The following is a prayer for grieving humans.
What if we stop believing that death is a part of life and start believing that life is a part of death? What if we stop being so afraid of our own mortality and start embracing it?
We are all made of star stuff, and when we die, we become part of the universe again. We are constantly being recycled, just like everything else in nature. We are made up of the same elements that make up the rocks on Earth and the gas clouds in space.
When you think about it this way, there’s no need to be afraid of death. It’s just another part of life—and an important one at that! You don’t have to be sad or angry about losing someone close to you; you can be happy for them because they’re going back home where they belong.
Cats prayer for grieving humans
This doesn’t mean that grief isn’t hard—it absolutely is—but it does mean that grieving doesn’t have to be a long process if you let yourself embrace what has happened instead of resisting it.
I am writing this blog post because I have been asked to. I have been asked by my human and other humans, both online and in person. They ask me to help them understand how their cat feels about death, and what they can do to support their cat during times of grief.
I have been around for a long time. I have seen many things. So I will tell you what I know.
First of all, cats are very different than humans. A human might spend hours or days grieving over the loss of someone they love, but a cat will only spend a few minutes at most before moving on with her life. This is because our minds work differently from yours—we don’t think about things the same way you do. We don’t get stuck in the past like you do; we live in the present moment and enjoy each moment as it comes to us. That’s why we never seem to get sad or depressed like humans do: we’re always enjoying each moment instead of looking back on what was and wishing for something else that may never happen again anyway!

Cats prayer for grieving humans
Believing in heaven or an afterlife doesn’t erase the grief of a dog or cat’s death, but it can help. These prayers for the loss of a pet will comfort and help you cope with the death of your dog or cat. As you pray for comfort, peace and healing after your pet’s death, remember the most important prayer you could ever say: Thank you. Thank you for the love, companionship, and loyalty of my dog, my cat, my God.
“Laurie, I lost my husband a year ago and our dog has never been the same,” writes Elisa on Do Dogs Grieve? How to Help Your Dog Adjust After Loss. “Rufus, our Golden Retriever, had a change in appetite and demeanor after my husband died. I fully believe our dog was grieving my husband’s death – and he is still grieving. Rufus and I hold each other and cry. It may sound odd, to hold your dog while weeping, but it brings me great comfort. I miss my husband very much and am so grateful our dog is seeing me through grief. My only regret is that my pain is probably prolonging the grieving process for my dog. I hope others who are bereaved, especially pet owners whose dogs are grieving loss, are comforted knowing that we will all be together in the end. xoxo Elisa P.S. If you write a blog post that shares comforting prayers after the loss of a pet, I would be grateful.”
I’ve never been a fan of rote or recited prayers. As a writer, I would much rather write my own prayers of grief and lamentations to God in my journal. But words don’t come naturally to every person, and grief makes words and prayers even more difficult. After losing your dog or cat, you may not even how to pray, who to pray to, or what to say. I have a few comforting prayers to share with you, to help you cope after the loss of your beloved animal companion.
Dear Friend,
May you find peace, hope and healing in the Father’s warm embrace. May you feel the light of the Holy Spirit and the faith of Jesus Christ. May you accept the loss of your dog or cat as part of the natural cycle of life and death. May you hold on to the beautiful memories with clarity and joy, and let the grief, guilt and pain pass through you without leaving dark shadows. And here may you find comforting prayers, encouragements, and suggestions for saying goodbye after the loss of a pet. Amen.
With love,
Comforting Ideas and Heartfelt Prayers for the Loss of a Pet
God may not erase our grief or pain, but our faith and God’s presence can help us walk through it.
Father in Heaven,
Bring comfort and healing to those who are mourning the deaths of their beloved pets. You know their pain, for you lost your own beloved son. You know the depth of sadness and grief your children feel when they lose a dog or cat who was so dear, near, and special to them. You know the emptiness of a home that no longer has that furry little (or big!) creature; you know the emptiness of a heart that longs for the comforting touch of a beloved cat or dog.
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I thank you for the gift of our pets, for the love these creatures give us, for the life that they offer, and for the chance to love them like we love nothing and nobody else on earth.
I pray for comfort, peace, and healing as we let go of the cats and dogs that we loved so dearly.
Prayers for healing from the surprising depth of pain from pet loss

Why is the death of a cat or dog so devastating? Because our pets bring us a depth of companionship and love that nothing else on earth offers.
“Our relationships with dogs can be even more satisfying than our human relationships, if for no other reason than dogs provide us with such unconditional, uncritical positive feedback,” writes Frank McAndrew in Getting Over Rover: Why Our Grief Over a Dog Is So Intense on Psychology Today. “Interacting with dogs makes us feel good, and just looking at them can make us smile. Dog owners score higher on measures of well-being and, on average, they are happier than people who own cats and those who own no pets at all.”
The loss of a cat or dog is painful because we are not losing just one pet; we actually experience multiple losses at the same time. We may be losing our primary companion, a source of unconditional love, a “life witness” who provides security and comfort to us, a best friend, a link to ourselves, and even a part of who we were and are and hope to be.
The loss of a pet cat or dog dramatically changes your daily life at home and in the neighborhood. Pet loss is even more profound than the loss of most friends and relatives, because of the extreme and sometimes sudden changes in lifestyle and routine.
Prayers for forgiveness and healing
“If I only I would’ve known my dog was that sick, I would have taken him to the veterinarian sooner,” say many readers on How to Deal With Guilty Feelings After Your Dog’s Death.
Loving pet owners often feel guilt and regret after their dogs or cats die. They tell themselves they could have held on longer, given more mediation, tried one more tactic to avoid death…but the truth is that a dog or cat’s life is finite. There is no value in replaying the “if only” scenarios when you’re coping the loss of a family pet. Instead of looking back at the “if onlys”, focus on saying good-bye to your dog or cat — perhaps with a pet memorial service or a celebration of life. Say prayers that honor your dog or cat’s life and memory, and ask for peace, healing, and self-forgiveness.
Surrender to the natural cycle of life and death, which is what God’s world seems to be founded on.
Will you say goodbye with a memorial service for your dog or cat?

“A pet loss memorial service can be solitary, or friends and family may also gather in farewell,” writes Gary Kowalski in Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet. “Coming to terms with the death may be especially difficult for those who lack the chance to say a personal goodbye.”
Memorials can include a period of silence, a brief time for sharing, a eulogy, reading, prayer. Acknowledge loss and honor your memories. Express hope for the future, with an affirmation of life ahead. Focusing on what Heaven means to you and your pet is a spiritual way to survive pet loss for many mourning pet owners. And pray for comfort and faith as you grieve the loss of your beloved dog or cat.
Are you looking for ways to comfort someone grieving pet loss? Read 8 Pet Sympathy Gifts to Ease the Pain of a Dog or Cat’s Death helpful.
A prayer for a pet loss memorial service
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the gift of pets. You blessed us with the existence of this dog in our hearts and home for 10 years. You brought this dog to us; You brought life, joy, love, companionship, laughter, and comfort to us through this dog. He loved us unconditionally, and You loved us unconditionally through this pet. Thank you for this experience, this life we had together. Thank You for giving us this gift and blessing. It was a short life, but it was deep.
We lift our beloved pet to You now. We lift her spirit, her heart and soul and dear little body to You. We know You love this pet dearly, and You are watching over us now. We know You care, and Your heart aches just as ours do. We pray for the loss of our pet, and we give You our grief and pain. We bow before you in humble adoration, and we lift our broken hearts to You.
We trust You with a childlike faith, Father, and we know our pet is safe in Your arms. We love you with innocent hearts, and we know You will take good care of our pets now and forevermore.
Until we meet again, our pets rest safely in Your arms and our hearts.
Prayers for grieving and healing at your own pace
Give yourself the gift of rest. You have lots of time to learn how to live without your pet dog or cat. After the shock and grief of pet loss, you may feel exhausted and drained. All you want to do is sleep. This is a normal, natural part of the grieving process. I believe it’s God’s gift to us. Sleep is healing and therapeutic, and can help your body and mind process the pain of losing your pet.
Avoid making major decisions right after your dog or cat dies. You’re emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and perhaps even spiritually dry. Your judgment isn’t the same as it normally is, and you may make a hasty or impulsive decision that you may later regret.
If possible, postpone making any big changes in your life. This is may not be the time to adopt another pet dog or cat, for instance, nor is it the time to vow that you will never bring another pet into your home because you’re devastated. Allow yourself time to absorb and adjust to the situation. This isn’t the best time to make career changes, relationship decisions, or move to a new city.
Stick to the familiar, and hold tight to God. Continue your spiritual practices – and consider deepening them in this time of grief and loss.

In I Will See You in Heaven, Friar Jack Wintz describes how God has always taken care of His beloved animals – from the Garden of Eden to Noah and the Ark. In this book, you’ll find wisdom, comfort, and the reassuring hope that we will see our cats and dogs and other animals in heaven.
Friar Jack Wintz’s bestselling book now includes readers’ photos of their beloved four-footed companions who are waiting for them in heaven — where Friar Jack reassures us, with simple teachings from scripture and St. Francis of Assisi, we will see them again.
Friar Jack has been pondering animals and pets in Heaven for years, and he is convinced that God’s loving relationship with creation includes the afterlife. “Our God is a God of overflowing love, goodness, and beauty who is ready to give over everything to those he loves,” says Friar Jack. “Surely the Creator would not suddenly stop loving and caring for the creatures he had put into existence with so much care!”
Prayers for connection with the Holy Spirit of God after a pet dies
You don’t need “prayers for pet loss” to tell God how you feel or receive His comfort and peace. Just open your heart and spirit to Him. The Holy Spirit’s job is to advocate for you, to tell God what you can’t say. Let the Holy Spirit do his job.
But you must do yours. Take time to bow your heart and humble yourself before God. If you’re angry because you lost your pet dog or cat, tell Him. Your prayers don’t have to filled with petitions, praises, or please.
Your prayers just have to be you.
On a practical note, both meditation and prayer have been found to reduce stress, increase feelings of well-being, offer deep relaxation, reduce depression, and increase self-confidence and self-love. You don’t have to be religious or even spiritual to benefit from meditation when you’re mourning the loss of your family pet. Connecting to a higher power such as God, the Universe, or Allah can get you through the worst parts of your grief. Friends, family members, and spouses can be a great source of spiritual strength and comfort – especially if they’re open to praying or meditating with you.
Prayers for cold noses at the pearly gates

“Hold your pet in your heart, but know that physically they are in another place, a place far superior to the one they left,” writes Gary Kurz in Cold Noses At The Pearly Gates: A Book of Hope for Those Who Have Lost a Pet. “Suffice it to say that your pet is alive and well; and know that I would never say anything of such gravity if I were not absolutely sure of the facts.”
The death of your beloved pet can be one of the most heartbreaking losses you’ll ever endure. But healing after the loss of a pet dog or cat isn’t only about finding closure through prayers and healing. You also want to know where your best friend has gone.
After the intense, unexpected grief he experienced following the loss of his own companions, animal lover and biblical scholar Gary Kurz set out to prove that there are indeed pets in Paradise. After devoting countless hours of research, he shares his inspiring insights to bring pet lovers a richer understanding of animals and their souls. You’ll finally find answers to common questions about animals and the afterlife – and in this book you also get a 30-day devotional to help you work through your grief.
How long will the pain of pet loss last? “No one can say how long we will mourn pet loss,” writes Gary Kowalski in Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet. “Grieving may commonly be measured in days or weeks, but it can be months, or even longer. Many people report feeling ‘choked up’ by the memory of a beloved pet years after the animal is gone.”
Prayers for you, for wisdom, faith and comfort
After pet loss, some owners pray for a new dog or cat to love. Other grieving pet owners say they will never own another dog or cat again for as long as they live. What kind of faith and comfort are you praying for?
“A friend of mine, Pam, gave me the greatest advice when I lost my cat,” says Paige on Do You Miss Your Cat More Than You Thought Possible? “She told me to go get another kitten. Her reasoning was that Zoe gave me so much love and happiness in the 13 years she lived with me that it would be a shame to deprive myself of that type of relationship just because Zoe was gone. She was absolutely right. I never replaced Zoe in my heart, but I have opened my heart and home to several other kittens.”
This idea for surviving pet loss doesn’t work for everyone, but it has been helpful for some people.
“Time always brings eventual relief from the pain, and your life will return to normal,” writes Kurz in Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates. “There will be a time when you feel guilty for feeling better, but even that will pass. Nothing will ever take away the sense of absence, but the disabling and relentless grief will subside and eventually disappear. I know it may not seem that way now, but…it has proven true every time.”
Do animals go to heaven?

In Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven, Steven Woodward finally answers the age old question once and for all: “Do pets go to heaven, or did they just die and that’s it?”
Do animals have spirits? In this book, you’ll discover one perspective about God’s relationship with animals, and how He really feels about them. Woodward shares his divine visions along with scriptural proof, which Jesus reveals and explains to him, concerning God’s entire creation.
Whether you are a pet lover or not, you will gain a greater understanding of the immense love of Jesus, for all of His creation. After reading this testimony, you will look at love and forgiveness in a whole new light. You’ll also have a different perspective on praying after the loss of a pet!
A final prayer for comfort after the loss of a pet dog or cat
Dear Friend,
I pray for healing from the grief and guilt you feel over the loss of your pet dog or cat. May you find comfort, hope and peace in the knowledge that your pet is resting in peace. Your dog isn’t in pain, your cat’s spirit is at ease. Your beloved dog or cat isn’t here with us in physical form, but is surrounding us in spirit. Forever in our hearts.
I pray for your dog or cat to remain alive and joyful in your heart and soul, and for you to remember your pet with joy and love. May you hold on to the light, life, and love your pet dog or cat brought to your home. May you be free from the shadows, and may your heart, soul and spirit be filled with the peace, joy, and radiance that can only come from the Son.
In sympathy and with His love,