiym (Galatians)
- Eph’siym (Ephesians)
- Philippiym (Philippians)
- Qolashiym (Colossians)
- Qashaiyim (1 Thessalonians)
- Qashaiyim Shayon (2 Thessalonians)
- Timotiyos Riyshon (1 Timothy)
- Timotiyos Shayon (2 Timothy)
- Titos (Titus)
- Philimon (Philemon)
- Ivriym (Hebrews)
- Ya’aqob (James)
- Kepha Riyshon (1 Peter)
- Kepha Shayon (2 Peter)
- Yokhanan Riyshon (1 John)
- Yokhanan Shayon (2 John)
- Yokhanan Sh’lishiy (3 John)
- Y’hudah (Jude)
- Chazon (Revelation)
Cepher Bible With Apocrypha Pdf
The Cepher Bible with Apocrypha is a translation that includes the books of the Apocrypha, and it also uses alternative spellings and pronunciations to reflect a better understanding of many languages. A group of academics at Wycliffe Bible Translators translated the text in 1992 and published it for the first time in 1995. It is based on the Greek text of Westcott and Hort, which was produced by comparing and analyzing numerous ancient manuscripts.
Cepher Bible With Apocrypha Pdf
The Cepher Bible with Apocrypha is a sacred text often used by individuals seeking a deeper understanding of scripture. This unique edition includes additional books not found in traditional Bibles, providing a more comprehensive view of religious teachings and history.
One of the key features of the Cepher Bible with Apocrypha is its inclusion of ancient texts that offer insights into early Christian beliefs and practices. These extra books can help readers connect with the cultural and historical context of the time in which they were written, enhancing their overall understanding of the Bible.
By studying the Apocrypha, readers can gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities and nuances of biblical interpretation. These additional texts provide a more holistic view of religious teachings, encouraging contemplation and reflection on the mysteries of faith.
Overall, the Cepher Bible with Apocrypha serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to deepen their spiritual knowledge and understanding. Its inclusion of extra texts elevates the reader’s experience by offering a more detailed and nuanced perspective on biblical teachings.
Download The Cepher Bible in Pdf
What Books Are In The Cepher Bible

The abridged eBooks include most of the books in ETH-Cepher Bible; the unabridged version can be purchased through the app.
Description: The Eth CEPHER is a comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture in the English language, which sets forth an English pronunciation of the Sacred Name, contains all Aleph-Tav modifiers, transliterates over 3100 names and places, and includes all the books of the traditional Canon, the DeuteroCanon (Apocrypha) and established ancient texts including Chanok (Enoch), Yovheliym (Jubilees), Yashar (Jasher) and Baruk Sheniy (2 Baruch). The text is based on the Hebrew Masoretic text for the 39 Canonical Old Testament books, the Septuagint for the DeuteroCanonical (Apocryphal) books, and established translations for Chanok, Yovheliym, Yashar, and Baruch Sheniy.
The Eth CEPHER for e-Sword is a 66-book version. Full description and more are at
This is now available for both Mac and PC users. After choosing to download, choose the Mac file if you’re using Mac and for PC.
What’s New in Version ECV for e-Sword (See full changelog)
- Error with the book of Jeremiah corrected: 8/11/18
- Error at the end of Acts 28 leading into Acts 29 was corrected.
- e-Sword updates: repair to Heb 13:2
- 1 John 3:8 – spacing error “manifested” repaired
- 1 John 4:21 Spacing error “commandment” repaired
- Proverbs 1:6 – spacing error “interpretation” repaired
- Ephesians 2:11 – spacing error “remember” repaired
- Zechariah 4 error resolved
- John 9:22 spacing error corrected
- Error in Jeremiah corrected
- Format error in Ezekiel corrected
NEW 2018 REVISED EDITION! (Thinner & Lighter than previous Editions) The Eth CEPHER is a comprehensive restoration of sacred scripture that … -Sets forth a transliteration, rather than a substitution, of the names of the Father (YAHUAH), Son (YAHUSHA) and Holy Spirit (RUACH HAQODESH).
-Transliterates over 3100 other Hebrew names and places. restores the Aleph Tav more than 10,000 times, previously omitted in other English translations. -Includes all of the 81 books previously canonized as the Bible (see scripture comparison chart), plus another 6 books considered to be inspired and/or historically significant: Chanok (Enoch) & Yovheliym (Jubilees) from the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as Yashar (Jasher), 4 Ezra, 2 Baruk (Baruch) and Hadaccah (Additions to Esther), for a total of 87 books under one cover. restores an accurate order to the books as they were originally written.
-Corrects many notorious errors found in virtually all previous English translations, such as Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 14, Zakaryahu (Zechariah) 5, and Mattithyahu (Matthew) 23. restores chapters 151-155 of Tehilliym (Psalms), as well as the 29th chapter of Ma’asiym (The Acts of the Apostles), chronicling Pa’al’s (Paul’s) journey to Spain. includes a Hebrew-to-English chart of the most common names and places found in scripture.
-Includes a chart of the modern and paleo Hebrew alphabet and provides the meaning of each letter. includes a listing of all the sacred names of Elohiym found in scripture. includes 13 original historical Maps. provides a Family history section for personalization.
-Includes Footnotes and Endnotes. 1808 pages printed in a readable 10-point Cambria type font on 30 pound Dexter Cream paper. Measures 7”x10”x2″ and weighs 4.4 pounds (thinner and lighter than previous printings) Hardbound in black Arizona bonded leather made from 100% cowhide includes a satin ribbon place holder and gold embossing.
Why does the את Cepher have more than 66 books?
We have heard the objection as to books canonized and books not canonized, which begs the question: What is canonizing a book all about anyway? The council of Nicea was the first to create a canon (read: rule of the newly formed Catholic Church, or “universal”). The canonization of the books was well down the list of canons adopted at this meeting. The books canonized are not the same books you have in your Bible, unless your Bible includes Judith and the Apocalypse of Peter. If your Bible contains Revelation, then you are reading a non-canonical text, at least according to Nicea.
One might ask the question: What criteria was used to canonize anyway? Answer: Who knows? The most obvious answer is: We think these are the books that fit.
We received a new canon from the council of Laodicea (yes, from the mouths of the “lukewarm”), which gave us a different roster, and yes, it was different from today’s books. Finally, the Council of Trent canonized the modern Catholic Bible, which (guess what?) includes the Apocrypha. The King James Bible, until 1857, also included the Apocrypha, eliminating all doubt that the Apocrypha existed in both the Catholic and Protestant bibles.
If you are not reading the Apocrypha, then you are ignoring canonized text.
However, we who accept the Sabbath as set forth in Scripture (to be on the seventh day, not the eighth or first day, but the seventh day) are not inclined to accept the opinion of those who created a religion that merged the doctrines of the faith with elements of paganism as practiced by the Romans at that time, which they conveniently called a “canon.” Instead, we look to the Textus Receptus—the text we have received in the Greek, the Aramaic, and the Hebrew.
The captivity has been set free from Roman bondage and its mark, which is Sunday worship (not described anywhere in the “Canon”).
Before you quickly repeat that you cannot read 4 Ezra, 1 Maccabees, the Wisdom of Sirach, the Book of Enoch, or Jubilees because they were not “canonized,” consider the source. The Essenes at Qumran considered the texts of Enoch and Jubilees valuable enough to make multiple copies. Maybe we should take their opinion over the Romans.